My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.94: Understanding and ~PASSION~

“Hey dad.” Ally called to her father, finding him outside sitting on the steps. Eyes on the horizon, watching the light slowly vanish behind the trees.

“Ally.” He patted the space next to him. “Come here.” He said with a stern, commanding voice.

Ally adjusted her hair before holding a lock of it in her palm, almost massaging it. “Dad? What’s going on?” She asked as she sat down.

“He’s not happy about that stunt you pulled. I thought I raised you better.” He quietly said, eyes still on the horizon.

Ally’s eyes went from a fearful look to a nervous one. “You did. That’s why I said that.” She looked at the violet sky slowly changing to a darker purple.

“What?” He looked at her with a shocked face as if she bastardized an old family recipe. “You upset your son! A dragon! You can’t play with that kind of fire. He could’ve gone on some blind rampage like the one that destroyed that town a long time ago! I don’t know why but doing so could’ve put Oliver in danger with not only the law but with the whole forest!” He pointed out.

Ally held her gaze with her father as he made some really good points. “Maybe there were better ways of getting my way. But you’ve been distant with Oliver after mom passed.”

 “No, I haven't been distant.” He tried to explain. “I’ve been busy with moving on and healing the forest-” He began only to freeze the moment Ally gave a flat look.

“The way you talked to him after you greeted us? You didn’t even notice how happy he was to see you again, did you? His eyes were huge! Even the mana around him shifted like he was taking a huge gulp of air!” Her father only gave a puzzled look as if a cat saw its owner take off their head. “It was warm! Fuzzier than even with me! You didn’t send a card, not even a check in phone call when he converged.” Tears welled up in her eyes as tried to make her father see the light. She had to do something.

“I- uh…….” He began only to stutter over his thoughts.

“I wasn’t seeing anything change, I even acted up knowing Cole would warn you. I did that because I knew he’d be hurt, hurt enough that you’d do something. Then maybe the two of you would’ve grown closer.” She took a breath before giving a stern look, eyes blazing with determination that made her father look at her, not just hear her. “And it looks like it worked! You’re here because of that. You care about him.” A smile grew on her face, a proud, successful one. One that broke as tears poured down her face, traded with pained sobs. “I-had to, hurt my own son! J-just to get-you to-to love him.” Ally looked up at her father, amidst her tears burned an intense fire and whether it was anger or hope only she knew.

Her father sighed. “I really have been an idiot.” He looked her in the eyes, a weak smile plastered on his lips, eyes full of sorrow. “Guess keeping away isn’t going to help. Ok.” He placed a hand on her shoulder. “I need to apologize to both of you. But I can’t promise it’ll be easy to move on.” He answered honestly.

“Please just keep trying. Oliver isn’t the same person, I think he’s trying to change.” She offered.

He nodded. “I can do that.”






“What’s taking so long~! I need it now!”

“Ughhhhhh…… So needy….”

“You’re one to complain or is that just a normal Piece of wood I see?”

“Huh…..?” I grumbled, slowly turning in my bed. The bed squeaked barely holding me.


“Come on~! HAR-agggggggggggggggrrrrhhhhhhh~! Yea-aaaaaauhhhh! L-like that~!”

“Treat me right~! RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIaagggggghhht there~!”

My eyes shot open at the howls of what sounded like twenty different pairs going at it. Slowly turning my head to the window I could see the tops of some of the trees in the distance shaking, their leaves looking oddly white. I could hear more screams of women and grunts of men and women? The fucking window was closed, not even a crack open and it sounded like they were in my room!

I tried covering my ears only to slap my horns on the sides. My claws didn't cut into them but it felt like I hit metal with metal. “Damn horns….” I grumbled before slowly thumping my way to the restroom.


The hell?! I can still hear them! Luckily I found the restroom, sadly the noise was only slightly muffled with the door closed. Looking in the mirror, I only groaned more. My hair was a tangled mess, it was like I stepped into a tornado. Some was even twisted around my horns in a jumbled mess that could probably strangle a drain. Huffing, I blew some hair out of my face before slowly untangling my hair from my horns  though it felt sorta soft even like this. If I ever cut my hair I bet I could make a killing with it. I mean if people in novels always make materials out of dragons then I’m sure some of them make jackets or capes with it.

“Ohhh Babe! I knew you were the one to root with~!”

“MAYBE, make a sweater out of it.” I grumbled. Slowly unlooping this mess was getting annoying. Maybe I can buy something that would make this easier to manage? I remember a coworker talking about some cap she and her daughter wore before bed. Could work for me, might even find one made out of something fancy like Steph’s shirt……then again it could be just a hype thing. 

“Plough my fertile lands! Fill me with your energizing rain~!” 

Hopefully the town festival has some cool things to buy, I could even try one of those popular tacos too. Maybe a gift for my friends back home? Though even if those tacos are great I can bring them home fresh to share with them. Wonder If Belle likes spicy food? Damn it! I could’ve asked Steph if she has a favorite. I know Kathy would love steak, so a burrito might work….. 

