My Summoner Can Learn Skills

Chapter 129 Chanting scriptures, upgrade!

After the treasure box of Buddhist scriptures was placed in the palm of the Buddha statue, it seemed that an invisible position spread out, covering all the monks in it.

This feeling is very strong, but also very vague, and it is unclear what it is.

At the same time, Fa Hai directly opened the treasure box of scriptures...

Chen Gou was startled, his eyes widened immediately, and he almost couldn't hold back his voice.

But Fa Hai stood there with a calm expression, and the golden light in the treasure box shone on him not only did nothing bad happen, but made him look more dignified and dignified.

Then, the moment he put a roll of the Diamond Sutra in and closed the box, an invisible and colorless wave distorted and swept away.

The monks were swept away by this fluctuation, and immediately everyone looked solemn and spontaneously recited the Diamond Sutra.

That's what I heard. At one time, the Buddha was in the Garden of Solitude in the country of Sravasti, together with a thousand, two hundred and fifty monks...

For a while, there was the sound of wooden fish in the hall and the sound of Sanskrit.

From inside the hall to outside the hall, gradually, the sound of scriptures echoed throughout Jinshan Temple for several miles, and the believers on the steps couldn't help chanting along with it.

The spiritual power of these good men and women gathered towards the hall in the sound of chanting.

All were absorbed by the treasure box in the hands of the Buddha statue, transformed into a mysterious power of law, and then released through light.

In the main hall, even Chen Gou was inexplicably inspired to chant along with the monks.

He has never read the Diamond Sutra before, so naturally he doesn't know the specific scriptures, but as long as he closes his eyes at this time, the scriptures will naturally appear in his mind.

It's like installing a scripture cheating device!

Chen Gou couldn't help being happy for those little novice monks - in the future, Master would no longer have to worry about them not being able to memorize scriptures during morning classes.

But the purpose of the dignified gold-level scripture treasure box is to cheat the monk when he recites scriptures?

Chen Gou felt a little speechless.

But as time passed, his expression gradually became serious, and he even became more devout than other monks in reciting scriptures.

Incomparably devout!

In that way, it was as if he had been completely influenced by Buddhism and completely converted to Buddha.


The truth is that Chen Gou feels that when he recites the scriptures seriously, he can absorb the subtle power of mysterious laws from the invisible force field emanating from the treasure box of the scriptures.

Although every sentence I get is very little, so little that I almost have no sense of existence in my body.

But the sea is open to all rivers, and the accumulation of less makes more. As the time of reciting the Diamond Sutra increased and the power of the mysterious law absorbed more and more, Chen Gou clearly felt that the quantitative change was about to lead to a qualitative change.

I do not know how long it has been.

When one of the Diamond Sutras was finished, Chen Gou shuddered, and a system notification suddenly sounded in his mind, and then a smile appeared on his face.

Basic strength +1!

Yes, this is the result of his half-day recitation just now.

Reciting Buddhist scriptures under the cover of the force field of the scripture treasure box can actually increase the basic attributes! !

Chanting scriptures can increase basic attributes...

It's no wonder that the Buddhist sect attaches great importance to this thing, which is basically a treasure that can enhance the overall strength of the sect.

Although the basic strength was only increased by 1 point this time, as long as you come every day, the improvement will definitely be amazing after a long time.

I feel like I've gotten a little stronger.

Yeah, the strength has increased, although it is not obvious, but I can still feel it...

The other monks also noticed the changes in themselves, and they were all overjoyed.

An older monk looked at Fa Hai falling from mid-air, and asked with a smile, Abbot, what kind of treasure is this scripture box, it is so wonderful?

Fa Hai glanced at Chen Gou and explained: This object was sent by Fashan, and the poor monks don't know where it came from, but don't be too fanciful, this object can indeed improve the monks when they chant sutras. , but only the first few times the improvement is obvious, and the speed will become slower and slower as time goes by.

The old monk didn't feel disappointed when he heard this, and said with a sincere smile: So that's the case, but having such an opportunity is already a gift from the Buddha, and I really dare not ask for more.

Even if the speed will become slower and slower, after decades of hard work, there will definitely be good results.

Anyway, for monks, chanting sutras is a must-have morning lesson, no matter how much improvement is made, it is the same as being picked up for nothing, so there is no reason to be unhappy.

In the days that followed, Chen Gou seemed to have really become a monk who devoted himself to practicing Buddhism and didn't care about supernatural powers at all.

Be tireless and enjoy one another.

The first to arrive every day, the last to leave, more obsessed than anyone else.

What he didn't expect was that chanting under the scripture treasure box would not only improve basic strength, but also basic agility and basic intelligence.

It's just that different scriptures need to be placed in the treasure box.

For example, the Diamond Sutra can increase basic strength, the Lotus Sutra can increase basic intelligence, and the Three Pure Land Sutras can increase basic agility...

There are even Shurangama Sutras that can directly obtain the power of the source and improve the level of cultivation!

