My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch. 82: The Issues We Hide

Stepping inside wasn’t too weird, the wardrobe had automatic sliding doors that slotted into the wardrobe’s walls. And the doorway was wide enough that I could walk in with my wings partly open if I wanted to. The inside was a soft blue color on the floor was two lightly flashing and pulsing foot shaped lights, they were spread wide enough to make my stance wide. Even when the doors closed behind me I had plenty of room for my tail to easily swing, not bad. Though the only annoying part was having to wear this white leotard. Sure I don’t have to sit in my underwear or……………..nude…………..

BUT! This stupid thing digs into and around my ass cheeks and other parts! I can feel it pinching into the space between my tail and ass! The way it goes around my tail makes it feel more like a third ass cheek then a literal tail! Man…….. My rear is as big as people seem to think….isn’t it. Sure it wasn’t ludacris like some women’s mountainous rears but like my stupid chest, my body grew in portion to my size. You could be a giant with B cupped tits but to a normal human…..I cringed as I looked at my mounds of fat stretching the leotard. 

I looked away, letting out a sigh. At least the uh, wardrobe will turn it into something less bland. Maybe less tight? Please? I couldn’t help but cross my fingers and slightly scrapping my claws together.

“Damn, knives.” I groaned. 

“Please stand on the glowing footprints to begin the layering process. Otherwise, press the green button behind you to leave.” Said a robotic voice that also sounded like a small girl. I’d say that was weird but really, this world’s just plain old strange, it’s not like my old one wasn’t weird.

A quick look behind showed a large green button I could easily punch with my fist. Without waiting any longer I stepped on the footprints which made a soft jingle like ring echo off the walls.

“Thank you for choosing the Cosplay Wardrobe for your fitting. Now beginning the layering process, please stand still in a T pose.” Said the voice.

After lifting my arms, a soft whirling hum vibrated off the walls, followed by several clicking as if gears were slowly turning and spinning. With a louder clack, the nozzle arms unfolded themselves around me, the four mechanical arms taking different positions. They pointed at me from different angles and heights, the liquid tank they were attached to gurgled as bubbles rushed upwards. I watched as the liquid slowly moved down the transparent hose almost like a milkshake that didn't want to go up the straw. Finally the nozzles made a crack noise and began spraying my body in a really sticky black….goop?

The arms even began circling me, apparently it was attached to a ring like mechanism that allowed for easy coverage. But the stuff it sprayed me with wasn't like a paint. No, it was more like wet half watery mud, the fact I could feel the dirt grime like small rocks or thicker dirt made my face twist into disgust. My beautiful gleaming scales being covered in this filth!? The gaps between my scales felt like the dull ache of cavity ridden teeth! You dare dull my luster! Why, I’ll grab you by those useless tentacles and breathe hell down that hole where an octo’s beak should be! A good frying might teach-

The nozzles stopped spraying before the tape arms began shooting several yards of tape at me which tightly wrapped around my body like tight wires. Was she trying to massage me? She’d need something stronger if she wanted to even scratch my scales! But the tape’s edges began glowing with what appeared to be several golden N’s and L’s. It was so pretty that my instinct’s building anger paused as if an alien dog hopped across the street, farted and went on its way.

The golden lettered tape flashed once, twice then four times. The gold light expanded until the tape looked like golden rope but it didn’t stop there! The gold light crept over onto the black mud! The muddy gunk didn't feel as slimy or minerally once covered in gold light, instead feeling like a pair of underwear that was riding up my leg that was luckily pulled back into place. The throbbing sensation I felt between my scales slowly mellowed out until I felt kinda, whatever? Like it just didn’t matter too much… 

Did she…?

But I do feel less…. Tight?

Maybe it’s just the leotard is part of this weird not mud gold? Maybe it fused into it or warped into something less, impactful?

It kinda reminds me of my time as a human…. Man, I really feel weird hearing myself saying human. I am a human underneath these scales aren’t I? Would or could I still be a man under all this? Would I care? I’m pretty strong and I can try all sorts of new fashions. But I still think there’s something important to handle, I can’t really forget what I am….or my needs fo-

“-ow! You look super cool Oliver!” Came the praise of a familiar snake girl.

“Thanks.” When did I even get out? Did I get the cosplay though?

Lifting an arm showed the cloak of dreams. It felt like a soft leather cloak or poncho, down to its shape but looked more like a purple cloud floating over the starry sky. The stars even twinkled and occasionally a shooting star would race across in random areas. My hand was covered in a dark red glove with metal knuckles, a bloody bandage wrapped around the palm as the final touches. The other hand was pure black but sorta looked like a dull black material. Yet every now and then little thin needle like spikes would sprout from my hand like a glitching plant. But the only thing that felt a little off was the way something tightly held to my stomach, as if three belts desperately hugged my body. Placing my hand on my belly, I could sorta feel a thicker maybe leather material. Right, she wore a corset, I could feel it cupping my chest and see how much bigger I looked….they actually look smaller? Not by a lot but it feels kinda obvious? 

