My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 99 – Sophia Punshies Me

In a flash of the eye, Sophia’s earlier polite and formal voice completely shifted in tone, becoming much more domineering. "What are you waiting for, slut? Pull down your panties and bend over my desk so that I can give you your punishment."

Completely on board with whatever was about to happen, I jumped from my seat to quickly comply. Reaching up under the bottom of my lovely white silk dress, my fingers wasted no time hooking around the waist of my panties and pulling them all the way down to my ankles. Of course, there was a rather large, dark wet spot on the crotch of said panties but that was to be expected. Since my reincarnation, I was practically always horny and ready to go, resulting in any pair of panties that I was wearing getting rather wet. The interesting part, though, was that I didn’t have a skill or trait that was responsible for this. No, it was all me.

With my panties around my ankles, I bent over Sophia's desk, shoving my ass up into the air. However, given the modest length of my dress and the fact that I wasn’t holding it up around my waist, my rear was actually covered. Said rear soon felt the soft touch of one of the ethereally beautiful woman’s hands move over it at the same time as one of her feet moved forwards, spreading my legs as far as they could with my panties pulled tight around my ankles.

"You have been very, very naughty, my little slut!" Sophia purred, her every word turning me on more and more as she reached down and slowly pulled my dress up.

Soon enough, there was nothing keeping her from seeing everything. My dripping wet pussy, my tight puckered asshole, all of me down there was on display right in front of her. Logically, I knew that she had seen all this before and we had done much more together the previous night, but there was just something special about it this time that made it even more exciting. Unlike the last time, we had a little bit of fun together, my future wasn’t riding on this and I could actually enjoy myself more, not having to battle with my nerves.

"It’s time for your punishment, slut!" Sophia teased, as her hand continued to caress and drift across my supple rear. Her fingers even made a slight detour to lightly brush against my pussy and asshole, but they didn’t intend to stop there.

No, her hand left my rear entirely a couple of seconds later, only to come down quite hard on my supple butt cheek. An audibly smacking sound filled the room as the woman’s palm came down on me, spanking me so hard that it actually stung a little, despite my blessed by an angel trait. However, as much as it stung, it was much more pleasurable. Not even when Damien spanked with his held-back but still considerable strength did a single strike of my rear cause such tingles to course through my body, setting my pussy aflame with lust and arousal. And then she did it again, and again.

"Oh, fuck!" I moaned out loud, not quite able to believe that this little bit of spanking was actually getting me closer and closer to an orgasm. But then again, with a woman like Sophia, who had already shown me that she was more than capable of making me cum with a kiss alone, nothing was impossible.

"Interesting…" Sophia mused as her spanking continued hard and fast. "You’re butt is surprisingly resilient for a slut of your calibre. I guess this just means I will have to put a little more force behind my efforts."

The woman’s words weren’t just for show, as a second later she did just as she said she would. The next time her hand came down, my butt didn’t just sting but actually felt quite a bit of pain. However, that pain only made my pleasure all the greater. Not to mention, when mixed with the fact that it would be impossible for her to do lasting damage to me, I didn’t have to worry about actually being hurt and could focus on the pleasure alone. 

As the spankings came more and more, my pleasure grew greater and greater until it was about to reach my climax. However, it was at that moment that Sophia seemingly chose to stop. Having been left on the edge like that, I was a little frustrated that I wouldn’t see my much-desired climax, but at the very moment I lost all hope of that happening, her hand came down again, spanking me harder than ever before.

When the woman’s hand came down on my red, sore butt one final time, it brought with it an unimaginable amount of pleasure. An orgasm rocked my body, coursing out from my pussy, setting my every nerve on fire. It was such a full-body experience that my weak, shaking limbs could no longer support my own weight, and I fell down onto the desk, heaving and panting up a storm.

It took me more than a few seconds after that to catch my breath, and even then I was still feeling the aftershocks of my orgasm. However, as much as I thought that this was going to be the end of my little reward, it appeared that Sophia might have had a different idea.

"Oh, now that is very interesting!" The ethereally beautiful woman said as she grabbed my butt with both hands, groping and spreading it as she took a closer look at my exposed nudity. However, as much as I hoped her attention was going to continue to be rather pleasurable, it was clear as day that she was mostly just exploring and looking at my ass more than anything else. As it turned out, this would in fact be the end of our fun for the time being. Still, though, her touch did bring with it more than a little excitement on my part.

