My Master Knows Just a Bit About Everything

Chapter 684

The saints of the original tribe looked at the saints surrounding them. They were shocked, angry, and full of discomfort.

Are these monks preparing to rob their original tribe?

He is the Holy One!

The Saint is the most powerful existence. When will the Saint be robbed?

However, right now, these monks are really not something that their original tribe can resist.

These are three time survivors. Although we don’t know how many saints there are in the other big sect, according to the guesses of Zhangjie Saint, those three time survivors, each of the big sects, has at least seven or eight saints, and even Able to reach ten saints.

And in their original tribe, he was the only saint, how could he stop him!

Once upon a time, he was the strongest being in the Eastern Immortal Cultivation World and ruled this side of the Immortal Cultivation World. However, now someone came to rob him.

Now, he could only hold back the anger in his heart and said, "I don't know, what resources do you want?"

"We need more resources." Saint Shijin said, taking a step closer to the Saint of the original tribe, and then said, "I know that big forces like you all have treasure troves.

You take us to your treasure house, and then open the treasure house for us to take a look at, and then we select the resources. "

All around, several other time survivors heard the sound and lit up one after another.

The Saint of Time's face turned livid in an instant. Originally, he thought that if the other party robbed him, the lion would definitely open his mouth. If possible, then give the other party some resources to keep peace.

As a result, these time survivors are no longer a problem for the lion to open his mouth.

They want to swallow everything!

Open the treasure house?

If the treasure house is really opened, can the resources inside be retained?

"Everyone, although I am the true patriarch of the original tribe, I cannot open the treasure house of our original tribe by myself." The saint of the original tribe could only find reasons not to show the treasure house to the other party.

"You can't open it?" Saint Shijin suddenly sneered. He didn't even cover it up and said directly: "He thinks we don't know the situation of your original tribe?

I'm not afraid to tell you that I met a monk from your original tribe before and conducted a soul search on him. I know the situation of your original tribe very well.

Aboriginal people, you have always had the final say, and you have the final say here.

Don't look for those excuses, now, take us to open the treasure house. "

As he spoke, murderous intent was already pouring out of his face.

However, the face of the original tribe became even more ugly. The other party actually blocked his face and said so easily that he had captured the monks of their original tribe to search for their souls. This clearly showed that they did not take him seriously.

Moreover, now, the other party is even less of a direct threat.

The Saint of the Original Clan shook his head again and said in a deep voice: "You should go to the Saint of Zhangjie to discuss this matter first.

When the Zhangjie Saint planned to set up a large formation, our original tribe had already devoted a lot of resources. "

The Saint of Time Ember didn't wait for the Saint of the Original Clan to finish speaking, then interrupted directly: "So? What does this have to do with us? It's your problem that you give them resources.

Or do you think that our three races are not as strong as the ancient human race when we join forces, so you want to reject us? "

As the words of the Saint of Time fell, several other saints of the Time Survivor Clan around him began to exude a cold aura.

For a time, the void they caused was shaking continuously, as if this world might not be able to withstand their pressure at any time and completely collapse.

"That's not what I meant." The saint of the original tribe spoke quickly with his thoughts flashing, "It's just that we are Eastern monks after all, and Eastern monks are headed by the ancient human race. If you ask us for resources, we also need to ask Let’s talk about the meaning of the ancient human race.”

Now, he can still move the Saint of the Zhangjie out. After all, among the Eastern monks, the strongest one is the ancient human race, the Saint of the Zhangjie.

In fact, the most hateful thing is the Saint Zhangjie. Although their Eastern Cultivation World has no alliance and has not elected a leader, but since the Saint Zhangjie appeared, their Eastern Cultivation World has been led by Saint Zhangjie.

At the beginning, the Zhangjie Saint said that resources were needed to refine the formation, and all tribes also contributed resources, especially their original tribe who contributed the most resources.

Later, no matter what the Saint Zhangjie said, they did it.

But now, when these monks came to the door, the Zhangjie Saint ran away directly. Before running, he seemed to have tacitly agreed with these monks to rob other tribes.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to open the treasure house of their original clan to these monks.

