My next life as the Winter Fox? I just want a carefree life

41 – Sacred treasure

For breakfast it was truly a feast. A very special squirrel meat was served along with the most delicious banana cream dessert I've ever tasted. It's good to be alive. And afterwards we decided to take a walk and explore.

"……For some reason, it is bustling, isn’t it?" (Stella)

"We’ll probably know the reason if we ask someone." (Yuki)

"Umu. Still, what is this uproar?" (Edel)

"Should we knock them out so you can have some silence?" (Sasha)

"That is not what I meant."

After a while I managed to see Legolas.

"Oi. You!"

"Ah. Honored guests. May I help you?"

"Yeah. What's with all this uproar? Is it something that happens everyday in the elven kingdom?"

"The singing and dancing are usual things. But, this time it's special. It is in celebration for the wedding after all."

"……What do you mean by wedding?"

"Of course, Princess Harmonia’s. It seems that the ceremony will happen the day after tomorrow but……Did you not know about it? Everyone has been speaking of it, you know?"

"Is it that quick!?"

The arrangements for even a normal wedding would take close to a year. Even if it was sped up, it would take about three months. It wouldn’t be strange for the wedding of royalty to have a preparatory period of several years. Not to mention that Elves lived long lives.

"Half a month has already passed since the king’s death. What do you think would happen if you didn’t water a flowering plant for half a month?"

"……Is that a reason to hurry it up? What a ridiculous story. Harmonia’s life isn’t just water for gardening."

"Hahahaha! You really do have a good sense of humor."

I'm not joking, though.

"By the way, let me ask something else then. Apparently there is a sacred artifact here in these lands. The Queen wouldn't stop blabbering about it. I want to see it."

"I'm afraid that's not possible. Only members of the royal family are allowed there. Please give up on that idea."

That just makes me want to check it out. 

"Anyway, please enjoy yourselves. There are many things you can indulge in. Music, plenty of drinks and food and even games. I'm sure you will find something that will suit your taste.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have other matters to attend to."

He's probably in charge of security for the wedding. Honestly everything is moving too fast. I mean sure, that just means I will get to eat everything I want sooner but for the first time, I don't like following my stomach. 

I instructed Yuki, Sasha and Stella to relax. Basically, have fun in whichever way they deemed fit. In the meantime I tried clearing my mind. 5 minutes later, a light tap on the shoulder.

"Huh? Oh. It's you, Lecia."

"That's right. Sorry for suddenly walking up to you. But can I have a moment of your time?"

"What is it? Speak."

"You are interested in the sacred artifact, right?"


"I can show it to you."

"Hmm? I thought only royal family are allowed there."

"Normally yes, but I was the king's personal bodyguard. There isn't a single place the king went without me. I have clearance."

"I hope you're not trying to get me in trouble."

"I'm just trying to show you some hospitality. Do you want to see it or not?"

Alright. She clearly has an ulterior motive. I'll bite for now.

"Fine. I'm game."

"Then please follow me."


I found myself in a dried field. The red, rust-colored ground continued on endlessly. It was cracked, and not even a single blade of grass grew on it. Even the sky was red. It wasn’t an evening glow, but it was covered by red clouds, and was dim. To get here we passed through an underground tunnel and when we came out it’s like we teleported to another continent altogether.

"What……is this place……?"

"The king simply called it ‘The End’ ".

“The End, huh? Weird choice of words.”

“Just remember not to tell anyone that I brought you here. Keep it a secret or else both of us are going to be in trouble.”

The ground came to an end. It was a cliff.

The ground was torn, and turned into a large valley. Although it was called a valley, the opposite site was distant to the point that it was blurry. And it was deep to the point that even with my keen vision I couldn’t see the bottom.

"Down there is the artifact!"

At the bottom of the valley, there was something pitch black.

At first, it seemed like water or something had accumulated, but that wasn’t the case. At its center, there was a mysterious orb. Cable shaped things crept around it. It seemed as if tens of thousands of serpents were squirming about.

The moment I tried to take a step inside…


Lecia’s warning came too late. Violent purple lightning gushed from the orb and was headed for me. I instantly jump backwards.

“Child’s play. Freeze!”

I waved my hand and the lightning froze in place. Yes. I literally froze lightning. If one were to witness this, they would see floating frozen vines in the air. They eventually crumbled though. Another attack did not follow.

“What the hell is that thing? I can sense pure evil coming from it.”

“A, amazing. You actually managed too…”

“Hey, earth to Lecia. Stop admiring me and answer my question. What sort of artifact is that thing?”

“Ah yes. That is… the core of the Demon King of Mind, Ygalima. That is the source, the one who brings about, the fire of life……The power to change this world…… to destroy it.”

“Demon King?”

I remember Remia’s story. Then again, I didn’t go into that many details. I assumed all these demon kings were actual beings, not orbs. My guard was up.

“Edelweiss-sama, calm down. It really is a Demon King, but it is sealed. Of course, if you get too close it will retaliate.”

"……So the “important thing” that the Elves were entrusted with by God, was about the Demon King."

"Indeed. If you look closer you can see the seal itself."

Several rings encircled the surroundings of the orb. They were like the rings of Saturn. 

“That seal looks indeed potent. For it to be able to bind such a force. Although it does look like it’s on the weak end.”

“Unfortunately that’s true. It won’t break today or tomorrow, but eventually if nothing is done, it will break and the Demon King will revive. The aspect of the mind is the most terrifying according to legends.”

"……I understand the reason why the Queen forced her daughter to get married, and is performing the wedding so hastily. The king is the only one who can restore the seal?"

“You are correct. There is no need to inform the citizens about this. Panic would only spread. If the Demon King would revive, it can potentially destroy the elven kingdom. And eventually the entire world would be ruined.”

I already saw how the army looks around here. They are weak. Not even one of them is close in skill to either Sasha or Stella. And they're 9 for crying out loud. There’s no doubt that if this guy would revive, everyone is going to die.

“Lecia. I just have one more question. This is most likely a secret of the royal family. Why did you show this to me, especially if you knew we could both get in trouble?”

“Edelweiss-sama, will you please listen to my request?”

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