My next life as the Winter Fox? I just want a carefree life

68 – Can’t a fox get some sleep?

A few days have passed since my battle with Anri.

“Aaah! Now this is life. Finally the type of relaxation I deserve. Nothing beats a hot spring. Especially such a soft one.”


With Gamma’s help I managed to explain everything to the Giants. Having a projector sure is handy. Of course, I couldn’t tell them that Anri turned them to stone so she could test me. They might have turned hostile, so I just said an evil hentai woman with many arms turned them to stone. And after that they treated me like a deity. What can I say? Giant food portions as expected. Ever since coming to this world this is actually the first time I can say that I had my fill.

But the best part was that the Giants actually have a thermal lake. Which literally translates into a hot spring for Giants. But naturally just sitting in the water would be boring, so right now…

I was literally sitting on a female giant’s boobs. I had her squish and tie her chest with a towel and because her breasts were squished, water could be placed in her cleavage. And that’s where I was sitting right now.

Don’t judge me. If given the chance anyone would do the same thing. The softness is amazing, even better than a water bed. I could get used to a life like this. Maybe I should settle here when I’m done with the mission from the Gods. Seems like a good place to live the carefree life I want.

“So what was that you were saying earlier, Big Tits?”

“Err… the chief told me to let your way of speech slide, but I’d appreciate it if you would use my name and not call me Big Tits. I’m a bit self aware of my size. So I would appreciate it if you would call me Linda.”

“Fine. Please continue with what you were saying earlier, Linda.”

“The chief and the Demon King of Heart are on very good terms. So he prepared a letter in order for you to be welcomed. It was really difficult to write, but thanks to a very special aerial transport system, the letter should already have reached the Demon King.”

Oh yeah. That’s right. Currently I was at an impasse. I told Anri that I would do things my way, but I didn’t actually know where to go next. I mean I have all the food I can wish for right here. So I discussed a few things with the chief. What I wanted right now was to quench my thirst for knowledge. A way to gather intel, become stronger. In other words… books. I wanted books. And apparently the largest collection of books, the biggest library is located under the Demon King’s territory. The Grand Floating Library. 

This library as its name implies is located on a floating rock and is surrounded by a powerful barrier. Who knows what books are stored there, but rumors say that the most valuable and rarest of magic books are there. 

It should surpass by far even the library in the Eglantine kingdom. So I agreed to go there after resting here for a few days. But only under the condition that nothing bad will happen. I mean, it's the Demon King after all. And I know I have been fed lies by that shitty human king, but I wanted to be cautious.

So a letter was prepared for the Demon King to treat me as a guest. Will it really go my way? Who knows.

"By the way, Linda, mind doing me a favor?"

"What is it?"

"You already know about my unique physical condition. How about helping my sword go limp?"

"Eto…. That's an embarrassing thing to ask someone… you are our savior, but how am I even supposed to help you?"

"Let me slide in between your boobs. Squeeze my entire body between your tits. Shake them, and I'll make sure my 'Excalibur' gets a good taste of your flesh."

"Eeeh!? That is…"

Her face instantly went red. Yeah. Apparently this is a racial trait. Female Giants really are hard to convince to do perverted stuff which is probably also a factor why their population is declining.

"Normally I wouldn't agree to something so shameful, but since it's you who's asking… and since it's only my breasts… a-alright…"

"Then I'll be in your care, fufu. Let's both enjoy this experience!"

Time to dive in. I wonder if I will have enough oxygen in there? But who the hell cares about small details like that? Let's get this party started before my girls find out.


~2 weeks later~

Near the demon capital

As Ichiro recalled their conversation with King Liserg, he tried thinking once more about why they were in this kind of place.

Th-that’s right…….we came here to suppress…….because he said that this………wasn’t a war.

Although Ichrio had repeated Liserg’s words in his heart, it was clear that the scene playing out in front of him was the very definition of war. The sound of swords clashing against each other. Magic flying all over the place, destroying everything in its path. And within that ensuing chaos, the lives that were easily lost.

Wh-why are they fighting……wasn’t it going to end after we recommended that they surrender……..?

In his mind, he felt that as long as they showed them this degree of war potential and urged them to surrender, they would definitely win due to a bloodless surrender. He believed that they wouldn’t needlessly resist, bringing everything to a conclusion without anyone getting hurt. After all, their objective was to capture this village near the main bridge to cut off supplies for the demon capital.