"In a matter of seconds, your bright red ass has completely recovered from your spankings. I have never seen anything quite like this, especially since I don’t think you used a skill. At least not one you actively have to use since I don't think you could have concentrated on using such a skill while orgasming as hard as you were. It could have been a passive skill, but then no passive skills would be this potent at your level." Sophia mused out loud. "It looks like you have more than a few secrets you’re keeping to yourself."

Oh, shit! I should have realised she would notice the recovery effects of my blessed by an angel trait if she got more than a little rough with me. I was just too damned horny to think straight. At least she didn’t spank me so hard as to do lasting damage to me, which would have left her confused and wondering why it felt like she just spanked a brick wall.

"Don’t worry, Evelyn." The woman spoke up again, this time with a reassuring tone to her voice as she drifted her hand over my bare butt. "I really meant it yesterday when I told you I wasn’t going to pry into your secrets. No doubt, they are rather interesting, but they are yours to keep. After all, as you get more and more popular here, I’m sure that I am going to profit from them whether I know what they are or not."

Hearing her reassert this point did actually reassure me a bit. If Sophia really wanted to, it probably wouldn't take much to get my secrets out of me, especially if she chose to torture me to the full extent of her sexual capabilities, just as I wanted her to do. But as it was, her desire to not dig into my business was much appreciated.

"We should probably be getting to the carriage and returning back to the estate before it's too late," Sophia suggested as I stood back up from where I fell onto her desk.

Of course, before we went anywhere, I would have had to pull my panties back up, so that’s what I went to do next, only to be stopped by the other woman, who extended her hand toward me and said in a commanding voice. "No, give me your panties. They are mine now."

Seeing as how the panties were technically hers to begin with, along with my current dress and pretty much all the other clothes I had access to while staying with her, I had no compunctions about handing the woman my wet, worn panties. The fact that it would mean I was now going commando for our ride home and the fact that she immediately brought them up to her nose and gave them a good sniff, only made that decision all the more rewarding.

As quickly as Sophia sniffed my used panties though, they were gone, disappearing into thin air. If I remembered correctly, I had seen her do something similar with a dagger once before but had thought that it might have just been a trick of the eye at the time. Now, though, I assumed that the woman had some kind of spatial storage item that she could pop items in and out of. I didn’t know for sure if such items actually existed in this world but had read of such items in some fantasy books back on Earth. However, since she wasn’t going to pry into my secrets, I wasn’t going to pry into hers and ask about it.

With nothing left for us to do here in Sophia’s office, we headed out of the building, finding our way to her carriage. Once seated inside, the carriage pulled away from the stables and the Red Den, quickly making its way back to the Varsen estate. To fill the time during the carriage ride, Sophia immediately began to try and make idle conversation with me, but I needed to take a quick break to check on my system notifications, something I politely explained to her so she wouldn’t think I was rude when I stopped responding to her and started staring off absentmindedly during the carriage ride.

After spending the last sixteen hours, from eight in the morning to midnight, getting fucked by and fucking clients, I was more than a little excited to see what gains I had made. As it turned out, I was right to be excited as I had made a lot of progress.

Freshen Up has reached rank 8

Fascinate has reached rank 8

No Lube Needed has reached rank 5

One More Time has reached rank 4 (2)

Sense Gaze has reached rank 8 (6)

Tight Fit has reached rank 9 (7)

Anal Intercourse has reached rank 8 (5)

Cunnilingus has reached rank 15 (13)

Deception has reached rank 7

Felatio has reached rank 10 (7)

Seduction has reached rank 9 (7)

Sex Toys has reached rank 13

Vaginal Intercourse has reached rank 15 (11)

"Oh, wow!" I audibly gasped at seeing the sheer number of notifications I had waiting for me, and that was just my skill rank-ups. There was still more to come.

"Good gains?" Sophia asked as she looked over the carriage in my direction.

"Very! Four of my general skills are now at the rank 15 bottleneck and two of my class skills are at rank 9 with three behind that at rank 8." I shamelessly bragged as best I could while still keeping a lot of information to myself.

