My Patients Fall in Love with Me

Chapter 106 - last world

When Pei Lu woke up again, he was in a transparent nutrition cabin.

Before he could open the lid of the nutrition compartment, Luo Feiyang, who was unshaven outside, rushed over.

“How about it?”

Pei Lu sat up and rubbed his swollen temples, “It’s done, go see the marshal.”

Jin Ming’s nutrition cabin was placed not far away, Luo Feiyang was stunned, and hurried over to see Jin Ming.

Jin Ming was still lying quietly in the nutrition cabin, and there was no sign of waking up.

Luo Feiyang opened the cabin door suspiciously. The detector showed that the fluctuation of No. 4’s mental power had calmed down, and the Marshal’s own mental power was not abnormal, but why did he not wake up?

Luo Feiyang looked at Pei Lu suspiciously, “The marshal hasn’t woken up yet.”

Pei Lu wrapped himself in a bath towel and went over to check Jin Ming’s condition.

In the nutrition cabin, Jin Ming was lying quietly, his body was in good condition and his mental strength was calm, but his eyes were still closed and he didn’t even move his eyes.

Pei Lu reached out and tapped his forehead, and there were doubts in his eyes, “Shouldn’t.” Shen Feng was already asleep, and his previously irritable mental power had calmed down. It made no sense that Jin Ming was still awake.

“Wait and see.”

Pei Lu was a little worried, but it was not suitable to act rashly at this moment, so he could only wait and find out the reason for the coma.

Luo Feiyang stayed beside the nutrition cabin and used the instrument to check Jin Ming’s body. Pei Lu was still sticky, and it was inconvenient to do things while wrapped in a towel, so he went to the bathroom to take a shower.

The hot water washed away his exhaustion, Pei Lu changed into clean clothes, and when he came out again, his adjutant Zhang Qi was also there.

“How is the inspection?” Pei Lu asked.

Luo Feiyang’s face was solemn, “No problem was detected.”

Pei Lu squatted down beside the nutrition cabin, looked at the man’s resolute face, and said slowly, “Wait and see, he’ll be fine.”

“We can only wait.” Luo Feiyang was also at a loss as to what to do. There was no problem with the detection of various indicators, so he did not dare to act rashly.

Pei Lu closed the lid of the nutrition cabin and turned to Zhang Qi and said, “I have some questions to ask you, okay?”

Zhang Qi glanced at Jin Ming’s direction subconsciously, and said hesitantly, “What’s the problem?”

Pei Lu pointed to the study, “Let’s go over there and talk.”

He turned his head and said to Luo Feiyang: “I have some questions that I want to tell Adjutant Zhang alone, I hope you don’t mind.”

Luo Feiyang was having a headache facing the detection data, and waved his hand when he heard the words, “It doesn’t matter.”

Pei Lu walked to the study room first. 666, who had not spoken, consciously followed at his feet, but was blocked by Pei Lu when he approached the door. He touched 666’s head, “I’ll tell Adjutant Zhang something, you are here. Wait for me outside.”

“…Okay.” 666 wagged his tail and squatted at the door.

Zhang Qi passed by him and closed the study door.

The computer in the study was still not turned off. Pei Lu walked over, turned the screen over, and said to Zhang Qi, “Adjutant Zhang, the last time the mastermind was attacked was Jin Ming asking you to do it, right?”

Zhang Qi was stunned and looked at him randomly and vigilantly, “I don’t understand what you are talking about?”

Pei Lu smiled, pointed to the frozen picture on the screen and said bluntly: “This is the image record of the fourth spiritual world, I remember it all.”

“You’re like this…” Zhang Qi frowned, his eyes more vigilant, “It’s against the therapist’s manual.”

Pei Lu stopped smiling, his round eyes narrowed slightly, his fingers swiped across the screen, and he said softly, “You are Jin Ming’s adjutant, you should know Jin Ming’s situation best, he remembers…”

“My purpose for looking for you is the same as Jin Ming. I won’t hurt him, I just want to know more information.”

Zhang Qi looked at him, “What do you want me to do for you?”

“I want to know how the treatment of the two spiritual worlds started in the first place.”

“It’s impossible.” Zhang Qi shook his head, “The previous intrusion has already angered the mastermind, and the mastermind has strengthened its defenses. It is basically impossible to invade and steal data again.”

Pei Lu’s expression dropped, “Is there any way?”

Zhang Qi said no.

