My perfect yandere!

Passing notes!

'My life is complete now.' I giggled inwardly as I held the love of my life, the most precious person to me in my embrace more closely.

Today was one of the worst days. My very own cousin betrayed me. He was the only person whom I have told the most in my family, about Kazuya kun. He knew how much I love my Kazuya kun. He knew how much I am mad for Kazuya kun.

 But still, he did something unforgivable. He was lucky that I got so traumatized and frozen up, and my uncle got him first. I am sure I won't see him again in my life, but I hope I do. And when that happens...


 " There...there". I patted Kazu kun who was snuggling on my breast in his sleep. I am certain that he loves my breast. I have caught him various times unintentionally ogling at them. And I couldn't feel more elated to know that he's attracted to my body.

Our legs were intervened now unlike the way we first led on the bed. Kazu kun likes to cuddle after he sleeps and that is one thing I didn't know before. I have made a strong mental note, that never ever I had to let him sleep with anyone else but me.

'Aaah'. I suddenly squealed as Kazu kun made his way with his hand under my shirt. It was already lifted upto my butt and now his hand was holding my bareback.

'Kyaah...I am being assaulted by Kazu kun. Help me.' I smiled happily as Kazu kun continued to assault me and I wholeheartedly accepted everything he gave.

'You always drive me crazy Kazu kun.  I luuuub you so much. '


Walking to school never felt so eye-catching before to me. Unlike yesterday, Tsubaki was now clinging to my arm, as we left for school. 

In the morning I prepared my apology speech to deliver to the store owner, however as soon I called him, only one thing he said before disconnecting the call.

'Please focus on your love life Kazu boy. You don't have to stress about the store'. His words could be interpreted as taunt if it's not for his jolly tone.

"Kazu kun, what happened?" Tsubaki asked me as she titled her head to the side.

"Just thinking. Anyway, is it really important for us to walk like this? " I didn't hate it or to say I was more than comfortable with her being clingy but still it would be too sudden to appear like this just a day after the first day of school.

"No can do Kazu kun. Even we aren't in a relationship (a matter of time), we have to keep that among ourselves. I want to show everyone that we are a loving couple so no can again plant a mistrusting issue between us". It was correct to say that Kayo was insecure since the last day and I am a little bit hurt to know that I am the source of her insecurity.

" Wait. Isn't it the generic trope of rom-com where a couple even being in a relationship, doesn't reveal in front of others. Well, we are doing it polar contradictory tho". She giggled cutely as we neared the school.


'Damn those gazes'. I couldn't even count the gaze daggers I have been pierced by since morning. As the crowd of students started appearing in school proximity, the number of stares also increased.

Sometimes I feel, why did she have to be so popular.

Again, being so beautiful and at the same time so humble couldn't get unnoticed by people. And I was also attracted to her in the first place, because of the same reason.

I was amused to see how much students were free these days. It was somewhat unlawful, but I caught various people snapping pictures of us sneakily. If it was from a single one then I could have faced them but....hah.

"Does it bother you?" I felt Tsubaki's grip loosening on my arm as we started walking in the hallway of the school.

I held her hand rigidly which was on my arm and said in an assuring tone.

"It's okay. Being in the spotlight does bother me but if a cute girl beside me is working as compensation, then this spotlight is more than welcome". She halted her steps as well I did.

She stared at me for a whole second, with her face growing crimson before leaving me alone and running toward the class.

'Wait...ah. I ended up saying something embarrassing and cheesy'. I knew she was embarrassed hearing such words but I didn't say it intentionally. It all was my inner thought which I barely could hold.

Sighing, I proceeded toward the class where I found a crowd surrounding near my desk. I knew Tsubaki was at the center of it.

I made my way toward my seat somehow passing by the people who were asking various things from Tsubaki.

I started hearing what kind of question they were, and I couldn't help but raise my brows.

" Tsubaki san, are you really dating Sakahi kun. I mean you both look good. But are you super sure he isn't coercing you?" 

"No, I am hundred percent sure I am doing it all of my free will". As expected she answered flawlessly without hesitation.

" Tsubaki san, what phase are you guys in?" Now my patience was wearing loose.

"I would like to keep it between me and Kazu kun".  'Good girl I will pat you plenty in the lunch break'. I thought as I also didn't want her to share these kinds of things.

" Hey look look. How red she is..cuteeee". A girl squealed as I facepalmed.

'At least don't make it so obvious Kayo'.

"Hey, Tsubaki san. How did he confess to you?" I was surprised to know how much they were confident that I was the one proposing first. Well, in normal cases that would have been the situation. I also wanted to hear the answer so I stopped my work and perked my ears.

"I was the one confessed first, well he rejected me tho". " EHHHHHHHHH".

"Eh?" The last one came from me.

Before another consignment of questions could have been raised our homeroom arrived.

Back to their respective, seats, I looked toward Tsubaki who was already looking at me.

Since the attendance was going on, despite asking audibly, I wrote a chit and threw it to her. I and Kunimi used to do this a lot in middle school.

We sent chits containing curses, for no reason. We always tried to make each other laugh through jokes or gags, so the one who ends up laughing gets punishment.

In the last year of middle school, our curses got caught by the teacher. That day I realized how bastard Kunimi was.

I only handed one chit he threw at me recently, and he unpacked his bag containing hundred of them worth of the whole past year.

'Those days". Signing like an old man I threw the piece of paper toward Tsubaki.


'I am such a jerk'. I sighed as I recalled how embarrassed I have made Kazu kun. This morning I ended up running from him leaving him alone.

'Mou...but it's your fault, to begin with.'. This morning he said something that I could have never imagined coming from him. It was a fact, that Kazu kun was a little dense. So him flirting with me...

' heartbeat doesn't stop drumming what should I do?' I looked toward my left and found Kazu kun staring at me.

Before I could say something, he engaged himself in something.

'Is he ignoring me? Of course, he will. Should, I seek the help of his friend or maybe make something good for him or...' My monologue got broken when something flew toward me and landed just between my hands.

It was a small piece of paper folded. I looked toward the direction from where it came from and found Kazu kun gesturing me to read it.

'Oh my God. Is it really what it is...IS IT REALLY WHAT I AM THINKING? romantic. Is he trying to kill me from a heart attack? Is he an assassin sent on a secret mission but if the killer could be this handsome then I can accept death with a smile. But wait...I should read it first'.  I unfolded the paper most cautiously, enjoying the thrill of the wait.

[Sorry to say something embarrassing in the morning. ]

'Wait. No Kazu kun I am not embarrassed because of you it's more like..well I should write him back first'.

[No it's not like that. I was just so much happy, to hear it that my face again started being weird and I don't want you to see my melted state] And sent.

He read it and after passing me a warm smile, started writing again.

I waited in anticipation when another paper flew toward me.

This time I opened it a little rashly and started reading its content.

[Someday I want to see your 'melted state'. Even you don't accept, I am sure that side of you would be a sight to behold.]

'I am sure he is here to kill me.'


A/N: Do you guys like the change of POV?

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