My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 37

For the couple days we rinsed and repeatedly hunted the monsters of the thirteenth and fourteenth floors killing all the monster's we could, and by doing so we had finished most of my daily quests that we could but rarer monster we couldn't finish up to the tier V quest like for example Jack Birds. I highly doubt that even by the time I hit level five I will have hunted one hundred of those damn birds.

Anyway, my stats have exploded, and I was literally ready to level up at any point, but I now needed an "Extraordinary Event" to act as a catalyst.

Strength 1403 SS

Endurance 1354 SS

Dexterity 1398 SS

Agility 1489 SS

Magic 1598 SS

Argonaut's Journey. - mentally delivers a daily quest that when accomplished will provide Excellia and also provides Excellia based on participation to party members. Rank I

-Kill 10 Jack birds 1-10

-Kill 10 Minotaurs 1-10

Kill 10 Blue Papillos 23-25

And so, the list went on that I had to hunt, but generally so far, we have hunted all the easy to find monsters to the point of finishing most of my Quests that which were available.

I studied my Falna closely and tried to think what a good enough / suicidal enough action would be that could propel me to level two as frankly I doubt, I could use a single albeit trained Minotaur to level up at this point with my high stats.

Bell then came up with a dumbass fuck idea as he himself studied his own stats there only slightly behind me. "Hey why don't we go kill the Goliath? It's supposed to respawn in a couple days, right?"

I wanted to kick Bell in the fucking face for that stupidity as its pretty common for level threes to team up to kill that thing to get to level four...

"It's either that or I will have to drag a monster party into you all for a level up..." Ryuu said frowning after checking our stats...

We didnt have more time to make plans as Hestia ran upstairs from the basement yelling "There here!"

Ah Loki is here with the materials.

Wait Loki is here! I gently turned to Freya. "Freya do you want to go downstairs while we meet with them?"

Her smile was anything but reassuring as she patted me on my knee. "Thanks for the concern, Jake but I can defend myself now..."


I just gave up and hoped if someone did attack her, they wouldn't be important as an unbound god smiting someone would be lucky to leave a smear on the ground.

I powerwalked outside and saw Bell already talking to Loki's Amazonian sister executives and was blushing as Tiona was clearly hounding him for details about how we were doing.

"Heya Jake!" Tiona waved and left Bell making him deflate in relief as the amazon ran up to me. Normally seeing a level five running up to me with a weapon in hand would freak me out but Tione's weapon matched mine in that it wasn't really a weapon you could put away, with it being a large double blade that was taller than me.

"Jake is it true you can make my Urga a lot better?" She demanded grabbing shoulder and started shaking me in excitement.

Let me tell you, having a level five do there best to shake the loose change out of you especially when they have the Crush ability's that highly enhances her grip strength made it clear I had no chance to escape.

"Yes, I can Tione!' I called out and Tiona finally made her way from the cart and grabbed her sisters arm shaking me.

"Sorry about that Jake, Tione is just way to excited." Tiona said wryly as I tried to keep my brain from melting out of my head from the shaking.

"Yeah whatever." I mumbled.

The older twin grimaced obviously noticing I wasn't so laid back to enjoy being made an amazon's chew toy.

As I took in the contents of the cart, I couldn't help but whistle as it would easily reach several dozen million and that's just counting the monster drops piled in there.

Wait... "Did you girls steal this or something!?" I questioned semi hysterically as I noticed literally everything was in a pile, wasn't sorted, or even packaged, as to stop things from breaking as I noticed the shattered remains of several elixir's/potion bottles.

The Amazons sheepishly scratched there heads in unison showing there twins' status even if there bust size was so different, they still had somewhat similar body language as they guiltily shuffled there feet. "Well we uhm kinda just took a bunch of stuff out of the storeroom and didnt log it out as that would have taken too long..."

I pointed a finger at the I swear minimum five million Valis worth of broken bottles worth of potions and such. "Don't tell me you guys don't have crates or something in storage for valuables!" I cried as Tiona woodenly turned to look into the cart.

