My next life as the Winter Fox? I just want a carefree life

9 – First adventure

Goblin Hunt E

Kill 10 goblins in the Clair Forest.

Reward: 15000 Wurna

This was the quest I opted for. During my trip, I spotted something weird in front of me.

What’s that…?

It looked like a big volleyball. However, it didn’t have a fixed appearance and contorted itself spongy, blocking my path.

Wait, could it be…?

The famous monster for leveling up as a beginner in a RPG…

“A slime!”

The slime suddenly charged into my direction, startled by my voice.

“Wait, a battle out of nowhere!?”

However even if the slime jumped at me, snapping my fingers was all it took to obliterate it. As expected, it was far too weak to even be called a match for me. Going through the forest, I encountered another slime. The moment I felt annoyed about it, something appeared from the bush to my immediate vicinity. And it attacked me with some kind of weapon.


I dodged it by bending my body at once. Please. Trying to ambush me… I could sense you from miles away. So that’s a goblin, huh?

Its appearance was identical to the picture in games. A stature small like a child, but an ugly face and a club in its hand.

“Must hurt to get hit by that… if you’re a normal person that is.”

When I glared at the goblin, I received another attack on the back. This time I didn’t bother to dodge it. Another goblin tried sneaking up. The reason I ignored it was because an attack like that does zero damage to me. 

The goblin let out a creaky voice like grinding one’s teeth, with drool spilling out of its mouth. I definitely didn’t want to get bitten and sent the goblin flying with a kick.

Needless to say, I never killed anyone when I was in Japan. Sure I did kill bugs, but never animals. Then again, can this thing be really called an animal?

“Well, I gotta survive here. [Icicle Lance]!”

The goblin was immediately pierced.

“You’re next!”

The group of goblins came at me all at once. Just when the goblins were right before me…


I shouted and an electrical discharge occurred from the ground. In the next moment, various ice stakes appeared from the ground and pierced the goblins.

“Haha, it worked.”

The goblins desperately tried to move while grimacing in pain, but they couldn’t. After a while they stopped moving as they died. The ground had turned into a cactus and killed all the goblins on it.

A lot of blood was flowing out from the pierced spots of the goblins. Seeing that, I became aware that this was a real battle.

“Fuh, anyway, first things first.”

There were still goblins around, but confused by my weird attack, they were reluctant to attack me.

“Then let’s try the next one. Come at me, you small fry. I plan to feast tonight.”


A day has passed. At the guild, the woman at the counter widened her eyes in surprise. Because I completed the quests, which demanded to hunt ten goblins, with a far higher number: 22.

She looked at the 22 “goblin fangs”, which I presented as proof for the quest.

“I am impressed you managed to hunt so many. Especially considering that you only registered yesterday, Edelweiss-sama.”

“Whatever, evaluate it already.”

I wanted to get it over before I was dragged into something troublesome. Usually this would be the moment when I would be asked to slay bigger monsters or worse, someone might try mentioning the king. 

“The advertised reward is 15000 Wurna, but I can give you an extra 5000 for all these ‘goblin fangs’ you are turning in. What do you say?”

“Yeah, do that.”

“Then please wait a moment.”

Saying that, she took my card and went somewhere. After a while she came back and returned my card. The money had been added to it. Now I finally have funds for food and lodging. But there’s also something else I would require. One thing I can’t manage so well is to hold back. There might be moments when magic won’t be enough, so I’ll need a weapon.

“Hey, do you know a good place that sells weapons? Preferably high quality ones?”

“Well the most famous smithy is in the kingdom of Eglantine and…”

“Excluded. I will not set foot in there.”

“Umm… then I think you should try going to Cossus.”


“Yup. It’s 4 days west from here. It may be a small village, but a talented blacksmith lives there. Perhaps you’ll find something that will suit your taste.”

“I understand.”


On top of a remote hill, Shamoa was hanging out on a tree branch. A mysterious woman approached, making her ears twitch.

“Oh, hey, Auntie Nyarla. You came.”

The woman in question was the Goddess of Chaos, Nyarla.

“Fufu. You seem rather cheerful. Did perhaps my little underling get under your skin?”

“I guess. She was blunt and rude, but straightforward. You have no idea how hard it is to find people that aren’t afraid to just express their honest feelings. Screw society. We need more people like her. She's not ladylike, but can you blame her after the stunt you pulled on him… err her?”

“I won’t deny she is an amusing person.”

“Anyway, I did my part like you asked.”

“And I’ll keep my word. I will deduct 50 years from your punishment.”

Shamoa rolled her eyes over her head and with a sarcastic voice gave a reply: “Great… 50 years. That just leaves me with 3500 years to go.”

“Don’t be so gloomy. You’ll get your wish eventually. Anyway, tell me what do you think of her?”

Shamoa started once again grooming herself. Nyarla didn't mind and waited for her to finish.

"She has skill. Her compatibility with the Ice Age's Dragon blood is remarkable. To not be fazed by the rage and murderous killing intent of the dragon must mean she has some remarkable willpower. Or maybe she’s an idiot."

"Precisely. So? What's your verdict?"

"You're asking me about your chaos obsession? How should I know about that? She doesn't look like a troublemaker nor did she give off the feeling that she wants revenge."

"That made me a little sad. But isn't this exciting? Imagine what sort of chaos she will unleash? It's not your typical revenge plot. But her butterfly wings will definitely bring a storm. Hey, Shamoa, if you were to seriously fight her, who would you think would win?”

“Assuming I would have access to my full strength, in her current state probably me. But given more time, she most likely will surpass everyone. Remember, that blood in her once faced a God as an equal.”

“I see. Such an individual…”

Nyarla licked her lips in a lustful manner.

“Oi, what’s going on in that mind of yours?”

“Well… such a powerful young woman… that gorgeous body... a virgin… what taste would she have?”

“Cut that out. You’ll give her nightmares with all those tentacles. It took me 5 years to mentally recover from when you raped me.”

“But you liked it in the end.”

“More like I got used to it.”

And so, their bickering continued in that strange direction until sunset.

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