My Slime Girlfriends

Chapter 23: The Slime and Arlec

Lily and her girls cleaned up their tent and pelts. The camp was soon cleaned up and all that was left was a small campfire that was nearly burnt out with some steaming fish overtop, taken from a nearby river. Lily had put the fish on to grill before they went to clean themselves and the camp up, coming back periodically to flip them. 

"Hannah! Have you seen my bra?" Yelled Charlotte from the river.  Hannah ruffled through her stuff before encountering a foreign undergarment. 

"Sorry, I took it by accident," Hannah said handing it to a topless Charlotte who quickly dressed. 

"Yeah well don't take what's not yours. But thanks," Charlotte said. 

"No problem," Hannah said with a smile. "Kira! wait for Lily, stop staring at the fish." 

"But it looks so tasty, right Scarlett?" Kira asked the girl that was staring at the fish next to her. 

"Hmm? Oh yeah, we should wait for Lily," Scarlett said but her drool betrayed her, telling everyone that she was starving. 

Lily emerged dressed from the forest saying, "You didn't have to wait you know, as long as you left me some." 

"Told you!" said Charlotte, zipping by the rest of the girls and diving for the fish. 

The girls sat and ate before taking their leave of the forest. Lily noticed that her girls were staying happy and horny stealing glances at Lily and imagining everything that came along with those glances.

About three hours after their departure they reached the city of Arlec. Arlec was named after the mountain that it was built on. It was much larger compared to the small village they were in before. Arlec had three walls separating different sectors. In the middle was a tall church connected to a large castle. The castle led down into lavish homes and large gardens and further down were common homes and shops similar to those of the village and then the last group seemed poor, having only small shaks but regardless, everyone seemed happy. 

"Wow!" Charlotte commented. "This city is so large." 

"It's approximately 3.144km²(1.214 mi²) at least that's what we learned in school. It's the size of some Empires, what we see is just a part of a whole. There are 15 churches like that one that all report to the main church of Synth. They use a type of magic that is only available to them, they call it holy magic. It is similar to nature magic but also can increase stats temporarily," Hannah said. 

"Wow, you are pretty smart," said Scarlett. "They have massive amounts of production of various crops and goods. It's not as large as the capital city. This city is the smallest of four similar cities which are under the rule of the princes, but this one is ruled by the princess. They say that she is benevolent and philanthropic, caring for all her subjects."

As they got closer to the city they saw a large road leading to a gate in the wall. There, people were in line to get in while their luggage was being taken by guards. 

The girls approached the line and a guard quickly introduced the situation to them, "We are currently in a lockdown because of recent murders and would appreciate your cooperation in an investigation. We are checking for members of the Helsean church which are suspect to be behind the recent deaths."

"The Helsean church?" questioned Lily. 

"You don't know about the Helsean church?" asked the guard, causing Lily to shake her head. "It's a church comprised of sentient monsters that worship their own deity, a priestess." 

"So they are stopping any monsters from entering the city? But wouldn't you notice if a monster were coming?" asked Charlotte a little worried.

"Well, most members of the church can shapeshift and take on human forms so we are investigating people entering and exiting the city," the guard finished and moved on to another group of incoming people. 

"Oh man, we're screwed," whispered Charlotte. 

"Don't worry, we just have to step out of line and find another way in, as slimes we can break into almost anywhere," replied Scarlett calmly. 

"Girls!" Lily said alarmingly, "It's almost our turn, let's get out of here."

The girls motioned to exit the line but were stopped by the guard who talked to them previously. 

"Guys, we have a bunch of deserters, lock 'em up." 

Suddenly collars were placed on their necks and handcuffs on their wrists. Lily tried to break away by using morph but found that the skill wouldn't activate. 

Magical interference detected, would you like to absorb the suspected barrier? Estimated time of consumption 1 day.[Y/N] 


Lily quickly selected yes before they were knocked out. 

When Lily opened her eyes she was in a dark room and luckily could see with her night vision. She was chained against a wall with almost no room to move, her arms suspended above her. She still couldn't use any active skills other than the absorption of the primordial library.  On the other walls were the rest of the girls, and next to Lily was a heavy wooden door. 

A man stepped into the room, letting candlelight flow in from the hallway outside. Behind the man was a blonde girl with emerald eyes and a white dress. 

"It's very peculiar, their race indicated that they are slimes but refuses to tell us more than that. We don't know anything but their names and that they are slimes," the man said. 

"Slimes huh?" the girl replied. 

Lily was staring at the girl not because she was beautiful, well she was, but because of her race. 

Name: Maria Lumin Race: Chimera (Human, Priestess, Ghoul, Ghost)


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