My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.19: Passing ‘Wholesome’ Notes

Welcome to a new chapter on your life! What do I mean 'your life'? Well you see I realized that I can sense your feelings with my great mind! Oh I see you want something interesting! So then Today we have some sweet action! Have fun!


“Hey Kathy could I talk to you about something?” I asked her, I really needed some help figuring out and she always had the most direct ideas.

“Sure Mark, what’s going on?” she said turning her head putting her fork down.

“It’s about Oliver… I wanted your advice on how to approach him.” I said, fidgeting with my fingers. I wasn’t sure what way I could approach him, every time I saw him, the mana around him was intense. I couldn’t handle it, it made my heart beat way too fast.

“Well… that’s a hard one. I don’t even know what he converged into and that dud of a bird is prancing around more. I swear she’s up to something and I have to be sure my girls doesn’t get hurt.” Kathy said with a frustrated face. That damn lowland harpy has been running around like she was on easy street ever since she fainted in front of Oliver.

“He’s that dragon we’ve seen around school.” I mumbled. She looked at me almost leering, her eyes said there was messing information and demanded what. “I didn’t want to talk about it but…” I took a deep breath. “I saw him converge.” I said quietly. Kathy froze, her eyes looked like they were going to pop out of her skull and she tightened her wings around her body in a hug.

“Ouch. Are you ok?” she asked like a worried sister.

“I’ve been trying to get over it but… it’s been hard to get near him with his heavy mana.” I admitted. Every time I got close the air felt cold and my mind warned me of incoming death. How did those other two with him stand it? Every thought of it just made me think of the popping and tearing of his body made as he changed.

“If it’s hard why not call him with your phone?” she asked with a worried face.

“I guess I feel it’d be wrong to do it that way. As if I was wimping out on this and it think it could help me move past this gunk in my head maybe?” I said more thinking to myself than to Kathy.

“You know life isn’t like some anime, right?” Kathy said staring me down, more annoyed at my thoughts. “There’s no way there’ll ever be a perfect time to do this. You… just do it.” She said looking back at herself. “So stop being some dumb romantic! If you have to then get your dad to magic up some guts.” She said trying to be tough.

“Gee how every could I live without your great advice.” I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

“Also he has a girl’s body now, if you end up hitting on him I’ll take you for some flight practice!” she warned me, puffing out her feathers. That made me shudder, the last time she did that she went into a nosedive, let’s just say I lost a week’s worth of lunch on that day…

“I know. I know! His friendship matters more to me ok!” I argued back. Kathy only raised a brow. So what if he had an attractive bod- he’s a dude! Not someone to see as…



I am not doing that again! I don’t have the heart to go broadcasting my raw body to people! After the whole fire thing I had to wear a shirt that was too baggy that it ate my wings! And… there was the skirt. Thank god it was long enough to cover up but everything was cooked. I mean everything!

Walking back to class was the longest walk I had to do, everyone was lined up against the walls lowering their heads. But I could feel their eyes scanning my body, their sight crawling around my body like hundreds of roaches. All their little legs moving across my bare, exposed bits! It didn’t help that my back and wings started to tingle and shake. Please! I can’t be excite- that’s when a short horned girl I passed by fell to her knees as her body shook and convulsed like a ghost was possessing her. She started moaning and screaming with a huge smile on her face, this made everyone including me to look at her. I think with everyone around her watching made the girl moan louder as her body shook harder and her hips started to push back and forth. She lost full control has her hands shot straight for her pus-groin! She grabbed her pants and ripped herself a hole, I didn’t see… s-she, had… no, there was nothing there!

She was going free like… the realization she wasn’t wearing any panties made my body shudder as electricity etched their way up my spine almost in the same way I felt in the Jacuzzi. She then dug her fingers into her own hole with enough force that she lifted herself into doing a hop, making her squeak in mindless pleasure. She was thrusting herself so forcefully that she threw herself backwards into the crowd, practically disappearing from view.

