My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 83 – Torturing My Girlfriend

Once the three of us had dried off and were dressed once more, we went our separate ways. Although dinner time was just around the corner, there were still a few minutes left before I needed to be there, and I wanted to check in with Vel first, to see how she had been in the time that I had spent with Caiden, leaving her by herself.

After a quick question to one of the staff, asking if they knew where my girlfriend was, I was directed to the estate library on the first floor. Apparently, the young elven woman had been shown there a couple of hours ago after leaving the monster pens. Once I knew where Vel was, I immediately took off with a skip in my step, quickly finding my way to her.

I managed to make my way to the library in no time at all and threw open the doors upon my arrival. The room was just like one would have imagined most libraries to be, what with the wall-to-ceiling bookshelves utterly crammed full of thick books. Of which, there were rows and rows of them. As it turned out, the Varsens had quite a collection of books at their disposal.

Luckily for me, finding my girlfriend was a trivial task as there was a quiet little reading space in the very centre of the room. While there were desks arrayed in this space for one to sit and read at, there were also various comfy-looking lounges for one to recline and read on. It was on one of those lounges that the young elven woman was laid across, relaxing as she read a book.

"Eve, how was-" Vel said with a warm smile as she turned to look at me, or at least she tried to speak, as she was cut off when I literally ran and jumped at her.

The force with which she quickly found me cuddling up to her on the lounge was so great that the both of us very nearly went tumbling off the side, onto the ground. With a bit of a giggle over my enthusiasm, the young elven woman continued off where she left off, only the question she was going to ask was now self evident. "I take it you had quite a bit of fun with Caiden?"

"Yes, but not just with him. Jessica, the maid that was helping us earlier, got a little involved towards the end. I think you’d like her if you spent a little bit more time with her. She’s a lot of fun and quite friendly. I’m going to show her more about sex toys after dinner. You should join us." I said as I rested my head on my girlfriend’s shoulder, taking a peak at the book she was reading.

"That does sound like it could be quite enjoyable." Vel returned with a perverted grin, one not just present because of what I had suggested but also because of what she had been reading when I came in.

"Are you reading what I think you’re reading, baby? She slipped her finger into the other woman’s delicate flower, feeling the wetness of her nectar. Is that a porn book?" My mouth dropped. I hadn’t expected Vel to be the kind of woman to read such things, but then again, she was probably curious about them considering she most likely never had the opportunity to read on before considering that her father practically kept her isolated from the world. And it was highly unlikely that he owned such books, or that he would allow his daughter to read them if he did.

"It’s not porn, it's a romance book. It says so on the back." Vel pouted as she defended her perverted ways.

"Look now she’s licking up the other woman's... nectar in excruciating detail that is somehow still way too vague and flowery. This is definitely porn." I playfully argued as I pointed out specific lines on the page. "Porn and romance don’t necessarily have to be separate though. You’ve licked up my nectar and I’ve licked up yours enough times to know that oftentimes romance and hot, lewd fun can go hand in hand."

"Yes, we have…" Vel remarked with a hungry look in her eyes, one that reminded me of the way a predator might look at their prey.

"On a scale of one to ten, how horny are you right now, baby? How horny has reading that... romance book got you?" I asked as I leaned in ever so close as if I was going to kiss her, but my lips remained mere millimetres away from her lips.

"I don’t know…" Vel responded, a little confused by my wanting her to scale her horny. "Maybe a six or a seven."

"Hmm… High, but it could still be higher." I smiled, with a mischievous light in my eyes.

Finally, after letting my lips linger for so long, mere millimetres away from Vel’s own, I went in for the kiss. However, it was only a quick kiss. As soon as I was pushing my tongue deep into the embrace and feeling her up in all sorts of places, the embrace ended and I completely pulled away from her.

"Dinner’s going to be ready real soon. We should be heading over right now, baby," I said as I stood up from the lounge only to receive a puzzled, confused look from my girlfriend.

"What was… Why did you kiss me like that if you were only going to pull away and say we needed to leave? I’m much hornier now!" The young elven woman shouted, all blushing and flustering, not to mention outraged that I got her worked up without any payoff in sight.

"That's the point, baby." I chuckled like a villain in a cheap television show as I revealed my evil scheme to my girlfriend. "I want you to be extremely horny during dinner. I want you to count down the seconds until we can touch, kiss, and thoroughly fuck one another again. I want you sitting there during dinner, making your panties wetter and wetter with your arousal as you fantasize about all the thing I’m going to do to you after."

And if my conjure sex toys skill wasn’t on cooldown, I would have conjured a small vibrator with wireless controls so that I could directly tease you even during dinner, but alas, I didn’t think of that when I wasted my skill using it to conjure a dildo in the bath earlier.

That said, though, conjure sex toys didn’t have the longest duration. At its current rank and with my current willpower score, it only lasted for 11 minutes. It would get better as both of those improved, but if I wanted to really tease Vel like that, I would need to find other solutions. 

Maybe someone can enchant magic sex toys. Hmm… I’ll need to ask someone about that. Maybe I could ask Sophia after our interview. She’d probably benefit from having sex toys made, after all, she could easily sell them at the Red Den.

"How mean…" Vel pouted as she closed her book and put it aside for later, not at all actually offended by my actions, only playing along. "Just wait until I get my revenge on you."

"Oh, I can’t wait," I said with a perverted grin, knowing full well that whatever revenge she got on me would be just as lewd and fun as what I was going to do to her. But that was for another time. Right now we had more important things to do, and as such, I held out my hand to help the young elven woman off the couch.

"So, how was your time with Saph?" I asked as I walked out of the library, arm in arm with my girlfriend.