Well I smartly chose to wear the cloak of dreams in its untransformed state. Rather not be flashing these things around. Besides that I could feel my hair was straightened and some of it was braided into a ponytail. Even the hair stuck under my horns felt looser. It was kinda nice? Swaying my head side to side and feeling my hair easily moved. Was this how a dog felt like after a good grooming? Maybe I should put more effort into my hair….my brush might not be enough?

“How does it feel? Anything wrong or feel different?” Steph asked with an excited voice. Looking back at her showed what character she went with.

She was covered head to tail tip in a blood red plated armor, the armor on her tail was layered over each other like large scales. But she could still raise or twist her tail somewhat easily. The ridges of the armor had glowing carvings of runic with slithering and coiling snakes decorating the edges of her armor. While a flower that was either opening up or just beginning to close, glowed in an icy blue on her curved shoulder plates. Her tail armor was decorated in the flower’s petals like a winding stream had taken them adrift. The tops of her fingers were covered in metal while the palm and underside of her fingers was covered in a black metallic material like glove. Her helmet was a woman’s face, if it was made of black metal with bronze like eyes. The face looked a little too lifelike, eyelashes, creases in the lips, if I zoomed my eyes in, I could even see pores! The rest of her helmet was more like a normal knight’s helmet at the edges of the forehead but in the back, it curved like hair segmented by bands giving it more of a thick ponytail surface looked like a braided ponytail.

As I was taking in her detailed helmet, the corners of its lips raised into a flirty smile. Shocking me into pulling back my head. “Wha! Is that-I’m not seeing things am I?” I asked with a surprised look.

The face’s smirk raised into a shit eating grin. “No, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The face winked at me like a playful girlfriend hinting at a secret. “No idea at all, hehehe.”

My face fell almost completely flat as I stared at her with a look that asked, ‘really?’. “And I pluck griffons for my bed while roasting steak on a giant’s back for its buttery flavor.” I flatly said.

The mask’s eyes widened as big as fat lemons after she heard me say that. “Y-you…you do?” asked a very shocked snake girl.

I leaned in so close that our noses were only half an inch away, my eyes staring into the mask’s face and right into her soul. She would’ve backed away if I didn’t position myself in front of her with her back to one of the wardrobes, which ended with her bumping her back into said wardrobe. “WHA-WHA-WWWWWWHAU?” Her tail was slapping the ground so much that it was practically a blur and made an adorable pat-pat sound. I could just swallow her whole at this point, her tomato red face and those juicy lips. Hehehe…..but that would have to wait for now.

“It’s delectable.” I said in a calm and growling voice before stepping away and slowly walking away to the exit. Why? BECAUSE WHAT’S WRONG WITH ME! Without even wanting or trying, my dumb horny instincts acted up…it was so easy too, like putting on a glove……….well, I did want to tease the girl………………………..



Ok, might need to pay more attention to my needs at home….

Sorry Steph.



On our way out, I eyed the large octo lady like she was about to steal from my mother. My eyes narrowed as I watched her body shrink away from us while bowing her head.

“I promise n-never to abuse my employees!” She quickly shouted.

I didn’t say anything as we left the wardrobe, ignoring the girl like some random weed. This would’ve continued unless Steph nudged my arm.

“What was up with that? You were acting like she hurt you.” She asked looking up at me with a worried face.

“Don’t know…..just felt like something I needed to do.” I lied, might need to keep things simple. “My instincts were acting up, so I might’ve been blowing off steam.” I said.

“Oh…” Steph stared at the ground with a difficult, almost a crying face on her helmet. That’s not good. But before I could do anything, Steph lowered her head. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about my situation. Otherwise….then maybe……I wouldn’t have……….Embarrassed you.” She mumbled with a pained voice. 

“We can go somewhere private to talk if you want.” I offered. I didn’t think she’d want to start crying in- The helmet’s face began tearing up streams of tears.

“It j-j-just feels w-weird…I want to be……” She paused before shaking her head and grabbing her arm. “Damn it Emily……..” She mumbled under her breath. She turned away before pulling the helmet’s face off and wiping her eyes a few times. 

I tired stepping closer but she pulled away from my presence. “I’m s-still not…. I’m not ready to talk about it….” She finally said.

I stepped back at her response. “It’s, alright. Just uh, let me know if……well, that happens again. please?” I said, somewhat uncertain if there was a best way forward to getting to the bottom of this. 

“Yeeeah…. I’ll be careful……uh, I mean I'll let you know if-if, that comes up.” She said sheepishly.

“Thanks….” I was at a loss for what to do next. I knew she loved horror and beauty stuff but, I don’t fully relate to that….now that I think about it, there’s a lot of stuff I still don’t know about her. Was I not paying as much attention as I thought? No, I know she loves dramas and stories about friendship but I don’t know enough to sincerely comfort her. 

