My Summoner Can Learn Skills

Chapter 120: The Fog Soul Seed King Who Can Upgrade Item Levels

The name of that old movie is The Adventure King.

It is about the period of the Republic of China, when the most precious Buddhist scriptures and the treasure box were originally hidden in the Sutra Pavilion in the Forbidden City. After Empress Dowager Cixi came to power, they disappeared mysteriously in the Sutra Pavilion.

Since then, the scriptures without words have disappeared, and the treasure box of scriptures has been lost in the hands of the salt gang, the largest gang in Kanto, and has become the treasure of the town gang.

Later, due to the gradual decline of the salt gang, the treasure of the town gang was lost for a time.

After a while, it was rumored that the treasure box of the Buddhist scriptures was hidden in a newspaper office, which triggered the snatching by various forces such as the Adventure King, the descendants of the Salt Gang, and the Japanese.

The plot of the movie and the final ending were not important to Chen Gou.

Because according to the existing information, it is inferred that only the Treasure Box of Buddhist Scriptures itself accidentally descended through the cracks in the abyss, and no one followed.

While rare, this has happened before.

If a random Void Rift happens to be near something in the Abyss, it's possible to suck it right in.

After the crack disappears, this thing will disappear without a trace in the original world, and no one will find the slightest trace.

In fact, many people remember that something was clearly placed there, but one day it suddenly disappeared, and they couldn't find it no matter how hard they looked, this is probably the case.

After opening the Buddhist scriptures treasure box, the light emitted from it can make people disappear out of thin air, and it may also turn people into powerful monsters... But as long as they are not exposed to the front, there will be no danger, so it shouldn't be too difficult to deal with .”

While Chen Gou was pondering, the city lord returned to his previous insane appearance, and started his own great cause of revitalizing Wucheng.

It looked like a drug addiction attack, addicted to it and unable to extricate itself.

Chen Gou shook his head, and while walking out with Locke, he said, Order to mobilize all the guards in the entire Fog City, and all residents to look for a Fog Soul Monster that looks like a wooden box. Once found, immediately send a signal to encircle the entire city!

Locke was surprised when he heard this: My lord is saying that the mastermind behind all the strange things in Fog City is the fog ghost that my father saw? But how can the fog ghost be so weak?

Ordinary fog soul monsters can't do it, but what if the legendary fog soul king parasitizes a law item?

Although the scripture treasure box has the ability to cause strange things, it obviously can't open it by itself, and it doesn't have the ability to fly, so it can only be parasitized by the fog soul species.

But... Mist Soul Monsters seldom hurt people. They are usually friendly to humans.

Locke admitted that Chen Gou said the possibility existed, but subconsciously it was still a little difficult to accept.

He prefers to believe that it is a mysterious and unknown powerful demon, rather than something weak like the Mist Soul.

Who said that fog soul monster is to harm humans? Chen Gou shook his head lightly and said, What if it does all this to satisfy other people's wishes?

Fulfillment of wishes?

Locke looked puzzled. With his IQ, he couldn't understand in a short time that if it is to satisfy the wishes of human beings, how can they either turn them into monsters or lunatics in the end, or just disappear.

Chen Gou didn't bother to explain any more, so he just let him do as he said.

If you want to find a box in a city of more than 100,000 people, it is naturally not possible to do it in a short while.

However, there is a special connection between the Mist Soul Monster and the Mist Soul Monster, so as long as those who have the Mist Soul Monster's pets sweep area by area, the Box Monster will be caught sooner or later.

Before that, Chen Gou could only wait for the news.

After returning to the residence, after closing the doors and windows, he took out the soul shepherd beads, summoned Lin Hu's soul, and then explained in detail the information related to the strange events in Wucheng and his own guesses.

As the saying goes, one person counts his weaknesses, and everyone counts his strengths. Chen Gou wanted Lin Hu to help him with his advice. Did he have any omissions?

He intends to train Lin Hu to be an assistant who can give important responsibilities. It is definitely not enough for the entire territory to be presided over by Jianying alone.

Of course, with regard to the treasure box of Buddhist scriptures, he only said that he knew that there was such a box-shaped law prop, but he did not elaborate on how he knew it.

And Lin Hu naturally wouldn't ask.

According to your speculation, this treasure box can fulfill people's wishes. Animals, including the first cat, only have an instinctive desire to survive, so they become larger and can hunt food better. Lin Hu listened He murmured.

That's right, but if it's a human being, more precisely, it can fulfill desires!

While meditating, Chen Gou said: For example, the city owner, his desire is to revive the Wucheng, but the power of the box is obviously not enough to make the entire Wucheng change overnight, so the city owner is immersed in his own world. I can't help myself.

Besides, the mutated awakener, his desire is to become stronger, so he was lucky enough to get a time-type mutated skill when he was learning skills. Of course, this is also because the treasure box itself has the power of the time attribute.

