My Sudden Monster Convergence

Mini Ch. The Shower of Thoughts

I guess it’s time……

Staring at the door that held my doom, the one that would force me to face the one thing I would rather not! But can I though? go to school smelling worse than a slimy rotten egg? I'm already covered in scales! you’d think they’d only focus on one thing but really, who am i kidding? they’ll just see a goddamn dragon! one with enormous weights, hopefully my pants aren't going to squeeze my ass into something………..attractive….

Turning back to my dresser I watched the handles wondering what to do about them…. did I really have to go in there? I don't want to look at this crazy body! quickly lifting my arm only to feel my chest getting smacked from below, sending a stabbing pain cutting through my body.

“OW! fucking stupid chest! why’d it have to be so huge!” I grumbled at the pain and annoying additions to my body. Were they really that big? frowning as I remembered the bra fitting I had earlier today. that horned lady said human me could be DDD… these things were large enough to replace almost a whole fucking head! but then again trying those clothes was pretty interesting, maybe i could see my mirror companion dressed up again? NOT THAT I CARE!

Quickly looking at my hand? Claw? claws? scaled appendages? How the heck do monsters with these handle these knives for finger tips? my dark claws were slightly curved and ended in  sharp stabbing points. looking at my palms, covered in a smoother leather like scale. At least it feels like a normal human hand, besides the harder crystal scales on top of my hand, sorta smells like lemon or maybe apples too.

Sighing, I shook my head before pulling my dresser open, I pulled out a blue tank top with some soft and comfortable pants. trying not to rip them with my claws i flattened my palm before rubbing the material, it really was soft. softer than some of the things my exs wore too! Why did women always get this nice material anyway? As I was thinking, my hand kept rubbing the soft cotton like material until I lifted it to my face, rubbing my cheek against it. 


After a few seconds longer of….a, uh reminder. I finally pulled away, taking my clothes into the bathroom, setting them down on the long sink counter before looking up at my companion. she looked tired and ready for bed, luckily her hair wasn't too messy, the rust orange hair wasn't too bad looking. turning around i began to pull my clothes off, the shorts thankfully slid off, being more friendly and agreeable than those pants that just wanted to suck on my body! I swear it just wants to show my body off way too much! 

Once I was in only my underwear I reached for my bra fist, pulling on it with the edges of my hands. I carefully pulled it off. Once the bottom clasp holding my bra to my sides came off, I could feel…. a slight poking go away? the bra fully off i wondered why it didn't feel too much different.

That was my thought before I looked back at the balls on my chest, the smooth yellow scales on my- on these… orbs wasn’t any different from my hands. …….They, kinda looked nic- um!

Quickly pulling off my panties I rushed into the shower only to feel my wings slap against a tiled wall as I turned. When the fuck did my wings open?! pulling my wings shut i angrily turned the water on, only to feel a slight trembling against my body as if the temperature only felt like a warm breeze. Was this even hot? looking at the handle, it was pointed to medium heat. turing it the highest heat, i could only just barely feel the heat get a little warmer, like a coffee cooling off. Maybe I should try that jacuzzi instead? I think it should get hotter than this.

Whatever! pushing my face into the stream of water, my third eye lenses closed over my eyes. the transparent lens acting like goggles, the water bounced off them as i watched the water pour onto my face. this was maybe one of the more agreeable changes, now i just needed a snorkel and i could go for a swim. WAIT! then again i’d rather not find out i could somehow breathe through some extendable tube from my ass!

Quickly grabbing this red soap bottle mom picked up, I read the label trying to forget about the possibility of having an ass tube. 

Saffron cherries? Apparently the soap kept scales shiny and parasite free without irritating the skin underneath the scales and created a protective coat. protecting from chipping damage and even dulling, whatever that means. popping it open, the smell of honey smothered cherries with a hit of….cinnamon? not too sure what, it smelled sorta like a spice, one i didn't mind too much though something more oceanly would’ve been better.

Pouring the soap into my hand in a large amount, considering I was taller and I had more to my body than before….female parts not considered. sitting on the bench the shower had, i started to just rub the soap into my knees and thighs, the crystal scales feeling like a smooth and bumpy surface. Guess that’s how I'll  feel from now on? lifting my leg, I stared at my odd dino feet. what should be my ankle was now a second knee and a few inches from that was a small nub toe, probably what was once my big toe now something called a dew claw? then my regular toes were a lot bigger and longer than before! plus this weird padding on the bottom side that felt like a firm pillow!


After quickly putting soap on my feet, I remembered my inner thighs needed it too. taking a deep breath, I gripped them with my hands. The touch of the silky smooth scales greeted me, it didn't feel too bad, the muscle underneath definitely getting larger. though it was a little jiggly for some reason, was i eating too much food? rubbing my inner thighs was rather nice, i could feel a tight tension slowly fading away and a warm fuzzy towel feeling. pressing them a little more harder created a hotter feeling that sparked and buzzed around my thighs. “MMHhhhM-aaaah.” This was actually really nice! 

Without thinking I started rubbing soap on my belly, feeling the tight shape, how the yellow and crystal scales met at the sides, the outline of my muscles drawing an almost hourglass shape. putting pressure on the sides where my different scales met felt like I was pulling away years of knots and burning pain away. pushing upwards, farther and farther before I felt my knuckles hit my………..problems.

Fuck! I'd have to wash them too! looking away, my eyes narrowed. How the hell did women do this?! Should I even try it? My eyes looking back at the weights, the round full yellow mountains stood there defiantly lounging on my ribs. Announcing my physical gender to the world, not even the baggest of shirts would hide them! My face soured as I moved my hand closer until I lifted the cancerous beast with the top of my hand. I COULD FEEL THEM SLOUCHING ON MY HAND, CHANGING SHAPE LIKE SOME SPONGE! It sent a warm feeling through them, spooking me into trying to pull away only to end up rubbing my hand across them, sending more fuzzy warmth through them. “NOOO-uuuuuuuuGHHHHhhu”

On a normal girl, she might’ve liked this but for me…I slowly sat down, my wings closing in around me, cocooning me while my tail wrapped around my left leg. I hugged my sides as I tried to look away from these things! 

I wasn’t supposed to be a girl! nothing like this should've happened! I should have just gotten a second chance at my younger days, not as some crazy monster that everyone fears! I’m going to have to pretend all over again! act a goddamn part instead of being me! What the hell was this!? Was I like someone who lost an arm!? How could I claim to be me! What even is me? should I even tr-

The image of my mother’s face flashed through my mind. if i let myself sit here then how would she feel? it would hurt her….it would bring tears to her face. if i fell she would waste her energy taking care of me instead of herself. 

Taking a deep breath and letting it slowly pour out, I opened my wings, staring at the water hitting the floor. I can’t leave her like that. I’ll have to try and keep her smile. her happiness will be where i am from.

Getting up I just poured soap on my chest as I started to wash the rest of my new and scary body.


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