“Then I see, thank you.”

Pei Lu squeezed his fingers, “I’ll think of another way.”

Zhang Qi nodded hesitantly, wanting to ask him what solution he could come up with, but seeing the depression around the young man, he didn’t ask.


After logging out, waited another three days.

Jin Ming still showed no signs of waking up.

Luo Feiyang stood guard for three days, and his eyes were red with anxiety.

Pei Lu held 666, his expression was much calmer, and he said that if he didn’t wake up, he could only invade Jin Ming’s spiritual world to try to wake him up.

Luo Feiyang hesitated for a while, but finally agreed.

On the fourth day, Zhang Qi suddenly heard the news that the marshal’s condition had been spread. Now the outside world is speculating about the marshal’s condition, both true and false, but the marshal’s opponents are all without exception. Hope this news is true.

Even Jin Ming’s father, Old Marshal Jin, couldn’t help but arrange Zhang Qi’s father to come and test it several times.

The father and son of the Jin family are in the same camp on the surface, but only Zhang Qi knows that after the marshal’s fifteen-year-old return, the relationship between the father and son of the Jin family is like a balance beam in the air. The relationship will fall apart.

Zhang Qi said that the marshal must wake up as soon as possible, or at least make a public appearance, otherwise the rumors will be confirmed, and the enemy who is eyeing outside will be able to swallow the entire first legion.

“let me try.”

Pei Lu pursed his lips and touched Jin Ming’s face gently, “I’ll wake him up.”

The situation was urgent, Luo Feiyang was helpless and could only choose to trust him. He handed the remaining mental power recovery potion to Pei Lu, “Marshal will ask you.”


Pei Lu drank the recovery agent quickly, and then lay down in the nutrition cabin.


Rain, there are jade beads the size of soybeans everywhere, falling down with a crackle, and it hurts my life.

As soon as Pei Lu woke up, he was so soaked that he couldn’t open his eyes. He squinted and looked around, finding a protruding eaves and hurriedly hid in.

It was very dark, and the rain outside had no tendency to stop for a while. Pei Lu was hiding under the eaves soaked wet. He was a little worried, “Are we going to stay here all night?”

“You can see if there is a place to sleep.”

666’s voice sounded, and then a data package was passed to him.

Pei Lu received it, but after opening it, he found that there was no other information besides the background introduction.

Pei Lu: “…”

“Is there something wrong with your data package? Why is there nothing?”

666 coughed awkwardly, “There’s something wrong with this world. Except for the information I gave you, I can’t collect any other information here.”

Pei Lu’s heart hung up, “What about Jin Ming’s position?”

666: “…”

After a while of silence, 666’s guilty voice sounded again, “I don’t know either.”

Pei Lu took a deep breath and wanted to curse.

But now there is no anger, Jin Ming suddenly fell asleep, and it is not impossible that the mental world is abnormal. What he can do is to find Jin Ming before forcing him to log out, and then take him back.

But everything has to wait until the rain stops.

Pei Lu leaned against the wall, the coolness of the wall passing through his back, making him shiver.

He wrapped his arms around himself, looked at the pitch-black night sky, and sighed worriedly, “There isn’t even a shadow.”

The data shows that this is the Capital Star more than ten years ago, but everything here makes Pei Lu feel unfamiliar. The Capital Star in his impression has always been a clean and bright planet.

In this way, there is no light at all, and the streets are narrow and dirty. It is far from the capital star in his memory. It is more like those wandering stars that have not been taken over by the federation.

Pei Lu shrank to avoid the rain in the corner. He searched in his memory, but he never remembered that there was such a place in the capital star.

Where is this place… Pei Lu muttered, but suddenly heard a strange sound mixed with the sound of rain.

“666, did you hear anything?” Pei Lu raised his ears and whispered.

“There’s a fight in the back alley.”

Pei Lu told himself that curiosity killed the cat, but he couldn’t help but watch.

The place to hide from the rain was an angle. Pei Lu leaned against the wall on the left, which was a dark alley. Pei Lu leaned against the wall and carefully looked into the alley.

It was very dark and covered by a rain curtain, so Pei Lu couldn’t see clearly, and he could vaguely see two short and stout people besieging a tall and thin person.

Pei Lu squinted his eyes and tried hard, the fight over there seemed to be fierce, the tall and thin one was stronger, and the two short ones couldn’t fight together. He jumped up and hugged the tall and thin man’s leg, while the other jumped up, took out a dagger and slashed the tall and thin man’s back.