Those are the resources that his original tribe has collected over endless years. Why should they be given to other monks in vain? What's more, when the immeasurable calamity comes, he also needs resources, and he doesn't want to die!

However, now we are not giving resources to the other party...

Will the other party take action?

Take action at this time?

Just as he was hesitating, a cold murderous intent hit him head on. The Saint of Time was filled with murderous aura, as if he was about to take action at the next moment.

On the side, a Saint from the Time Survivor Clan lightly patted Saint Shi Jin and said with a smile: "There is no need for this. It doesn't matter if he doesn't tell us, we can just go find it ourselves."

As soon as his words fell, other time survivors around him also sneered. The Saint of Time also realized what he was talking about with the Saint of the Original Clan. Just go find them directly. With so many saints, even if the opponent's treasure house has a large formation, they can easily break through it.

The saint of the original tribe changed his face when he heard this, and shouted: "You can't do this. We have just discussed that we must face the dangers that will come in the future together, face the countless killings, and don't kill each other.

You guys are like this..."

After Saint Shi Jin reacted, he suddenly laughed ferociously: "What about us? We did not kill your monks, we just went to get some resources. Of course, if you stop us, we can only hurt you first.

Don't worry, we only hurt you, we won't kill you, and it doesn't count as killing each other. "

"You..." The original saint was instantly speechless.

The voice of the Saint of Time continued to sound: "Now, you have two choices. One is to take us to your treasure house yourself, and the second is to let us find your treasure house ourselves, and then transfer all the treasure houses Empty them all.

However, we don't know where your treasure house is. If we destroy something when we go to look for it, don't blame us for not reminding you. "

The saint of the original tribe was almost furious. The other party was threatening him, but he had no way to do it. If he really let the other party look for it everywhere, their original world would be destroyed.

"You... are very good. I will take you to the treasure house in our original world, but it's only this time. Don't come to our original world again in the future!"

After he said that, he stopped looking at these time survivors, got up and flew towards the distance.

Not long after, he flew to the back mountain.

At the same time, it is also a forbidden area for their original tribe, a forbidden area that only he can enter!

In the forbidden area, you can see a series of connected treasure troves.

"As expected of them, they were once the most powerful clan in the Eastern Immortal Cultivation World. This treasure house is really rich!"

"Everyone, let's choose for ourselves. There are nine treasure houses in total here. It just so happens that we can choose one treasure house!"

None of the time survivors paid any attention to the saints of the original tribe, and they even did not pay attention to the great formation here.

However, the saint of the original tribe was furious and loudly said: "You agreed, you only choose a part of the resources. These are all the resources of our tribe. If you take them all, what will be left for our tribe?

Even if you leave us three treasure houses. "

These saints from the time remnant clan still ignored the saints from the original clan. Not to mention the three treasure houses, they did not leave even one treasure house behind.

They each took away the resources from the three treasure houses, and then flew to other worlds. They also wanted to go to other worlds to plunder resources.

"Damn the remnants of time, the damn ancient human race."

The original saint cursed twice, turned around and entered his cave, and then went all the way down.

Under his cave, there is a treasure house.

This was a treasure house that he specially prepared after the ancient humans appeared. He prepared it for the ancient humans. He was worried that the ancient humans would snatch his resources, so he hid all the resources suitable for him in this treasure house.

Even so, he was still filled with resentment at the fact that so many resources had been taken away.

"The most important thing now is how to stop the immeasurable murderous calamity."

After Cao Zhen attended this meaningless meeting, he returned to Baifeng Sect.

He didn't know when the immeasurable killing calamity would come, and he had no certainty that he could break through and become a saint before the immeasurable killing calamity.

The monks of the Baifeng Sect also know the difficulties they are facing now. Each of them has retreated into seclusion, gained enlightenment, and some have begun to travel around the world.

Wen Shuhua and Shen Pingyi once again traveled together. When they had their breakthrough, they were walking together, observing the world together, and feeling the breakthrough in their hearts.

This time, they traveled again.

