My sister is a villain in an eroge?! (hiatus)

Chapter 29: A perfect dream or an uncertain reality?

My anticipation was answered with a softening of my lips. Big brother's kiss. I should have been pleased. As a result of his actions, which I had long awaited; a shiver should have run down my spine and into my nether region. However, this kiss was extremely cold.

The initial happiness and excitement faded quickly, like a bucket of cold water suddenly falling. My once hot body cooled. I was ridiculously excited to kiss my big brother for the first time while he was conscious, but this was just… disappointing. It was a flat, unreal kiss.

It was only for a split second, but it was enough to clear my mind. I was happy just moments ago, but there was something missing. No, my memories... memories? My thoughts were jumbled. It was like a jumbled mess of hazy memories and sensations, impossible to distinguish anything, but I vaguely remembered dreaming of strange things; a system, swords, and magic. Is it a video game? I couldn't be certain.

I opened my eyelids and looked at the big brother after our lips parted. It had to be him; it had to be him... His confident smile remained on his chiseled face, and his blue eyes, which seemed to hold the ocean, looked at me with amusement, but there was something false somewhere in all of this that simply prevented me from jumping on him as I would have under normal circumstances. Because something inside me told me that if I did, I'd get lost in my own fantasies and delusions. That this was possibly nothing more than ephemeral and depressing escapism.

"Is everything okay?" He inquired. As he drew his concerned face closer to me, a fragrance reached my nose once more. "Lucille?" he asked again.

I just stared at him without blinking; the fragrance he emitted was ridiculously sweet, and I was stunned for a moment. But then I had another thought: this couldn't be a dream, could it? It was most emphatically not a dream. The memories were now clearer than before. My older brother and I had been dating for over two years; was it considered taboo? Fuck them. I absolutely love him. At the serious thought, I could feel the heat creeping up my face. Being a couple, him and me!

I finally smiled. "I'm fine."

He smiled and nodded. Then, as if recalling something, he raised his right arm and looked at his wristwatch. A silver watch that made him look elegant, but did he have such a watch? It was an odd thing, elegant but a little too big for the big brother's tastes.

I tilted my head, allowing a lock of reddish hair to fall down my pale shoulder, revealed by my sloppy nightgown. I was about to ask why we had to leave when I noticed the flaming lock of hair. What was the strange sensation? It was strange but familiar. I reached out my hand and stroked my fingers through my silky hair. I'd always had reddish hair, but looking at it closely now gave me a strange feeling. Something seemed out of place...

A hand waved in front of my face, jolting me from my reverie. "Lucille?" My big brother lowered his hand, and I observed his worried and puzzled expression. "Is everything okay?"

I sketched a smile. "Yes, I'm fine." I crawled to the edge of the bed, sliding the soft sheet down to reveal my creamy smooth legs and, due to the short nightgown I was wearing, a bit of my thigh. I yawned and stretched with a pleasant moan, putting one foot on the gray carpet. "Where are we going?"

Big brother gave me a puzzled look, and I realized he wasn't interested in my teasing him by revealing a little more than I should as I stretched. I couldn't help but pout. He didn't seem remotely interested.

He spoke in a slightly amused tone, not caring about my pout. "Don't you remember the parent meeting at Aria's school?"

Aria? In thought, I tilted my head and gazed at the wall. I searched my memories, and once again, a pleasant smell triggered my memories; I felt ashamed to have forgotten her. What kind of mother forgets her daughter? I am the absolute worst.

Our lively little girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, I had forgotten about our 4-year-old daughter. Is it because I was still tired? As recompense, I'd have to lavishly pamper her. After some consideration, I clasped my hands together and shook my shoulders, squirming with embarrassment. A daughter with the big brother! It felt like a dream had come true. It was almost surreal.

I stood up. My big brother said it was almost time, so I decided to hurry. I curl my toes and enjoy the plush carpet's warm feel. I looked at big brother, and he kept glancing at his wristwatch every now and then, so I decided to take small steps towards the en-suite bathroom. "What time is it?" I asked my big brother before entering.

As I shut the black bathroom door, my big brother's voice became muffled. "I don't know."


However, because my brother's voice no longer responded, I finally assumed that he was no longer listening to me. I shrugged and gazed at our room's bathroom. It was quite spacious, with a two-person bathtub; the louvered tiles added an elegant and clean touch.