Almost every scripture will have different benefits.

It's as if the treasure box of scriptures is a door leading to the treasure house of the future. If you pray in front of this door by chanting scriptures, you can get the blessing from the power of time and gain the power that should be obtained in the future in advance.

It is worth mentioning that every monk who recites scriptures under the treasure box has a different level of promotion.

Some people increased their basic attributes by five points in total after ten days, while others only increased by two or three points.

Among them, Chen Gou was neither high nor low, and belonged to the kind standing on the average.

Unknowingly, a month later, he clearly felt that the growth of the three basic attributes had become very weak, and there was no sign of improvement even if he continued to read for several days.

Chen Gou knew very well that this meant that the initial period of rapid growth had passed.

Next, unless you really practice diligently for decades like those devout monks in the temple, you can continue to get considerable benefits from the treasure box of scriptures.

Otherwise, it will be meaningless to add three or five points to the attributes after a few more months and half a year, and the time cost is too high.

However, during this month, he also increased his basic attributes by a total of ten points, namely basic strength +3, basic agility +2, and basic intelligence +5.

Among them, the highest basic strength has reached 44 points, and it is only 6 points away from the second limit value of 50 points!

It may be a bit difficult to make up for these 6 points in this White Snake Abyss, but when you return to Cang Lan, as long as you are willing to spend money, you can definitely buy related items.

On this day, the Shurangama Sutra was placed in the treasure box.

Almost all the monks in Jinshan Temple recite scriptures solemnly under the Buddha statue.

If you can't sit in the main hall, you just sit outside the main hall. Compared with increasing attributes, this opportunity to directly improve your cultivation is most valued by monks.

It's just that this speed of improvement is touchingly slow.

In a month's time, Chen Gou recited the Shurangama Sutra no less than ten times, but up to now it has only increased the awakening value by more than a thousand points.

If he had to kill monsters outside, it would have been several times higher.

However, he had to show Fahai his sincerity in practicing Buddhism, so it was impossible for him to ask for leave and go down the mountain as soon as he recited the Shurangama Sutra.

So he could only calmly watch the awakening value increase slowly like a turtle.

Of course, God will not disappoint those who work hard, persist for so long, when the morning class is over, and when Faguan closes the treasure box of Buddhist scriptures, the awakening value required to rise to LV15 is finally reached.

The profound meaning of law in Chen Gou's body instantly sublimated, and the so-called spiritual energy from the surrounding world swarmed in, and was sucked into his body to transform the body of law...

System prompt: The host's awakening level has been promoted to LV15, and the fourth skill slot (Philosophy's Stone +1) has been opened, and a source light of the silver law has been obtained.

When the strengthening of the body was completed, Chen Gou felt refreshed when he opened his eyes.

LV15, this is a very important level for the awakened, the benefit of having one more skill slot is self-evident.

Although the upgrade was delayed for a month, it also gained ten additional basic attributes.

So overall, it is worthwhile to meditate in Jinshan Temple this month.

Fa Hai naturally saw the change in Chen Gou, nodded and said, Congratulations, Junior Brother, your cultivation level has improved.

Chen Gou replied with a smile: I heard that all the power of the Buddha and the monks comes from the Buddhist scriptures. The younger brother has practiced the Dharma for a month, and I have a deep understanding of this...Just practice the Dharma diligently, the soul will be blessed, and the supernatural powers will be achieved by themselves.

It seems that the younger brother has really enlightened.

Fa Hai nodded approvingly, and then said: However, my Buddhist school also pays attention to practicing in the world, and it is not advisable to build a car behind closed doors. Besides, in today's world, monsters are rampant. If I can't wait for the red dust, who will uphold justice for the common people? You have to prepare in the past few days. I'll take you down the mountain to subdue demons.

Fashan knows. Chen Gou clasped his hands together in greeting.

Before leaving the main hall, I couldn't help but look back at the treasure box of Buddhist scriptures on the palm of the statue of Buddha more than ten meters high.

It has to be said that this scripture box is enough to be called a strategic magic weapon for a sect.

Although it may not be able to cultivate top masters, it can improve the overall strength of the sect.

Chen Gou regretted it a little. If it was placed on Huadao, it would be of great benefit to the establishment of the Huadao Guard in the future.

But...with his current conditions, even knowing the secret of the scripture box will not help.

Because the conditions to be met are too harsh.

First of all, just to open the treasure box of Buddhist scriptures and put the Buddhist scriptures in without any injuries, you need a strong person like Fa Hai to do it.

Secondly, the Buddha statue as the base in the main hall may also be necessary.

And I don't know if there are any other hidden requirements besides these.

Fundamentally, it is doomed that the treasure box of scriptures can only shine in the hands of Buddhist forces.

Back in his meditation room, Chen Gou sat cross-legged on the futon on the ground, contemplating how to choose the new skills for himself and the two battle guardians.

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