My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.106: Questions

That was…. That was a really sad story. The hero lost three of their friends and that claw, what was it trying to do? Where did those squirrels and beaver monsters come from? They looked just like the one I sent to the moon. My brows pressed together as I considered what that might mean.

“Grandpa?” I called as I mulled over these thoughts.

“Yes? Notice something familiar on stage?” He asked, though I wasn’t looking at him, I could hear an obvious smile in his voice. Strange.

“When I helped the green woman who looked just like the three on stage…. I fought a giant squirrel with eyes that looked like some bug.” I began, my eyes narrowing.

“Just like them?” His voice carried the smile still.

“If that claw made these creatures then where did the one I fought come from?” I asked as I looked up at him. Only to see his nodding head freeze as a smile fell from his lips.

“Not sure. It’s possible it came from a crazed alchemist. Or some morally bankrupt magus.” He shrugged. Very strange.

“Then it wasn’t a mor?” My eyes narrowed. “But you said it was. And Mom told me they can’t live outside of dungeons. What does that mean then? That this town, the land it’s built on is in a-”

“The woman you saved said it was one and your mother’s told me about some. I didn’t see the thing myself but the name stuck.” He quickly interjected, his eyes locking on to mine as if to warn me.

My eyes narrowed further, almost into a grimace before I slowly closed them and shook my head. I wont open this book of the dead but nothing’s stopping me from learning about it in other ways. “Makes sense. But if I run into another experiment gone wrong, is there a place I should aim for?” I asked.

He shrugged again. “Its a magical creature.” He tapped his chest right above where his heart would be. “Hit here hard enough and most if not all beings, human and other races will be winded. Though maybe hold back when it comes to weaker folk.” He warned as he looked at my arm and tail.

“But!” He started again. “There is something else I wanted you to notice. The woman you saved was one of the jordain singing down there on stage.”

“Wait what?! You’re saying I saved a town celebrity?” I asked with a shocked face. I assumed they were some plant race visiting with how weird everything about her looked, not someone big and important.

“Oh yeah. You’re effectively become the town hero. Now let’s get going, don’t want to worry your mother more than you’ve…….” He looked at my still messed up clothes, his friendly smirk falling slightly. “Uh, any more than we can.” He corrected himself.

Fuck. I really need some magic clothes. Badly. Either ones insanely tough or has a repairing function like the treadmill back home.




We easily made our way back to Mom’s sewing warehouse. Turns out it was only a few blocks away from mainstreet and super quick if you used the web of alleyways. Maybe that’s how that bug squirrel was able to get around so easily.

As we made our way there Grandpa told me to let him do the talking when we finally did meet up with my mother and I asked if he was crazy.

“Mom’s going to kill us with her love!” I warned him. Remembering back to the last time she easily crushed the air outta me.

“Too late for that. She was worrying before that thing attacked you. So, I’ll tire her out before she gets to you.” He bravely said. It looked like I’d soon have a pancake for a grandfather, a brave and heroic pancake of a man.

As we neared the final corner, we passed a poster with pictures of keys. Each key had a line of text, probably runic or some other script, written on its blade with a similar text on an attached keyring. The poster read, ‘dumb tools used smartly. With a keyring of identity self, attached, your enchanted key will only work for you!’ Too bad we can’t just use something like that to keep from being squashed between Mom’s arms. Enchanted bubble of protection or enchanted clothes of insane durability/protection.

And as we turned the corner we saw our doom. Grandpa released a deep sigh before straightening his back and moving ahead of me, right in the path of my rushing mother. They met in the middle and he talked with her while Cole stood by her warehouse, looking at them. He then looked to me, looking me up and down as if I was the weird one. So I lifted my right and flexed my arm, showing off my muscles like I just manhandled the villain from an action film. He cringed, his head tilting away and his frown growing so deep, his nostrils flared. He then turned around and ignored everything going on. I just shrugged. I’ll keep trying little brother, maybe one day we can be that family we all need.

“Aghhh!” Grandpa cried, pulling my attention back to them. Only to see Mom with her arms tightly wrapped around his waist. She then leaned back and lifted him as he nervously patted her shoulders but she just tightened her hold on him.

And from the way She hugged him, I was sure he was skipping becoming a pancake right into living as a crepe. I could only resolutely watch his flattening with the kind of respect an employee had for a higher up facing the idiot boss. My wings tightly folded into my shoulders, almost becoming a pair of spears. Thank you Grandfather, your sacrifice will not be forgotten.


After leaving my flattened grandfather with Cole, Mom walked up to me, her eyes moving up and down my form. A stern frown on her face that grew deeper as she eyed me.

“Hey mo-”

She rushed in and hugged me, pulling us close to each other. I had to lift my wings as she did only for us to end in a four limb hug.

“I know I can’t always be there to protect you. But maybe……………” She fell quiet as she pressed her forehead into me. “I think I’ll do some talking with work and your school.” She gave me another squeeze before pulling back, looking right into my eyes with a soft, proud smile. “But for now, I’m just happy you’re alive.”

“What do you mean talk with my school? Is something going on?” I asked with a confused look.

