My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 9 – Levelling Up!

A quick glance back at Vel told me that I probably had enough time to mess around with these system notifications before she was ready to take me back to her home to meet her father. However, that just left me with the question of which notification to tackle first, but the decision was easily made. The level-up text box was the biggest and most likely the most important of the messages I had gotten.

Apart from informing me that I had reached level 2, had my vitality and charm each increased by 1, and had gotten 3 free stat points to spend, the main part of the notification was related to unlocking a class skill. Apparently, I got to choose between one of three class skills to learn, so I took the time to weigh the options before me.

Endure, Rank 1
(Class, Sexual, Vitality)

While this skill is active, any sexual climaxes will be postponed until the duration elapses.

Range: Self
Duration: (30 + Vitality Score) Seconds
Cooldown: 20 Minutes

Arouse, Rank 1
(Class, Sexual, Charm)

Using this skill, you can elicit arousal in a target with only a touch. The strength of the arousal is fully adjustable, but the maximum strength depends on your charm score.

Range: Touch
Duration: 1 Minute
Cooldown: 5 minutes

Fascinate, Rank 1
(Class, Sexual, Charm)

Using this skill, you can cause a target to be fascinated with you and unable to look away from you. The effects of this skill can be resisted by a target with a willpower score higher than your charm score.

Range: 4 Metres
Duration: (10 + Charm Score) Seconds
Cooldown: 10 Minutes

My options were endure, arouse, and fasicnate. All three of them seemed fairly relevant to the kind of life I wanted to live in this new world, but there were some that I thought were going to be more useful than others.

Endure was the one I was the least excited about. Although it was a sexual skill, which meant it would benefit from the 100% skill growth buff of my pervert class, all the other skills also benefited from that. What it didn’t have going for it was that vitality tag in the brackets underneath its name. Based on the skill’s description, that seemed to indicate that it’s effects would scale with that stat, but given that the other two skills scaled with charm, I assumed that the majority of the skills that my class would offer me later on would also scale with charm instead of vitality.

However, that was just a slight part of my reasoning for why I didn’t want to take endure. Most of the reasons why I wasn’t feeling that choice had to do with the fact that I didn’t think it would be all that useful. Sure, it could have helped with edging, but I didn’t do that all that often. Furthermore, I wasn’t a man, and having to last longer in bed wasn't as much of a necessity for me as it would have been for them. In fact, the more I came during sex, the better.

That left me with two options left: arouse and fascinate. Both had ways in which I could have seen them being incredibly useful, and they actually had a lot of crossover in those regards. I could have easily used either one of them to start a sexual encounter by getting someone in the mood, whether that was by arousing them or solely focusing their attention on me.

The decision I eventually came to was because of one fact: that fascinate had uses outside of sex. It could come in quite handy if I ever needed to be a distraction or entice someone away from doing something.

You learned the class skill, Fascinate, Rank 1

Like when I learned the kissing general skill, I got a little lightheaded after learning this new skill. However, it was much less impactful than before. Instead of having intuitive knowledge suddenly appear in my head, I had this weird mental switch appear in the back of my mind that I knew would activate the skill if I spent the mental effort to toggle it.

Moving on from that decision, I decided to allocate the free stat points that I had from reaching level 2 and that I had from starting at level 1. In total, I had six, which I all put into charm, bumping it up to 18. My reasoning for this was that my new skill scaled with charm stat and it was the one most likely to get me laid some more, so I might as well have dumped as many stat points into it as possible.

That said, I still didn’t really know how the stats affected me. Confirming my stat allocation didn’t really have a noticeable effect as learning skills did. In fact, I didn’t feel any different than before, even though my charm had increased by fifty percent.

I just shrugged and put that aside as I moved on to the last few notifications I had received. My fun with Vel was apparently all I needed to do to get offered two more general skills, sensual massage and cunnilingus. After reading through their descriptions, I was very interested in taking them, but I was curious why they were so different from the class ones I got to choose from.

Sensual Massage, Rank 1
(General, Sexual)

What’s better than touching a sexy, naked body? Making that same body squirm and writhe under your erotic touch.

Cunnilingus, Rank 1
(General, Sexual)

Some people claim to not like licking pussy, but there is something fundamentally wrong with those people. Thankfully, though, you aren’t one of those people. Whenever you see a pussy, you just want to shove your face right in there and lap up all those delicious pussy juices.