I tried to focus but something was drawing a blank. ‘Lucky’, ‘please?’, ‘Me Too!’ I nee- I want to, seeee m-more. Must… My wings started shaking as my shoulders shocked and vibrated in a good sensation… I managed to poke my arm with my claw, waking up from my haze. ‘meanie’

Looking around I could see some succubi and lamia staring at me, their gazes cupping the shape of my body hungrily. Some were drooling, giving inviting smiles or moving their tails in a weird swaying circular motion. I had to get out of there before my body acted on its own!

I leered at everyone before turning around and rushing back to class, I could hear several disappointed “Aww!”, while others giggled their apparent blue balling. I hated how this world was so relaxed with sex! The students didn’t gasp, look away or gave disapproving looks. Instead I noticed a few roll their eyes like it was just a joke while others smiled at the act… wait didn’t Mr. Minnow say no one’s doing their business in the streets!? Then wait does that mean… that indoors is fair game! But there were people! - No I can’t think about how weird this world is when I’m forced to go commando!

Inching my way into class I froze as some of my classmates looked at me coming in. I could feel their eyes rubbing up and down my body! Did everyone have some x-ray vision! I am going to die! Speed walking to my seat, my body started to heat up again as my wings started shaking softly again. My movement started to move more stiffly as I noticed someone blushing, staring me straight in the eyes. It was that guy who was checking me out! Greaaaat! Was he a succubus too or something worse?

I managed to sit down at my desk trying to focus on the class’s next lesson.




Luckily that was the last class of the day and mom had a day off! Yes! I pulled out my phone to call her, trying to be careful of not stabbing my phone with my claws. Calling her I asked if she could pick me to which asked why. So I whispered so no one could hear me, I told her I had clothing malfunction and needed some help, at first she sounded made that someone did something and wanted to know if I caught the person. I had to plead with her to get over here with telling her I what happened later.

I waited for a little bit before she sent a text that she was nearby, so wanting to pick up the pace I left class to make my way to the exit. That’s when I saw mark watching me before robotically marching up to me.

Oh no! I don’t want to deal with him hitting on me too! The thought of mark looking at me with hungry desire sent a zap up my back, making me almost instantly straighten upright. GOD! Why was my mind so easily aroused! I haven’t been like this since….. Right, I’m a teen again.



I finally decided to bite the bullet and try to talk with Oliver and for some reason the mana around him felt different, it was warmer. It felt like a gentle touch that pulsed from my core that covered my whole body. It reminded me of my mother and how her magic would always make my dad turn red. She loved to tease him even when he was working- gods monster girls are hot… wait what? I didn’t think that right? But… I do mean that but I didn’t-

As I was lost in thought as Oliver came into view, catching my attention, he looked very uncomfortable. His face looked… it looked, very hot he-she needed help didn’t she? I need to help her… at that thought my body sparked with electricity and kept zapping me the closer I got to her. Stopping in front of her I saw her nervous face, something told me she needed help and the air around me was soooo warm… Jacuzzi? Bubbly tingles, circling my body….?

“Heeeey- you!” I said half lost in my feelings. Was it getting hot in here? “I wanted to seeee youu. I uh… wanted tooo-hey you look pretty hot. Wauna goo out?” I said in lost stutter. Mmmmm. Is this an idol I’ve never known? How do you care about a cookie…

“Noooo! I have to go.” She said with that sulllll- hot voice! She rushed off before shouting. “Oh my god Mark! I’m a dude really! Whhhhhhyyyy!”

After sh-he left, the warmth disappeared with him… huh? What happened? Oliver was just here, wasn’t he? I turned around to check his class only to feel my pants feel more restrictive. Looking down I turned pale. I-I didn’t flash Oliver with this!? What is wrong with me!




What’s wrong with him! I knew he was girl crazy for monsters but I didn’t think he’d be that forward. Oh my god I want to die!

I mentally screamed until I reached my mother’s car, rushing in and slamming the door. I hated this, I hated! This! Why the hell do I feel the same tingly feeling from the Jacuzzi!

“Wow, you weren’t lying about there being a clothes problem….” She stared at me with a smirk. “Your mana is giving away a lot of info, wait what? Why is it suddenly mentioning bubbles?” she said with a confused look.

 “I’m practically nude under his!” I hissed in frustration while motioning to myself. “And stop looking at me like that!” I shouted in anger. I didn’t have the patience to worry about whatever she said about mana.

