My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 34

For a brief moment I contemplated throwing this woman out of the church but for one I did actually appreciate Freya's personality when she wasn't scheming against me which she honestly hadn't really had a chance too yet but the fact that she was supposedly carrying my child already... i am not the type of man to get a woman pregnant and leave my own child.

'I don't see anything wrong with us taking the child and kicking her out...' I mused momentarily before I deflated as Hestia is the one who set all this up, so I need to figure what the hell she is playing at before I do anything.

"Freya I am assuming you actually wanted a child, correct? I asked and she swiftly nodded. Well, guess I can't just take her choice away though I have every intention of spanking Hestia for leaving me out of this.

After helping Freya clean up a bit we got dressed and went upstairs to face the music as it were.

Coming up the stairs the first thing I saw was a tomato faced Bell Cranel stting on a chair refusing to make eye contact as apparently Hestia left open the door to the basement as we were... busy.

Although Ryuu was a rather taciturn person in nature but seeing her dere side as the tips of her ears were a light pink was a treat to the eyes.

The only problem I could see in reality was Syr...

She was sitting there staring blankly into space and holding her lower stomach absentminded.

"Ok its not too late in the day so we should probably head off to the dungeon guy's. " I said trying to be upbeat and not make this super awkward.

Bell stutered as he got to his feet. "Jake you got a goddess pregnant? You slept with Freya!" Honestly it sounds like he was more surprised about the second one than the first and that kinda pissed me off a bit.

I just gave a solemn nod proudly, because as a man only one other man has done the impossible and impregnated the impossible which was Albert when he made Ais with a spirit whereas I have surpassed him and impregnated a goddess the goddess Freya in particular. The goddess in question was gently sitting down beside Syr and resting her head on her shoulder as Syr fussed over her.

"Hestia we are going to have words tonight..." She lost a bit of her cheer but nodded and I turned to Ryu. "Ryuu I don't want to assume anything but what's your plans now? Would you like to join the Hestia Familia, or do you want to simply guard this basically already impregnable home?" I asked gently to not put pressure on her.

She frowned and obviously was in deep thought before slowly she answered taking her words with deep care. "I am sorry, but I cannot betray Lady Astrea who has helped me so much or the hopes of bringing back the Familia from my past friends." Ah well that makes sense and I would be a complete dick if I tried to push more but she surprised me when giving me Lili and Bell a light smile. "But I would enjoy going into the dungeon with you guys and teach you some lessons."

I knew she was meaning that despite how much we were basically going to hold her back she wouldn't hold it against us for basically wasting her time but that was before I told the newcomers about my quest system and how we could gain a total of a hundred and seventy stat points off of each monster type as were dove into the dungeon so long as we just slaughtered them and it wouldn't discriminate against even her higher level.

But the thing was. Ryuu Lion had avoided her Familia's goddess since she became wanted by the guild when she slaughtered the remnants of the Evilus Familia's, so she was going to be unable to even updater her falna if she comes with us.

Knowing I was once again going to have to deal with a stubborn woman I stared her deep in the eye and drew upon my inner chad who impregnated a goddess. "Ryuu you need to speak to Astrea if you want to adventure with us." As she went to clearly object, I cut her off. "If the words coming out of your mouth is a denial, I will have Freya/Syr carry you there if needed." She shut up as she already considered both of them as her most precious person and knowing Freya was pregnant made it even more impossible for her to deny her should the Goddess ask.

Both Syr and Freya lit up with Syr taking Ryuu's hands and smiling brightly. "Come on Ryuu it's for the best and Lady Astrea misses you dearly as she won't even take anymore adventurers after she lost all of your sisters and you disappeared.

Ryuu folded like a house of cards at seeing there pleas and I bet anything that honestly she just needed a push/excuse to put down her pride. She turned to me and gave a wry smile. "Fine Jake you happy, I will go after our dungeon dive and set the record straight with my goddess." Both Freya and Hestia nodded, and I knew she was telling the truth, so I relaxed.

"Well glad to hear it. Lets go!" I said throwing my Charge Blade over my shoulder and prepared to leave but Hestia seemed to need to say something as she stood there wringing her hands.

"What's wrong Hestia?" I asked seeing her fidget in place.

She just moaned into her hands and blushed shamefully. "I kinda spent the whole budget you gave me for the Hearth Fire project you gave me for the herbs and reagents for the potion Freya drank... Hehehe." She tried to play off giggling.

"Hey Hestia, do you like sitting?" I asked her suddenly and she blankly nodded. "Good, enjoy it while you can Cuz when I get back, I am going to tan your hide..."

"Eeep!" She cried out and fled downstairs as she knew I meant it...

I then turned to Freya and for a moment she tensed but I gave her a soft smile that relaxed her. "Freya can you get a message to Ouranos I want you to be able to defend yourself with your Arcanum seeing as your pregnant I think that gives you literally the perfect excuse."

She seemed shocked at my question and instead turned to Syr "Syr can you do that for me." She asked and I saw the hope at having a way to defend herself mixed with fear of actually losing her pregnancy as she was already gently holding her still flat stomach.

"I will do my best Lady Freya." Syr said solemnly and I could see her making this a life mission.

Alright this was enough Lolly gagging so we quickly left and seeing as we were heading to the guild to get the paperwork changed to me being the Captain as Bell seemed if anything more enthused at throwing the position to me after hearing that tax season was only a few weeks away.

