My Summons Are Weird

Chapter 61

Chapter 60: Escape

Most of the goblin army that attacked Luotan City was a burden that needed to be filtered out in the eyes of the Goblin King. He needed a battle to stimulate and inspire the goblin family in the underground palace.

The news of the victory of the attack will allow the Goblin family to complete the ceremony of handing over the king. As the old king, if he dies silently, there will be no waves, and it will not affect the self-confidence of the goblins in the underground palace.

The appearance of Lu Yu destroyed all of this. The chariot of flesh and blood has slaughtered more than 300 goblins… They are not people who need to be screened, they are a generation waiting to rise!

The flesh-and-blood chariot that has lost its wheels is moving fast through the **** “hands” on the chassis and the squirming of the flesh.

His skin was constantly boiling and bubbling, and blood was constantly seeping out of the epidermis, like a boiling soup pot.

Where it passed, there were large blood-red marks, like the brake marks left by a speeding truck on the ground.

This ugly, ferocious flesh-and-blood monster completely lost the appearance of the car, more like a tattered stitched monster.

The Goblin King’s personal guards were terrified. Their magic was blocked by the magic shields around the flesh-and-blood chariot. Some of the magic that broke the defense exploded on the flesh-and-blood chariot. make them run away.

No one wants to be contaminated with these terrifying blood plasma and turn into bones.

The Goblin King roared sadly in the direction of Lu Yu.

This roar contained his resentment and helplessness.

“If it was when I was in his prime… no, as long as I was younger, these humans who could only harm me with small means would surely die!”

“Why is this world so cruel to our family, what can we do with fifty years of lifespan?”

“Our starting point is the same as that of human beings, why do they live longer than us, why!”

The Goblin King was not reconciled. He really wanted to abandon his clan to kill Lu Yu. It was this demon summoner who made the situation in the underground palace rotten tonight.

However, the terrified cries of the clansmen were so harsh…

Almost at the same time, both the Goblin King and Lu Yu moved.

The Goblin King voluntarily gave up his magical protection and cut off his blood-contaminated fingers.

In his old age, he lost the reinforcement of the Guards, and his body became a lot heavier. This was a danger signal that his magic power was about to be overdrawn.

Losing his magic power, he is no different from a lamb to be slaughtered. In order to save his own people, he chose to abandon it again.

The Goblin King turned to the left, Lu Yu and the others turned to the right, and when they were closest, they were ten meters apart.

Lu Yu and his party, whose heart raised their throats, did not wait for the Goblin King to kill them, which made Judith and Olga’s anti-kill preparations in vain.

Lulutis suddenly caught a glimpse of a phalanx full of magic power lying quietly on the ground where the Goblin King used to stand.

Lu Yu’s plan was to first force the Goblin King to make a choice, and then pretend to break through to trick the Goblin King to take the initiative.

The flesh-and-blood chariot rushed to the back row, destroying the formation of the Guards. The Goblin King must have no way to continue to enjoy various strengthening magics. At this time, everyone will attack together, and it is very likely that he will be severely damaged.

However, the Goblin King unexpectedly chose to rescue his fellow clan?

Isn’t he setting up people, but really caring about the same kind?

The Goblin King didn’t chase, and they didn’t have the guts to chase after the Goblin King.

Just kidding, even if his rank falls, he is still a real mithril monster, and his battle experience is not above the same level at all. Being able to hurt him by tricks doesn’t mean that everyone can kill him without paying any price.

Running is the best policy!

In the past, everyone showed a hand against the Goblin King, but Waller was the only one who couldn’t hold back, and all the bows and arrows were blocked.

Now that he has broken through, his strength can be shown.

With the wooden shield as the wall, the goblin team holding spears to seize the enemy was shot through by the bow and arrow flying from a distance before they could make contact with Lu Yu and his party.

The bow and arrow strengthened by the two magicians can easily penetrate the wooden shield.

The Berserker rushed out of the passage with his arms protecting his eye sockets, intending to intercept Lu Yu, but his arm was numb due to an electric arc, and he moved his position subconsciously.

An arrow shot precisely into his eye socket, penetrated the back of his head, and stabbed into the arm of the latter berserker unabated.

Warren bypassed the berserker who was about to fall, cut off the berserker’s hand holding the weapon with one sword, and stabbed his heart with another sword from the backhand.

A set of operations was smooth and smooth, and the four-member group each played its own role. Lu Yu, who was on the side, saw that it was a delight to the eyes.

Lu Yu entered the passage with the team under the protection of Olga. He was about to look back at the location of the flesh-and-blood chariot, but he saw a speechless scene as his eyes moved.

Lulutis floated to the center of the field at some point, and carefully stretched out her tentacles to take something from the ground.

During this time, the goblins who were encircling her from the other direction kept releasing various magics and blowing arrows at her, but Lulutis used her position to twist them.

Probably, goblins have never seen such sensitive… black fog?

And this black fog was so nervous that he forgot that he could float, and was crawling wildly on the ground with his dozen or so tentacles, like a spider…

“What are you doing? It’s very dangerous. Those blood plasma can corrode flesh and blood. Also, you will float. You float for me, what are you climbing on!”

