My next life as the Winter Fox? I just want a carefree life

3 – If you’re too smart for your own good, just die

After they decided to participate in the war, the four must learn the arts of battle. Regardless of how much hidden potential they possessed, they were originally regular high school students from the peaceful Japan. It would be impossible to fight Magic Beasts and Demons all of a sudden.


Saito on the other hand, was given a different treatment. Because he wasn't a Hero, they allowed him access to the library and various books. Perhaps he could be harvested on a different plane. Gathering information about the enemy or tactical advice. That's what the scholars thought.


Training and lectures started immediately.


First, each of the students were given a 12 cm x 7 cm silver plate. The students looked at the plates curiously. Knight Commander Arthur Faraway personally started to explain.


From the look of things, entrusting the “Hero Party” to some half-baked instructor was out of question, or so it seems. 


“Alright, did everyone get one? These plates are called the Status Plates. As the name implies, these plates will show your status in numerical value. It is the most reliable identity card. As long as you have this, it doesn’t matter even if you become a lost child. Any questions regarding the aforementioned?”


Basically, as long as the users allow it, the same information displayed by [Status] would be engraved on the plates.


“There is a magic circle carved on one side of the plate. Use a needle to pierce your finger, and drip a drop of your blood there. Then the owner of that plate will be registered."


So that is the case, the students nodded in understanding and frowned as they pierced their fingers with the needle. Then they smeared their blood on the magic circle. As a result, the magic circle flickered with a faint radiance for a split second. 


Saito did not receive a plate, but it was not his concern. If possible he would avoid trying to get mixed up in this. He also got the feeling that the Commander was looking at him as if looking after trash. 


"Alright. Now let's actually start with some combat."




Two weeks had passed since then, and slowly and steady, the natural talent of the four heroes started to show. They improved and learned combat at an impressive rate.


Saito on the other hand mostly ignored the lessons so far and dived into books. He was already deemed as worthless. Honestly, he could probably fight. Given a proper katana, the Nakajima sword style that was etched into his body and soul since he was four years old was superior to the knight's swordsmanship. But why should he fight for some unknown selfish stranger?


"Ah, Saito-dono. There you are."


"Is there anything I can help you with, Commander Arthur?"


"As a matter of fact, yes, there is. You see it will soon be time to take the heroes on an actual field exercise. But before that I would like you to come with me and give me an assessment on the location I plan to take them too."


"An assessment?"


"That's right. You came from the same world as them and by now you read many of our manuscripts. We want the training to be efficient, and you might be able to see something we can't."


He was extremely vague. Saito didn't like this at all, however to refuse would probably draw consequences on him. So reluctantly he agreed.




The place that Arthur took Saito was a dungeon. The inside of the dungeon was totally different to the bustling of the outside. There was no lamp at the five meter wide passage, yet it was emitting a dim light, it was possible to see to some extent even without any illumination magic or torches.  


At first Saito wanted to retort for bringing him in such a dangerous place and because it was just the two of them. However this dungeon was completely empty. Not a trace of magic beasts or monsters. Saito kept his guard up at all times. They went further and further inside until eventually they reached a large pit.


"We're here, Saito-dono. As I said earlier this dungeon is special. Take a look down there."


Although he couldn't see anything as the hole was too deep, he could hear various growls and howls.


"That looks really bad if someone were to fall."


"Hah. If only that were the case. You would be lucky if you just died from the fall. But various tunnels in the cave circulate air. Think of it as a small twister that will break your fall and you will land safely down. 


The real issue is what's down there. The dungeon coliseum."


"Can you please elaborate?"


"As you probably know at this point, a dungeon has a core. The core spawns monsters. But what's unique about this place is this coliseum. The monsters down there spawn infinitely, no matter how many you defeat."




"When one disappears, another one instantly spawns to take its place. Monsters constantly battle against each other and the only moment they stop is when an intruder steps inside. Then every single one will target that intruder."


"Commander, the theory is interesting, but I still don't understand my part in this? Are you trying to make me figure out why they spawn so fast? Or help locate the dungeon core? Moreover, are you really planning to bring the other four to such a dangerous place?"


"Of course not. What I need your help with is morale boosting. [Shock Bolt]!"




A streak of white lightning ran across Saito's body. He felt a great amount of pain like never before in his life. This was damage. His body went limp and fell on the ground.


"Commander… what the hell…?"


"You see, Saito-dono, I will have you die here. You're nothing more than a freeloader. Useless trash. You're also not doing anything else but reading, and you're not giving us any valuable feedback. We are sick of having to waste resources on you. But that doesn't mean you can't serve a purpose.


Your death will motivate the other heroes to grow even faster. Avenging a comrade… can you think of any better motivation?"


"You bastard… you'll never get away…"


"I already have. The heroes will believe anything we tell them. Anyway, Saito-dono, this is where we part. I'll give you one piece of advice. Try killing yourself once you're down there. It's going to be less painful than getting chewed by whatever creatures are lurking in there."


With those words, Commander Arthur tossed Saito in the dark pit. Saito's screams echoed until they became dimmer and dimmer. However, Arthur did not take one thing into consideration. A normal person would probably break and freak out due to events like this. Literally, the fire in their eyes would be put out. But for Saito, it was the opposite. The flames raging in him only became bigger. Saito fell into the abyss while looking upwards. He stretched his hand towards the light that gradually became dimmer……

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