Pei Lu choked his breath and stared at him without daring to blink. When he saw the tall and thin one, he turned around and snatched the dagger, kicked away the people at his feet, and wiped their necks neatly.

A battle is over.

The tall and thin man walked slowly towards the entrance of the alley. Pei Lu was clinging to the wall, trying hard to see his face, but suddenly caught sight of the tall and thin man.

Those eyes were dark and heavy, and when he wanted to chill, Pei Lu’s heart shuddered, and he shrank into the corner like an ostrich.

The tall and thin man passed by the wall where Pei Lu was hiding, but did not look back at him. Pei Lu shrank at the foot of the wall and shivered. As he got closer, he saw a long wound on the back of the man, which was washed away by the rain. , oozing red blood.

Pei Lu moved his mouth, but didn’t dare to ask him to come in to hide from the rain.

“Is this really the Capital Star?” Pei Lu was a little gloomy while hugging his knees. The environment here is too different from the Capital Star where he lives.

666 is also searching for the data in his memory, but it didn’t take long for him to be produced. He has not experienced the capital star during this period, and the data that was entered into the chip did not mention the dark piece of capital star that exists. corner.

Pei Lu was still thinking, but was interrupted by a muffled sound in the distance. He raised his head in surprise, and saw the tall and thin man lying face down on the ground just now.

Pei Lu hesitated for a moment, but in the end he rushed into the rain and brought the person back.

The clattering rain still didn’t stop. The tall and thin man looked quite big, but he was not heavy. Pei Lu dragged him under the eaves. Seeing the wound on his back, he didn’t dare to turn him over.

“What to do? Is there anyone around here?”

Pei Lu looked around, but it was pitch black outside, and he couldn’t see anything.

666 did a quick search, “Go in the alley 500 meters on the right, and there is a house inside.”

Pei Lu breathed a sigh of relief, carried the tall and thin man on his back, and struggled to find the house 666 said.

666 was right. There was indeed an empty room there. Pei Lu pushed the door and it could be opened. He walked in with someone behind his back, and asked politely, “Is there anyone?”

666 said someone you are about to cry.

Pei Lu was stunned and said angrily, “Don’t scare me!”

666 obediently stopped talking.

Pei Lu carefully put the unconscious person down.

The house was empty and looked abandoned. There were beds and tables, but they were all covered with dust. It looked like no one had lived there for a long time.

Pei Lu pulled out the dusty sheets and shook them, then patted the mattress below clean, then took off the man’s wet clothes and put him on the dry mattress.

The tall and thin man let out a dull moan, and Pei Lu was startled, took a step back, and looked at him vigilantly.

Fortunately, the tall and thin man only screamed and became quiet again. Pei Lu pushed him into the mattress, and then found a place to dry the wet clothes.

Pei Lu didn’t dare to close the door, the room was already dark. Close the door again, and it’s a live version of a haunted house.

He turned around and tried several switches. There was no electricity and the lights could not be turned on. He had to take off his wet clothes and also crawled on the mattress to lie down.

The people around him were motionless, and there was a cool feeling around him. Pei Lu sat up and worried about the exposed wound on his back and his cold body, “What should I do?” People are out of anger, and he can’t be scared to death.

Pei Lu thought about it, but he still jumped up and rummaged all over the room.

The owner of this house is also poor. When he left, there was nothing left. Pei Lu searched for a long time, but only found a tattered coat.

Fortunately, the coat was placed in the cupboard, so it wasn’t very dirty. Pei Lu shivered and carefully covered the tall and thin man.

Pei Lu watched for a while, the man’s wound was no longer bleeding, and Pei Lu always felt that the wound had become smaller, he said strangely: “666, do you think his wound has become smaller?”

666 said he couldn’t see it, he didn’t look carefully before.

Pei Lu just asked casually, but without getting an answer, he lay down again to rest.

The next day, the weather was clear and it wasn’t raining. Pei Lu slept naked all night and didn’t catch a cold. He sat up, scratched his chicken coop-like hair, and went to check the breath of the person next to him.

Still angry, alive.

Pei Lu was relieved, took off his coat, and went to check his wound.

“666! I just said that his wound has become smaller.” Pei Lu pointed to the wound that only had a slap in the palm of his hand.

He clearly remembered that the man’s wound almost ran across his entire back yesterday.