But reality wasn’t the same. Commander Arthur as well as the force he was commanding… rather than trying to press them to surrender, the atmosphere they exuded seemed as if they intended to kill everyone, down to the very last man. And such a sentiment had magnificently hit its mark.

“H-hey Ichiro……we………this……..” (Amane)

 It was clear at a glance that Amane was completely confused. She desperately tried to stop the trembling of her lips, yet was unconsciously unable to do so. Her eyes were red and teary, as a demon child had been killed in front of them earlier. He was no different than a human baby.

“Haa haa haa………wh-what should we do?” (Ichiro)

Ichiro pitifully uttered these words in a whisper.

“Do-don’t ask me…… could I know……..there’s no way I could know…….. This wasn’t supposed to happen! This wasn’t what we agreed upon.” (Amane)

The so called 4 heroes were all confused and were not able to act.

But within that battlefield, the 4 of them were seen by a terribly discomforting existence. 

“I won’t forgive you!” (???)

 A single Mazoku, with an incredibly angry expression, was holding a sword while heading their way. Although Ichiro and co. weren’t doing anything, it didn’t matter. All that was there was the idea that because they were enemies, they must be killed. 


“I-I’ll just kn-knock him out without killing him then.” (Ichiro)

“Ichiro, that’s no good! Run!” (Misaki)

 Though Misaki’s words reached him, Ichiro didn’t move. No, he couldn’t move. 

Even though he had drawn his sword and taken his stance in his head, not even his fingertips would move. 

“Ah, ahhhh……” (Ichiro)

 Upon seeing his opponent’s eyes, Ichiro knew he was doomed. This wasn’t someone he could win against.

“N-noooooooooooooooooooooooo!” (Ichiro)

The blade of the large Mazoku was swung, and then…

“Achooooooou!” (???)

A voice that seemed to come from a kung-fu movie echoed, and then someone-


 -sent the Mazoku flying. The momentum of the attack caused the the Mazoku to destroy a building upon crashing into it.

“Ah……..ah………?” (Ichiro)

Not just Ichiro. All 4 heroes were in shocked because the one that appeared and saved him was…

“Koreee! Couldn’t you be a bit more quiet! You’ll wake Shishou up!” (???)

2 tiger girls. One with orange hair and twintails, and the other with white hair and twintails. They were obviously twins.

“Ahh~ geez! To think that it’s become this noisyyy! Don’t you know how mad Shishou gets when you wake her up! She told us to let her sleep in the carriage until we reach our destination. Too noisy.” (???)

The heroes were stunned as they watched the two children shout.

“If Shishou wakes up in a bad mood, then you have to take responsibilityyyyyyy! You’ll all going to dieeee!” (Orange girl)

Because of this unusual display, another enemy approached.

“Hm? Now this is interesting. In all my years serving as one of the six swords, I have never seen something like this.”

“Hm? Who might you be?” (White girl)

“Pardon my manners. I am Equinox, and as I said before I am one of the six swords of Demon King.”

A man with the face of a wolf.

“Did you girls do that?” (Equinox)

“That’s right! He was yelling with a loud voice, so we stopped him!” 


In one hit………? These kids……….can do that?

Equinox calmly analyzed the 2 girl's battle capabilities, and decided that it would be dangerous to make light of them because they were children.

“Allow me to ask one thing. You said that you stopped them because they were letting out a loud voice, but are you comrades of the heroes over there?” (Equinox)

“………what? Who do you mean by heroes? These guys? They’re just insects.” (Orange girl)

“…….if that’s the case, then leave this place. I only have business with the humans.” 

“We can’t let you do that!” (X2)


“You plan on being noisy again right?” (Orange girl)

“…………what are you saying?” (Equinox)

“You can’t! You ab~solutely can’t! You can’t you can’t you can’t you can’t you can’ttttttttt! You AB~SOLUTELY CAN’T do something like thattttt!” (White girl)

But as they were saying that…

The air suddenly became cold. The temperature dropped rapidly.

“Oh, no! It’s too late!”

“Pipe down already. You two are the loudest of them all! For crying out loud, if you must make a noise, can’t you do it quietly?” (???)

What came into everyone’s view was a carriage pulled by two bicorns and driven by a magitech doll. And from that carriage, a woman has set foot on the ground.

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