My perfect yandere!


After shopping, I began to starve real bad. Moving between the shops was more than enough to trigger my hunger. But I didnt, saw any reaction like that from Tsubaki so I held back for the first hour. But around 3 in the noon, my intestine started twisting and turning.

"The black denim wear looked extra good on you. Well you look handsome in eve-". I felt bad but I had to interrupt her shopping spree.

" Ah Tsubaki". I pulled her coat from the side as she stopped her feet and looked toward me.

"Hmm? Yes, Kazu kun?" She asked me with twinkling eyes. 

"Can we get something before we continue. I am really hungry". I state the fact honestly with my eyes closed and my hand still pinching her coat sleeve.

" Aa..yeah of course. I mean...aahhh how foolish..utter foolish I am. Let's go Kazuya kun. The food department is on the highest floor. Can you manage until there or should I bring something here?" She asked me panickly. She was holding my hand connected to her as she spoke in a worried tone.

"No, I can walk.". I just wanted something to drop into my belly for now.

We both walked toward the elevator and went to the highest and fifth floors of the mall. The food court was on the whole floor. Food counters range from the bombshell of varieties but I wasnt in the condition to check them all.

We went through a glass door that slid closed behind us. Surprisingly the food court was a little nosier and the population up here was more than the whole mall beneath this floor.

We luckily got ourselves a table for two. Tsubaki didnt even sat and went to the counter. 

" She worries a lot". I didnt know what was she ordering but looking at the time she took to order, meant we would be going to take it away later.

She came back to her seat, receiving all kinds of glances. Tsubaki grabs attention most naturally. Even she was walking normally back to me, her posture and unintentional gesture looks unignorable. 

"I am really sorry Kazuya kun. You see, whenever I enjoy myself or feel any kind of extreme thing, my brains stop informing me about my other needs. And hunger is primal of them". She said in an apologetic tone as she took my opposite chair.

" It's okay. I was unaware about this. Next time I will just say it from the beginning". I reassured her as much I could. I sometimes feel bad for how much she cares about me. I don't feel weird but there is one side of me who was scared of this.

"You will go on a date with me again?" She asked like a child with a soft smile on her face.

"Yes of course. I mean this isn't our last date, that's I can assure you". If we were living together and almost were in a relationship then it was natural for us to go on date a bunch of times.

" I am glad". She plopped on the table with her forehead pressed on it and head facing the ground. I was startled at seeing how tenses she was.

"The things I was doing today, made me think that you will never go out with me again". I chuckled at how sensitive she was about these small things before responding.

" There is no way I can get upset over such mundane things. We just aren't used to each other and don't know much about each other's habits. But on the bright side, we have gotten together early in our life. Normally students, like us, don't live together and take things slowly before they decide to move together. However, we started our relationship from that phase, so the chances of misunderstanding and conflicts obviously decreased by a huge margin, don't you think?" She shot up her head and looked toward me with a hopeful expression.

"You think so?" She asked while tilting her head cutely and regaining her previous smile.

I held her hand which was now on the table before replying.

"Yes, you can take my words on it." I stared at her reddening face as she also looked back into my eyes. 

Her beautiful eyes fluttered a little but she didnt break the line of sight. The warmth she was transmitting only through a single contact was enough to make me melt. Her caring nature, how she worries about me and still could care about things which normally people won't even notice, makes me feel fortunate.

At first, I was scared and weirded out about her behavior of taking my pictures and stuff but only a single day I have somewhat started to accept her.


Unbeknownst to us, a waiter wearing the cafe uniform and holding a tray in hand was standing just beside our table with an embarrassed look on his face. 

"Um...sir. Your order". I quickly glanced at him and saw his red face and soon realise what happened. More to it, every single person in the cafe was looking our way.

" Put it and leave". A displeased tone came from the opposite of me. Tsubaki had a snarling face as she somewhat scowled at the employee.

"Y..yes ma'am." He put the tray on the table cautiously before disappearing in an instant. 

The commotion subdued as everyone also returned to their business. I sighed and looked toward Tsubaki.

"It's okay. Don't be angry". I soothed her before we turned our attention toward the tray on the table.

" Tsubaki. Did you order our dinner too?" I asked as I saw the content between us.

Burger, fried chicken, soft drinks, rice bowl, chicken wrap, and a full bowl of ramen. 

The most noticeable thing was that every food item was in singular quantity.

"Of course not Kazu kun. I can't let you eat so much unhealthy food. I will cook dinner myself so eat your fill and please don't shy away from ordering more". I widened my eyes.

" Not in a hundred chance we can finish this in one go".

"Ah. But I am not eating. It's all for you".

My shoulder dropped and without arguing anything back, I unwrapped the burger before digging in.

'I have to work for her sense of reasoning'.


I couldn't handle that much food, so we asked for making the orders takeaway.

After some more browsing, we exited the mall. It was 5 in the evening, the breeze was freezing and the sun was almost down. 

We drove back to the apartment and after changing clothes plopped down on the bed. 

I was looking more exhausted than Tsubaki as she looked still fresh and ready to attend a ceremony.

" How much energy do you have in store?" I asked with my eyes a little closed. She smiled with her chin resting on her hand as she replied.

"If I am with the person I love then time always seems fast for me. So you say, can my day went like a flash and I can't help but hope for another day like today". I smiled warmly as I slowly started to close my eyes.

'I hope I can regard you in the same manner very soon, Kayo'.


A/N: School starts with lots of events and sweetness yet to unfold. There will be a tad bit of drama but I assure you guys, I won't stretch it long and solve it in one or max. in two chapters. I don't like drama so don't worry it won't be regular in this novel. 

Please drop a comment if you guys are liking the development between the two love birds ~

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