I froze in surprise as I turned my head to the left, where the mirror and sink were. I moved my hand closer to my face, watching its path in the mirror. With admiration, I traced my face. My smooth pale white cheek skin felt smooth, my red lips were slightly parted, revealing my stupor, my green eyes sparkled with curiosity, and my reddish hair looked healthy and silky. Is this me? Only a sliver of the person I remembered was visible. This person was older, more attractive, and appeared to be in a better mood. My hands reached for the mirror, and the coolness of the reflective material felt genuine. My right hand, however, lacked the scar I remembered, a burn scar that spanned half the back of my hand.

I turned my wrist, thinking about the lack of a burn scar. There was now smooth, beautiful skin where there had been a rough, pinkish mark. I frowned as an arrow of incongruity shot through me, along with a slight headache. As a drop of sweat-soaked my palm, I brought my hand to my brow. There was no scent to keep me from thinking deeply this time, and I began to connect the dots and notice the gaps in my memory.

"Lucille? Are you okay?" The worried voice of the big brother came through the wooden door.

How does he know I'm not feeling well? I just entered the restroom. This was definitely strange. Big brother and I were a couple. I was overjoyed, but…

The doorknob turned slightly. "Lucille!"

Big brother wanted to come in. Perhaps if it had been five minutes ago, I would have been excited for the chance to flirt with him and possibly persuade him to shower with me. However, now… I quickly reached out my hand and shut the door. I had no idea why I did it, but it was instinctive.

The doorknob jiggled sharply, and the bathroom lights came on briefly before turning off again. Those cheap horror movie tricks, on the other hand, did little to harm my psyche, and I concentrated by closing my eyes. I was almost fully awake now, and I could tell that the scent emanating from big brother was some kind of drug. I wasn't sure, but if I was, where was I? Is this a dream? My memories were still hazy, despite the clarity of my mind.

If this were a dream, shouldn't I be able to leave whenever I want? I pinched my arm, and while there was some pain, it was muffled. That fragrance had to have played a role in it. Perhaps it dulled my senses. Was it an illusion? That would make more sense, but it sounded ridiculous. Illusions? Was this a fantastical world? I snorted in thought, but the headache I was experiencing intensified. Don't tell me…

The bathroom door finally opened, and a man who resembled my older brother entered. When I saw him again, I got a slight headache, which made me lean against the sink to try to dull the sensation. When I looked up and saw myself in the mirror, I had the strangest feeling that my green eyes should have been red. Inside, the figure of a girl with black hair and red eyes struck me like a bolt of lightning. I smiled slightly, pleased to recall my true appearance. That was, indeed, me. Charlotte Edevane.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned my head slightly to see my dream's big brother looking at me with concern. I quickly removed his hand and decided it was time to wake up. Wake up? I remembered having passed out, but I was also shocked as a train of memories ran over me mercilessly. Swords, magic, the system, everything. I laughed. I fainted after a brief fight with big brother, and now I'm fantasizing about a perfect life with him? Was I stupid? Instead of sitting here dreaming, I should go help him.

The man's face scrunched up, "What are you doing?

I gently tilt my head. He's adorable even in my dreams. But I think red eyes suit him better. I smiled and extended my hand with an open palm in his direction. There was only one way out of this lucid dream. Why wasn't the dream's older brother aware of the time? What happened to the alarm clock? Dreams are figments of our imagination, and the brain cannot mimic what you don't know.

"Hey, 'big brother.'" I said, mockingly stretching out the last words. I narrowed my eyes in amusement when he looked directly into mine. "Can you tell me the name of the first girl you slept with?"

He gave me a puzzled look, his eyes wide with confusion. After a while, he smiled and leaned against the doorframe. "What are you talking about? It was you-"

His words were cut short when a flare of white fire burst from my palm, engulfing both my older brother's figure and the door frame. The benefit of lucid dreaming was that I could do whatever I wanted. I kept shooting fire for a while, enjoying the propellant-like sound that echoed throughout the house. When the flames died down, there was nothing left of the fake big brother, and part of our room used to be was now a black patch with nothing else. Apparently, my brain was only concerned with my house and didn't care about what was going on outside. How lazy could I be?

I made fun of the bedroom window, which resembled a blue sky and bright sunshine. Looking at the actual background of this dream, it appeared to be a poor imitation of our house. I took one last look at the location of the fake big brother and didn't feel the least bit guilty about destroying him. I could have simply wished him away, but burning him was symbolic for me. After all, he had kissed me. Even if it was a dream, big brother, have all of my kisses! I mean, the real big brother!

Is it possible to purify the soul? Is this considered cheating? Will he ever forgive me? It was him, so it wasn't cheating, right? Everyone has had lewd dreams about their lovers, after all. That's not cheating, is it? This was the same. The only difference was that I was more aware… Oh my God! At the thought, I buried my hands in my face. I detest lucid dreams! Damn you, affection-deprived subconscious.