“Oooooh. Alright let’s get you into something more appropriate.” She said with a big smile plastered across her face. She better not be giggling at my torment!


Finally at home I rushed into something that covered everything that meant layers! I wouldn’t stop until I had all my clothes on! I was in my third layer when my mom knocked on the door, stopping my insane clothing obsession.

“Hey! Oly are you feeling alright?” she asked with a worried voice. “I heard you thrashing around in there…” she added.

 “Yeah… I’m ok, just feel kinda bad about the whole thing… it’s a little annoying having people give me all that attention.” I said feeling a little unstable.

“Well you are a dragon now and that’s what they see. So it’ll be hard to get them to see past that. So I’d say to live how you want to live!” she said with a motivational voice. I sat down as I listened to her talking, she always had something encouraging to say and I loved to hear what she said. Even if it wasn’t related to a topic I was concerned about, it just felt right to listen anyway.

“That’s why you’re in that class, you’ll learn how to handle your life better and then move up to bigger and better things! But only if you keep moving forward and don’t let the world weigh you down.” She said being realistic. She was right too, I have to keep moving forward and find something that is me and belongs to me.

I took a deep breath before blowing out. “Thanks mom… I’ll try to keep up. I think I’ll just take a shower to cool off.” I said as I removed two of the layers of clothes. It’s not like the school knows what I was feeling anyway.



At school the next day several of the students smiled while others looked a little annoyed as I passed by them to class. Some of the lamia began to wiggle and do a wave motion with their tails. The succubi quietly chanted Jacuzzi to each other like it was their war chant before standing upright and staring at the ceiling instead of the ground as I passed them. It was like they had a solider in all of them and they saw me as some respected general. Another group of horned girls and guys gave me a stern look but nodded at me as if they were somewhat interested in me.

What the hell is going on? I went from being feared to having the respect of the more sexually liberal groups? What, did that gir-no let’s not think about yesterday but why the heck are they chanting Jacuzzi! Wait… my mother mentioned it too, can mana transmit more than just its presence? No way right! I haven’t been transmitting my uneasiness to all of them….right?

I was lost in thought as I sat down in class trying to figure out if I’ve somehow become some bleeding heart with my mana. That’s when Mr. Minnow came up to the front to begin class.

“Today class we’ll discuss how monsters once used mana to communicate simple and limited ideas!” he said slapping the board. Wait what! No. please don’t!

“You see mana can carry simple thoughts, intentions, basic ideas and sensations! That’s why monsters outputting heavy mana can be seen as intimidating! They demand respect and warn others not to get their way! For example!” he said before the air around Mr. Minnow became heavy and cold making all the surrounding students flinch, shake or turn away. But my mind started laughing again as if watching the antics of a kid.

“hmph” scoffed Belle. Making me look at him, he wasn’t scared but kinda acting smug? The balls on this guy! Maybe he really is some god.

“heheeh.” Came some laughter. Turning my head, Steph was slouching on her couch seat with a teasing smile on her face. Were my two friends actually some hardened delinquents?!

After a moment Mr. Minnow stopped releasing the chilly air. “By infusing my mana with my thoughts you could feel my intentions of submission! But other thoughts can be also passed along, like love, happiness, joy, etc.!” He said with a stern nod. “The reason I bring this up is because these positive feelings can be sent to those you consider family or have a close bond to, far easier than to strangers! Which means I want you to try sending these positive thoughts and feelings to your family members! It might give you more insight for your reports due tomorrow!” He said with a smile.


Hello guys and ladies, gents and gals! A new chapter has arisen! but why is it this way? the whole succubus doing her thing? I mean they are a succubus, they live for this kinda thing. Other than that we get to see Mark! yay! Kathy too, but it's mostly a Mark focus. Though sadly he has the worst timing, poor guy just wants his best friend back. Oh and isn't Mr. Minnow sweet trying to get his students to connect to their families?

As always, Thank You for reading! It's fun to write this story and read what everyone comments! So to anyone reading these author sections, you are awesome and have a gold laying goose! To everyone else I hope you have a grand life and try new things or give yourself more credit. You have to be good to yourself.

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