Then just use mana.

I guess something is better than nothing. Without waiting I focused on a cotton ball puppy I saw in a video and the pure joy I had while looking at its godly levels of adorableness. Its big eyes looking up at me with its small little nose twitching. Its fur looked to be the stuff people fantasize a cloud was made of, thick silky and full of fluff. It felt super sweet to see the pup again after all these years, surely this beauty needed to be protected and cherished.

As I was trying to focus on the emotions and imprint it onto my mana, my chest began to burn really hot. As if I dipped into our heated bath at home. But before I could try mana channeling, something silky smooth coiled around my tail like a lazy morning hug. Making me lose focus on my objective as I looked back, finding Steph’s tail clinging to my own.

“Thanks….I didn’t know- It, felt nice.” She said while hiding with her back turned to me. I-it worked? Just like that?! I knew my mana was strong but, this! She’s in a better mood tha- “But, I’m not talking about, That. it’s too……much?” She continued, cutting me off mid thought.

“Uh, yeah, no problem….”


“FUCK!” Nomos shouted, her tentacles thrashing and easily snapping her reinforced mithril wood desk. The gem studded desk pulled apart like a loose joint in an action figure while the dark stone reinforcements pulled apart like rubber. Another tentacle swiped at the shelf behind her, easily cutting it in half and blasting gold statues and decorative books into the floor. Some were even in pieces. Below her, her tentacle’s suckers pulled and twisted and debris that fell near her, wood snapping and metal twisted into hideous shapes.  While her tentacles destroyed her personal office, she pummeled her fists into the wall, creating loud creaks and bangs into the metal.

“Another fucking, ‘MWP’, I was almost eaten the last time one came for a free shirt!” She roared in her rage. “Sure, I’m sooooo fucking lucky you left me with nothing but a burning base and a friendly reminder of where my little niece is! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! Fuck me why don't you! Let’s see how far my arms stretch before they snap, it’s not like I can’t grow them back!” She raged in mockery.


“Madame, are you finished with your nose powdering?” Came a soft voice.

Nomos froze at the hint, her arms held above her head ready for another crushing blow. “AHhhhhh…” She loudly sighed. “Yeah. just about done cleaning up, Dell. How's the gift?” she asked, gritting her teeth so hard that her gums bled.

“Prepared, with the guest slated for arrival in two minutes.” He asked calmly. 

“Be out soon…. Any other surprises?” She asked frankly.

“Besides the winged voidling? None.” She said warmly, her mana softly flowing into the room like a warm cup of sugary coffee. 

“Not now B. Let's just focus on that damned gift.” Nomos refuted her kind gesture. She can relax when she was at least four states away.

“I see…” He said calmly, her mana pulling away, the warmth it once had was now stained in a cold emptiness.


“Here, just take your gift and leave the payment there if you will.” Nomos pointed at a counter near the guest. A guest that was just an average human, short hair, brown eyes and clean shaven. There wasn’t anything noteworthy beyond the wrinkles on his forehead, still a larva to Nomos and probably to older humans too.

“I see…you do realize what this means for you, miss Glitter?” The man said dryly.

“You know our deal. I give this to the ‘proper officials’, collect the finders fee and live my fu-” She began angrily but caught herself, she couldn’t allow for her professionalism to slip here. “-free life. Beyond that, is our own separate businesses.” She said while forcing a neutral face.

“If you’re talking about that orange bat, you should be more up front about obstacles.” He said, narrowing his eyes while a wide smile spread across his face.

“I’m not in a position to say.” She flatly said, her face remaining neutral. She moved near a large dresser, eyeing the gold handles. “But if I were you, I’d never take a dragon lightly.” She warned.

“We won’t. This gift will mak-” He began.

“Don’t even try. Just do something else with it. Young- old, it doesn't matter. Unless one of your ‘knighthood’ is a high lord you’re better off preaching to your fallen saint god.” She said before eyeing him, eyes filled with fear so cold, it could be considered rage to those unaware. 

The man’s eyes flashed intense anger at her words, possibly spitting curse after hex at her and her family name. “DO not speak lowly of my faith, beast.” He hissed at her slowly.

“No, you need to watch your back if you do go after any dragon. Unless you want to have another, Saint Mare.” She warned with piercing eyes that even the man froze. “Now leave. Unless you want to purchase one of my cosplays?” She asked as if talking about favorite snack foods.

The dull child stood up, reached forward and grabbed the small shoe box. But not once did he look away from Nomos, his narrowed eyes evolved into a deep glare, one that might even make the Oni take a step back. He pulled out a monocle and looked down at the box with it and nodded.

“At least you aren’t a lying mongrel. Rejoice that this is more important than the cries of a worthless guardian.” He tucked the box under his arm and reached into his coat and dropped a small baseball sized box on the floor before leaving.  

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