666 is also a bit strange, this recovery ability is too strong, although human beings have evolved to the present, the body’s self-recovery ability is much stronger, but the self-healing ability is so strong, so far only Marshal Jin Ming is the one.

Pei Lu carefully touched the wound, and the surrounding skin had completely healed, only the color was still light pink.

Pei Lu was worried that his blood vessels were blocked without moving all night, so he carefully turned him over, revealing a thin, tall, pale face.

“Huh? It looks like a child…”

Pei Lu was speechless. It was dark last night, and he couldn’t see his face clearly. He thought he was an adult based on his stature, but now it seems that this is just a teenager.

He looked like he was fifteen or sixteen years old.

Pei Lu poked his cheek, the boy’s cheek was very thin, and it was all bones when he touched it lightly.

“Fortunately, we rescued him…” Pei Lu muttered to himself.

“Don’t you think… he looks a little familiar?” 666 asked in a strange tone.

“What is familiar?” Pei Lu was inexplicable.

“Look… Does he look a bit like the Marshal when he was a child?” 666 asked with difficulty.

“Ah?” Pei Lu was stunned and stretched his neck to look carefully. The boy closed his eyes, his cheeks were thin, and his lips were black… With this miserable and pitiful appearance, no one would follow him coldly and sternly. The powerful Confederate gods of war are linked together.

But this look is indeed true of Jin Ming’s youth.

Although the cheeks have lost a lot of weight, and the eyebrows and eyes are not yet mature, but the corners of the eyebrows do have the shadow of Jin Ming.

After all… At this time, Jin Ming was almost fifteen or sixteen years old.

But how could the eldest son of the Jin family wander outside?

Jin Ming’s past can be called a legend. Many people have gonessips before. Jin Ming’s parents belong to political marriage, and the relationship between husband and wife is not close, but they are also respectful.

When Jin Ming was eight years old, he met the star thief when he traveled to the travel star with his mother and younger brother.

The star thieves were extremely cruel. The spaceship Jin Ming was riding in was hijacked. The Federation sent people to negotiate unsuccessfully. All the passengers on the spaceship were spared and all were brutally murdered. At that time, no one knew that the marshal’s wife was also on the spaceship. Jin Ming’s My mother and my younger brother were killed in that disaster so vaguely.

As for Jin Ming, who was only eight years old, everyone thought he was also killed in the disaster. The Jin family even built tombstones for their mother and son, but after seven years, when everyone had forgotten the disaster , fifteen-year-old Jin Ming, suddenly appeared in the capital star.

After several twists and turns, Jin Ming was finally recognized back, but at that time, the old Marshal Jin had remarried, and the new Mrs. Jin even left a son and a daughter for him. Jin Ming, who disappeared for nearly seven years and came back, looked on his face. Admitted by the Jin family, he is still the first heir of the Jin family, and the Jin family is still loving and filial. But in private, there are also many people who speculate that the Jin family is not peaceful.

Pei Lu looked at the young marshal on the bed, and now it seems that those speculations are not necessarily groundless.

He lightly stroked Jin Ming’s hair, he had never seen Jin Ming so embarrassed.

He carefully placed a light kiss on the sleepy Jin Ming’s forehead and said to 666, “We have to find some medicine and food.”

Jin Ming was injured and had been in the rain for so long. He hasn’t woken up yet. He was worried that Jin Ming would have a fever.

He put on his clothes to dry and walked outside, but he didn’t know that behind him, Jin Ming, who was in a drowsiness, suddenly opened his eyes.

The streets were very lively during the day. Pei Lu walked on the road and looked around curiously. The road that had been washed away by the heavy rain all night looked much cleaner. The pedestrians on the side of the road were in a hurry, and their clothes were very age-like.

Pei Lu walked a short distance and saw a small grocery store. He happily went over and asked, “Is there any nutritional supplements here?”

The shop owner sitting behind the counter was indifferent, as if he hadn’t heard his voice at all.

Pei Lu felt a little weird in his heart, so he asked again tentatively. The shop owner still didn’t seem to hear anything.

Pei Lu frowned and stared at Zhinao’s shop owner, when a man walked by next to him.

“Bring me two tubes of nutritional supplements, apple-flavored ones.”

The shop owner raised his head and handed him two tubes of nutritional supplements. The man didn’t ask for the price. He was obviously an acquaintance and left immediately after paying the money.

Pei Lu, who was completely ignored:? ? ?

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