She shook her head. “I’ll tell you about it if things pan out. For now, let’s get you into better clothes.” She shot her thumb at her warehouse.

I looked at my messy clothes, torn in some places and holes in other spots. “Yeah… I need that.”




Cole watched as Oliver and his mother went inside to change clothes, his narrowed eyes hiding a more pointed glare. Once they were gone he turned to his Grandpa. “What happened? Did he find out about the town? Like Mom did?” He said, that last part coming off with a frustrated bite.

His Grandfather sighed. “No. No one found out about it. He just ran into it while he was lost.” He shook his head while Cole grimaced at him.

“I’m not stupid. Mom started acting up after you talked with her.” Cole pointed out as he stared his grandfather down.

His grandfather eyed him for a long time, his eyes narrowed then looked off into the distance before he turned his head to face Cole again. “She doesn’t know but she does know that wild animals have attacked before.” He said calmly as if talking about everyday colors or the weather.

Cole looked away at the warehouse doors, his stern expression dropping into one of worry. “I’m sorry. Even if she did know I shouldn’t care…but still.” Cole looked at his hand as anger began to press his brows together. “You should be careful around that thing.” He warned as he lifted his eyes to his grandfather.

“He’s not who he says, that’s for sure.” Cole’s face seemed to lighten up from his grandfather’s words. “But he’s not the same one either, maybe not yet or not ever.”

Cole opened his mouth for a second, only to clam it shut the next. He dropped his head low and stared at the pebbles by his feet. “Just be careful.” He said with a sad voice.

“I will.” His grandpa placed his hand on Cole’s shoulder. “I won’t promise anything but I will do what I can. Just don’t do anything drastic………Focus on your music for a while. Can’t have you getting rusty.”

Cole stood there almost leaning into his grandfather’s grip. He slowly nodded then stopped. “I do what I can.”




The drive back to Grandpa’s house felt pretty long after all of the things that happened today. The odd chill in the air, the smaller population of monsters here and even the possible dungeon in the area. Why was it like this? Are they all connected or just several mini mysteries on their own? Will something bigger or more dangerous attack the town in the future? 

I just couldn’t know for sure but all the same. I felt like something was waiting out there. Hidden between the dark trees. If not there then the possible thugs and aggressive monsters in the city and towns. So I can’t pad around. I’ll put that Oni in her place and stomp whatever else comes at me if it means my family and friends are safe. 

Following that thought I pulled open the book on Oni I brought with me, right to where I left my bookmark. This section was mainly about their strengths, which I think was one of the biggest hurdles to get passed.

‘All Oni are very physical beings to the point their bodies can build muscle density faster than a minotaur builds mass. Allowing them to easily push small, sometimes medium sized trucks with ease. All this physic is wrapped up in their very thick and durable skin, allowing for impacts from metal and stone hammers, even shrugging off stabbings as if paper cuts.’

Ok, so most of what I can do won’t hurt her…. thoughts of how easily i caved that monster squirrel’s ribs pop up. If my tail could do that then what would a kick do? It might end up like a bullet to a watermelon. Then I can’t use it unless I know she can tank it, I’ll just have to time hits with my arms, elbows and knees. 

‘When not wielding Armbreaker swords, wrecking balls or small artillery cannons. An Oni will favor a mix of grappling and heavy blows. Everything from choking, kneeing the abdomen, arm and leg locks, slamming the fist and forearm into the head and chest but oddly enough they don’t gore like minotaurs do. This becomes more difficult if facing a sentinel sized Oni as their height allows for further reach, more forceful drops and throws if grabbed by one.’

Damn, she stands a good head or two above me. All she’d need to do is lock me in some sort of choking grapple or something that might threaten to pop my elbow or leg and I’m done for. I looked over my shoulder where my wing was tightly pressed to my back. And I have a few extra places she could grab me by too. But then again, I could use my wings to distract her too then set up for a retreat or punish her aggression.

‘-the worst part of an Oni’s strength is how they will imbue their attacks with elemental magic and conjuration. Forming what appears as armor of ice or water, only to turn it into whips, piercing pyramids or even turning a sword into a chainsaw.-’

I turned the page out of curiosity only to find to the right of the text was a series of writings in the blank space edge of the page.

‘I wonder if I can swipe the legs’

‘Gotta look out for their escape kick, could dodge around it but might send me flying if I don’t notice’

‘They love to over extend with their heavier punches, very showy of them’

‘Could pull a few faints, maybe even fake losing, pride before the fall!!!’

‘Nope, why did I think that would work! Pay better attention past me!’

There was multiple of these notes on this page and from the looks of it was a series of trial and error remarks. One even mentioned how Oni throw a missing punch only to swing the arm at you. Another mention watching one fight a minotaur and how it avoided knockout hit, almost as if the Oni wanted the fight to continue.

“Ahhh! Hopefully it doesn’t get too dark.” Mom muttered to herself as she yawned.

Right. This is one of her books….With a smile forming, I reached over and gently rubbed her arm. She sighed and loosened her shoulder as I did.

“Something up Oly?” Asked as she looked over at me with a warm smile.

“Just showing my love.” I said with a big grin on my face.

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