Before, they had traveled through the entire Eastern Cultivation World, but now, seeing the Eastern Cultivation World again, seeing the lives of monks and mortals again, seeing the same scenery and the same world, it was a different kind of perception. .

Today's world is undoubtedly much more chaotic than before. Especially, the arrival of those time remnants.

The Time Relics first robbed the original world, and then began to rob the monks of world after world, frantically plundering resources.

Of course, they avoided the vast world of ancient humans, tentacles, and humans.

Wen Shuhua looked at the devastation in front of him and sighed: "Our entire Eastern Immortal World is in chaos because of them. They are robbing here, but they do not enter the Western Immortal World, because all the Western Immortal World belongs to the Tentacle Clan. turf.

In the Eastern Immortal Cultivation World, we are fighting on our own. If we unite together, those time survivors will not dare to abuse resources everywhere even if they want to come. "

"Indeed, but similarly, if our Eastern Immortal World and the Tentacle Clan in the West unite together.

Those time survivors will still take action. After all, we are going to face countless murders and calamities. They need resources, and in the end they will choose a world where it is easier to take action.

After all, both the Eastern and Western Immortal Cultivation Worlds are so vast, and it is impossible for us to completely block them.

In comparison, our Eastern Immortal Cultivation World is still not as strong as the Tentacle Clan, and they will still attack us. "

Shen Pingyi also made a slight sound. His name is Pingyi, which means Ping Ping Yi.

Although these alien races have not invaded their human world now, they are still alien races that have invaded their side of the universe.

But defeating the opponent?

He is only a quasi-sage, but the other party has many saints.

Or my cultivation is too weak.

Shen Pingyi looked into the distance. He looked at the suffering in the world, but his heart was full of emotion. He seemed to feel something vaguely.

Suddenly, at the next moment, a picture appeared around him, and he played a musical instrument almost at the same time.

Whether it is him or Wen Shuhua, they have traveled around the world more than once, but what they see more is the beauty of the world. Even if they have seen the ruins after the war, within the ruins, among the destroyed cities Among them, every mortal or monk is still full of expectations for the future.

This time it was completely different. They were about to face unknown dangers, and all the monks and mortals were full of despair.

Especially those monks, even more so than mortals.

After all, these mortals have a limited lifespan, and what many mortals are more worried about is not themselves, but their descendants.

But monks are different. There are too many monks who can live for tens of thousands of years.

They still have a lot of life left, but as a result, they have to face terrifying and countless killings.

Even those saints had no confidence in surviving this immeasurable killing calamity, let alone them.

Compared to mortals, they are actually more afraid of death.

Cao Zhen was looking for a way to break through among the hundreds of peaks. He even sent out his clones to go to all parts of the human world and everywhere in the world, trying to find opportunities for a breakthrough.

But no matter how he practiced, how he realized, how he thought, he could never take that last step.

Over the years, he has reorganized everything he has experienced in the universe.

But he still hasn't made a breakthrough.

On the other hand, his disciples made breakthroughs one after another, first Wen Shuhua and Shen Pingyi, then Linghu Lonely, Tang Xiaorui, Ruoyun, Yisheng and even Zhu Peng, but he still had no breakthrough.

Later, during this period, his two wives, Li Ke and Guanyue, also broke through.

On the contrary, Lingxi, Yan Yourong, Xiang Ziyu, Beiyan, Duoduo and Xingchenzi did not make a breakthrough.

The six of them have one thing in common, and that is the ancient immortal body.

It stands to reason that they were able to break through and become quasi-sages in the first place. It was not his disciples who helped them, but his disciples who broke through the shackles themselves.

Therefore, these disciples of his should be able to continue to break through the shackles, and they will not be unable to break through just because they are ancient immortal bodies.

The reason why they haven't been able to break through so far is probably the same as him.

They were too strong when they were quasi-sages.

The stronger it is, the harder it is to break through.

Outside the vast world of the human race, in addition to the Earth Time Sect, the other three major Time Relics have all gathered together.

"Everyone, now, we have plundered all the world we can plunder, not to mention the tentacle tribe in the west.

