My liver skills in the military camp

Chapter 495 The bandits cannot go, but I can go! 【Please order more! Please support! 】

"Let me just say, Lao Ye is a very particular person!"

"Can you still trick us?"

"Lao Li, now do you realize how shallow you are?"

Huang Ce, who had just finished operating 15 Qing and experienced a rare "speed and passion" on the plateau, was showing off to himself.

Li Boyei rolled his eyes and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

However, Li Boyei and Huang Ce have the same attitude towards 15 Qing.

That is to like as much as you like.

The biggest role of tanks on the plateau is deterrence.

Facing flesh and blood infantry, regardless of whether it is a light tank or a heavy tank, the deterrence power is equal.

No matter how impulsive you are, you will be slapped in the face by the tank's gun barrel.

The person involved must also calm down obediently.

The infantry fighting vehicle does not have this effect.

Its greatest function is to transport troops and cover infantry assaults, but it does not play a decisive role.

With such a special tank that can travel unimpeded on the plateau.

Whether it is the 54th Brigade or the numerous border guards on the plateau.

Life will be much easier.

At least when it comes to intimidation, there is no need to carry a Hindu Kush knife.


In this way, the synthetic reform of the 54th Brigade officially kicked off.

The elite cadre of non-commissioned officers drawn from other units in the military region, together with the non-commissioned officers of the 54th Brigade itself, began training before changing their uniforms.

As for the more important reform of the synthetic organization, that is, the personnel changes in the direction of a single unit and a "synthetic battalion" are also proceeding in an orderly manner.

This is also one of the most time-consuming tasks in synthetic reform.

A heavy-duty combined battalion must have a variety of troops with different equipment under its command, such as armored companies, infantry companies, firepower companies, related logistics support companies, and combat support companies.

With so many troops of different natures, even if the 54th Brigade already has the framework of a brigade-level unit, it will take corresponding time to set up.

How should the commanders of each company be appointed? How to expand the existing battalion-level unit based on its original single nature? How to coordinate the core backbone of squad leaders and non-commissioned officers among various battalion-level units?

These are the primary issues facing Huang Ce and others that need to be dealt with urgently.

Although Chief Ye has given them a rough framework, he definitely does not know as much about the situation of the 54th Brigade itself as Huang Ce and Li Boyei, the two local "local snakes".

This aspect of work can only be handled by Huang Ce and others. Section Chief Ye only needs to inspect on time and attend relevant reform meetings to ensure that the work is progressing in an orderly manner.

As the Yan Kingdom, it is also the only heavily armed mechanized force stationed on the plateau in the world.

Any disturbance in the 54th Brigade will touch the "heartstrings" of many people.

for example

A mysterious eastern country with a long history, known as an ancient civilization, with a large number of people, a vast territory, and is known as one of the "top three" in the world!

That's right! It’s a mythical beast!

Just as the synthetic reform of the 54th Brigade was in full swing.

Kapdel, the newly appointed major general of the Divine Beast Army and the Chief of Staff of the Divine Beast Army based in Ningcheng, an ancient city illegally occupied by the Divine Beast and headquartered at the border of the Divine Beast and the Yan Kingdom, came to Distance in order to show off his bravery passed down in his "bloodline". Near the border, I looked at the Lazera Observation Post, known as the "Cliff Post."

There is no surprise. This "proud" major general belongs to the "Brahmin" with the highest status in the caste system of the Divine Beast family.

If not for this, no matter how capable Kapdel was, he would not be able to reach his current position.

For example, the "Sudra" with the lowest status is not even qualified to join the mythical beast army as a soldier.

It’s hard to imagine that even in the 21st century, there is still a country, even a large country with a large population, that practices such an extremely feudal caste system.

But our mythical beasts just did this, and even planned to continue to persist, thinking that the caste system was the opportunity for their rise.

I can only say that the world is so big and full of wonders

Like his predecessor, Kapdel is an out-and-out "hawk."

In past border standoffs, the Shenjujia often resorted to tricks such as crossing the border at night and illegally building temporary outposts, or in front of the Yanguo observation post, repeatedly jumping across the border and pretending to patrol.