I felt like crying. Fucking shitty dream… I'll have to tell the real big brother to do something about my guilt…. Ah! I slapped him before I passed out, how bad luck could I be?

I wallowed in self-justification and guilt until I was startled by a voice.

"Are you finished?"

All of the tears that had escaped my eyes as a result of the power of a lucid dream vanished, and I snapped to attention. But I was also taken aback to see the house and everything else fading into golden dust without my permission.

Everything began to turn to gold smoke. From the bed to the closet to the sink. Even though I wanted to, I didn't have the ability to do anything to stop it. Shouldn't I have awoken by now? What exactly is going on?


[Yes, host 2]

I sighed with relief that the system had arrived. However, I didn't have time to ask him any further questions because I had fallen on my buttocks in a dark place. It's extremely dark. My buttocks, which were barely covered by my nightgown, were soaked in a water-like liquid. The room was strange and dark, but there was water on the floor. I quickly stood up due to the discomfort of having wet clothes.

"Very impressive." A male deep but proud voice was heard. "That's the quickest anyone has ever emerged from a lucid dream fueled by me. I wasn't expecting an otherworldly soul to take part in my trial."

The voice came from nowhere and everywhere at the same time. I tried to use my reading character skill, but it didn't work because I couldn't see him, so I played it safe. "Where am I?"

"Now? This is my domain." The voice's response. "Pretty forlorn, don't you think?"

"So it was you who gave me that lucid dream?"

"Yes. Isn't it beautiful? You were content, your brother was content, and you even had a daughter." The male said it but then sighed. "Because of your lack of consent, my power was limited, but if you want, instead of just a dream, I can make something real. You simply have to allow it."

I snorted at his clear attempt to tempt me. Was it the voice of a ghost? did he want me to sell my soul or something? "Thank you, but no thanks; may I leave now?"

The voice paused for a moment, and I took advantage of the opportunity to speak to the unique thing that was probably going to give me answers. 'What exactly is this, system?'

[You are reawakening your bloodline, host 2. This is your test.]

'And how do I get out of here?'

[My interference in the astral world is limited, host 2. Passing the tests is the only way out of here].

I sighed. But I also understood why I smelled that pleasant fragrance in the dream. If this person is so powerful to make such a dream so realistic, why create such an obvious weakness? It was because a test without resolution was meaningless.

After my conversation with the system, the voice spoke again. "What reason do you want to leave? Do you really believe you and your brother will be happy in that world?" The voice inquired.

I puffed out my chest, refusing to let his clear attempt to make me doubt my big brother affect me. "Absolutely."

With a snort, the male voice scoffed. "I've seen the memories of both of you, pretty crazy." Although I didn't know where the voice was coming from, I felt it approaching and moved from my spot, listening to the sound of the water resisting against my feet. The voice remained unaffected by my attempt to flee. "A woman-hunting mission? It sounds like a debaucherous whim. Do you believe he will love you more than any of the other women? That they could be more beautiful, nicer, and smarter than you? Even if you think you're smart, you're just an immature, naive young lady."

"I trust big brother."

A derisive laugh sounded. "The same big brother you slapped?"

"Th-That…" He was right about that. Was I too harsh about it?

The voice spoke again as if taking advantage of my slight hesitation. "How does it feel to know that your last contact with your brother could be a slap?"

I froze. Last contact? What did he say? I looked in all directions, repeatedly activating the 'like an open book' ability in the hopes of reading his thoughts by chance, but nothing happened. I finally admitted that I couldn't read his mind and asked hesitantly. "What do you mean?"

The voice spoke in a mocking but deep tone as if expecting the question. "A very powerful enemy arrives when you fainted. Your older brother bravely saved you and an assassin from being kidnapped." The laugh came from the voice. "He employed an unusual method of exchanging his life force for power."

I felt a shiver run down my spine. 'System? Is that correct?' The system, however, did not respond. 'System!'

When I received no response from the system, I paused. Why isn't it saying anything? It had stated that its interference was limited, but is it at this level? I took a deep breath and quickly recomposed myself, using the coldness of the water beneath my feet as a catalyst. This had to be a lie. It was, after all, a test. I'm not stupid. "Nonsense!"

Again, as if anticipating my refusal. The voice spoke quickly. "Actually, I can show you."


The black landscape began to ripple. The water beneath my feet began to rise and swirl, sucking me in like a whirlpool. I closed my eyes and tried to come up with a plan to keep from drowning, but it was too late as the water swallowed me, and I felt the typical coldness of the water.

