My Reverse Life

V2ーExChapter 40

I don't know if sharing this a good Idea but well... I am gonna do it anyway. 

 Well, I should just be frank with all of you as my reader. My mentality is pretty unstable, to what extent?. To extent of suicide thought. One bad day can change my entire view of life. But don't worry, I can still control myself and reason with that constant thought, mainly through religious reasons. That being said, my productivity is linked to my mental state. Though, my recent schedule change also affected it. Hmm... why did I bring this up?. Honestly, I hesitate to bring this up. Is not like I want your sympathy or anything. Gosh, I sound like Tsudere there...

No... What I want is for interaction in the comment. Cause that is what gives me motivation. So... even comments like "Thank you for the chapter" are already motivational boosts for me. That is one of the reasons why I choose to release this daily back then. For those who have already always done that from many chapters. I give you huge thanks from me. My reply "Thank you for reading" every comment I see is not enough to show how grateful I am.

On a certain island in the middle of the pacific ocean.  There exist a secret headquarter of a certain secret organization. In there, an important meeting is currently being held.

"What the hells happen on Tsukuru Island!!" Executive A said while smashing his hand on the circular table.

"Don't be too mad... who would have thought the catalyst happen the same day our operation begin." Said Executive B while drinking from her favorite wine glass. 

"Not to mention, those two idiots actually fight each other while doing mission." Said Executive E

"Hey, is not our fault. Aren't the first assault toward the Academy we could snatch the vessel." Said Executive D.

"Yeah, why don't we just kidnap her at that time. " Said Executive C

"There is a strange chain that protected her." Said Executive A.

"Chain??... what chain?. I didn't see anything resembling chain that day." Said Executive C.

"Is a metaphor. I honestly want to kidnap her that day, but that chain is too powerful." Said Executive A.

"Hence why you make us retreat and replan the whole thing?." Said Executive C.

"Exactly..." Said Executive A.

"Also, you don't have to do attack the academy at the time you know?. I already become friends with her after all!!." Said Executive E.

"What will we do now that our plan is failing?. Should we try again?." Said Executive B.

"Yeah... we will be more prepared." Said Executive A. Then he glare at Executive C and D and say. " Don't mess things up again. Understand?."

Executive C and D nod at the warning and gulp their saliva.

"Moving on, let's talk about the catalyst." Said Executive B

"This would make it the third Catalyst, and the more devastating one. Is so large scale, that The Association cannot hide it anymore." Said Executive E

"I am sure is more incline to the internet spread the information so fast that the association can't hide it anymore." Said Executive C.

Executive D the give Executive C a good smack in the head and say. " You ignorant human, today's catalyst is clearly more large scale than the last two."

"Also, the third catalyst confirms our suspicion. The catalyst indeed happens once a hundred years. The first one on Napoleon era on 1815, the second one in the middle of the great war 1915 and current day 2015." Said Executive A.

"Is more than a year actually, by three months to be exact. March, June, and September respectfully. If this pattern continues, the next catalyst will happen in December 2115." Said Executive B.

"Hmm... A year and three months huh. That means fifteen months. Isn't number fifteen repeated number here?." Said Executive C?"

"Sure seems so." Said Executive D.

"The third catalyst brings us a lot of problems. Now that esper brings brought to the public, this means the association now can perform in public. We need to be more careful of our future action." Said Executive A.

"Well is not entirely a bad thing for us. The catalyst also brought upon newly awakened esper. meaning we could recruit a new member with a similar view to us." Said Executive C.

"Is easiest said than done. Because the association already become public, a new esper probably more inclined to join the association" Said Executive B.

"We could still manipulate the young generation and distort their view." Said Executive D.

"That visible, because the association becomes public, their recruitment process also will change. Previously, they just recruit whoever seems to have esper power. Now, it becomes public, the association has to change its approach because of moral reason." Said Executive B.

"Moral reason?." Executive C ask confused about what it meant.

"Meaning, underage can't no longer join at will until they become eighteen." Said Executive B.

"Why not?." Said Executive C.

" Esper Association now, in public eyes is a government agency. A bureaucracy, much more like the police and the military." Said Executive B.

"Ah, I understand now. But can't they just make another lesser organization aiming for this young esper?. I mean, they can't be let loose." Said Executive C.

"That what the school role is... they will contain this young esper, grooming them and let them learn how to control their power. The association probably will send a representative to oversee the situation. Through school, we can't manipulate their view. Isn't this what you think when you suggest that?." Said Executive B.

"Yeah... leave it like that." Said Executive C awkwardly.

"Wait... then... you will dump those tasks to me again?..." Said Executive E.

"You already become a student at Tsukuru academy. Also, we will dispatch many other members to many different schools too." Said Executive A.

"Noo... I don't want to... or at least give me a helping hand this time." Said Executive E.

"Seems fair... I will infiltrate as a teacher." Said Executive B.

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