"Amazing! The staff tending to the monster pens showed me around where the monsters slept and went through some of the stuff they do there. It really helped ease my worries. Saph’s going to get even more pampered than us while we stay here." Vel went on to happily tell me all the details she learned today while she was off on her own and I was occupied in a certain young man’s bedroom, giving him an extensive sexual education.

Before too long, Vel and I made it to the dining room. Caiden was already seated at the dining table, but his father and mother were currently not present. After giving the handsome young man a polite greeting, Vel and I took our seats opposite him at the table.

To Vel’s dismay, my teasing and torturing of her did not end earlier. As we sat there making idle chit-chat with the young man, whose balls I drained dry mere moments ago, my hand had subtly found its way to my girlfriend’s thighs. And although the modest length of her dress made it impossible to get a direct feel of anything important, my fingers were being quite naughty and only worsening her horniness. All of which was something that Caiden was blissfully unaware of.

After only a few moments, the doors to the dining room opened as Sophia and her husband, Nicholas, came in together, their arms looped around each other. Like ever, the older woman had an ethereal beauty to her unlike any other I had seen, a beauty that, of course, made it relatively hard to guess her age.

While the head of the Varsen family looked as radiant as ever, there was something slightly different about her handsome, middle-aged husband. Sure, Nicholas was a spitting image of his handsome son, only older, but there was a new glow to him and a grin on his face that could only mean one thing. I had no way to know for sure, but I had a feeling those two had just fucked.

After making their entrance, the loving pair found their seats and gave the three of us here already polite greetings. While Nicholas sat beside his son, opposite Vel and me, Sophia sat at the head of the table beside a small handheld bell resting on the table. Once seated the woman turned her attention to me and my girlfriend. "I hope you two have been making yourselves at home in my absence. The estate grounds have much to offer and it would be a shame to waste the opportunity to experience it all while you have the chance."

"Yes, we have. Thank you." I politely responded as best I could. "I must say, that open-air bath of yours is quite something. I’ve already been in there twice, once with Vel here and once with Caiden."

"Oh, really…" Sophia grinned as she turned and gave her son an approving look. As much as she seemed to like the idea of her son finally getting some action, the young man seemed to wilt and get all embarrassed at having his parents find out such things. Which, of course, was the whole reason why I mentioned this. Teasing him was just too much fun. If Sophia wanted all the nitty-gritty details I probably would have told her just to see how embarrassed and awkward it made him.

"I’m glad you are enjoying that self. The bath is one of my pride and joys, right behind my family here, and my work at the Red Den behind that. It took a lot of effort and collaboration with dwarven crafters to have it made to my exact specifications. Not to mention gold."

"It was effort well spent. I’ve never experienced anything like taking a nice relaxing soak in there. Where did you get the inspiration for it?" I asked, hoping that asking this wasn’t too much. After all, what Jessica said about not knowing of any others like it had really sparked my interest, especially when it reminded me of ancient roman bathhouses from back on Earth.

"Many years ago, I read old records of a long-gone nation across the sea that had similar types of baths. The idea always stuck with me after that. Although that said, there weren’t enough records to faithfully reproduce such bathes and much of the design has been improved with local styles of decor and enchanting." She patiently explained, and when she was done, she rang a little bell resting next to her on the table, signalling the start of dinner.

Just like that, dinner began in much the same fashion as lunch had. Various members of the staff marched out of the back rooms, setting the table and placing our food in front of us. Among the staff was, of course, the maid, Jessica, who was giving both Caiden and myself sultry looks every now and then, but was, for the most part, completely professional. That said, I doubted that those few and far-between looks escaped the eye of Sophia. I had a feeling she was rather observant, much more observant than you would expect.

Similarly to lunch, dinner was also a series of smaller courses instead of one big meal. Not to mention that, just like lunch, each course was utterly divine and mouth-watering. I could really get used to living a fine life like this. I’d just have to put in the work to not get lazy and fat. Luckily, sex is quite a good form of exercise, especially when you do it as much as I do.

As the meal went on, idle small talk continued around the table. Various people talked about the things that were happening in the city or things they got up to, but none of it was really important; mostly just idle conversation. Still, though, it was quite nice. I had never really had this kind of family meal back on Earth. My family was much more chaotic and any gathering of them was not something this calm and organised.

Eventually, dinner had to come to an end. After all of us had finished our last course, it was time for Sophia to say goodbye for the night as she headed back to the Red Den to oversee its busiest time of the day.

"I’ll try not to be too late coming back, Evelyn. If you can wait up for me so we can have our little job interview, I’ll send someone to come fetch you when I arrive back." The ethereally beautiful woman said, her attention solely focused on me.

"Yes, thank you. I look forward to it." I beamed her a big smile before continuing on. "There is also something I want to ask you about regarding one of my class skills, but that can wait until after the interview. It’s not something really important, but it might interest you."

"Oh, now I am really intrigued. But, yes, it will have to wait for later." Sophia remarked before saying a final goodbye and making her leave the estate.

As soon as the woman was gone and dinner was officially done, Vel practically pulled me away from the two men still seated at the table. My teasing of her had continued all throughout the meal, and she was quite worked up right now. The desperate look in the young elven woman’s eyes was rather special. She was so horny that I half expected her to just push me down in the first dark corner we found, but no, she managed to bring me all the way back to her bedroom.

I was so occupied by my teasing of Vel during the course of dinner that I had forgotten all about my previous offer to Jessica. Luckily, the maid hadn’t forgotten the offer and was waiting for me at the door to my bedroom, which was right next to Vel’s bedroom.

Jessica didn’t need anything to be said between us as Vel pulled me into her bedroom. The perverse look I gave the brown-haired woman was more than enough to fill her in on the slight addition to our plans. As such, she eagerly followed me and my girlfriend into the bedroom, shutting the door behind us.

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