Just like the kissing skill I had learned earlier, they were much less technical than the three class skills I was offered. As opposed to having a listed duration, range, or cooldown, general skills just had a vague description that wasn’t all that helpful at saying what they did. Worse, though, was that I could only learn a limited number of general skills, of which I had 4 slots left. I also had a limited number of class skills that I could learn, which was also a little disheartening, but it didn’t seem like my actions determined which class skills I could or could not learn as they did with general skills. Instead, the class skills seemed to be more fixed since I got offered a selection to choose from when I levelled up.

Wait, I’m an idiot. I have someone right here that knows more about this and would probably be more than happy to answer any questions I had.

"Hey, Vel, what’s the deal with general skills? Why are their descriptions so vague and why can you only have five of them?" I turned away from my floating blue text boxes to look back at the young woman I had just eaten out. Sadly, though, she had completely recovered from our fun together and was getting dressed again. It would have been so much more enjoyable if she just stayed naked like me so I could ogle her some more.

"Oh, Umm… Yes, sorry… general skills?" The young elven woman wasn’t fully expecting my question since it seemed like it came out of nowhere. After a few moments to think, she explained. "As opposed to class skills, which are things you can do that have an active effect on the world around you or are things that are only possible thanks to the skill, general skills are… well, general. They cover a broad range of things that you get better at the more you do stuff covered within the skill’s area of specialty and the more the skill ranks up. Technically speaking you don’t actually need a general skill to become good at something, it's just much easier if you do."

"As for the general skill slots, don’t worry too much about them. Unlike class skills, which you are stuck with once you choose them, general skills can be unlearned and relearned whenever you want. Doing so just resets the skill back to rank 1. Oh, and also you get 5 more skill slots, both general and class ones, every time your class evolves."

"Why the interest though?" Once Vel was done with her explanation, her curiosity took over. "Oh, did you meet the requirements for a general skill? Which one is it and are you thinking of learning it? You might as well take it if you have the available slots. As I said, you can always unlearn it if one more suitable for you comes around."

Between the utterly cute look on the young woman’s face and the way Saph was excitedly bouncing up and down as if they also wanted to know, I couldn’t help but want to fill them both in on what gains our fun together had given me. "I just got the options to learn the sensual massage and cunnilingus general skills, but I already have the kissing one from the first time I kissed you. Oh, and I’m not level 1 anymore. I managed to level up."

You learned the general skill, Sensual Massage, Rank 1

You learned the general skill, Cunnilingus, Rank 1

I took this opportunity to confirm the selection of my two new general skills. As it turned out, it wasn’t the greatest idea to do them both at the same time as the lightheaded feeling of learning a skill was all the more powerful. Still, the faint feeling wasn’t the worst thing I had ever experienced and quickly went away after my brain was filled up with some more new and intuitive knowledge.

"What’s cunnilingus?" Vel looked at me confused, reminding me that she had a very sheltered upbringing.

"Cunnilingus is what I just did to you. Although most people just call it pussy licking or eating someone out. It’s one of the ways in which a woman can have sex with someone without needing a dick or other phallic object to be involved." I patiently explained, only the reaction this news brought wasn’t one I was at all explaining.

"Wait… What…" The green-eyed woman just stared slack-jawed at me for nearly a minute before she said anything else. "Sorry, are you telling me we just had sex? I’m not going to get pregnant, am I?"

"What, no!" I shouted back, taken aback by the surprise that someone her age could really be that naive and innocent. "Women can’t get each other pregnant…"

As I trailed off, a thought occurred to me, that of memories of several perverted things I had seen while browsing online when I was back on Earth. I wouldn’t be surprised if this world had magic capable of growing dicks on women or if it had races that were more sexually fluid than was normal on Earth. Even then, trans women were a thing, so my statement definitely needed amending. "Well, neither of us could get each other pregnant. Pregnancy only really occurs when a vagina is inseminated, which is to say when semen is delivered deep inside it and even then it's not a guaranteed thing. It depends on how fertile each of the parties involved is and if elf biology and reproduction work the same way as humans… Ah, but that’s getting a bit off track."

"In short, yes we just had sex and no you are not going to get pregnant."

"Whew…" A visible wave of relief washed over Vel as she heard that, after which she shyly said, "I mean… I’m sorry, I ah… I like you, and I think we could be friends, but I don’t think I’m ready to have a baby."

"Friends?" I smirked. "Just friends or something more, like friends with benefits."

"What benefits?" She just asked, confused.

As I walked over to Vel so that I was close enough to her that I could teasingly twirl a long, dark green strand of her hair in my fingers, I seductively answered her question in such a way that my lips were tantalising close to hers. "The kind of benefits that would involve you and me, rolling around naked and sweaty with each other, having countless more orgasms together."

"Y… You want to have… S… Sex again." The young woman stammered and blushed.

