My Mistress is a Reincarnated Person!!

Chapter 7 – First Quest

As I was clearing up some doubts related to the system,


‘So, how much exactly does the boost increase my learning speed?’



Depending on your willpower, anywhere between three to ten times.



‘Wow that’s quite a lot. So I could theoretically learn as much as I would in a day in 2-3 hours?’






‘That’s so cool. I think I should try to learn a variety of skills, instead of mastering a few. That way, if Aria ever needs something, I would be able to provide at least the basic necessities’


‘How will I get more quests in the future?’



Normally, systems possess a predetermined quest line. But in your case, quests are auto-generated solely based on the needs of your mistress.



‘That’s convenient’


In the following two weeks, my routine was quite hectic. I used every opportunity to work around the mansion to improve my skills.

Moreover, the effects were visible, I was learning new stuff at an astronomical pace. Due to the visible results, I got the drive to push myself a bit more.

Due to my sudden change in behavior, the butler thought I was being bullied by the other maids. I cleared up the misunderstanding and continued to work to produce the maximum output.

By the way, my relationship with the other maids worsened after Aria opened my eyes.

I started to ignore them and only talked to them if absolutely necessary, which led them to believe I was getting arrogant. But why would I care? I don’t need to explain myself to anyone except Aria. So, I didn’t bother to clear things out with the maids.


So that’s basically how my time went for the last two weeks, I learnt quite a lot of skills in this period, namely



Skills –

Choose a Master – Lvl 10

Hair-Dressing – Lvl 6

Clothing – Lvl 3

Cleaning – Lvl 3

Cooking – Lvl 2

Etiquette – Lvl 3

Washing – Lvl 2

Acting – Lvl 2

First Aid – Lvl 1

Poker Face – Lvl 2



No one who sees my skill page can tell that I didn’t know any of before three and a half months. I’m sure Aria will be proud.


‘So System, did I do well?’



Yes, according to your mistress’s satisfaction level. You might gain bonus SP as well.



‘Hmm, that’s great.


On the last day of the quest, I entered her room.


“There your 2 weeks are over, finally you got time to talk to your poor old mistress”


“Uhm… I was a little preoccupied. Sorry, it won’t happen again”


“Sigh, you are such a doofus. You realize that I never asked you to push yourself as hard as you did in the past two weeks? You didn’t do anything but work in the past two weeks. Moreover, you seemed to enjoy it so much that I couldn’t bear to stop you”

“Don’t push yourself too hard, okay?”


“I’m sorry to worry you, Aria. Now quickly check out my gains”


She opened her menu and inspected my skill page.


“Good job Letica! You did great. I’m amazed at how much you learnt. Come here”


Saying so, she pulled me onto the bed and sat with her legs extended. She patted her thighs, asking me to use them as pillow.


“Now be a good girl, and accept your mistress’s special reward”


She made me sleep on the bed while my head rested on her thighs. Her delicate hands running through my hair. I tried to struggle, but as soon as her hand touched my head, I gave in to the temptation and enjoyed every moment of the bliss.


How is she able to neutralize my struggle so effortlessly? Her hands are irresistible. I wish this moment would last forever.



Aria’s POV:

I sat on my bed, reading a book about basic magic, as I glanced at the adorable sleeping face of Letica.


This girl… She was so tired but still wanted to show me her new skills.

She worked non-stop for my praise. Oh god! I should have rebuked her earlier.

But when I tried to stop her, I saw her dedicated face. She was so focused on her work that I just couldn’t do it.

I thought she’d more than likely slow down after getting tired, but this idiot kept up the pace throughout the quest period.


Well, what’s done is done. I gotta make sure to force her to rest from time to time.


Time passed by, and after the initial 20 minutes, my legs started to hurt a little. So I gently switched my lap with a pillow and let her sleep to her heart’s content.


I was in the library, sitting in my usual spot, when I saw Letica come by.


“Woke up, sleepyhead?”


She nodded her head. God, she looks so adorable when her face is flushed.


“Contrary to your previous claims, you quite liked to be babied by me, huh?”


Upon hearing this, she started trembling out of embarrassment. Awww… you are making it even more difficult for me not to tease you.


“Anyway, I hope in the future you won’t push yourself as hard as you did”


“So, you leveled-up?”


“Hmm” She spoke sheepishly.


“Wow, that’s one generous system you got there. Normally people take at least a few months to collect enough EXP to level up for the first time”


“Un… and I received 200 SP from your bullying”


“Oh my, does my little girl want more ‘bullying’?”


“N.., no, I was just kidding mistress”


“You better be. Fumu..”


“The level up gave me one free stat point and 100 SP bonus. And some more minor incidents gave me the rest of SP”

“So I have 1 free stat points and 373 SP in total and these new shoes...”


She pointed towards her feet.


“Interesting… From what I gather, there is no recorded case of System having a Shop or some currency in it. I guess it’s exclusive to ‘S’ grade. Furthermore, your EXP gain is ridiculous as well”


“Good job, get your STR up for now. We’ll use the SP when we’ve accumulated enough”




“I’ll stay here until meal time. So, go and rest a bit more”


She left and I continued to busy myself with the books.


After a while, a wild thought came across my mind. And I thought about the possible relationship we might develop later on.

Same-sex couples are fairly common in this new world. That’s because pregnancy can also be achieved using some sort of magic (Of course, it’s a freaking Fantasy World). Making the Male-Female couple stereotypes a lot weaker than back on Earth.

I knew I was a lesbian in my past life as well. But I never got to experience a real relationship due to my life being cut short. Maybe this time around, everything can work out. I hope whatever happens, I never have to experience losing my family again. 



Letica’s Status:



Name – Letica

Level – 2 (20/50 EXP)

Sex – Female

Age – 10

Class – Pleasure Slave

Talent – A (S)

HP – 15/15

MP – 15/15


Stats –

STR – 8

AGL – 9

INT – 8

DEX – 11

CHA – 14


Skills (+)


Satisfaction Points – 373


Quest (+)


Shop (+)




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