My Little Sunshine

Chapter 48: Nap Time

The next day at the office, 

"Hey! Are you free right now?" Adam spoke into the speaker of his phone.

"Almost. Why do you ask?" Stella replied as she typed on her laptop.

"Just come to my office when you get done with your work. I need to discuss something with you." He replied hearing the tapping sound coming from the other side.

"Alright." She said hanging up the call.

Half an hour later, Stella strutted in his office, the sound of her heels clicking against the marbled floor echoing in the quiet room.

She looked at his office desk only to find his chair empty. 'Where did he go?' She thought to herself heading towards the bedroom that was attached to his office. 

"Adam?" She called his name as she opened the door, her eyes landing on the king sized bed placed in the centre of the room. And there she saw her Boss/boyfriend, sprawled over it.

His black coat was laid down properly on the couch that was placed before the bed. He had loosened his tie a bit, the first two buttons of his white button-down shirt undone. Coming to think of it, she hadn't seen him wearing a tie since she had joined his company. 'Why is he wearing one today?'

She placed down her phone on the bedside table. Heaving out a long sigh, she moved towards the other end. Holding up his legs that were dangling down the bed, she pulled them up, one at a time.

Once he was lying down properly on the bed, she removed his shoes, placing them by the bed. She slowly undid his tie and placed it on the bedside table after neatly folding it.

"Why can't you look after yourself as well?" She murmured under her breath looking at his furrowed brows. She remembered him telling her about some important contract that he wanted to sign last night. 'Must have been working on that the entire night.'

"Idiot!" She shook her head looking at the man who cared so much about others around him, but apparently not for his own self.

She sat down beside him, her dainty fingers running over his furrowed brows as if trying to smoothen them.

Just as she withdrew her hand, it was caught by his strong one. Adam brought it back to his face, rubbing his check against it as he kissed her palm.

"You should have some rest. There's nothing that requires your attention right now. I will deal with the remaining stuff." Stella spoke softly to him while caressing his cheek with her thumb.

"No, don't leave." He spoke moving closer to her.

"But…." She tried to reason with him but he stopped her wrapping his arm around her waist.

"No. No, and no." He said pushing her back against the headrest so that it won't hurt later on.

Stella was touched by his little gesture. 'He cares about me even when he's this much sleepy that he can barely open his eyes.' 

"Alright! I am not going anywhere." She spoke, her fingers running through his silky black hairs. 

Adam hummed softly in response and went back to his dreamland.


An hour later, Adam woke up to his ringing phone. He picked it up after looking at the caller ID. 

"Sup?" Adam asked in groggy voice.

"Man, I have been waiting outside. Your secretary here said that you told her not to let anyone in except for Stella. Are you going to let me in or not?" 

Hearing Stella's name, Adam turned his head only to find her sleeping in a sitting position with the back of her head resting against the headrest.

'I thought it was just a dream.' He thought looking at her with a faint smile on his face.

"I will be there in a while. Ask Bella to let you in." He said cutting off the call.

"Stella?" He softly called out her name to which she didn't respond.

He made her lay down properly making sure that her head was resting on the pillow. After tucking her in under a comforter and increasing the temperature of air conditioner, he made his way out of the room, not forgetting to close the door shut. 

"Hey man! What's with your disheveled state?" Blake asked him as soon as he came out.

"I was taking a nap." Adam replied taking a seat next to him on the couch. "What would you like to drink?" 

"I already told the secretary outside to bring some coffee for us." Blake replied. "We were able to track further." He continued getting to the main point.

"So?" Adam asked him to continue. He wasn't worried that Stella might wake up and listen to their conversation. The sound insulation of his office was top-notch.

"We still don't know who's actually behind it. But we got ourselves a man who might be able to lead us in the right direction." Blake spoke up. "And I am definitely sure that whoever it is, they are definitely after Stella, and not you."

"I am giving you a week. Get me the name of the man." Adam replied in a cold voice that could send anyone trembling in fear.

Just as Blake opened his mouth to reply him, Stella came out of the room stretching her arms out as a yawn escaped her mouth.

"Sorry, I fell asleep in there." She spoke lazily.

Blake looked at her with his eyes almost popping out of their sockets, his eyes darting from her to Adam and then back to her.

"Oh my! What do we have here?" He finally spoke after a while with a mischievous grin on his face as something dawned on him.

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