My Reverse Life

V2ーExChapter 44

Hello there, I am Irana... or Nia as currently stands. Amelia, no... I shear now, give me that name without consulting to me. Well, is not that I hate it. Is an adorable name. Anyway, we are currently in some sort of apartment room?. I am not so sure but it looks like it. This is probably where Shera lives. The question is, who is these two gentleman in front of us. I assume is just her friend. But is the relationship limited to that?. One of them might be her boyfriend. How else pretty girl like Shera make acquaintance with this chubby man and a handsome yet seemingly eccentric man.

Both of them currently get laying on the floor. One fainted for no apparent reason. The other gets a good kick to the face. The chubby man, he say his name was Ren right. Seems like he is quite used to getting beaten by Shera. As he quickly gets up and acts like that kick never happens.

"Hahaha... sorry, I do that out of impulse. It probably disgusting for fat people like me to touch a pretty girl like you." Said Ren full of negative energy.

Waah... the negativity feels unbearable.

"Hey... don't be too harsh with yourself... I... I don't mind." I said just to encourage it.

He then stops generating negative energy. He looks at me with intense eyes.

"Your name is Nia right?." He said.


Suddenly, he rushes toward me and jumps with the intent to hug me. But a roundhouse kick soon meets him while still up in the air.

"Nia, don't be fooled by this pervert. He acting pitifully like that to soften innocent maiden like you." Said Ame... Shera.

"Tch... can you at least give me a moment of happiness." Said Ren.

"She is my little cousin for goodness sake... And she is a minor!!." Said Shera in rage.

"Oh shi... I mess up... I was joking. FBI will out to get me now!!." Said Ren in panic.

"We are not in the US idiot!!... FBI will not waste their time on you. Thou the police might want to befriend you. Should I call them?." Said Shera.

 "No... nonono!!... please." He then kneels down and attempted to kiss Ame... Shera's feet, before getting a good smack in the face.

Is this person a masochist?.

"Sorry, Nia... he might be a pervert. But he is a good person." Said Shera with a gentle smile.

How so?... I don't see a redeeming quality at all.

"Is not too convincing right," Shera said with a crooked smile.

Well... let's ignore him first and ask Amelia... I mean Shera what has been bugging me since the beginning.

"Btw... what does he mean by cosplay?... A cosplay as myself?." I ask her in a whisper.

To which she replied in my head.

"You could just send telepathy to me, don't have to whisper."

Hmm... is that so... How will that work?.

"Hello, can you hear me?" I attempted doing telepathy.

"Loud and clear... Now about your question. In this world, the world where you come from is actually an Anime. Your Onee-chan is the main protagonist." that so...




Wait, what?!!

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