You all also know that there is only one race in the Western Immortal World, and the Secret Eye Saint of the Tentacle Clan is extremely mysterious and powerful. There is no need for us to provoke the Tentacle Clan.

There are only two worlds left that we have not grabbed for resources. One is the ancient human race. Although the saints of the ancient human race combined are not as many as us.

However, their strength is not weak, especially the Zhangjie Saint, who has not shown all his strength.

There is no need for us to trouble the ancient human race. On the contrary, this human race, although they have two quasi-sages, have the strength of saints. The remaining quasi-sages are also extremely strong, but the monks from our three major religions combined are not something they can resist.

Those human races can have so many masters, so naturally there will be no shortage of them.

So, now, let’s go to the vast world of the human race! "

All around, the monks nodded and flew into the vast world of the human race.

Naturally, it is impossible for the three great religions to dispatch all the saints, but this time, the total number of saints they dispatched is eighteen, and it happens that one great religion has sent out a saint.

With so many saints entering the human world, Cao Zhen and others instantly noticed something strange within the Baifeng Sect.

"So many saints are the survivors of time!"

Cao Zhen walked out of the cave with an ugly expression. Over the years, he had also heard about what those Time Relics had done, but he was always looking for a breakthrough. Moreover, those Time Relics did not attack their human race, or even attack them. In the world where their human race lives, other races take action.

So he ignored these time survivors.

The first thing he needs to do now is to make a breakthrough, but now, these time survivors have entered the vast world of their human race.

Judging from what these time survivors have done before, it is obvious that they want to rob their human race of resources.

He has no control over other places, but in their world, any monk must abide by their rules.

Cao Zhencai had just walked out of the cave, and in his sight, Xiang Ziyu and others were already flying towards him.

"Let's go see what they're going to do."

Cao Zhen said, his heart moved, he thought of something, and said: "Li Ke, Yisheng, don't release your breath for the time being, wait for the right time, you will appear again."

After saying that, he moved and led the rest of the people to fly in the direction where the time survivors appeared.

In the endless desert, within the Earth Time Sect, every monk looked up at the void in the distance.

"Master, the time survivors from the other three major religions are here. They obviously want to rob the human race of resources. Why don't we take action?"

A disciple of Earth Time Sect couldn't help but said: "They have plundered a lot of resources over the years, but we have not plundered any resources."

He really couldn't understand why they didn't plunder resources like other time survivors.

"We have enough resources. If we use more resources, we won't be able to digest them. Instead, it will waste time. If we have that time, it is better to practice faster.

I know what you want to say. Do you want to say that resources will be needed in the future?

Let’s wait until we survive the immeasurable calamity.

What's more, I don't believe that the Baifeng Sect, with its quasi-sage ability and such a special sect, is really like the version we know, where the strongest one is just a quasi-sage.

It just so happens that the other three great religions are coming to cause trouble for the human race. We can wait and see what happens. "

At the edge of the human world, the saints of the three great sects of the Time Relics had just entered when they felt figures flying towards them rapidly, and they simply stopped.

Not long after, seven human figures appeared in their sights.

"Among the seven human races, there is a saint. Among the remaining six human races, two have the combat power of the saint."

"Nothing to worry about."

"They actually only sent a few people here. There must be their clan leader here. So let's take down their clan leader first. When the time comes, are we afraid that they won't give us resources?"

Each time bereaved family member made an instant decision.

After Cao Zhenfei landed, he looked at the eighteen monks opposite and said with a cold expression: "Come here, what are you doing in the vast world of our human race?"

On the opposite side, the expressions of the Time Relics suddenly turned ugly. This Immortal Lord Baifeng actually spoke to them in a questioning tone. He didn't even address you all!

In this case, they have nothing to be polite about, not to mention that they are here to plunder resources.

Saint Shi Jin said directly: "Come and get some resources. You are the leader of the human race. It just so happens that you inform your human monks and send all your resources."

"Need resources? Why do we, the human race, give you resources? Instead, it is you, you three great time survivors, who came to our universe. Your great teachers want to take away the resources of our Eastern Cultivation World. It is you who need to give resources. , not us.