If the observation post didn't indicate anything, the mythical beast would continue to "patrol" shamelessly, trying to use this kind of dog to look at and think it has a low IQ, but they just thought it was a very wise "tactic" to subtly encroach on Yanguo's territory.

However, since Yanguo has increased its emphasis on the border.

The little tricks like mythical beasts that can't be put on the stage are all ineffective.

Like building outposts? Come on, come on, let's see who is faster at repairing it, or we are faster at dismantling it.

Even if 105 is not invited out, the construction quality of the Divine Beast House can be smashed with a gun butt, so it is not difficult to dismantle it.

Troops that illegally cross the border are easier to deal with.

Like to come?

If you like coming, don't leave!

When will the mythical beast family come to collect people, and when will they release them!

In this way, facing the Yan Kingdom, which has a tough attitude on territorial issues, will not give in, and will hold every penny to account.

The border territory that the mythical beast had illegally and illegally occupied over the past decades was vomited back bit by bit.

This is a completely unacceptable result for the mythical beast trolls whose combat capabilities are second to none in the entire world.

For example, Kapdel's predecessor was dismissed for this reason and returned to a certain mythical beast capital whose capital was shorter than the independence period, where he lived and drank.

After all, they both belong to "Brahmin" and can live a good life even if they don't need to work.

However, the ambitious Kapdel obviously did not have the consciousness to be "assigned".

Although in terms of IQ, Kapdel and his predecessors combined are probably not in the three digits.

But Kapdel just thinks that he is the contemporary "military god" of the mythical beast, and is ready to flex his muscles and accomplish something in Ningcheng.

And Kapdel did not wait too long for the opportunity he was looking forward to.

"Huh? Is there something special happening in Yanguo's 54th Brigade?"

"Are you sure the news is authentic?"

Upon hearing this, the divine beast warrior on the opposite side nodded fiercely. I don't know how he was sure that a special "circumstance" had occurred in the 54th Brigade, which was undergoing synthetic reform.

Maybe it’s due to drinking too much Ganges River water?

According to normal procedures, Kapdel, as the commander, must first confirm the authenticity of the intelligence before making a decision.

But Kapdel, after receiving the assurance from the mythical beast soldiers, was immediately overjoyed and ready to take action!

What? Is this the mythical beast that is the contemporary “god of war”?

In fact, this has nothing to do with Kapdel's military qualities.

Because he believed that the "Kshatriya" divine beast soldier opposite him would not deceive his noble "Brahmin".

A few minutes later, what seemed to Kapdel to be a brilliant plan was hatched.

Of course, it's just a plan, not a battle plan.

No matter how stupid Kapdel was, he would not dare to fire the first shot at the border.

After all, what happened in 1962 is still fresh in my memory.

A good invasion war turned into a battle to defend the capital. No one can forget this.

But Kapdel still dared to do some actions that ordinary people would consider "mean".

"Order the troops approaching Lazera Post to bring enough supplies. Tonight, they will bypass the border and conduct patrols on the only way down the mountain from Lazera Post!"

"As you wish!"

After giving a very funny military salute to Kapudel, the beast warrior just now ran away quickly, preparing to deliver Kapudel's order.

It has to be said that Kapdel's plan itself is still a bit "vicious", and it is not the kind of cheap behavior that cannot be taken advantage of.

This can be seen from the nickname of Lazera Post, which is called "Cliff Post".

The terrain of Lazera Post is extremely dangerous.

There is only an extremely steep trail with a slope of nearly 80 degrees from entering Lazera Post.

The mountain road is less than three kilometers and takes at least more than three hours to walk.

But the steep terrain gave Lazera Post an unobstructed view.

Since the birth of the Tarazzela Outpost, it has been conscientiously fulfilling its mission, guarding the gate of the motherland plateau, so that the beastmen on the other side who are ready to move do not dare to take a step forward.

After all, not far from the outpost, there was an entire border defense company.

The "Hindu Kush knives" in their hands are not vegetarian.