"That is impressive for one at your low level." She responded with a sly smirk on her lips. "But pushing those general skills past the bottleneck and getting those class skills to reach the cap is going to be quite a difficult task. Although… I suppose if you were to ask nicely, I could be persuaded to help you with some of that."

So much for not getting another taste of her capabilities! I laughed to myself, amused that despite her insistence on not getting to experience her full potential we were still doing rather lewd stuff together. 

That said, this help of hers would probably just be me doing all the work again, putting my skills to the task while she only provided someone to practise on and maybe some advice. I very much doubt she would be eating me out or anything like that. Not that, I would pass up such an opportunity even if my likelihood of getting off in the process was slim.

"Hmm… Maybe… Maybe not…" I vaguely replied, trying my best to tease her a little bit, but given how much more refined and calm she was than me, I would have a much harder time teasing her than she would teasing me. "For now, though, I have one last thing to check on as it appears I levelled up and get to choose a new class skill."

All Sophia said in response, as she sat across the cabin of her carriage, staring at me, was. "Interesting…"  

Feeling the ethereally beautiful woman’s eyes on me still, I felt a bit awkward under her stare as I turned my attention back to the last of my notifications.

You have reached [Slut], Level 14
+1 Vitality
+2 Charm
+4 Stat points

You can unlock your choice of one of three new class skills.
Please confirm your selection from the available options:

Sexual Empathy, Rank 1
(Class, Sexual, Charm)

This skill allows you to empathically sense the sexual desires and fetishes of those you are physically touching.

Emotional Empathy, Rank 1
(Class, Sexual, Charm)

This skill allows you to empathically sense the emotional stage of those you are physically touching.

Slut’s Luck, Rank 1
(Class, Sexual, Charm)

This skill influences your luck, helping you accidentally find your way into situations perfect for being the slut that you are.

The choice of class skills at this level was relatively straightforward. Two of the skills were pretty much the same, with the only difference being that one skill would let me emphatically sense the sexual desires of anyone I touched and the other their emotions. The last skill, however, was completely different. While still being a passive skill, it seemed like it would influence the world around me in a rather strange way. As fun as its effect seemed, I didn’t think the skill would be all that useful though, as I had no trouble getting myself into slutty situations all on my own.

Ruling that last skill out just left sexual empathy and emotional empathy. Given my new profession, I knew immediately which one was my preferred choice, as sexual empathy would allow me to give my clients exactly what they wanted without having to ask them.

You learned the class skill, Sexual Empathy, Rank 1

All that was left after making that decision was distributing my stat points, and given my close proximity to Sophia, I was really interested in boosting my charm and reaching that first breakpoint for charm at 50 stat points, which meant that I would finally get to sense other people's presence. As such, I dumped all 4 of my free points in charm, pushing me even further over that point and starting me on my journey to the breakpoint after that at 100 stat points, at which point I would finally be able to manipulate my own presence.

Name: Evelyn Hart
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 18

Class: Slut
Level: 14

Might: 10
Agility: 10
Vitality: 34
Intellect: 10
Willpower: 20
Charm: 54

Class Skills: 9/10
Conjure Sex Toy, Rank 7
Freshen Up, Rank 8
Fascinate, Rank 8
No Lube Needed, Rank 5
One More Time, Rank 4
Sense Gaze, Rank 8
Sexual Empathy, Rank 1
Stimulate, Rank 9
Tight Fit, Rank 9

General Skills:
Anal Intercourse, Rank 8
Cunnilingus, Rank 15
Dagger, Rank 3
Deception, Rank 7
Felatio, Rank 10
Kissing, Rank 15
Seduction, Rank 9
Sensual Massage, Rank 15
Sex Toys, Rank 15
Vaginal Intercourse, Rank 15

Blessed By An Angel
Monster Lover

As soon as my stat distribution was finalised, it was like a flip had been switched in my brain and there was this whole other sense I never knew about before. Even without looking directly at Sophia, I could feel her presence in the back of my head like a beacon. The more I focused on it, the more I found it harder to look away from her.

"Oh, I know that look.” Sophia chuckled, finding the way I was subconsciously looking at her rather amusing. “You just crossed the 50 stat breakpoint in charm, didn’t you? It takes some getting used to that new sense, but here, I’ll make it easier for you." 

