My next life as the Winter Fox? I just want a carefree life

6 – When a fox meets a cat

“This place looks safe enough to try some magic. If I recall, I should have control over ice but… is it just enough to imagine it?”

My only knowledge of magic is from the books I read during my stay in the castle. But let’s give it a shot. I pointed my hand at a rock.

——Imagining it in detail is very important.

If I were to take into consideration the things that I learned inschool along with the configurations and chemical composition of ice, I should be able to make the image more concrete. 

I’ll try using the basic spell Frost Arrow. It was magic that would freeze the target. For its setting, ‘putting a brake on the molecules’ motion with magic, it makes them freeze’ is what should have been in the documents.

“Here goes! [Frost Arrow]!”

Instantly a large magical arrow was shot and a sculpture of ice in a shape that looked like a lotus flower was produced on contact. This was a vision due to magic. 

The rock was frozen in an instant. That wasn’t all. The vegetation in the vicinity was also frozen, and even the dust in the air became white. In an instant, the surroundings of the rock were changed into midwinter ground where ice effects fluttered about. That cold air had reached even me who was outside of the range.

“It can’t be…!? Wasn’t this supposed to be a basic spell? The area of effect is tens of times stronger than what was written in the documents!”

This seriously feels unreal. 

“Are you done admiring yourself?”

A voice called out to me. I turned around, but I couldn’t see anyone.

“Down here, buddy.”

When I lowered my gaze, what I saw was…

“A cat?”

“How rude! I am no ordinary cat. However I’ll let that slide. Ahem. Judging by your display earlier, you are the one that Auntie Nyarla spoke off.”

“You know that tentacle freak?”

“Hey, be careful. Calling a Goddess a freak can bring you a lifetime’s worth of misfortune in one day.”

“Leaving that aside, who or what are you?”

“My name is Shamoa. I’m a follower of Auntie Nyarla and was sent here to train you.”

“Train me?”

“Mhm. You obviously have no clue how to use your powers. And that’s where I come in.”

The hell? How is a cat supposed to train me? No. Why am I even thinking about that possibility to begin with?

"Look, I seriously have no time for nonsense like this. So go chase a mouse or something and… GUAAAAH!!"

A direct punch in my stomach. I say punch, but it wasn't a fist that hit me. Before I realized it, the cat vanished and literally headbutt me in the stomach.

"If you really think you don't need training, then prove it. Defend yourself."


Another hit from behind me this time. Before I knew it I was assaulted from all directions. Back and forth constantly. A stream of powerful air surrounded the cat and propelled it back and forth at great speeds. Each individual attack wasn't painful, but they constantly piled up one after another. 

"What's wrong? You can't even react to this much?"

"Damn you!"

Instead of trying to follow this cat with my eyes…

"You're trying to anticipate my moves? That won't work either."

I tried predicting where the next attack would come from and threw a punch but the cat tapped my fist slightly and avoided me while continuing its onslaught. It literally felt like I was fighting Gran Torino(1) here.

Eventually I collapsed and was heavily panting.

"Well, are you ready to accept my teachings now?"

"... Yes."


"Might I ask a question though? How long is this training going to last? And what does it involve?"

"Meow. That's a bit difficult to say. I think a month should suffice. As for what it involves, we'll mostly be working with harnessing your senses."

"My senses?"

"Mhm. You already have sword skill knowledge and magic knowledge will naturally come to you as the dragon blood stirs your own. But what you lack right now is knowing how to use your skills. Since you came from another world, I'll put it in terms you can understand. Right now, you're sitting in a 5000 horse powered car. But you don't have a driver's license. So I'm going to teach you how to drive."

It's a bit vague, but I guess that description could be considered accurate. After all, my body did suffer a massive change. I can't even recognize myself anymore. But more importantly…



"What exactly are you? You have knowledge and know words from my world. Furthermore, you're fast. I can't see you as a cat."

"Fufu. I'm sorry, but that's a secret. Let's just say I have my own circumstances for going with this appearance. I can't disclose more than that."

Everyone has their own secrets. I'm well aware of that. I won't deny that I'm not curious about what she really is, but I value a person's privacy. So I won't push further. If she can help me control my powers and turn me into the strongest, that's good enough for me.

"Alright, Shamoa-sama. When do we start?"

"Rather eager, aren't you? But I don't dislike that about a person. Follow me. First things first. We eat. You can't train on an empty stomach."

"But I'm not…"


Stomach noises could loudly be heard.

"You were saying? Listen, I hate to bring this up to you, but your unique magic Devour combined with that new body… you'll have to eat a lot more than what you're used to normally. You burn energy and calories at a faster rate."

"Sorry… but… I won't become some fat glutton, will I?"

"Of course not, silly. In fact it's impossible for you to store any body fat to begin with. Fat means warmth. It contradicts the extreme cold the dragon has harnessed. But even the strong need an equally 'strong' meal."

"I understand…"

Nurishment is important for any warrior after all. And I must say I am curious what kinds of food are available in this world since in the castle we've been mostly fed fruits, vegetables and mostly cow meat.

"Follow me for now."

And so, my guidance under Shamoa started. Let's hope I make it through this in one piece.

1 - Gran Torino is a character from the My Hero Academia series 

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