Now that you are here, it is just right that your great religion will give us half of its resources. "

As soon as his words fell, across the way, the time survivors burst out laughing as if they had heard the funniest joke in the world.

"You're asking us for resources?"

"Master Baifeng, are you going crazy?"

"It's a joke. You humans don't want to keep half of the resources at all. Everyone, first capture the clan leader of the human race. Then, see if the human race will devote all their resources to their clan leader. come out."

"Do it!"

As these two words fell, the auras of the Saints of the Time Relics suddenly erupted. They were eighteen Saints, and there was no possibility of these human beings blocking them.

But their aura had just exploded, and the next moment, waves of terrifying aura came from not far away.

Every breath is no weaker than any of their existences.

And they are saints, so these are also the breaths of saints.

Human race, and saints!

These are ten breaths, and there are ten saints in the human race!

When did they have so many saints?

At the same time, above the Dishi Sect's mountain gate, the leader of the Dishi Sect also felt the aura coming from the distance.

"The aura of the human race, the number of these saints, are so many!

This is... a total of ten saints!

They had only one saint before, but in just about a hundred years, they actually gave birth to nine more saints.

Moreover, all of these saints are quasi-sages who have appeared before, and they have all made breakthroughs.

Now it’s interesting.

These saints of the human race were invincible quasi-sages when they were quasi-sages. Two of them could compete with one saint.

Now that they have become saints, they are not just ordinary saints.

Moreover, there are obviously so many saints in the human race. If they let these saints appear from the beginning, the three major religions will definitely not take action.

The human race themselves knew this, so they asked ten monks to hide, probably because they were ready to take action.

Let's go and take a look, maybe there will be a war. "

Under the leadership of the leader of the Earth Time Cult, the saints of the Earth Time Cult set off one after another and flew towards the distance.

At the edge of the human world, in just a blink of an eye, Li Ke, Yi Sheng and others had already flown to Cao Zhen's side.

Cao Zhen told them before that he wanted them to wait, but he did not specify when he wanted them to take action.

But now, with the other party exuding such aura, it was obvious that they were going to take action. How could they continue to wait.

They had come nearby quietly, and now they were all saints, flying so fast, but when they flew down, spells flew out of the void, heading towards Cao Zhen. Bomb away.

Now that they have decided to take action, they will not stop. No matter what, Cao Zhen is the leader of the human race, and there is nothing wrong with taking Cao Zhen first.

In an instant, one after another flew out and fell, all heading towards Cao Zhen.

The immortal energy in Cao Zhen's body had already stirred up. The moment the opponent took action, his whole aura also climbed to its peak. In an instant, time and space converged around him.

The next moment, in the void, there was an extremely huge and towering Time Relic, with frost gathering around its body.

His eyes were shining and as cold as ice, and he was wielding a slender sword that was extremely inconsistent with his body shape.

In an instant, a terrifying cold air quickly spread. This air was so cold that it seemed to be able to freeze the souls of all the monks in this world.

The impact of cold air instantly formed a terrifying frost storm. The temperature of this world suddenly dropped, and countless snowflakes fell in the void.

The cold storm swept across and touched the overlapping time. In an instant, it seemed as if they had entered another world, without causing any waves at all.

The expressions of many monks from the Time Relict Clan suddenly changed. Many of them had only heard that the Human Race's Immortal Lord Hundred Peaks had the fighting power of a saint, but they had never seen him fight.

Now it seems that this Hundred Peaks Immortal Lord does not just have the combat power of a saint, he is more powerful than an ordinary saint.

But, so what, he is still going to die!

The next moment, a strong wind blew in the void, and the strong winds gathered together to form a huge wind sword and stabbed towards Cao Zhen.

Then, the wind sword pierced into the gathering time and space. This time, time and space finally changed.

It seems that the time and space gathered together cannot withstand the continuous impact of power, and it fluctuates crazily.

The next moment, another thunderbolt fell in the void.

The time and space that had gathered together finally couldn't bear the impact of the thunder and suddenly shattered.

