My Mistress is a Reincarnated Person!!

Chapter 9 – Second Level-up (Letica’s POV)

After having breakfast, I asked the system about the quests and lowered reward EXPs.



These quests are repeatable. So the EXP reward isn’t as generous. The first quest was a special case. Now onwards, you can repeat these quests for a steady flow of EXP. And occasionally, you might get some more rewarding quests.

You should be more grateful, you are still gaining EXP really fast compared to anyone else in this region.



‘Ohh, is that so. cough cough



As usual, I cleaned her room until she returned.


“Let’s head outside. I am bored staying indoors”




We sat at her favorite place in the garden, under a large banyan tree. Sunrays, making their way through the dense branches of the trees, the branches falling through the branches, forming a sense of security around us. And lastly, the birds chirping over some distance created the soothing ambience to take your mind off from work and enjoy the moments of peace.


“Aria, do you mind if I ask you about your past life?”


“Not at all, but why only bring it up today?”


“I wanted to know all about you”


“Aww, how sweet… Let me tell you about my past life”

“So, where to begin…”


She began telling me stories about her past life. Her previous world didn’t have magic and stuff, but they were more advanced in that world. I didn’t quite get the word she used, but whatever. I’m dumb.

Carriages running without horses, but still travelling 10 times faster. Devices, that can can be used to see anything from anywhere in the world which even the common people can afford. Every person plays their part to contribute to society. She spoke about a lot of things. It made me curious, how can people advance so much even without the use of magic or skills. Perhaps, this system isn't a boon for humans, but a curse that's been restraining us from achieving whatever we desire. 

Then she started talking about her family and friends, her mom, dad, and elder brother. I could feel the pain in her voice. She must be missing her old life a lot.


I tried to change the topic,


“So tell me about 'net' you were talking about. I am very curious”


“The Internet was…”


We kept talking for a while, until meal time. Aria’s world sounded so beautiful. I wish I could experience it, but alas, it’s probably not possible.


I found her sitting in her usual spot in the library.


“My Lady, your parcel from ‘Gran Books’ has arrived, do you want me to bring it here?”


“Yes, that must be the books about ‘Magic Circuits’ I ordered a while ago, bring them here”


I delivered her the books and asked,


“My Lady, why did you need so many books about ‘Magic Circuits’, I heard the delivery boy say that these books are very complex and only useful for Scholars”


“I know, but in my past life I wanted to become an engineer. That, and I found these books fascinating. What’s the harm in reading even if I can’t develop a skill?”


“Of course, you can read whatever you desire, mistress. I didn’t mean it that way”


Just as I finished speaking, I saw the system screen lit up.


New Quest –

  • Help your Mistress achieve her goal:

Your Mistress desires ‘Talent’ from the ‘Scholar’ class, reach level 3 to gain a skill that shall grant her wish.



Skill – Talent Granter

10 EXP


Failure Penalty:





“Uhm… my Lady, you should check this out”


After reading the text on her screen,


“So you can gain a skill by completing this mission, and you are going to receive a class specific skill that is gained on every two levels anyway. I got to say, your system is something else”



After dinner, I once again entered Aria’s room.


“Come here Sweetie, change into these sleepwear, they are too long for me, but they will fit you perfectly”


I did what she asked and walked close to the large bed.


“Are you sure, Aria, that no one will scold me for sleeping with you, right?”


“Stop worrying so much. I asked dad to let you sleep here from now onwards”


“And he agreed?”


“I told him how close you are to me. So he had no choice if he didn't want me sneaking into your bed every night. heheh”

“He has no power over me. Hahah... If my mother was present, things might have been a bit hard. But I waited for her to leave, before striking ”


“Mmm… If you are sure, then fine”


I reluctantly lay on the side of her bed. Three or Four people like me could easily fit, given the size of the bed.

She pulled me close to her.


“You know what, I bet you’ve never heard any fairy tales before”


“What are those?”


“Let me tell you a story about a little girl with evil step-mothers and step-sisters…”


It seems I fell asleep, while hearing her story. I wonder if the prince found the poor girl.

Opening my eyes, they fell upon my sleeping Mistress. She was snuggled up close to me, with her arm around my back. Her embrace felt so comfortable that I didn’t want to get up.

But you gotta do what you gotta do.

So I quietly slipped past her embrace and started to prepare for my duties. I woke her up as usual and carried out the routine.



This continued on for a week. Aria taught me some games from her past life. We played some games, read some books, or even danced sometimes. The week went by in a flash.


After I collected my rewards from the quest, I was able to level up.



Congratulations on reaching level 3, Letica!

You have received the class-specific skill – *********

You have 1 unspent Stat Point.

//The skill will be locked until you've reached certain requirements



I asked Aria,


“Ohh, your class-specific skill is censored. I knew something like this would happen. Thank god, your system censored it”


“What do you mean, Aria?”


“Don’t worry about it, that’s an order. How do I say this? Uhm, I will tell you when you are older”


“Humph” I sulked.


“Trust me Letty, it’s for the better. Put your stat point in INT. I’ll need to teach you some basics of magic too. If your skill can grant me talent, I’ll need an assistant”




"And just to be safe, don't reveal your level to anyone else"


"I know"



The Quest Help your Mistress achieve her goal has been completed.



10 EXP, Skill Talent Granter have been added




Talent Granter:

You can exchange your SP to exchange it by increasing your Mistress’s Talent for only one selected class.


Cost for initiating talent in any class is 500 SP.

Cost for increasing D grade to C is 1000 SP.

Cost for increasing C grade to B is 5000 SP.

Cost for increasing B grade to A is 10000 SP.



Aria also checked the screen,


“Can you believe it? I can literally gain a fresh class. That is so OP”


“Glad to be of your service.”


“Try to buy Talent for Scholar class”


I browsed through the options,


“There is a class called ‘Magic Engineer’ under the Scholar class’s sub-category, it sounds similar to what I heard in your stories. Should I buy that instead?”


“That sounds so cool. Alright, do it”




I did so, and my SP got reduced. But nothing really happened.


“Thank you so much, Letty. I guess we will have to wait 1.5 years to see the results”


“Hmm” I nodded.


After Aria left, I noticed a few more notifications in the back.



I've got some news for you. I've been very generous with the EXP rewards until now, but that has to change.

I abused my authority as much as I could to give you more EXP. It seems I've been noticed by some minor gods. They are not a threat, but I'll have to tone it down.

So from now onwards, I'll have to reduce the EXP you gain from completing quests. But I'll make sure to compensate via SP. I hope you understand my predicament.



'Whaa... and here I was hoping to level-up faster, and earn Aria's praises'



Listen to yourself, you ungrateful brat! I'm trying my hardest here.



Wow! He can be really expressive sometimes...huh


'Humph, whatever. At least I'll gain more SP'


That was a long morning.



Letica’s Status:


Name – Letica (Letty)

Level – 3 (10/100 EXP)

Sex – Female

Age – 10

Class – Pleasure Slave

Talent – A (S)

HP – 20/20

MP – 20/20


Stats –

STR – 8

AGL – 9

INT – 9

DEX – 11

CHA – 14


Satisfaction Points – 121


Skills (+)


Quest (+)


Shop (+)



The censored skill is still undecided. I know the general direction I wanna take, but I'm open for suggestions. 

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