My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 91 – Finding My First Client

A few minutes later, Arriana, Cassidy, and I found ourselves back on the main floor of the Red Den, standing at the back of the room by one of the twin bars lining the wall there.

"Now the key to finding a client is observation." The more senior woman began to help coach us through this first experience instead of just letting us go at it ourselves. "Not all clients are immediately eager to dive into the sheets with one of our men or women. Some come here to sample our fine selection of liquor and watch the show we put on for them before later indulging in our other service." 

"Some even come here only for those former things without ever wishing to indulge in the latter, but that’s fine. Between the sale of liquor and the small fee we collect at the door for entry, such people don’t hurt the business. However, those people do make our job slightly harder and are the reason we need to be so observant. After all, there is little to be gained by spending our time flirting and trying to seduce someone who doesn’t intend to pay for our more intimate services and just wants to enjoy themselves here, drinking and watching the show."

"Why put on the show and offer drinks at all if it's just going to make the other part of the job, the main focus of this kind of establishment, harder?" I asked, rather curious as to why this might be the case.

Surely making it easier on the staff would have been Sophia’s main focus? Making there lives easier definitely seemed like something that motivated her yesterday when she was talking about the apartments out back, that she lets her workers stay in for free.

Apparently, Cassidy didn’t think my question was worth asking though, as the dark-skinned woman just silently scowled at me from the side.

"Most brothels in the city don’t offer the kind of thing of extra services that we do, but that's what sets us apart from them. Our shows and our drinks draw in the crowds more than just our other services would. And although some of them aren’t willing to pay for those other services, the extra few that draws in who can be… convinced make it worth it." Arriana patiently explained it to me with a big perverted smile on her lips as she said that last part.

"For now, I want you all to take a good look around the main floor from back here." The red-haired woman continued on with her task of helping us through this first experience. "Pay close attention to the clients and the way they are behaving. Were their eyes look and how they hold themselves around our workers are important details to observe."

"In fact, observing these things is so important that I would suggest taking the observation general skill when you next have an available general skill slot. It's not hugely important that you should clear a general skill you already have for it, but it will definitely come in useful working here."

As Arriana finished speaking, it was clear she wasn’t going to continue and was instead giving Cassidy and me time to do as she suggested. As such, I focused the entirety of my attention on the floor in front of me, drifting my eyes over the various clients gathered here this morning.

In total, there were maybe around a dozen or so of them, almost as many clients as there was staff out here. But not all of the staff were actively trying to pursue clients. One was, of course, dancing on the stage, while a couple more were manning each of the bars and more focused on taking drink orders. The rest were either chatting up potential clients or wandering around the place, flowing in from the other rooms, wagging their hips and shaking their tits in enticing manners as they passed by the clientele, trying their best to attract some interest.

Although many of the clients did openly ogle the various scantily clad men and women, not all acted the same. One man was happy enough, getting chatted up by a barely dressed woman sitting on his lap. In fact, he was so happy in her company that soon enough, she was standing up again and leading him away to the side doors to find somewhere more private to spend some time together.

Another man, almost completely different to that one, seemed content to sit in one of the booths at the side of the room, almost completely hidden by the red silk drapery adorning the walls. The only sign of him was his head occasionally peering out, attentively watching the show and any women that passed by. From the way he acted though, it was very clear, even to someone as new at this as I was, that he wanted to be left alone. He didn’t at all seem interested in spending some private time with anyone, man or woman. He was just content to watch those that passed by from the safety and privacy of his booth.

Apart from those two, the rest of the men and women that could have been my potential clients, were much harder to get a proper read of. Many of them were rather merrily into their drinks and enjoying the show on stage and around them, but I couldn’t determine for sure if they would be interested or not in any advances I sent their way. For the moment the subtleties of their actions eluded me, but with time I was sure that it was something I would soon come to understand.

"So… tell me what you have observed. Is there anyone in particular that you think might be ready to pay for your services?" Arriana asked, watching the two of us carefully as we watched the thin crowd of clients gathered here.

"Maybe there’s one, but I’m not sure…" Cassidy murmured, not at all confident in herself at this moment, which was something I understood completely.

Although I had my fair share of sex leading up to this point, pursuing such things like this was nothing like anything I had done so far. The prospect of someone paying to be with me was both nerve-wracking and a little exciting. The thought of giving in to my slutty side aroused me to the point where the little string of pearls pulled tight against my slit which was my panties, were getting a little wet and slippery.

"I’m not sure either… but I have an idea," I said as my gaze turned away from the front of the room towards the red-haired woman at my side. "Can I try something?"

"Oh, go ahead, be my guest. And if it works, don’t feel that you need to come back here and talk with me. Go with the flow and if it does lead to you getting hired, good luck and have fun." Arriana responded with a cheeky, bright smile, no doubt genuinely enthusiastic and hopeful that I would have some fun with a client.

That woman must really like working here. I mused to myself as I slowly walked away from her and my other new coworker, towards the main seating area of the floor. It would be hard to fake that constant level of enthusiasm and excitement for her job otherwise.

Soon enough, I found myself snaking through the various empty tables, choosing a course that just happened to find my way past several occupied ones. Not only was I walking around, much like I had observed the other workers doing, taking a lead from their example as I tried to entice the interest of a potential client with the sway of my hips and giggle of my ample breasts, but I had another card up my sleeve, one that was part of my plan. That card was my sense gaze class skill.