At the same time, there was an extremely terrifying aftermath that surged around.

The power of this aftermath is so strong that when it collides with the spells released by many saints, it can even significantly weaken the spell power of some saints.

At the same time, the aftermath also hit Cao Zhen, and Cao Zhen's body was inevitably hit and flew backwards.

Xiang Ziyu and others already knew the master's methods. As soon as time and space exploded, they cast spells one after another to block the aftermath of the impact. Even so, even though they were the top quasi-sages, they were still affected by this. The aftermath was extremely embarrassing.

As Cao Zhen's cultivation level continues to improve, after his overlapping time and space is shattered, the aftermath will become even more terrifying.

Even so, there are too many saints on the other side.

Eighteen saints took action at the same time. After the collision with the opponent's spell, all the aftermath dissipated without hurting the opponent at all. At the same time, although the power of the opponent's spell was weakened, it still fell in his direction. Come.

The next moment, in the void, balls of hot flames, ice, thunder, and music suddenly swept over.

Li Ke, Yi Sheng and others finally arrived.

Although there are eighteen saints in the Time Relics Clan, their attacks were all blocked by ten people from Li Ke.

It was indeed them!

For a moment, the faces of the monks from the Time Relics became serious.

Although they have never seen these human monks before, they have been in this universe for hundreds of years and have heard about the deeds of these monks.

In particular, the human race had some powerful quasi-sages before. Two quasi-sages could defeat one saint. How could they not pay attention to them.

What's more, although they have never seen these human monks, some monks from other races still know Li Ke and the others.

In order to learn more about this side of the universe faster, they often look for monks from other tribes to search for souls.

They could easily identify these people.

These monks, without exception, are all those quasi-sages who are said to be able to block a saint with two of them.

Although it seems that there is only one step between the quasi-sage and the saint, this step is like a chasm.

If two quasi-sages can block one saint, they must be the top quasi-sages.

At least, when they were quasi-sages, let alone two who could block a saint, even if there were four, five, or even more quasi-sages, they had no confidence that they could block a saint.

When they were quasi-sages, they were definitely not as powerful as those quasi-sages of the human race.

Nowadays, these quasi-sages of the human race have broken through and become saints. I am afraid they will be stronger than ordinary saints!

Leave here first?

Although they were more numerous, with eighteen saints, at this moment, they thought of leaving.

They just want to grab some resources, not to fight each other.

After all, they don’t know when the immeasurable murderous calamity will break out. At that time, they will also need the strong men from this side of the universe to fight with them against the immeasurable murderous calamity.

Several monks looked at each other, and after discovering each other's intentions, they turned around and flew away into the distance.

But just as they made a move, a sound containing endless killing intent rang out.

"You took the initiative to attack my husband, and now you want to leave?"

Li Ke shouted coldly, and flames gathered in her body.

Immediately, the monks from the Time Relics turned their heads and looked over.

These Time Relics come from three different great religions, and are three different races. The monks of one of them are obviously taller than the ordinary human race, and much taller than the other two Time Relics, but they are monks of the same clan, and their bodies are The colors are different.

Among them, a tall monk with a red body turned to stare at Li Ke and said in a grim voice: "What? Do you still want to keep us?"

As he spoke, he glanced at the group of human monks behind him and said, "We are leaving now, not because we are afraid of you.

I know that you are very strong. When you were quasi-sages, you could be called invincible existences. Although it will not take long for you to become saints now, your strength should not be weak.

However, we come from three great religions, and we are still the relics of time! We can travel through the long river of time and avoid countless killings. We are stronger than you think.

Now, what you see is not the full strength of our three great religions.

We are leaving now because we think your strength is pretty good and we don’t want to conflict with you.

After all, after the immeasurable murderous calamity comes, we also need your strength to work with us to stop the immeasurable killing calamity.

We are leaving now, for our sake and for yours. "

Cao Zhenwei couldn't help but sneer: "What a joke. Now that you see so many saints on our side, you still need us to resist the immeasurable calamity with you in the future!