Even if the beastman is really crazy, he still wants to experience the excitement of "disco dancing in the minefield".

He will be discovered immediately by the soldiers on duty at Lazera Post, and the news will be notified to the companies behind him.

When the beastmen climb up after all the hard work, what awaits them will be Yanguo's most powerful border defense company, armed with Hindu Kush knives.

Normally when encountering this kind of situation, the beastmen would basically turn around and treat it like climbing a mountain to exercise!

And if there are too many people going up, the people in the border defense company will see that the situation is beyond their ability to handle, so they will delay time and call for support.

At this time, it was the turn of the 54th Brigade to act as a quick reaction force.

One thing to say, despite the fact that the 54th Brigade provided very quick support, basically they would rush over on the spot no matter what time they received the order.

The soldiers of the 54th Brigade, who were exhausted from climbing mountains and running attacks, would definitely not be in such a happy mood.

To put it more bluntly, the soldiers of the 54th Brigade are more "black!" and more ruthless than the border guards!

Do you understand the deterrent power of the world's only plateau mechanized force?

Therefore, although the name of the 54th Brigade is not well-known in the Yan Kingdom, few people or even soldiers in other areas know it.

But among the mythical beast troops, the 54th Brigade is known to everyone. It can almost make "children stop crying". It can be said to be the modern version of Zhang Wenyuan.

It can be said that as long as the 54th Brigade is still on the plateau, the Divine Beastmen will not dare to make any medium-scale actions, that is, engage in some "repeatedly jumping horizontally" and disgusting behavior.

Isn't this just a naughty kid?

However, the mythical beast's family is always happy with his "naughty child" behavior.

And today, after receiving information that the 54th Brigade had a special "situation".

Kapdel believes that the time has come for him to "stand out" and prove that he is the "contemporary military god" worthy of the mythical beast!

As mentioned before, the terrain of Lazera Post is very steep, but that does not mean that the surrounding roads are also steep.

Kapdel's plan was very clear, which was to find a way to sneak in some troops, and the number of them would be a little larger, about 200 people.

He was stuck on the road between Lazera Post and the Border Guard Company Camp. He was either stationed or patrolling, or he continued to work on his "scumbag" project.

Now, the 54th Brigade has a special situation. In addition, the terrain of Lazera Post is already dangerous. If the birds don't fall, the grass and trees won't grow. It's difficult for even people to get up, let alone cars.

When the 54th Brigade arrives, Kapdel can leave in a swaggering manner, leaving behind the disgusting "tofu dregs" of the completed project.

By then, Yanguo will definitely demolish these "illegal buildings", and there will be a lot that Kapdel can do.

For example, take a few photos and take them out of context to say that your outpost has been illegally demolished. You should expressly condemn this behavior and call for support.

All sorts.

This is a self-directed and self-performed little trick that normal people can see through at a glance, but the beastman has been doing it for more than ten years.

And Kapdel firmly believes that this time, he will be able to break all the records of his predecessor, and even stay stationed at Lazera Post for a long time!

As long as he can persist, Kapdel will be the "God of War!"

Don't laugh, this is the standard by which they judge the "God of War"!

It's better than anyone who can persist in being a bitch at the border for a longer time!

Carrying Kapdel's hope of becoming the "Military God", a force of more than 200 divine beasts approaching Lazera Post quietly moved out in the night.

It has to be said that in terms of physical fitness, the mythical beast troops are still qualified.

That night, this mythical beast troop climbed up the mountain and detoured far away, finally avoiding the sight of the soldiers at the outpost, and finally arrived at the only way to get off the Lazera outpost before dawn.

Looking at the mythical beast troops not far away, sitting or lying down, not caring about their military appearance.

The soldiers at Lazera Post were lost in thought.

Are these people here to "perform"?

But looking at the divine beastman not far away, he suddenly took out the planks he carried with him and began to build a building.

The border guard squad leader, who was used to seeing this kind of scene, suddenly became piercing in his eyes!

Because he knows that once the mythical beast troops make such a move, it means that he is not simply "being cheap", but is preparing to stay in this area for a long time!