As soon as I flipped the mental switch inside my head, I felt several sets of eyes drifting across my body. Although the range of my skill was still relatively short at this rank, reaching only six metres away from me, that was plenty to feel the gaze of the clients and even a few of my new co-workers upon me at the same time.

Obviously, their gazes fell on certain places of my body more than others, which only helped my growing arousal. Although the way the skill made me feel wasn’t all that powerful, when multiple gazes were focused on, say, my cleavage or my upper thighs, the sensations added together into something a lot more powerful. I could only wonder what using this skill while up on stage at the busiest part of the night would feel like.

At my current rank and charm score, sense gaze only had a duration of a little under 12 minutes, so it wouldn’t last forever. As a result, as I made my way around the main floor and into the lesbian floor, which was connected by an obscured side passage, I kept a close eye on the gazes I felt across my body.

Just as I had been told, the lesbian rooms were almost exactly the same as the main floor, the only difference being the room was slightly smaller, there was only one bar, and all the people present were women. However, I didn’t stay in there for long. After making a simple loop through the place, I made my way back out to the main floor.

As I walked around like this, I soon discovered one set of eyes watching me more keenly than the other. In fact, this set of eyes was at one point completely turned away from the stage to watch my ass as I walked away. Although I wasn’t completely sure of myself when it came to picking out potential clients, I believed that this man was the best shot I had noticed so far, and didn’t waste even a second to pounce on the opportunity once I noticed it.

Cutting my next loop of the main floor short rather quickly, I sauntered my way over to the man, taking the extra effort to sway my hips and giggle my breasts in the most seductive and teasing manner possible as I did so. However, that wasn’t the only thing I did as I approached him, as two other things happened simultaneously.

The first was that I gave the man a quick glance up and down, truly taking in his appearance for the first time. He was older than I expected, but he wasn’t too old for my tastes, only in his early fifties at the most. With his slender build, well-tailored clothes and slicked-back, slightly greying hair, the man had a silver fox look going for him, one that I was attracted to greatly. Of course, it helped that I was attracted to almost anyone.

Not just here, but in general, there were few people I was unattracted to. That was just the kind of slut I was. In fact, it was so easy to get me aroused that it would take something truly horrid or really messed up not to get my pussy wet just thinking about fucking someone. And even then, if for some reason I wasn't physically attracted to someone, my no more lube skills would have gotten my pussy wet enough for me so that the sex would be, at the very least, enjoyable. Luckily, though, I had a feeling having sex with this man wouldn’t just be enjoyable.

"Enjoying the show?" I purred as I slowed to a stop in front of the man who was very clearly interested in me.

"Ah… yes." The man stuttered, taken off guard and not expecting my sudden question as he sipped on a nearly empty tumbler of some rich dark liquor. "The Red Den’s performances are always rather entertaining, even during the morning hours. Sadly, though, my work doesn’t permit me to watch the more impressive performances I’ve only heard rumours about happening later in the day."

"Oh, I wasn’t talking about the woman on the stage," I said with a cheeky, playful smile as I looked down at my breasts, the place where the older man’s eyes mainly gravitated when I was walking around. Well, it wasn’t like he didn’t also take glances at my ass, but my breasts were by far where his eyes lingered the most.

"Ah… well, yes. Watching you is also rather entertaining in its own way." The man said meekly, with a slightly embarrassed blush on his cheeks, something which was extremely cute considering we were situated in the middle of a brothel.

"But let me ask you a question instead." The man went on as he gathered himself and finished off his drink with one last big gulp. "Are you new here? I wouldn’t say I frequent the Red Den often, but I do come here in the mornings from time to time when my work and coin pouch permits. And I think I would have remembered seeing someone as… memorable as you."

"Oh, yes, I am very new here," I answered as I made myself more comfortable, half standing, half leaning against the table the man was sitting at in such a way as to give him a tantalising view up my dress that didn’t quite reveal my skimp panties to him but only by a fraction of a hair. "In fact, I actually only started working this morning. I just finished the introductory tour a few minutes ago."

"Does that mean that if I were to pay for an hour of your time that I would be your very first client?" The man asked, raising his eyebrow with a perverse look in his eyes.

"Yes, that would be correct, and I imagine it would be quite a memorable experience. After all, firsts are not the kind of thing to be easily forgotten about." I teasingly played into the facts that had so obviously caught his interest.

"That is quite true. I still remember many of my firsts rather fondly." The man said as he looked off into the distance with a nostalgic gaze. "To think that I could be part of such a memory for you… I don’t think that is an opportunity I could ever pass up on."

Standing up from the table, leaving his emptied tumbler there, the man offered me his hand and said, "Shall we find a private room to spend some time together?"

"I would love that." I beamed a smile as I replied, not just excited for what was to come but thrilled that this had been easier than I expected. As it turned out, I didn’t have much reason to be nervous.

Letting the older man lead me by the hand, he guided me to one of the sets of doors guarded by a pair of bouncers. As this happened, I glanced off to the side and gave Arriana an excited smile. Although the red-haired woman gave me an enthusiastic thumbs up in response, Cassidy, to her side, just scowled at me like normal, but I didn’t pay her much attention. Eventually, I would have to deal with her and get to the bottom of what had caused her to think so poorly of me, but right now I had more important matters to focus on.

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