My Little Sunshine

Chapter 46: The Girl In Red

"Adam!" She squealed in delight. "It's so good to be back home. I am sorry for staying away for so long, but you know, duty calls. I missed you so much. But now, I am back and I won't be going anywhere for a long time. We have all the time for ourselves now." 

Adam stood there quietly, his hands raise up slightly in either sides as no to touch the girl who was clinging to his as if her life depended on it.

He felt a pair of eyes staring at him, he moved his head slightly to his left only to find Stella looking at him with her eyes narrowed. He gulped looking at her expressions. 'I am so dead.' 

"I have missed you so much Adam. That's why I have decided not to take any more projects that requires me to go abroad. I can't bare to stay away from you anymore." The girl in red dress was still clinging to him.

Adam slightly shook his body as to escape from her hug, but she made her grip around him tighter.

"Move back Rachel." Adam gritted his teeth. He didn't want Stella to misunderstand him on the second day of their relationship. 'There's no way I am going to let that happen.'

He forcefully separated the girl from himself and stood at a fair distance from her. 

"How many times have I told you before that I don't like it when people invade my privacy?" He exclaimed while trying to control his anger. 

"Oh come on Adam, I don't count in people." She replied waving her hand in the air.

"Stella meet Rachel, Rachel Nelson." He introduced the girl to Stella. "And Rachel, that's Stella, my..." 

"His assistant." Stella interrupted him before he could finish his sentence.

Adam narrowed his eyes at her. 'What had gotten into her now?' 

Rachel nodded at her, "And I am his childhood sweetheart." She added coyly.

Adam looked at her, his eyes widening in shock. He turned to look at Stella, shaking his head sideways like a rattle. "What nonsense are you spouting before my staff? Get out of my office. Next time, don't forget to knock." He shouted at her. 

"What are getting so worked up for? I am going now, but I will see you later on." She replied with a wink, making her way towards the door.

Once she was out Adam locked the door by pressing a button that was on the inner side of his office desk. After making sure that no one would be able to disturb them, he walked towards Stella who now, had her back towards him. 

"Stella, it's not like what you think." He said heading towards her way.

"Oh! Really? Why don't you enlighten me then?" She asked turning to face him, with a smirk on her face.

He stepped towards her so that he can hug her, but she stepped back, raising a hand to stop him. 

"Stella?" He called her, worried that she might walk out right now. 

"I hate it when people lie to me. What happened to me being the 'only' girl in your life and those promises?" She asked him, emphasizing on 'only'.

"That you are. And I promise that I am not lying to you. I never will." He said running his hand through his hairs.

Stella raised an eyebrow at him, her hands folded across her chest. "Oh?"

"That girl was Rachel, Rachel Nelson." He started explaining to her.

"You already told me that." She scoffed.

"Remember that lunch meeting, the one I didn't take you to saying that it wasn't an important one?" He asked her.

"Yeah! So it was with her." She replied to which he shook his head.

"No, it was with Uncle Liam, his full name is Liam Nelson. He was my father's closest friend and is somewhat a fatherly figure for me as well. Rachel is his daughter. It's true that I have known her since we were kids. But that's all. We just know each other since our childhood but there hasn't been anything going on between us, there never was." He explained it to her.

"If you don't trust me, you can even ask Blake about it. We aren't even friends to begin with. I don't know why she did it. She knows that I hate physical contact with the opposite gender, I don't even like them getting close to me. She had even always kept her distance from me. I don't know why she would hug me out of nowhere." He continued taking slow steps towards her.

When he saw that she wasn't moving away from him, he stood before her and wrapped his arms around her. "I swear Stella, there's no one other than you in my life, and I don't think so there will be one even after you. Please, trust me."

"I trust you, it's just I felt a little….. jealous." She replied hugging him back, her voice turning low at the last word.

Adam chuckled in response. "So, my little elf knows how to get jealous too." 

"I know that you said yes because you promised that you will give me a chance, but I promise you that I will make you fall for me just like I have fallen for you." He continued as he cupped her face.

"Now, let's eat. I am famished." He said, dragging her towards the couch.


A girl wearing a seductive red dress climbed into a white Mercedes. Just as she settles in, her phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, her lips broke into a smirk.

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