My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 85 – A Very Sexy Interview

From where she was sitting in the estate’s main parlour room, Sophia turned her head to face me and beamed a big warm smile in my direction. "Ah, thank you for joining me so promptly, Evelyn."

The parlour room was essentially just a lavishly decorated room filled with various chairs and lounges. The only other things in the room of note were the fireplace and a large, ornate candelabra hanging from the ceiling, but neither was currently lit at this late hour. Instead, the room was illuminated by a few lamps that sat to the side.

"It’s my pleasure," I responded as politely as I could while taking a seat opposite the woman on one of the provided chairs.

I didn’t know what exactly about Sophia it was, but just being around her made me feel like I had to be as courteous and formal as possible, sometimes without me even realising it. This could have been because of her high charm score, but it could have just as likely been the noble air she gave off.

Either way, it was with some amount of rigidity and nervousness that I continued on with the conversation as best I could. "Honestly, I was expecting to have to wait up for much longer. I didn’t expect you to be back so soon."

Considering the kind of place that the Red Den was and the fact that it was only a couple of hours until midnight, what I said wasn’t at all an understatement. I had expected Sophia to be back much closer to midnight. Not that I was complaining. With how worn out Vel was, Sophia’s timing couldn’t have been better.

"I left to come back a bit earlier than I originally intended. Ever since I met you this morning, I must say there is something about you that has intrigued me. I can’t put my finger on exactly what it is, but I didn’t want to delay this any further. My curiosity was eating at me." Sophia explained, her usual ethereally beautiful look shining as powerful as ever.

"I hope that whatever it is about me that has intrigued you doesn’t disappoint you," I responded, truly hoping that I wouldn't be a disappointment to someone much more familiar with this kind of work like her.

"There’s only one way to find out. Shall we get started?" Sophia took the time to ask me this, and after I gave her a quick, confirmatory nod of my head, she continued on. "Good, but you should know that this… interview is not just going to be what you would probably expect. Although I will test out your talent for this line of work, that will come later. The first part is very much an interview.

"I will be asking you some questions about yourself. Please answer them as honestly as possible." The woman explained as I nodded along with her every word. "Oh, and while I’m asking you these questions, I want you to dance for me. Although the main part of the work at the Red Den is sleeping with clients, every now and then we do put on… events. Some include dancing, and others are more explicit, but I’ve often found that having someone dance for me is a good way to get to know how comfortable they are with moving their body.

After taking a slight moment to gather myself and still my nerves, I stood up from the chair and asked her. "Do you want me to dance like this, in my dress or naked?"

"That is entirely up to you?" Sophia responded, not making this any easier on me.

I had a feeling that following my gut in this kind of situation was the best thing to do, as so far it hadn’t led me astray in this world. As such, I made a split-second decision to get rid of my dress. That said, I wouldn’t be starting the dance completely naked as I chose to still wear my underwear, but the dress would have just been a hindrance.

Although stripping out of clothing can be quite erotic, especially in this kind of one-on-one environment, and that was what I was planning to do with my underwear, doing that with the dress wasn’t as feasible. The number of strings in the back made undressing myself a way too clumsy task, and I couldn’t imagine doing so in a sexy manner at all. Maybe if I had taken that wardrobe malfunction class skill I was offered the last time I levelled up, I could have, but there was no point thinking about such things. I had made my decision, and I had no regrets about selecting the one more time skill. 

Once my dress was neatly folded to the side and I was standing in front of Sophia wearing nothing but the matching set of white and pink underwear that she had provided for me this morning, it was time to begin dancing for her. Although the woman had not explicitly mentioned how she wanted me to dance for her, something that was no doubt by design, I took her instruction to mean she wanted me to give her a kind of combined strip tease and lap dance.

That kind of dancing was not something I had ever done before, in this world or back on Earth. Hell, I had never even been to a strip club, so the only kind of similar stuff that I had seen were those in movies or porn. To say my dancing was a little awkward at the start was a rather big understatement, but as I moved my body, getting in the rhythm of things, I found myself getting into a groove. Which was especially hard given that there was no music. I felt like this would have been much easier with music.

However, before too long, I was swaying my body in front of Sophia, teasingly shaking my ass and sometimes my breasts in her direction. I even tried to do a bit of twerking, and although it wasn’t as good as some twerking videos I had seen online, I think I did a good enough job. This was just the appetiser of my dance, though, because soon enough it was time to get to the stripping part of my performance.

