My perfect yandere!

Secret Job~1!

Suka... let's play."

"...are playing with me?"

"Don't ask the same thing every day. Let's go. We are best friends after all".

My eyes shot open at the sudden appearance of a person from a distant past. My breath was a little unsteady as the memories of my childhood started scrambling inside my head as soon I woke up.
These memories were precious to me and I am a little sad that some fragment of those times has already faded away. I still treasure my time with my friends.

'If only I could meet you once more Suka'. Turning my head I found Tsubaki sleeping beside me calmly. I was startled to find her sleeping beside me even it's been already 4 we have started living together.

It was the first time in 4 days that I was able to get up before her.
Regaining my composure, I didnt let my small movements become disturbing as I realized my sleeping position. I was hugging her abdomen tightly in my grasp with her face above my head. It was like how a mother embraces their child in sleep. She was protectively hugging my head, with her breast in front of my face. Her smell was so calming and exciting that I barely could hold my urge to embrace her tightly again and snuggle like there wasnt any tomorrow.
Her calm breathing, her relaxed face void of any emotion, and her supple body under my grasp were surreal.

Just a couple of months ago I abandoned the thought of even talking with her and now I was cuddling with her in her house.
'It feels like a dream. I smiled and closed my eyes but suddenly her movements caught me by surprise.

I looked with my eyes barely open and found her staring at me with clear eyes.
Our eyes met and suddenly she jolted and drifted away.

" Ah.Ka-Kazu-kun. Were you awake?" She sat up as she asked a little flusteredly.

"Just woke up. "
"Oh. By any chance, I wasnt snoring right?" She asked timidly like her life was based on it.

"A little." I joked but it was a bad idea.

Her world seemed getting destroyed as her eyes went wide in shock.

"You're lying..." A tear appeared at the corner of her eye when I immediately spouted the truth.

"Yeah I am. I am sorry. I just wanted to tease you". She exhaled in relief before pinching my forearm sharply.

" Itta...that hurts". I gave her a fake pained look.

"You scared me for a second. Anyway, good morning Kazu-kun. May your day be good and fortunate." She blessed me like an angel.

"Good morning Kayo. You generally wake up this early?". I checked the digital clock to see 5.30 displayed on it. I was fascinated to know that someday I could also wake up this early.

" Yeah. If you want you can sleep again. I will just-" I interrupted her as I got up from the bed.

"Nah. Since I am already up, I think it's better to utilize the time." Stretching my body I heard her saying.

"Then will you accompany me for the walk?" I felt excitement in her tone so, without any further ado, I nodded.


In the chilly breeze mixed with light fog, a couple could be seen walking side by side.

The boy was tall and sturdy with a face blemishing with gentle and calmness. Beside him was an adorably beautiful girl with raven hairs that were now tied in a ponytail. She was a head shorter than the boy but the height difference only made them more complimenting.

They both were chatting in a low tone as they walked inside a park. The partial sunlight was making the atmosphere more serene and peaceful.

It was obvious that the pair would have caught the attention of those who were passing by. Who doesn't want to check such an eye-catching pair once at least?

"It sure seems refreshing. Do you come here every day?" Kazuya asked as he felt a little too good walking in the fresh air.

"Yeah. It detoxes my mind and helps me to get new ideas. And yeah it controls my weight too. So triple win". She said as cheerful as ever. Even it was so morning, her beaming smile never died down.

" Hmm? I never imagined that you would be conscious about your physique and stuff. I thought it was genetic or something". Kazuya never cared about his physique but the sports and detours he always took after school helped him gain an ideal body for a high schooler.

"My parents were always lean but it doesn't mean that I got their genes. During childhood, I was chubby and fat due to my eating habits. But after a recent time, I started exercising and caring for myself. Ever since then, I always care about what I eat and how I live my life". Upon hearing her words Kazuya became a little surprised. He tried to imagine a chubby Tsubaki in his mind but suddenly a figure from his dream came into his mind as he halted his steps.

" Mm? Kazu-kun?" Tsubaki also halted her steps as she looked back at him.

He got out of his daze with a shook and looked toward the wondering Tsubaki.

"It's nothing. Let's go".


" Listen Kunimi". It was in-between period breaks in the class when I went to Kunimi's seat and after making him stand, I sat on his desk with a serious expression.

He sighed and after pulling the empty chair from Sayo-san's desk, sat to my right.

" What is your concern. I bet it's about Tsubaki-san".

"You guessed it right. It's about her." I replied still looking straight.

"What? You need relationship advice now?" He asked as I looked toward him with a 'seriously?', look.

"No I dont. It's more like I want a recommendation".

" Purex won't break inside. You dont have to pull out." He gave a wink with a cheeky grin. I really wanted to plant a decent punch on that grinning face and replied.

"I want a job recommendation which can pay a good amount of money in a week". Before he could display another disgusting grin I interjected.

" I am not going to sell myself. And if you spout a single nonsense now, then I will tell Sayo-san about your fantasies about the Tanikari sensei".

(A/N: From middle high. Won't appear in the story ;)

"Asshole. Anyway, come to the cafe I work. Since Valentine's weekend is going to arrive tomorrow, the owner is hiring temporary employees for one week only. So I think it will be best for you. And yeah they will pay 7000 ". My brows raised upon hearing the too good to be true deal.

" I am in. Let's go after school".


A/N: I think most of you guys have figured the past story. Anyway~ drop a comment if you are liking the story.~

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