My next life as the Winter Fox? I just want a carefree life

83 – Do you think Gods can scare a fox?

I needed a few days of rest to get my body back in shape. But of course, I didn't want to stay in bed for too long either. Having a town all to myself sounds good on paper but before anything else, I must improve myself. And that's why now… it was time for Anri to pay off her debt.

“By the way… why are you here, tentacle freak?” (Edel)

Obviously I’m referring to auntie Nyarla who was clinging to us since we arrived in the God Realm.

“You're my champion after all. And I don't want to miss this show for anything in the world. Also can you please not address me in that rude manner? You’d be dead if not for me.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever. …I told you that I didn’t want you to follow me.”

“I refuse! Edelweiss, I’m in charge of you as your goddess!”

Let's rewind a bit.


“You said there was a Goddess of Time, right? I want to speak with the Goddess of Time. That's my request, Anri.”

“E…Edel!! Perhaps…Do…Don’t tell me that you’re planning to involve the innermost Gods and actually… train with the Goddess of Time!?”

“Yeah. Is there a problem with that?”

“A million problems in fact. What even makes you think she'll accept something like that?”

“Anri, that's my own business. You just have to take me to her.”

“No mortal has ever set foot in the God Realm, not to mention the inner sanctuary itself. You can't just…”

“You gave me your word. Can't you do it or do all Gods break their promises?”

For a brief moment her eyes flashed.

“Per-permission for an audience with lady Chronoa… will be granted…”


And that brings us back to the present. We stopped in front of a door in the corridor of the third floor from the heavenly temple. This place was the “room that stops time” that led to the almighty world of the innermost gods. Even if I heard about it from the duo before, it really does feel imposing. But I managed to convinced the Anri to cast a spell to open the door. Then, we ventured inside.

“Please mind your manners at least.”

“Fine. I’ll promise to behave.”

Eventually… I only heard a voice followed by a flash of light. Chronoa, the Goddess of Time, appeared engulfed with a striking dazzling light.

“Oh…Oh gosh…So beautiful…!”

For a second even I was entranced by such a divine figure. Now that's someone worthy of being called a Goddess, unlike these two.

The Goddess of Time, appeared with her large and beautiful wings on her back. It was inspiring to look at such a huge divine aura. The high goddess Chronoa was dressed in a stunning glittering dress. Her long hair was tied up beautifully behind her back. She was more noble and beautiful than any other goddesses I’ve seen so far.

“I shall present myself to all of you after Anri requested an audience with me.”

Her Eminence Lady Chronoa approached us with a smile. Then, she looked at me and showed me a compassionate complexion.

“So you are Edelweiss? Although I had my eyes on you for quite some time, seeing you in person is definitely pleasant. I am also sure you must feel honored as no mortal has ever set foot in this temple.

However, Gods must not break their vows so I allowed it. Tell me, young winter fox, you wished to meet me? What is it you seek from me?”

“Well, this should go rather easy then. During my fight with Shadow and Legion I came to the conclusion that I am not strong enough. So I want you to use your time manipulation powers and help me train!”

For a few seconds she didn't say anything. She just stared at me. Honestly, Anri and Nyarla were shaking behind me , but I wasn't fazed now that I composed myself. Eventually she laughed and showed a genuine smile.

“All right. Let's train together then.”

“Huh!? Just like that?” (Anri)

Ignoring Anri I was surprised a bit. I really was expecting a refusal here. But the moment I wanted to take a step forward…

“I forbid it!! Absolutely forbid it!! I can’t allow an almighty god of the innermost world of gods to cooperate with a mere human being!! In the first place, it is against my reason as the God of Reason to manipulate time in order to save an earthly world!!”

Chronoa shrugged her shoulders.

“You sure are noisy.”

A muscular figure came into view. He looked like a giant god, because he were at least five meters tall. He had a dignified face, a long mustache and a sculpted body. And guessing from his introduction, he’s the God of Reason.

“I am the God of Reason, Shamash. And although we did allow you significant privileges, something like this… I can't allow it.”

I turned my head to Chronoa.

“Can we ignore this fat oaf?”

“Mortal! Watch your tongue!”

Anri and Nyarla both try to grab me and force me to bow. But I didn't flinch.

“You idiot, fox. Apologize already!!” (Nyarla)

“What for? He’s getting in my way. Why would he even react like that?”

“I make the rational decisions of the almighty world! The alteration of time and space is absolutely forbidden!”

“Who says I plan to alter time and space?”

“Do you take me for a fool? You want to travel to the past with lady Chronoa and seek the guidance of the Ice Age Dragon. You want it to teach you the full extent of the freezing powers.”

I scratched the back of my head before looking at the oaf one more time.

“And here I thought Gods were supposed to know everything. You’d actually be right if you weren’t so wrong. That’s not what I want.”

“Huh!? Then… what do you desire?”

“You are right that I want to travel in the past. But not this world’s past. My own world’s past.”

“You’re not making any sense, woman! Speak clearly already!”

“I need to learn to stop relying on the flames whenever I am in a pinch. Before anything else, I am a swordsman. Well… swordswoman. But my technique is incomplete. So my goal is simple. I want to meet my ancestor. The one who invited the Nakajima style. The most obscure samurai in Japanese history, to the point that people never mentioned him in books or songs. Nakajima Ishin!”

Lady Chronoa clapped her hand and her smile grew even more delightful.

“So, creating a time bubble that will not affect the course of history. You get to meet your ancestor, and when the training will be complete, the timeline will resume and he will have no recollection of the meeting with you. A parallel universe under specific time rules. Certainly if I am with you, it’s within my power without creating a time paradox of upsetting the natural balance of the world you came from.”

“Wait a minute! That’s going too far! And I haven’t given my permission yet!”

Shamash’s giant body stood in front of us.

“The Goddess of Time said it won’t be a problem. Move away, or I’ll make you move.”

“I told you to watch your tongue, woman!! Don’t you dare mess with me…!! I can crush you at any moment!!”

I grabbed Yuki who stayed silent all this time. She was in her sword form. And the moment I pulled her out…

“Edelweiss!! You mustn’t!!” (Anri)

Too late for that.

“…What’s this?”

Shamash screamed. He noticed it too late. His body… was covered in icicles! He freaked out!

“My…My body is…? What is that sword…? What… are you doing?”

“Carefull. One wrong move and you’ll shatter all over the place. Gods can’t die, but there isn’t anything that can escape my cold."

“Don’t think you can get away with…!”


Lady Chronoa shouted from the top of her lunges. It was the first time I saw her angry. Within those words I could felt the flow of time, as Shamash returned to his normal state.

“Lord Shamash, you are already aware of my vision. If Legion is not stopped, that world is not the only one that will suffer. If I say it’s ok, then it’s ok. Got it?” (Chronoa)


Very well. As long as you don’t neglect your divine duties… I will overlook this mortal’s defiance and… allow it.”

Chronoa returned to her calm and cheerful demeanor and once again glanced towards me.

“See? Everything turned out alright. Anri, Nyarla, you may leave now. I will summon you once her training is complete. Now then, winter fox, please follow me. There are some preparations we have to make. I can’t have you facing that man with magic or an enhanced physical body. Oh, this is so exciting. Let’s go!”

She looks like someone who doesn’t go outside that often. Maybe that’s why she’s overreacting this much. But hey, if my plans can advance this fast, I’m more than happy to oblige. Now then… my blade or my ancestors? How big is the gap between us?

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