The first piece of my underwear to come off was, of course, my bra. As soon as my sizable tits were released from their prison, my arm slid over them, conveniently hiding my nipples from being seen. Continuing on like that, I continued to dance and sway my body in a seductive, almost hypnotic way while teasingly hiding my nipples. Eventually, though, it was time to move on and reveal them.

It was around this time that Sophia spoke up, finally getting to the question part of the interview. "So, first off, do you have a sexual class? What’s it called, and if you don't, are you going to aim for one during your next class evolution?"

Having to dance and talk at the same time made both tasks a little harder, but I found that slowing down and making the dance more focused on gyrating and rubbing up on the woman, much like a lap dance is actually done, greatly helped me think and move my body at the same time. "I do have a sexual class. It’s the slut class, but can’t you find this information out by identifying me?"

"I take it you think that because my brother identified you." Sophia let out a little chuckle at this. "Other than the basic identify skill, which he has and everyone gets offered at level 15 alongside the more class-specific identify skills, most other identify skills don’t actually show you the kind of information displayed on your status screen. However, most lifestyle classes end up choosing their class-specific identify skill as its more useful to them."

"For instance…" The woman said as her eyes flashed red, a telltale sign that she was activating her identify skill on me and had no compunction against doing so without asking first, as her brother did. "All my identify skill tells me about you is that you are a bisexual, eighteen-year-old human female with an incredibly high sex drive, who last had sex a handful of minutes ago and is currently sexually aroused. All things considered, my identify doesn’t seem that useful outside my profession and even then its use is limited, but it's more useful in my line of work than the information the basic identify skill would give me from day to day. And furthermore, my skill is not maxed out yet. Once it is, it will be much more useful to me I'm sure."

"But, this is meant to be an interview. I’m the one meant to be asking the questions." Sophia chuckled as she ran her hand across my supple butt while I was grinding it up against her, something which caught me by surprise because all my knowledge about lap dances told me that the one being danced for wasn’t meant to touch the dancer.

Then again, that was just a strip club rule. There was no reason for Sophia not to touch me since we weren't in a strip club, and soon enough, her hands found their way to my breasts as I danced for her. Of course, she wasn’t just touching me as she began to speak again, continuing with the interview even while she fondled me during my lap dance.

"I’ve never heard of the slut class. You’re in the first tier, right, a low level because of your recent awakening? Based on the effect of your charm, I’d say somewhere around level 15 to 20?" 

"I’m only level 13 actually." I corrected her as I moved on to slowly and teasingly draw out the removal of my panties. Panties whose crotch were clearly damp with my arousal.

"13!" Sophia gasped, taken a bit by surprise by this. "You must be heavily investing your free stat points in charm to have as strong a latent presence as you do. That, or your class boosts the effects of charm, which I won't ask if it does or not. The details of your class are yours to know. I’m not rude, I won’t pry."

Hearing this, I inwardly let out a sigh of relief. The less I had to talk about my class, the less chance there was of her finding out about its rarity. Although the woman had helped me and Vel out greatly, I wasn’t sure how much I could really trust her. Sure, she was Vel’s aunt and Damien’s brother, and she would definitely protect them, but I wasn’t really anything to her.

Who knows what she might have done if she were to find out my secrets? It was better I kept them to myself from now on. It’s not like I regretted telling Vel everything. The truth was important in a relationship after all. And I had little choice about telling Damien, but the fewer people who knew my secrets, the safer I was.

"That said, I assume your class is a side branch of the more traditional escort class, both of which would evolve from the tier 0 prostitute class." She continued.

Wait, I thought "prostitute" was an offensive term in this world. No, Damien said the term "whore" wasn’t okay and "prostitute" was okayish in some places. That makes sense now. Calling someone a prostitute would imply they aren’t very good at their job, especially if it's the name of the starting, tier 0 class. It would be like calling a knight a fighter or a master blacksmith a crafter.

"Although I am well acquainted with the skills the prostitute class provides, I don’t know what kind of skills the slut class might offer. Could you give me the gist of a few? There’s no need to go into specifics."

"I have a skill that…" I paused for a second as I realised something incredibly important.

Since Sophia knew the skills the prostitute class offered and all non-personalised classes offered the same skills at each level up for each person, then she would realise my class didn’t evolve from one of the normal common tier 0 classes. If I wanted to continue that ruse, then I would only be able to tell her three of my skills, the three skills that I would have, in this deception, gotten after my last three level ups, while I was in tier 1. The question was, what were my most important skills to show off in the hopes of impressing her?