"Tione... How did the potions break and why is nothing packed at all...?" She asked and I could see the lights in eyes go blank as she grabbed her sister's shoulder's and gave her a death glare.

"Hehe I just wanted to be able to stuff as much as we could!" The flat chested amazon said bashfully.

I couldn't help but think. "Tione's brain is as smooth as her chest is flat..."

Then came something I've been dreading. A gentle chuckle that seemed to spread through our bodies as Freya gracefully walked out of the church and met the hostile gazes of Loki's executives. As Freya approached, she further enflamed there hostile stances as she spoke "It seems Loki's little beat sticks are still just as sloppy as before."

Before I could react, Tiona went to dash at Freya, but she slammed face first into the wards and with a thunderous crash she was thrown through the derelict building on the other side of the street.

"Enough!" I roared and everyone stopped to look at me. "Freya get the fuck back inside I will not let you pull some petty bullshit now go!" She stood there with a placid smile and without changing her expression turned and started daintily walking back inside.

"I fucking knew she was going to pull something." I muttered as Bell stared at me for the first time losing my temper.

"Fine let's do the weapon upgrades as was promised so we can get it out of the way."

The twins shared a look with the older replying. "Do you actually think we would allow you to handle our weapons after seeing you with Freya?"

I didnt even blink as I snorted. "If Hephestus and Gobinu's members killed a couple members of your Familia's the only thing you could do is grit and bear it. So don't pull that bullshit."

Thats only partly the truth though, as it's a symbiotic relationship for the most part as exploration Familia's went deep into the dungeon to get high quality monster drops or even to escort people to mine or gather certain materials but for some people it's the complete opposite.

I am in the likes of people who could make Grimoires and for people like me. We make our own rules and if someone hurts or offends us, we simply pay others to fuck over the people who mess with us...

"Freya killed a number of our members!" Tione cried out as her older sister grimaced.

I shrugged helplessly in response as honestly, I couldn't care less if the people close to me aren't affected it doesn't concern me. "Look am I giving you that self-regenerating enchantment to your Urga or you leaving?" Tione tensed and the act of it literally cracked the stone she was standing on and I could see her about to test the durability of the barrier with her weapon.

"You win for now little Jake." a voice carried over and I saw Loki walking around a corner from the church with a smile that could equal Freya's in how fake it was.

"Heh and the consequences should someone of your Familia attack me played no part in your coming out of the shadows, did its Trickster?" I chuckled as Loki approached the edge of the barrier.

Loki's eye's tensed as she was reminded so closely of the consequences should Tione have attacked me; she would have been sent straight to heaven.

She gave the Amazonian twins a side eye as she turned on a more welcoming smile than the poisonous grin she wore previously. "I was just looking out for your well-being Jake..." She clapped her hands in excitement. "Oh yeah! Those Gulliver Brothers put out such a handsome bounty for info leading to Freya's liberation." She said making quotes on saying liberation as the only fate should Freya be recaptured was her being imprisoned.

"We can handle ourselves thanks." I said dryly and I knew she was trying to be offhanded in threatening me but if she were to actually 'betray me' by sending people in my direction who wanted to cause harm to the people in Hestia's territory. Well, her life in the mortal world would be forfeit.

Loki turned to Tione after she heard my reply. "Well, give him your weapon as I am not paying another hundred million when you destroy that damn weapon..." She muttered and I chuckled at how pained both of them looked at there situation.

Soon enough we all got what we wanted as I put a regeneration enchantment on her double blade by using a weird metal wood that grew in the deep jungle floors and then put made a bracelet to link Tiona's blades so when she threw them, she could recall them to her hands.

Now to put bluntly these enchantments are simply priceless. As for one making new enchantment's is a hit or miss operation with the standard Mystery Development Ability but for me, I could simply give a direction and my magic would go that way but how effective it was would depend on the materials grade and affinity to what I want.

Seeing as they got there weapons enchanted and with how tense things were with Loki I frankly didnt want to bother with the whole weapons training nonsense especially as I now had a whole cart of high-quality materials I could work with. I just had to make Loki a couple things out of them, and I grossly overcharged them for the stuff they wanted leaving me with plenty more to mess with.

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