I expected to feel the despairing sensation of a lack of oxygen, but when I opened my eyes, my landscape had changed. There was no longer any water. I couldn't feel the moisture on my skin at all. I was greeted by a desolate, gray landscape filled with battle sounds. This was all too familiar, and I could feel my heart pounding with each passing second.

This was where the battle with Belora had taken place.

I could hear and see, but I felt nothing despite the fact that I was standing barefoot on the burned and splintered ground. It was as if I didn't exist.

I turned my head in a specific direction, my heart pounding in my chest. A little black-haired girl dozed off on the ground. It was more like passed out. I remembered the body. That was my new body. Not only that but there was a boy with black hair and red eyes with an extremely regretful expression.

His adolescent features still bore traces of childishness, but the expression he was making was inappropriate for his age. He appeared repentant and… terrified. What was the big brother afraid of? I could tell his crimson eyes were a little sad.

"I'm sorry" he uttered.

I was engrossed as the scene unfolded in front of me; I wanted to reach out and hug him, but for some reason, I couldn't. I could simply observe the big brother's sadness in front of me.

The shadow servants kept an eye on me, and the big brother kept his head down, but just as the battle seemed to be coming to an end, someone appeared.

The interruption of a man with black hair and black eyes felt like a time-lapse. Everyone was taken aback. Even I, who was standing outside watching it as if it were a movie, couldn't help but tense up. I could feel the man's power as he dispatched Belora's henchmen with inhuman speed.

I watched as the big brother struggled to carry me quietly, but his body stiffened as he held me in his arms. When I realized the man was causing that reaction in my older brother, I clenched my fists. But I couldn't do anything but stare intently at what was going on.

My already tense body became even more paralyzed when the man easily dispatched two shadow servants. With his mocking smile, they were nothing more than spoons in front of him… But when he also defeated Novem with a thunderous lightning bolt, I broke out in cold sweat.

The man was holding me, an injured Novem, and my brother, who had become disoriented due to the brightness of his attack. When my older brother finally noticed what was going on, he seemed to pause for a moment. When his red eyes landed on my figure, they wandered and trembled slightly, but after a second, his face changed to a determined one, and I felt myself stagger back (even if I couldn't move my body). When my brother shouted, "Overload!"

Blood. A lot of blood. My heart sank as I watched the scene. "B-Big brother." This could not be true.

Big brother was in a lot of pain. His eyes were completely red, and he was crying bloody tears. His nose and ears were both spewing crimson liquid. The sight made my stomach turn, but my brother didn't seem to mind. His hair sizzled as electric arcs shot through it, rising up due to static electricity. He then pushed the man away, freeing us. Novem reached out to grab his ankle, and they both vanished together.

As the landscape darkened once more, I stumbled backward. I landed on my buttocks on the ground, now drenched in water. My vision had been cut off, and I was back in the dark. Big brother… My stomach sank. This was not possible; it was an illusion or something similar. My thoughts became more relaxed. Trying to take a deep breath, this was a test, and the illusion wasn't real. It simply could not have happened.

"This was not an illusion." The voice affirmed. Then it got closer to me, like a whisper, forcing me to face reality. "Your dear big brother has a 1% chance of surviving. The technique he used to consume his life force is hazardous."

I pressed my water-soaked hands against my ears. "I don't believe you!" I yelled.

However, the voice now sounded inside my head, shattering my reasoning. "Living in denial. Even though you say that we both know that deep down, you know that vision was true. "

I shook my head. "I-I…"

The voice went deeper into my head as if mocking me. "Aside from that, you saw it, didn't you? Your dear older brother, whom you adore, put his life in danger for someone other than you. I can see his memories as well, do you remember? The only thing on his mind at the time was saving that assassin girl; you, on the other hand, were secondary."

I removed my hands from my ears because it didn't seem to work to muffle the voice's words, so I shot an angry glare in all directions. "Shut the fuck up!" After that, I clenched my fist, allowing the sting of my nails against my skin to slightly cramping me. "Big brother would never leave my side!"

"Oh? But that's exactly what he did this week. Ignoring your warnings and advice to save that beast girl from the black market? He was only looking for another girl to add to his collection. You mean nothing to him, and when he gets bored of you, he'll discard you, like the trash you are."

"Shut the fuck up!" my breath hitched. This was all a lie. It couldn't be true.

"Wouldn't it be wonderful to live in a perfect world? I can help you with that. Simply tell me what you want: do you want your brother to love you, do you want to torture him, or do you want the perfect man?" He made the offer. "Just don't try to stop my perfect dream. You can be happy for the rest of your life. What do you think?"

"I…" I felt despair welling up in my heart. Did big brother really think that way about me? He really doesn't love me? I took a step forward. "I…"

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