“So I’m very careful… Yes, I can float!” Lulutis quickly put away her tentacles and took off, “Ah… help, help!”

It’s useless to move in a good position, there are too many unknown aoe, Lulutis really was smeared by the fireball, and she was running around with smoke.

Under the protection of Lu Yu’s shield, Lulutis reunited with everyone.

Enraged by being hit by the fireball, Lulutis dumped half of the bottles and jars in her backpack into the passage, and left behind a sunny doll.

“I’m going to make your set meal full!”

Hearing the voice of Lulutis gnashing his teeth in his mind, Lu Yu shuddered.

That’s it, you told me, you still have a humanoid type, so would you be a taciturn person, who doesn’t like to talk, and has no emotions?

I, Lu Yu, don’t believe it!

Sigrid’s eyes were red when the Half-Blood Furnace opened. She couldn’t beat the Goblin King just now, which was a double gap in strength and experience, but against these goblins who were blocking her way, she was simply unstoppable.

With one punch piercing the heart, one punch headshot, and wearing Olga’s shield, she bleeds out an escape route for everyone.

The goblin, who was not afraid of death, was terrified by the fierce-looking Sigrid and began to flee.

While Lu Yu and the others fought their way out, the pursuers rushed into the passage of the underground palace where Lu Yu escaped.

The sunny doll on the ground was smiling, and the white skirt swept over the potion bottle left by Lulutis.

After a muffled sound, the passage was filled with colorful dust, and there was a pool of strange liquid on the ground.

The goblin who inhaled the dust or the liquid didn’t feel anything at first, but after running for a distance, the companion at the front suddenly vomited violently.

The vomit sprayed the surrounding goblins’ faces, and their skin soon felt a burning sensation, followed by the severe pain of the skin being corroded.

Some goblins screamed and twisted frantically, the weapons in their hands stabbed into the chest of their companions without warning.

Some goblins danced in place in the chaotic passage. Even if he was accidentally injured by his teammates, and a large amount of blood spurted out of the wound, he remained indifferent.

Other goblins scratched their throats and threw themselves on the ground, licking their companions’ blood and even vomit.

Under the flurry of demons, all the goblins who had the ability to chase were blocked in the passage, and they were forced to breathe the air that was enriched by Lulutis.

The Goblin King could sense that Lu Yu’s breath was drifting away, and his anger turned into pure magic power bursting out of his body.

The goblins who were guards were in a trance, and they were surprised to see the king who was lifted into the air by the gust of wind, holding up his staff and calling out countless wind blades and blisters.

This is the aura of a king in his heyday that he has not seen for a long time.

Under the cutting of the wind blade, the flesh and blood chariot was disintegrated one by one. In order to prevent the flesh from corroding and splashing, the barrier composed of blisters condensed the blood plasma into a small area.

The remaining flesh and blood wrapped in the blisters was about to proceed to the next step, but the Goblin King’s hideous expression suddenly loosened.

“Uh…cough, hahahaha…”

“This is a summoned thing.”

“This is just a summon!”

The summoned object completed its final mission. At the same time as being dismantled by the Goblin King, Lu Yu paid his own price at the other end.

The demon’s shadow that was briefly depicted was like a bubble, and gradually dissipated, as if it was wiped off from the drawing paper by an eraser.

Those remnants of flesh and blood, shattered bodies, all cease to exist.

The Goblin King looked at the blister barrier he had carefully prepared, and felt the magic power surging all over his body, but he felt extremely tired.

The scene when he first became the goblin king appeared in his mind. He promised to the next generation goblin king that he would bring the goblin family back to the when he was about to die. Sacrifice like a hero to pave the way for future generations to rise…

“It’s been a long time, I’ve had an addiction.”

After the Goblin King landed, he pushed aside the guards beside him, sat on the ground, and stared at his fellow clan who was in a frenzy not far away.

In the past, he only needed a little treatment, and these fellows could recover.

But he has no strength, and the magic power in his body has dried up, making it difficult for him to even think.

“Let them stop chasing.”

“They slaughtered their clansmen and hurt you. We must sacrifice their flesh and blood to the ancestral altar!”

The Goblin King wanted to scold, but the voice came to his mouth, but he couldn’t say it.

After gasping for breath, he stood up and struck the clan who questioned him with a staff.

Can’t chase anymore.

If you chase it further, there will only be more damage.

If he didn’t kill this clan, the angry goblins would surely pour out of the underground palace to fight with humans.

He was getting closer and closer to death, and he didn’t want to witness the collapse of the underground palace in front of his eyes.

“Abandon the underground palace on the west side, use fluorescent mushrooms as the boundary, and retreat to the underground palace on the east side…”

“Take me back to the throne… Tell Zhacha to withdraw troops and stop fighting… If the human casualties are too high, they may really flood the underground palace.”

The Goblin King was held up by his guards with magical power, and floated to the place where the previous generation of kings handed over his authority.

On the way, a guard informed the Goblin King.

“Your phalanx is missing, it may have been taken by humans.”

Hearing the words, the Goblin King sighed after a while.

“He deserves it.”

“I really wish I met him when I was young… Then I can fight his summons again and tell him… With strength, goblins can’t lose to humans!”

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