While filling out the captain changing paperwork, I saw Bell leaning up against a desk and talking to Eina animatedly and her paying close attention to her crush as he spoke.

Lili on was helping me with paperwork and Syr already disappeared into the guilds back after telling me she would head straight home after meeting the big honcho.

After finishing my paperwork, I decided to do my days good deed and walked up to Bell and Eina. "Hello Eina, it's good to see you again, oh by the way Bell enjoyed the little get together you two had last time so why don't you take him out to the city walls for a nice little walk." She could see what I was getting at and subtly nodded her appreciation to me and turned to Bell.

"Bell, would you mind taking a walk with me after work and escorting me home tonight?" She asked causally, pushing up her glasses and making them reflect the light to hide her obvious excitement.

Bell shrugged and nodded. "Yeah, I haven't really been to the city walls yet so that could be fun." He replied.

Soon enough we left guild after Bell setup his next little 'date' and as we entered the dungeon we soon met back up with Ryuu as she had to enter in a more secret manner as she was still wanted by the guild.

"Wait you guys have only been an adventurer for a couple weeks and managed to get to the twelfth floor?" Ryuu questioned incredulous but then after seeing us tear our way through the dungeon so easily because of my enhanced gear she soon gave up on her own version of logic after she saw me hitch a ride with Bell when he blasted a lot of flames launching us in a straight direction but as we were flying, I made a massive fireball surround us and flash broil anything we passed through with the obscenely high temperature flames.

Lili on the other hand had literally the easiest job as I made her the little clamper people use to pick up trash on the sides of roads to pick up trash to pick up stones without even having to bend over and if any monster came close, she would just move the bow gun hanging on her side to hip fire it into the monster though it was always funny watching her get launched a few meters backwards from the recoil.

Ryuu loudly coughed getting our attention. "Jake you're a filthy cheater..." It was definitely a dire sight to see a proud elf almost crying at how frustrating the scene of watching such newbies literally break monster parties in half with overwhelming fire power. Emphasis on Fire as my mind stat was certainly my fastest growing stat with how I abused my AOE fire abilities.

"Ryuu can we go to the deeper floors?" I asked seeing her bored and she perked.

The elf nodded replying. "If your armor is as good as the weapon's you all wield, I don't see how anything less than a crowd of Minotaurs will be a true threat to you honestly." Granted Lili didnt have great armor on but frankly as an Archer and a Supporter if she gets within melee range, we all failed and with the recoil of that damn bow gun she should be able to get away from most monsters.

So, it was decided and as we made our way to thirteenth floor Ryuu took the lead as she told us about the monsters within the middle floors which is the thirteenth through seventeenth floors. Soon enough as we entered the floor, we saw our first middle floor monster which was the Lamia Mormos which was a weaker form of the Lamia found much deeper in the dungeon and as it noticed us the monster hissed at us and for a moment, I was distracted by the literal tits swaying in my direction as the lamia lowered her center of gravity and started slithering at Ryuu who was leading us.

Ryuu calmly swatted the clawed hands that were swung at her so hard that the Lamia's arms audibly broke, but the monster was so embroiled in her bloodlust she simply used the force from the elf's blow to swing her other arm even faster.

But Ryuu simply took another step forward and her wooden sword pierced through the heart of the monster making it instantly poof into smoke.

Ryuu after checking to make sure no monster would pop out of the many crevice's in the wall turned to us. "A number of Adventure's especially men die arriving within the middle floors as they get distracted by the humanized monster's but make no mistake, they are no different from other monsters." She warned us solemnly, and we took her words as gospel.

Soon enough Hellhounds and more Lamia's sneak attacked us from the deep crevices in the walls and it only took me being swatted across the helmet by a lamia and the fear of my neck breaking from the hit to make my heart hardened and I lost any form of sympathy and started butchering any monster's that approached even if it took a human face.

Bell and Lili didnt really have a problem killing the more human monster's though there was a small hiccup when a group of Almiraj attacked Bell and we laughed at him for being attacked by his own kind as Almiraj are basically two legged rabbits with white fur and red eyes that wield little rock weapons and attack people.

We didnt go past the thirteenth floor as Ryuu suggested we get used to the higher spawn rates of monster's as well as the fighting styles of said monsters before we get into Minotaur territory which as a race kills more adventurers than any other kind of monster, period.

'Ryuu is right, this a whole different game' I couldn't help but think as the monster's rarely came out of walls and were easily noticed. No, these little bastards liked to hide in little crevices and jump you but thankfully I was able to use my shield to literally hem them back into there crevice and just burn them to death which was very calming to punish the jump scares they kept putting me through.

"Jake is being scary..." Lili muttered as I trudged back to the group irritated at being flung around by a wyvern as I wasn't strong enough right now to cut through the monster in one blow and Ryuu wanted me to learn by my mistakes, so she didnt help.

But I had the great cheat code known as burnt it with fire and if it doesn't die with fire then the flames just weren't hot enough... As I roasted the damn five-meter-tall dragon as it tried to pin me down with its claws.

"Ugh I can't wait to update my Falna..." I groaned as despite how difficult these monsters were at the moment, I knew we were all going to have a decent pay out with all the new monster tiers I will unlock for my quests, so I just kept at it.

Finally, we ended the dive after Bell almost got run over by a Hard Armored and was pretty badly bruised so we just called it for the day and started our ways back to the surface where we would split up with Bell going on his date and me and Lili returning home.


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