My Slime Girlfriends

Chapter 19: The Dragon and Her Master (R-18)

Last smut chap I promise.

(Scarlett POV)

I woke up feeling slightly weird, my arms and legs were tied to a chair in what t seemed to be my own castle's prison room. As I shifted my weight and opened my eyes I heard someone say, "Well well, look who is awake." It was a fox girl with big breasts, I remember her, she was one of my past experiments that were saved by that girl. Memories of what happened before flooded my mind. I needed to know what that slime did to me. 

"Why did you capture so many people and experiment on them?" the girl asked me as she leaned on the cell door. 

"I didn't want to hurt people, but it was the only way to progress in my research," I replied honestly feeling terrible about the whole situation but I did what I had to do. 

"Realy?! Didn't want to hurt people? I was here for almost 14 years!" She yelled at me. 

"That's not possible, I only had you for 2 months! If you think I was crazy enough to turn you into these abominations you are wrong! Dragons are admirers of pure mana not this corruption inside you. I mean honestly, chimeras are completely repulsive, no offense," I honestly didn't mean to offend her but I hated the monstrosities that were chimeras, a mixture of different creatures and impure mana, disgusting. 

"So you weren't that one that locked us away and did this to us?" the girl asked insecurely. 

"No, I killed the previous duke and for the last few months, I've been trying to reverse what he has done in the most painless way possible. Haven't I been feeding you guys better and treating you well? I couldn't have the king know that I had switched places with the duke or he would kill me so I had to keep up appearances, I apologize." I really would have told the girls what was happening but was afraid of one of them rating me out for their freedom. 

"So it was the actual duke that was experimenting on us? How are both your names Scarlett then?" she asked leaning closer. The smell of her corrupt mana hit my nose and I should have been revolted by the mixture of mana since I was a pure dragon but instead, I felt a heat rise from my core. 

"That was a pure coincidence, I only learned about his experiments because I heard there was another scientist named Scarlett." 

"I see." the girl said walking out of the prison cell. 

Soon after another girl walked inside the cell room. The girl was a little shorter than the Fox girl and had beautiful eyes that seemed like jewels constantly shifting colors. Her hair was slightly blue and had a few red streaks in them. For some reason, my body reacted to seeing her and my nipples went still while my pussy began to itch. Scenes of what she did to me yesterday flashed through my head. 

"Master," the word involuntarily slipped through my lips as my body was begging me to let her use me however she wanted. It was like the pleasure I felt yesterday was engraved into my soul. 

"It seems like you understand your place at least," she said as she cut the rope that was holding me down. 

"Do you  love me?" she asked putting emphasis on her last words. I felt my soul react to her. I love her. Wait no I don't, I don't, but I want to know more about her. She's so pretty, I love her so much. What the hell was I thinking.

"W-what's your name?" I asked her as I stood up from the chair I felt my cheeks getting more and more red as she got closer.

"My name is Lily," she said with a smile that made my skin crawl. Isn't she the best? Look at that smile, maybe I do love her. What was going on, these weren't my thoughts. 

"What did you do to me?" I asked. 

"I turned you into one of my slave slimes, I really felt bad about yesterday. Don't worry I won't torture you like I did yesterday." She said holding my shoulder reassuringly. "But you did hurt the girls I love so I will have to torture you a different way. Do you remember those girls from yesterday? Aren't they so beautiful, couldn't you just fall in love with them at first sight?" 

I felt my soul shake again, her words were influencing me I figured it out. What could I do? I needed to get out of here. Why would you run from the ones you love? I don't love her right?

The slime girl pulled me in for a hug and bit my ear. I came immediately, my body felt so sensitive. 

"I tried to save you, I really did but the aphrodisiac changed you. If only you could see your face from a simple ear bite." Lily said. 

She's so cute, right? Yeah, she's cute, so cute. You love her right? You love all of the pretty girls right? L-love, do I? Wait no way that's not me. 

"The other girls," I muttered shyly, "What are their names?" 

Lily seemed surprised for a moment before saying, "The fox girl is Kira, she's a bit naughty at times but she is really kind. Charlotte is the vampire girl with the attitude, and the innocent dog girl is Hannah."

"Kira, Charlotte, and Hannah..." I muttered. The slime girl backed away a bit. 

