My Slime Girlfriends

Chapter 25: The Slime and The Interrogation(R-16)

Lemme just cut in and say, slimes are more similar to shapeshifters than slimes in this universe. Thanks!


Absorption complete you have learned the skill [Mana Binding]. 

Lily pushed herself off the wall, falling onto Maria and dodging the attack. The rest of the guards quickly subdued the man who was still trying to attack Lily. Lily pushed herself up and noticed she was straddling Maria who was blushing terribly. 

"Can someone get her some clothes?!" Maria yelled as Lily slipped off of her and tried to cover up. After a plain white shirt and cheap pants from a prisoner's uniform were brought Lily was decent and stood up fully. 

"How did you do that?" Maria asked, directing her attention to Lily threateningly.

"Do what?" Lily asked hoping it was about something other than her breaking out of the shackles. 

"Get out of the chains," they are warded and no magic can be used while wearing them, there was no way you could use physical force. So then, how did you do it?"

"I'll tell you if we get a chance to talk in private, I'd rather not reveal all my cards to people who want to kill me," Lily said while nodding her head towards the guards. 

"Very well, shackle her once more," Maria told the guards. She then nodded and turned towards the guard who was on his knees, held down by two other men. "You, why did you attack the prisoner? There was no immediate threat and she had not been interrogated, clearly, it was a personal agenda."

The man began to sob, "My daughter was killed by the Helsean church, she was only eight. I refuse to let members of that foul church live."

"You are clearly misguided, there are no confirmed criminals or Helsean church members here. Your actions could have prevented us from gathering further information to truly take down the church. You realize that, correct? Take him away."

The guards dragged the sobbing guard out of the room. 

"Are you gonna leave the rest of us up here?" asked Charlotte snarkily. 

"Forgive me, it's for our own safety. After all of you are investigated you will be released," the princess quickly replied. She turned to Lily, "You have to come with me and then I will see if I can set you free." 

Lily was pulled away from the room and into the lighter part of the castle where the sun shined again. She was taken to a room with a crystal ball in the center and another set of chains next to a chair. 

"Sit there please," Maria directed and Lily sat. "Put your hands on the ball, I won't put the chains on you but don't take your hand off. So, let's begin. Are you part of the Helsean church?"

"No, princess, I am not." The ball shined green. "Ohh, a lie detector. That's pretty cool."

"Do you have any opinions on the Idris empire, if so what are they?"

"I don't, it's my first time ever encountering this empire."


"Are you a convicted felon anywhere?"



"Have you ever committed a crime?"



"Wait, excuse me?"

"Yeah, I have, nothing big though I never really hurt anyone." 


"What are your thoughts on the Idris empire's royal family?"

"No opinion."


The princess became slightly on edge.

"Be honest!" Maria's hand was on the hilt of her sword. 

"The princess is quite beautiful." 

"Huh..." Maria froze a moment. 


Maria turned completely red, finding her eyes wandering to Lily's where she couldn't look away and then looked back at the ball. 

"Do you have any other opinions about the royal family?" Maria refocused. 


Green. Blush.

"Why do you think I am beautiful?"

"Your eyes, your hair, your skin, your demeanor, your innocent blush." 


"Who are the girls in the other room?"

"They are my lovers."


"That's all? All of them are your lovers? That's a lot of lovers?

"It is a lot of lovers and they are all mine," Lily started. Green. "That's all."


"Lily don't put me in difficult situations, I don't have enough energy to go through this. Who are they really?"

"They are my lovers but they are also..." Lily mumbled the end and Maria didn't catch it. Green.


"They are my slaves and my lovers." Green. 

"Oh, slaves?"

"Yeah," Lily nodded shyly. "I turned them all into slime slaves by accident, but they are all really ok with it I promise." Green.

Lily removed her hand from the device. 

"Is that all?" she asked Maria. 

"Yes that will be all," the princess replied, looking at Lily a little friendlier now. 

"Great, come here then I want to tell you something," Lily said extending an arm towards Maria. 

Maria cautiously took a few steps closer and took Lily's extended hand. Lily got a firm grasp and pulled her princess closer, pulling down the left side of her shirt revealing a single breast. She placed Maria's hand over her nipple and moved it gently. Maria pinched slightly and Lily let out a concealed moan. 

"You seemed curious before, so I thought you might want to touch them," Lily said with a little grin. Maria seemed to realize what it was that she was doing and pulled her hand away, already missing the warm soft sensation. 

"I was simply admiring your skin before, that doesn't mean I wanted to touch your... know!" Maria burst loudly. Lily readjusted her shirt grinning widely. 

"So what do we do now? We are free to go right?" Lily asked.

"No unfortunately I still have a lot to explain to you and you cannot go outside of my personal castle. My father's men are everywhere and if they learned I freed a group of monsters I would be screwed." Maria said sadly. "You guys can stay in the guest room next to mine if you would like, it would mean a private dining area and bathrooms." She then added, dropping her regal tone. 

"Sure we would love to!" Lily smiled. 

"I'll get Dorian to show you out while I get the rest of your...err... girlfriends interrogated." 

"Thank's a bunch, Maria!" Lily said as Maria exited the room with a smirk. 

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