“I will germante your lilies!” “Not if I do it first~!”

“OH FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT’S SCARED! Do they ever shut up!?” I shouted loud enough in hopes they heard me. And in that moment, everything fell quiet. Didn’t even hear a bug, just me and my breathing. “Thank g-”


The orgy outside only got louder and from the way the ground shook, even more passionate. I sighed before I continued to fix my hair. Combing it and making it less of a ravaged  jungle. The only issue was the toilet. It wasn’t one with space for my tail and it was a size smaller. I was effectively forced to go seat less while facing the toilet almos-

“That’s right! Ride me like a filthy animal~!”

My stomach felt like it was twisting and ready to tie itself into knots. And all I could do was awkwardly look away as I sat on the toilet, almost hugging the back part. All while listening to the horny plants outside.

“Drop your god given load into MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~!


Even as I sat down for breakfast, they kept going at it. Fucking like rabbits high on some aphrodisiac. Grandpa offered a sympathetic look as he slowly ate his eggs.

“Sorry about-” He began.


He cleared his throat. “The wild plant races in the woods. Luckily the town festival is far enough away fro-”

“Split me in two~!”

“All of that….” He finished, taking a sip of orange juice and playing some news on his Phone without earphones.  

“The Grand Celebration of the Red Fox is drawing near. In just a few short months and we’ll see the Goddess’ comet o-”

I didn’t hear much as Mom rushed in and started organizing a bag before freezing. She looked at me and stepped closer, her face pained and her steps oddly cautious.

“I spoke with your Grandpa last night. I……what I did, it was wrong. I-” Her voice was cut off as she failed to hold back a sob. “I h-hurt you. I’m sorry.” She said, keeping her eyes on me. “I only wanted to-”

“She wanted me to stop being a cranky thorn.” Grandpa cut in, staring right into me. “I, didn’t call or send any kind of message when you converged. I was still hurting from your Grandmother’s passing, with how it happened. If anyone is to blame, it is me.” He firmly said as if telling a judge he was guilty of evils in the world. Though he was firm, I could tell how much it bugged him, his eyes were looking for something, his mouth tightly pressed into a thin line. 

I stared at my mother then my grandfather. That all happened because of me and my Grandma? She broke a promise to get Grandpa to talk to me? But wasn’t everything ok? He was happy to see me…….right? But he didn’t call me either after I changed. “Why?”

“Because I thou-Believed something could’ve been done to save her. But I guess neither you or Cole really couldn’t have done much with a-” Grandpa swallowed. I eyed him, come on! What happened to her?! Where or what led to her…passing? He looked at mom who nodded her head. “When a Wight took her from me…………………From us.”

A Wight? The thing that- “Did you ever ge-”

“Hey Grandpa! There you are! Hey mom! I’m starved.” Cole rushed in, cutting off the conversation. He looked at me and offered a smile. “Come on. We gotta get ready for the day's celebrations. I heard some of the Jardin might even show up!” He said, almost cheering at that. He even danced his way to the table and sat down humming a poppy tune.

I just looked at him like he just pulled a working alien raygun out of his pocket. The heck? How…..why, when did he. I was half tempted to just ignore him and my instincts wanted to slap him for his intrusion. The sparks of anger were beginning to flicker but then I noticed his large smile. One he gave my way! Was putting him in his place a need?

 No, that's not really important. He's happy for once. I turned to my Grandpa and mother and pulled them both into a hug. “I forgive you both. And I'll try to be patient.” I said before breaking our hug, giving them a small but soft smile and left. The moment my foot hit the hallway I heard it again.



Every second or third step I took was followed by some declaration of passion, some loud and painfully audible groan of love! I swear it was following me! Why the HELL are those plants so loud! When I got to my room, I checked a clock hanging on the wall. “Eight fucking fifteen?!” I screeched. I was so annoyed that I actually looked up how long plant races fuck.

‘Due to the fairies annual Throwing of Petals, the leftover magic and aether drastically energizes all plants. Fueling them with an abundance of nutrients. Many flora races have recognized this and have timed their mating season around this event, stockpiling fertilized seeds from a decade of mating seasons and releasing  millions of seeds. Many do not make it passed germination, instead like the fairy magic, becoming nutrients for-’

I skipped a bit until I found a part related to this mating season.

‘All flora races under the effects of the Throwing of Petals will engage in intercourse every morning from sunrise until the sun is nearly ready to set. Thus they copulate from morning until afternoon for a total of four days. Many only stopping due to their sleep cycle being timed with the sun. Although some races will continue until completely exhausted at the end of the four days. Therefore it is suggested/required that any in relationships with flora monsters come magically prepared with boosted stamina and steel skin supplements. Ones developed by Lapin or Naga use are the best options.'

Fucking hell. Fairy magic is basically a super aphrodisiac!

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