My perfect yandere!


"It's become a hassle so early in the morning".

" You're right". I slumped down on my desk after responding to my only friend in school and my partner in crime since childhood.

'Ichihara Kunimi'. Just like me, he was also in his third year, and coincidently, he was in the same section as I.

Last year, we got separated but this year the faculty had something against me.

He is a tall boy but half-head shorter than me, with short brown hair and rather stronger built than me. He is a pitcher in our team and his hand was recognized as a 'Golden Arm' by our coach because the natural swing he delivers. He is fairly popular among girls and gets lots of confessions unlike me. But since the first day of the first year, he confessed to a girl and was going out with her, a stack of paper wastes every now and then.

I barely talked with his girlfriend but I knew she was a good girl with a clumsy personality. I checked on her background before handing my friend to her.

A bit overdone right?

I know. But Kunimi was like my brother so how could I leave him in hands of a person I didnt know.


Back to the present, he saw me walking with Tsubaki but soon after left us alone. One of the greatest quality of his. He always reads the mood and acts accordingly.

The worst thing which happened was that I and Tsubaki were placed in different sections. Well, it was expected as she score in the top 3 every time and  I never crossed the two-digit ranking in my entire life.

She wasnt much bothered or to say,  I looked more frustrated than her. It made me a little sad that she didnt react much, but I guess she wanted some distance I guess in the school.

"Will you stop making those sighs. I am feeling lonely now." Kunimi said in a gloomy tone. 

Ah, yeah. He also was a baka.

His girlfriend scores in the top 20 so she was placed in different sections every year. If Kunimi didnt had spotted her at the welcome ceremony and had fallen for her in an instant, then I doubt he would have met her again in life.

"You are thinking something unfortunate right?" He said as I made a boring face and leaned back on my chair.

Since students could seat anywhere before homeroom on the first day, I and Kunimi were sitting at the backmost seats.

The others were gossiping about me and Tsubaki no doubt as it was pretty obvious. Some of them came to ask me whether we were dating, to which I only replied 'It's complicated".

"Let's talk something else". I offered as I stretched lightly my upper body.

" The baseball competition is going to happen earlier than ever before. " I raised my brow in questioning.

"March end."

"The heck. Only two months. When we going to deposit new captain? The selection of first years and what about the practice?". I asked as it was ridiculous for something so big to happen so hastily.

" Last year it was postponed due to the storms, and since the sports festival arrived, it was canceled. So this year they have decided to prepone the event. The coach is going to put a bat through our holes if we halt the practice. I can just pray for the new recruits". I nodded with a cold sweat. 

Our coach was one of the scariest things I have seen until now but he barely vents out on me.

"So when the trials will start?" I asked only to get a shrug in oblivion.

*Slide*. Our as well as other's attention was pulled by the sudden sliding sound. As the gate opened, a middle-aged woman who was our sensei entered the class.

She had a sheet in her hand which contained the sitting arrangement, information.

"Okay, class. Break the chats. And sit according to the list". She posted the letter on the board and slowly everyone started changing their seats according to the sheet.

My seat was by the window, luckily in the last row.

Kunimi was also in the last row, but there was two seats between us so we could just wave and throw stuff at each other.

The odd thing was that the seats between us were still empty. I glanced toward the podium and saw two boys with whome I was somewhat familiar, discussing something with sensei.

After the noise died down, I was able to hear their voice.

" Why our name isn't on the list, sensei?" One of them asked and the other one nodded.

It seemed that sensei was also troubled by this as she started checking the list and as her fingers crossed the last name, she turned toward the duo.

"It seems some mistakes have happened. Please wait I will talk to the principal". As she was about to unpin the list, the door slid open again.

" It's okay Yamada sensei. You don't have to go anywhere". The principal of the school suddenly appeared in the class making everyone startled.

Every student greeted him as he walked toward the podium.

He was an old-age person but still looked energetic and lively as ever. He glanced at the whole room and stopped his eyes on me for a brief second, or it was only my imagination.

"Some problem with accommodation happened. So we are swapping two of your students. I hope you understand". He smiled toward our homeroom sensei as she bowed in return.

" I understand sir".

"Very well. You both can come inside". As he called a girl entered the class. She had blond hair and height which could be considered in the loli category. She was smiling with her gaze directed toward the opposite corner as mine as her hand was waving toward a certain person.

I was familiar with this girl and the person she was waving at, and also have met her before.

She was none other than Sayo Shimada. Kunimi's girlfriend and the mascot of our school.

"Morning everyone. I'm Sayo Shimada. I hope you guys will take care of me". She stood and bowed energetically. She smiled at me as I also returned her gesture.

For some seconds no one entered after her which made the class go awkward. However, just when the principal was about to call again, another girl entered the class.

A gasp spread across the class and I wasnt much different.

She had black hair reaching her waist, a height which could be best for modeling and her walking posture was so elegant that it became impossible to not stare at her. She had a calm aura enveloping her, as she made her way toward the podium.

The girl lifted her eyes toward everyone looking like a perfect portrait of art. She crossed her hand in front of her waist and after a light bow, she said in a soft yet audible tone.

" Good morning class. My name is Tsubaki Kayo. I hope to get along with you all".

'She planned it all along.'


A/N: Sorry for short chapter as I divided in two ;)

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