What about before? Why don't you think that we can fight against the immeasurable calamity with you? "

Just as the flaming-red monk was about to speak, on one side, a similarly tall monk with turquoise body spoke first: "Because the strength you showed before was too weak, and you can't do much to help."

"We can't help. The strength we showed before is that there are two monks with the strength of saints, one saint, and more than a dozen others. It can be said that they are quasi-sages with half the strength of saints.

You actually said we can't help?

To put it bluntly, you can't see that the number of saints on our side has increased. You don't want to fight, so you want to leave. You have robbed the resources of our various ethnic groups in the East and have no shame at all. Now, why do you need to show it again? It's so hypocritical, why bother standing up for it!

Of course, it's not impossible for you to leave if you want.

As I said before, bring resources, take out the resources of each of your major religions, and I can naturally let you leave. "

"Half the resources?"

When a group of monks from the Time Relict Clan heard Immortal Lord Bai Feng mention half of the resources again, they all looked at it as if they were looking at a madman or a fool.

"Baifeng Immortal Lord, you have to know that the reason why we don't want to conflict with you is because we don't want to waste too much the power of the masters in this universe.

However, this does not mean that we will be afraid of you.

You must know that saints are also different from saints, and in each of our great religions, there are top saints. "

"Yes, there are indeed differences between saints and saints. I want to see how strong your saint is!

Are we not going to provide resources now? Then stay. "

As Cao Zhen spoke, a sharp sword appeared in his hand. The next moment, he moved and stabbed directly towards a monk holding a long stick.

Although what these time survivors robbed before was not their human race, they were also their eastern monks, and those resources were the resources of their eastern immortal world.

The other party has robbed so many resources from their cultivation world, how could they keep pretending that they didn't see it.

What's more, the other party has already taken action against the human race, and they have taken action against him. If Li Ke, Yisheng and the others had not broken through, perhaps he would have been injured and the human race would have been robbed.

Then it was even more impossible for him to let these monks leave.

Cao Zhen stabbed with his sword. There was only light shining on the long sword, but there was no such terrifying momentum in this sword.

Ever since the grand master told him to restrain his strength, he has been trying.

In fact, his overlapping of time and space is a kind of restraint of power, but he does not let all the power enter his body, but concentrates it within a certain range.

And the swordsmanship he practiced was greatly influenced by the martial arts immortal He Lian Baitian. He Lian Baitian was not actually a monk, because He Lian Baitian did not cultivate immortal energy or mana.

Helian Baitian is a mortal, and Helian Baitian's sword is actually a kind of restrained power.

It is also easier for his sword to contain its power.

As soon as the sword fell, the face of the monk holding the long staff suddenly became extremely solemn.

The other party actually condensed his power to such an extent, which was something he had never reached!

Looking at the sword that seemed to have little power and might not even be able to penetrate the mountains, he concentrated on it, and the aura in his body instantly rose to the extreme.

Suddenly, he roared angrily. It was just a violent roar, but it caused the surrounding void to stir wildly.

Then, he waved the long golden stick in his hand.

In an instant, a strong wind blew up.

The surrounding air buzzed because of the terrifying power brought about by the swing of the golden stick.

The friction between the long stick and the air caused even more light to shine out.

A majestic energy burst out from his side, and the surrounding clouds instantly collapsed.

At this moment, his entire body seemed to turn into a gust of wind, and as he moved, a terrifying whirlpool of power was created.

And the long stick was like a vast galaxy, sweeping in, as if it was going to blast the whole world into dust.

However, such a blow hit Cao Zhen's black long sword. The next moment, the long stick suddenly rebounded, and at the same time, his body flew back uncontrollably.

Cao Zhen's body just swayed for a moment, and then he quickly caught up. The long sword passed by, and the terrifying vortex of power was even broken by the sword in an instant and disappeared without a trace.

In the distance, a group of saints from the Dishi Sect had just flown to this area and happened to see the sword stabbing them. For a moment, even as saints, they took a breath of cold air.

It is terrifying enough for a quasi-sage to be able to compete with a saint.

But now, this quasi-sage has the upper hand with just one sword strike!

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