It's easy to say that it's a shameful behavior.

After all, if people are willing to climb mountains, we can't stop them, right?

If you simply climb up, wait for the Yanguo border guards to respond, and then roll down in despair, that's it.

But this kind of behavior of building buildings and trying to declare one's "sovereignty" is undoubtedly an inversion of the Yan Kingdom's border defense forces!

"Report the information to the company immediately and let them handle it!"


After finishing the explanation, the border guard squad leader glanced at the sacred beast troops who were working very hard, and then looked at the corner of the post.

A hint of worry flashed across the border squad leader's eyes!

There isn't much food left in Lazera Post.

In this case, supplies will definitely not be delivered until these group of divine beasts are driven away.

Thinking of this, the border guard squad leader tightened his belt, determined to fight a protracted war with the group of divine beasts on the opposite side!

This is the awareness and belief that every border guard who spends three hours and risks his life to "climb" to Lazera Post for duty has!

In the land of Yan country, no inch of land will be given away!

This is the life creed that every plateau border guard regards as a guideline!

"What? The mythical beast is being mean again?"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it."

"In this way, you have your people guard the outside and don't let these bastards of mythical beasts run deeper."

"We will deal with the specific situation when we are in place."

"You also know that you picked a Lazera outpost, and you thought I couldn't get there, right?"

"Haha, they hit the barrel of a gun this time!"

Communicate the situation with the head of the border defense group.

Huang Ce's expression suddenly became extremely excited, and his whole body revealed the eagerness to show off after getting a new "toy"!

It is true that the Lazera Post is more than 4,000 meters above sea level, coupled with the extremely dangerous terrain. For the armored forces, it is nothing more than an invisible "towering sky."

In this position, the armored troops of the divine beasts cannot move up, and neither can the armored troops of the Yan Kingdom.

But from this moment on, the "situation" went backwards!

The bandits cannot go, but I can go!

"Old Ye, there's a situation at Razela Post!"

"15 Pull it up gently and test it. How about it?"

Upon hearing this, Section Chief Ye, who had quietly reached the maximum level of his 15-level driving skill, nodded silently.

Equipment like this must be tested!

Where are the tests different?

A few minutes later, Section Chief Ye personally drove a 15 light tank, followed closely by Huang Ce. Together with the remaining three 15 light tanks used for teaching, they set off at high speed towards the location of the Lazera post. !

Section Chief Ye is very curious now.

What will be the reaction of the group of beastmen opposite who like to be mean-spirited when they see the Type 15 light main battle tank, which is like a divine weapon descending from the sky!

This was the first move made by the mythical beast. There was no time for him to slowly bring up the T72 and T90 and use them as "fixed turrets!"

On the other side, the commander of the divine beast present was desperately directing his soldiers to build a simple outpost.

The soldiers at Lazera Post and the border guard company not far away just watched silently as the divine beasts "amused themselves."

Fix it, fix it.

Don't look at the joy of cultivating the divine beasts now.

When Team Leader Ye and others arrive, the scene will turn into a race to see who can run~


Accompanied by the commander of the border defense company, he gave an order.

All the soldiers in the camp, holding Hindu Kush knives, have completed their formation!

After a while, the commander of the mythical beast looked at the Yanguo border guards striding towards him, feeling a little timid and about to escape.

But he saw that the number of people on the other side was not even a fraction of his own.

Seeing this, the Divine Beast Commander immediately gained courage and was about to show off his bravery as a commander.

I heard the sound of an engine coming from far away, gradually ringing in my ears!

Wait until the Divine Beast Commander has a clear look at the slowly approaching 15 Qing.

This mythical beast commander who was full of lofty ideals just a second ago turned around and ran away!

That's really a great achievement!

Even the mythical beast soldiers nearby can't catch up!

"Oh my God!"

"How did the Yanguo people drive up the Type 99A tank!"

The second update is here today!

Asking for a monthly ticket!

The author has gone to bed. The update should not be at this time tomorrow, and the update will be guaranteed to be 10,000 words.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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