God, her reactions are just so damn cute.

"Of course. It’s a lot of fun, isn’t it, and I couldn’t imagine a more cute young woman who I would want to be friends with benefits with."

"B… But Dad said I should only have sex with someone I really, really love."

"That’s just something parents tell their children to protect them while they're young, but you’re old enough to make your own decisions. You don’t have to love someone to have sex with them. In fact, meaningless sex can be quite fun, but that’s not what I’m suggesting here. Being friends with benefits is more of an in-between thing, you don’t quite love them, but they also aren’t just a meaningless fling that you’re going to forget about in a couple of days."

"I… I… I…" She continued to stammer.

"You don’t have to decide right now. We have all the time in the world to explore the possibilities." With that said, I stepped back away from the young woman and let her calm down again, which was a task easier said than done as I was still butt naked and the sight of my nudity made her get all flustered every time her eyes began to wander.

After a few seconds, I spoke up, hoping to move on from this random spot of forest. "You offered to introduce me to your father before. Should we do that?"

"Oh, yeah. Sorry, I forgot." Vel immediately sprung into action and moved to guide me on our way. "Come, follow me. My home is right this way. It’s not too far away, only a short walk."

The original reasoning for why Vel was going to take me to meet her father was that he might know what was happening to me, but I didn’t actually need his help since losing my memories was a lie and I knew exactly what had happened to me. The main reason I was pursuing this path was to hopefully get some clothes or a place to stay for a few nights. Maybe even some elf dick if I’m lucky.

After a few minutes of walking through dense forested foliage at a leisurely pace, I realised that Vel’s idea of a short walk was relative to her experiences. At this point, it was looking to be a long walk from my own experiences, and there was only so much idle chit-chat one could engage in while pretending to have lost their memory.

To occupy some of the time spent walking, I pulled up my status screen and gave it a look over since I hadn’t gotten a good look at it after levelling up.

Name: Evelyn Hart
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 18

Class: Pervert
Level: 2

Might: 10
Agility: 10
Vitality: 12
Intellect: 10
Willpower: 10
Charm: 18

Class Skills: 1/5
Fascinate, Rank 1

General Skills: 3/5
Cunnilingus, Rank 1
Kissing, Rank 2
Sensual Massage, Rank 1

Blessed By An Angel

My status had certainly started to grow in the short time I had it, but looking at it all laid out like that reminded me that I had never looked at what that trait I started out with was. As such, I focused on it and brought its description up for me to read.

Blessed By An Angel

All of us here at Reincarnations Incorporated are deeply sorry for the incident that occurred during your last appointment with the department of heavenly rebirth. Although we know that there is nothing we can do to completely make amends for what happened to you, we hope that with the aid of the deluxe reincarnation package, you can move on to a better place.

As such, here are your requested benefits:
(Please note that some of your boons were edited by the SYSTEM governing this world for the sake of balance.)

A newly created and customised body that is "the perfect fuck toy" while also being of legal age to have sex.

You have been bestowed with the starting class of pervert. (We’re sorry that it couldn’t be a class like “sex goddess” as you requested. The SYSTEM was unwilling to let you start with such a powerful class, but pervert is still quite good compared to what most people initially get to choose from.)

It is impossible for anyone engaging in sexual acts with you to do lasting damage to your body, mind, or soul during those acts. Additionally, any minor damage you sustain during sex is healed within a handful of minutes after the deed has been done.

You are resistant to all mundane diseases and completely immune to all types of sexually transmitted diseases.

You cannot get pregnant unless you say a specific statement out loud before engaging in sex, at which point your pregnancy will be guaranteed as long as fertile semen is ejaculated within your vagina. The statement is as follows: "I, Evelyn Hart, hereby declare that I want the next load of semen deposited within my vagina to get me pregnant."

You have received knowledge that Bob has been reassigned to the department of hellish afterlives, where he is currently being bullied by his new demonic coworkers. (Although you didn’t request this, we thought it might bring you peace of mind that he has been demoted and reassigned to a department with a much worse work environment.)

Oh, right. I had completely forgotten about some of these things, but it's good to see they were thorough. That said, I feel a bit bad for Bob. Poor guy. I hope he isn’t having too bad of a time.

What I didn’t know at the time was that angels were so prudish that they couldn’t tell the difference between bullying and intense BDSM. As it turned out, Bob actually had quite the submissive side to him and was having a blast with his new colleagues. In fact, it wasn’t only his sex life that had blossomed, but his career as well as he was much more suited to his new position within Reincarnations Incorporated department of hellish afterlives.

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