Just like that, the beacon I was sensing began to dim into a small flickering light, timing up perfectly with my perception of Sophia shifting back into a fairly normal woman. Sure, she was still rather beautiful, but she no longer had that ethereal beauty to her that made her stand out so much.

"Wow, okay… Yeah, this will take some getting used to." I said as I adjusted to the sense in my brain, the most interesting part of which, now that her presence was not so overwhelming, was that I could faintly sense the presence of the man seated atop the carriage, guiding the horses forwards as they pulled us through the streets. He definitely didn’t have a high charm score and his presence was only a small dot on my radar.

Interestingly enough, it appeared that having a high charm score had another use that I wasn’t aware of before then. With it I was able to sense the presence of all other living people in a short radius around me, not just those with their own high charm scores. It turned out everyone had a presence even if it was incredibly weak, as was the case for some of them more faint dots I sensed outside the carriage as we passed by them. Of course, there must have been a way to hide your presence from another person similar to how Sophia had just diminished her charm, but in a more complete way. Otherwise the city guards would have been investing more stat points in charm, something which was definitely not happening by the look of a couple of the guards I had seen during my short stay in the city so far. 

Shaking that thought from my head, I turned my attention back to Sophia. There would be time to experiment with my new sense later, as that was all it was right now, a new sense. Control over my own presence would come later, when my charm stat increased further, something I was looking forward to happening.

Looking over at the beautiful woman in red, I couldn’t help but grin rather pervertedly at her as I said. "You know, I could do with some help getting my cunnilingus skill past its bottleneck from a woman as beautiful and talented as one such as you. Would you mind?"

"Oh, you know just how to get on my good side, don’t you?" Sophia giggled wasting no time as she reached under her crimson dress, pulling down her lace panties and tossing them across the room as she spread her legs for me. The fact that she was more than a little wet already did not escape me.

What followed was a very interesting affair, one that wasn’t actually as sexually charged as I would have thought, given the fact that I was eating the woman out while the carriage completed what was left of our journey back to the estate.

Much like how I had taught Caiden and Vel how to properly touch women, Sophia was teaching me the finer points of cunnilingus in a very educational, only slightly sexual manner. Before this moment, I thought I was particularly good at eating pussy, but it turned out that I still had a lot to learn and there were a fair few techniques that didn’t occur to me. 

In addition to just teaching me more ways to eat a woman out, Sophia also got me to disclose my new class skill, and once she found out what it does, she taught me how to use it while eating a woman out. Apparently, sensing someone’s sexual desires was something one of the class skills she got at a higher tier did, and it wasn’t just useful for determining what someone was into. It could actually be used to help guide your touch, finding the right places to touch someone where they want it the most. As much as I had learned and grown over the past few days, I quickly realised under Sophia’s tutelage that I had only begun to step down the path of becoming a master of sex.

Before the carriage reached our destination and my impromptu lessons came to an end, I managed to get Sophia off once and earn myself a good amount of experience towards breaking through the rank 15 bottleneck for my cunnilingus general skill. Given that a few of my other general skills had been at that bottleneck for longer, it was no surprise that I hadn’t broken through quite yet. But with the aid Sophia gave me, I knew it was only a matter of time before I did. At the rate I was improving, I would probably break through this skills bottleneck before any of the others.

After saying our goodbyes at the estate’s main foyer, the two of us parted for the night, heading off to go to bed. Of course, I intended on joining Vel in her bedroom instead of going to my own, which I still hadn’t stepped foot inside. Much to my delight, Vel had decided to stay up and wait for me so that she could hear all about my first day of work. To pass the time she spend waiting for me to come back, I found her reading that naughty book from the estate library again, and only one hand had been holding it when I first laid eyes on her reading it in bed, while the other was definitely getting up to some mischief under the covers of her bed.

As soon as I entered the picture though, my cute little girlfriend tossed the book aside in favour of me. Like that, I spent a bit of time together with the woman I loved before going to sleep, during which I told her everything she wanted to know and showed off what I had recently learned when it came to performing cunnilingus. By the end of the night, my efforts to improve my cunnilingus skill paid off greatly.

Sexual Empathy has reached rank 3 (1)

Cunnilingus has reached rank 16

Unfortunately, though, this meant I did not get as much sleep as I would have wanted.

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