"You are nicer than I thought," she said to me patting my head. I came from a head pat, what had happened to me. I saw a lustful look in Lily's eyes. Praise me more Lily, I love you. Praise me. I looked up to her expectantly and she gave me another head pat and watched me squirm. Lily removed her clothes slowly showing off her skin. So beautiful! She's so pretty. 

After Lily finished removing her clothes she walked closer to me. I love this woman. N-no I don't, I don't. Suddenly the cell door slammed open and the girl named Kira walked in. I love her too, her fox ears are so cute, I want her to love me. She had cute ears, but I didn't love her, right? These thoughts were so corrupting. 

"She didn't do anything Lily-sama, there was a misunderstanding," Kira said on my behalf and explained what happened with the last duke. Lily listened for a little before turning back to face me. 

"I'm so sorry Scarlett! I didn't know, I thought you did all those terrible things." Lily said. I didn't care about her apology, I already forgave her. I want her to touch me, I want the other girls here too. No, the thoughts were still infecting me, but I did want Lily to touch me. I grabbed Lily's hand. 

"It's ok, I forgive you." I showed a kind smile before moving her hand to my naked breast. "Master, please touch me!" 

Lily looked at me with a tear running down her cheek. 

"What have I done?" she said looking at me crying. Comfort her, help her, she's your lover. I do have to help her. 

"It's ok, really I don't mind! Please don't be sad Master," I hugged my Master as hard as I could. We sat there for a few moments. 

"Ok, Scarlett I get it, you are going to suffocate me." She pats my head as she pulled away, rubbing my horns. Ahh! My horns, more please touch them more. I love her, my master. Maybe? 

Master pulled me in for a kiss, her tongue explored my mouth, I was so happy. She used a tendril from her hair and inserted it into my pussy. 

"More Master, please," It caused me to yell. Lily looked so sad, I didn't want her to be sad. "Wait," I pushed her off tears were still rolling down her cheeks. I love her. I love her, she is my beautiful master. I love the other girls too. I do? I really love them a lot. I do. I love them all, I want them all. I want them. I want Lily to be happy. 

"Master, it's ok you don't need to be sad, I love you," I kissed her on the lips, causing only more tears to flow from her. 

"Oh no, I forgot to deactivate my skill! I'm sorry Scarlett!" she said, as the voice disappeared from my head. 

"It's ok," I caressed her cheek. "All I know is what I want right now, and I love you." I kissed her again this time only as a little peck on the cheek.

"Look, I haven't changed too much," I said, trying to prove that what she had done wasn't affecting me by sitting in the chair and refusing to show any lust. It was hard to hold back so much while keeping a smile on my face but seeing Lily's tears kept me struggling through the pain. 

Lily saw me and smiled slightly, saying, "I can tell you are faking you know." She pulled me in for a hug and her nipples rubbed against mine. It's ok this is just a platonic hug, don't cum, don't cum, don't cum. I managed to hold back. 

"I'll take responsibility Scarlett, it's my fault. When we are together, you don't have to hold back," She pet my head and horns again. I came three times in a row, and I'm sure my face was contorted. 

"Can we come in now?" the other girls were standing at the cell door with their clothes off. I saw Lily visibly gulp. I pulled them into the room and got ready for a long night. 

(Scarlett POV end)

Name: Lily Eros

Level: (6/50)

HP: 420/420

MP: 250/250

Race: Lust Slime of Loving Parasitism

Titles: Slime Eater, The One Who Cares, First Of A Race, Parasite, Energy Feeder, 

Condition: Fine, Happy

Class: Slime Overlord

Subclasses: Slime Breeder

Stat Points: 0

Dexterity: 13

Strength: 24

Intelligence: 10

Agility: 13

Magic: 26

Stamina: 21 x 2 (42)

Active Skills: [Morph], [Split], [Create Slime],  [Infect], [Mind Control], [Mana Bolt], [Summon Undead Slime], [Primordial Library],  [Bloody Parasite], [Words Of Control], [Detect Magic],[Control Mana], [Fireball], [Consume Mana], [Life Drain], [Feed], [Blood Slash], [Spider Thread Creation], [Spider Thread Manipulation], [Unstable Domain], [Seduce], [Produce Aphrodiasiac]  