But he was still dissatisfied after acquiring the time skill, and felt that he was not strong enough, so he went outside the city to frantically kill fog spirit beasts to improve his level...

What about the missing people? Lin Hu wondered, Is it their wish to disappear?

of course not.

Chen Gou recalled the plot of the movie, and said in a deep voice: There are two possibilities. The first one is that most of those who disappeared were old or suffering from illnesses. They probably didn't want to live long ago. The treasure box made them disappear. It can also be regarded as satisfying their wishes.

The second is that the treasure box can not only realize the desire, but also withdraw the desire. When it is opened and the desire is withdrawn, those who are illuminated by the light will disappear.

If it can be achieved and withdrawn, then...can you find the law?

It doesn't matter whether there are rules or not. Anyway, it must not be exposed by the opened box, otherwise bad things will definitely happen.

Lin Hu nodded in agreement after hearing this, and said after a moment of contemplation: You have considered everything very thoroughly, and there is basically nothing missing, but I will add something that may help you. The intelligence of the fog ghosts is very low, and most of them are as good as the four Five-year-old human children are about the same, they like to be mischievous, including the Mist Soul King, as well.

Chen Gou's eyes lit up, and he said, You seem to know the fog soul monster very well?

The strong man who walked out from Kirishima and possessed a law item parasitic by the fog soul king is named Marcos, and he is currently the Grand Commander of the Knights Templar.

Lin Hu glanced at Chen Gou inexplicably, and then said, His great knight sword is the law item that has the parasite of the fog soul king, and it is said that it has been promoted from the silver-level item at the beginning to the platinum battle sword! Not many people know this secret, but many people know that his sword is very cheap, and he often lifts the skirts of priestesses...

Promoted from silver to platinum?!

Chen Gou gasped. If it was true, then the Mist Soul Seed King who could parasitize law props was simply a big treasure.

Lin Hu obviously saw what he was thinking, and said with a leisurely smile: So you have to hurry up, since the rise of Marcos, there are many strong people in the Holy See who want to be the King of the Fog Soul.

It's just that they haven't appeared again in the past few decades, and their enthusiasm has gradually faded, but if the news gets out, you must have competitors.

But you don't have to worry too much for the time being. Those who know that the Fog Soul Seed King can improve the rank of the law and props are all high-ranking members of the Holy See. Most people have no chance to get in touch with this secret, including the embroidered pillow. It won't attract attention.

Seeing that there was nothing else to do, Lin Hu prepared to go back to the Pearl of the Pastoral Soul, thought for a while, and said, You'd better find me a body that can be used, I don't want to go the way of ghosts.

No problem, I will find you a suitable one as soon as possible. Chen Gou nodded and replied.

Souls like Lin Hu and Dr. Andric cannot be revived just by finding a corpse at random.

There are many conditions to be met.

First of all, the body must be intact and must not be fatally damaged;

Secondly, the soul of the original owner of the body must have died, so that the body can accept the soul again.

The last thing is to match the attributes!

Once the awakened person awakens the law attribute, the soul will also be imprinted with this law attribute. Therefore, the new body must also have the same attributes as the original, so as to ensure that it can continue to strengthen after occupying the new body.

That's why Lin Hu had such trouble wanting a new body.

In contrast, Andric is not so troublesome, his value lies in the memory and the knowledge he has mastered.

It's just that with Chen Gou's current conditions, he is not yet able to set up a laboratory, nor can he guarantee the safety of the laboratory.

It's useless even if Andric gets his body, so it's better to let him stay in the soul crystal for a while.

The king of the fog soul species must try his best to capture it alive and fuse it with the sword of the past life, so that even if no other suit components are found, the sword of the past life will always become stronger.

I don't know if the wordless scriptures came with the treasure box...

Chen Gou's thoughts raced, and what he cared most about besides the Fog Soul Seed King was the wordless scriptures that were originally integrated with the treasure box of scriptures in the original plot.

At the end of the movie, the adventure king brought the treasure box of Buddhist scriptures to the underground palace under the Great Wall. After putting the wordless scriptures back into the treasure box of Buddhist scriptures, the light and shadow of an old monk appeared from inside, saying that he could help everyone realize a wish.

Therefore, the treasure box itself is not that important because it can only make people disappear or mutate.

But it's completely different with the addition of scriptures without words.

Three days later, when Chen Gou also started to get impatient and worried that the news of the birth of the Fog Soul King would spread, Locke ran over sweating profusely, shouting excitedly:

My lord, the box... the box fog spirit has been found!

found it!

Chen Gou got up suddenly and walked out the door, asking, Where are you?

Locke replied out of breath: It's just outside the door... on the street outside the door.


Without saying a word, Chen Gou left Locke, who was weak and weak, and rushed to the gate of the City Lord's Mansion...

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