"Do you mind if I use some of my skills on you?" I asked before doing so just in case she would have taken offence by it.

"They’re active skills, at your level? That’s quite interesting, but yes, I’m fine with you using your skills on me. You wouldn’t be expected to ask for permission first in the Red Den, so long as the skills didn’t take away someone’s free agency. The clientele frequenting my establishment expect these kinds of skills to be used on them when inside." Sophia explained as her eyes snapped to me, unable to take them off me as I slowly slid my panties all the way off, revealing my bare, hairless pussy to her. 

That said, I had no control over where she looked at me, so long as his gaze was focused solely on me. The fact that she was blatantly ogling my pussy as I slid my panties off was just a happy little accident. I didn’t purposefully line up events so that I would use this skill at this exact moment, but I wasn’t going to complain. It was a rather fortunate development that helped greatly to show off my skill and make it seem all that bit more impressive.

"This skill fascinates and makes it impossible for the target to look anywhere but directly at me. Unfortunately, it can be resisted by those with high willpower…" I went on to explain, only to trail off as one of the rings on the woman’s finger flashed and a new system screen appeared in front of me.

Fascinate has been purged from the target by a magic item

"That is a very interesting skill… The protective magic of my ring didn’t try and prevent its effects like it would for most mind-effecting skills. I actually had to activate its purging effects to get rid of it." Sophia mused aloud. "Sorry, for the interruption and please don’t think I took any offence to your skill. I was just curious to see if that would work. Please, go on."

After taking a moment to gather myself after this unexpected distraction, I smoothly continued on with my lap dance, grinding my pussy up against the woman's leg while shoving my tits in her face and going on to explain. "My next skill, stimulate… Well, you can see for yourself what it does."

As I said that, I toggled the skill, causing a momentary spike of pleasure for her wherever we were making skin-to-skin contact, which was mostly just where my tits and hands were touching her. "Although pleasant enough when used like this, it is much more effective when directly used during sex."

"The last skill of note is actually the one I wanted to talk about with you after our interview was done. It's called conjure sex toy." I said as I held out my hand, forming a glowing, magical bullet vibrator to appear out of thin air.

"Is that a pseudo-magic skill?" Sophia gasped, her eyes going wide. "Gods, how did you get such a skill at your level?"

"I’m not actually sure as to why I got it, but I’m more interested in the fact that not many people actually know what a sex toy is," I responded to her as I turned the switch at the base of the toy, letting it vibrate and buzz while I ran it down my body ever so seductively.

"I’ve never heard or seen such an object before either, but I can take a guess as to what such objects are for. After all, the term 'sex toy" is fairly indicative as to their use." Sophia chuckled as she said this.

"Yes, my only exposure to them here has been through this skill and a handful of wooden ones that I had Vel reproduce using nature shaping class. However, all those were lacking the magical, vibrating aspect that some of the toys had. Even without that, though, they can be quite fun." I specifically phrased my words like this so that I wasn’t technically lying to the woman, but so that it would seem like the skill came before the making of the wooden sex toys, not the other way around. Although I wasn’t sure if she had a skill to help her see through lies, it never hurt to be safe. Not to mention it helped me get experience in my deception skill.

"Other than that, I haven’t seen or heard anything about sex toys in this world. What I wanted to talk about with you after this was if you were interested in trying to get some made, magical or otherwise. Not only would they be quite a fun thing to have, but I thought that you might be interested in selling them. I imagine that if word spread they could be quite the hot commodity and available only at the Red Den.”

"Hmm… that does sound intriguing, but we can talk more about it after. For right now, I still have a few more questions for you." Sophia said, with a rather mischievous grin on her lips, as her fingers trailed their way up my thighs.

Apparently, dancing wasn’t the only thing I was going to do for her as she interviewed me, because soon enough, those fingers had found their way inside my tight, wet pussy. And let me tell you, getting fingered by this woman was unlike any other fingering I had gotten.

Sophia was on another level, not just talent or skill-wise either as I expected that she was rather high levelled. Although I didn’t really have anyone to compare her to, I expected that she had to be tier 3, over level 60, at least. Probably not quite as high as her brother, who was over level 80 and incredibly powerful, but still quite a high level. Especially when compared to me.

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