Passive Skills: [Skill Fusion], [Create Martial Arts], [Minor Elemental Control], [Undead 100 Slime Body], [Sense Mana], [Mana Control Efficiency], [Regeneration], [Blood Attunment], [Vampiric Arts], [Undead Stamina], [Night Vision], [Slave Markings], [Slave Communication], [Reinforced Thread], [Titan], [Queen Seed]




Name: Hannah Eros

Level: (0/50)

HP: 250/250

MP: 200/200

Race: Slime Shadow Hound

Titles: Bird Feeder, Scum Of The Streets, Promising Talent, First Of A Species, Devil Spawn

Condition: Fine, Happy

Class: Slime Slave

Subclasses: Thief

Stat Points: 0

Dexterity: 24

Strength: 30

Intelligence: 7

Agility: 30

Magic: 20

Stamina: 25

Active Skills: [Morph], [Split], [Slash], [Sword Barrage], [Shattering Dash], [Skyward Leap], [Mana Bolt], [Detect Magic],[Control Mana], [Fireball], [Steal], [Sneak], [Shadow Movement], [Dark Slash], [Shadow Dash], [Summon Hellfire] 

Passive Skills: [Create Martial Arts], [Minor Elemental Control], [Hell's Slime Body], [Sense Mana], [Sturdy], [Pain Reduction], [Stealthy], [Submission], [Shadow Manipulation], [Overbearing Shadow] 




Name: Charlotte Eros

Level: (33/40)

HP: 340/340

MP: 310/310

Race: Blood Empress Slime

Titles: Elven Princess, Human Slave, Elven Experiment, First Of A Species

Condition: Fine, Happy

Class: Slime Slave

Subclasses: Blood Warrior

Stat Points: 0

Dexterity: 12

Strength: 25

Intelligence: 6

Agility: 15

Magic: 31

Stamina: 17 x 2 (34)

Active Skills: [Morph], [Split], [Blood Slash], [Feed], [Blood Manipulation], [Vampiric State]  [Mana Bolt], [Detect Magic],[Control Mana], [Life Drain], [Blood Fortification], [Creature Transformation]

Passive Skills: [Vampiric Arts], [Rich Blood], [Undead Stamina] [Minor Elemental Control], [Undead Slime Body], [Sense Mana], [Pain Reduction], [Blood Attunment], [Submission], [Vampiric Sunlight Immunity], [Body Of Blood]




Name: Kira Eros

Level: (27/40)

HP: 300/300

MP: 250/250

Race: Slime Undead Spirit Master

Titles: Kitsune Saintess, Bearer Of Light, Kitsune Experiment, First Of A Species

Condition: Fine, Happy

Class: Slime Slave

Subclasses: Nature Zombie

Stat Points: 0

Dexterity: 15

Strength: 23

Intelligence: 9

Agility: 17

Magic: 25

Stamina: 15 x 2 (30)

Active Skills: [Morph], [Split], [Limb Extension], [Feed], [Slash], [Berzerk]  [Mana Bolt], [Detect Magic],[Control Mana], [Life Drain], [Summon Spirit], [Realm Bridge]

Passive Skills: [Zombie Limbs], [Poison Blood], [Undead Stamina] [Minor Elemental Control], [Undead Slime Body], [Sense Mana], [Pain Promotion], [Poison Immunity], [Spirit Manipulation], [Submission], [Pain Reduction], [Spirit Attraction], [Spirit Abode]




Name: Scarlett Eros

Level: (6/60)

HP: 600/600

MP: 450/450

Race: Flame Arch-Dragon Slime

Titles: Dragon Princess, First Of A Species, Unrivaled Scientific Genius, Slave of Pleasure

Condition: Intoxicated, Mentally Unstable

Class: Slime Slave

Subclasses: Dragon Alchemist

Stat Points: 16

Dexterity: 10

Strength: 39

Intelligence: 15

Agility: 26

Magic: 45

Stamina: 60

Active Skills: [Morph], [Split], [Limb Extension], [Mana Bolt], [Detect Magic],[Control Mana], [Fireball], [Fire Storm], [Flame Pilar], [Greater Flame Vortex], [Concoct], [Disinfect]

Passive Skills:  [Middle Elemental Control], [Dragon Slime Body], [Sense Mana],  [Submission], [Natural Armor], [Fire Breath], [Greed], [Extreme Magical Efficiency], [Measure], [Regeneration(Lesser)], [Lustful Body]


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