My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 45 Enough alcohol can fix anything...

After helping Hestia and Freya into the carriage as they wanted to leave early, I fused some stronger materials and a minor ward scheme into the carriage for safety, I prepared myself to go meet the Loki Familia while Bell and Lili did their own little exploring as they wanted to check out the floor in which Rivira was on in more detail.

I wasn't going to go a Norse's home empty handed though. So, I brought a bottle of mead I had fused from several others and along with some magical vanilla and chocolate which were mixed into the magical mead.

The magical mead glowed golden within the bottle, and had constantly moving swirls of glowing white, and black streams move through the mead as the magic ingredients didnt want to fuse into the likewise mead.

After arriving to Loki's mansion, I approached the guards who looked half asleep so early in the day. "Excuse me I would like to meet an executive for business we previously discussed." I said gently as the clearly dead on his feet guard returned to life and his blank eyes sharpened.

"Ah um today is the Denatus so Loki is too busy to meet you sir. So please try to approach another day." Ah the whole too busy to meet trick but the thing is I had no intention of directly stating I wanted to meet Loki yet.

"I fully understand Loki probably has her hands full with her responsibilities-" I almost giggled trying to imagine Loki treating paperwork and other necessary if heavily boring task with the respect they needed. "But I just need to speak to one of the executives as we left some business unattended as you very well know things have been hectic lately.

The guard nodded as he too knew how much nonsense the Loki Familia has been up to with there expeditions and the attacks going on within Orario, but I wasn't able to see his expression with the full helmet he was wearing so I just mentally relegated him to a background character.

"Fine you may sit within the meeting room as I shall send word to them." That was perfectly fine by me as I didnt expect to be able to just walk in on them eating late breakfast or something.

I probably sat within the opulent waiting for someone to meet with me for a solid twenty or thirty minutes but just as I was starting to lose patience and was about to break open the mead to drink it for myself the doors slammed open.


The double doors were violently thrown open and crashed into the walls as Loki dramatically stomped within the room clearly putting on a show as Riveria followed behind her silently and frowned at the cracks in the wall as the doors slowly drifted shut from the rebound.

"Well, look who came crawling back huh Riveria?" Loki grinned after flopping into a chair.

The elvish princess's expression didnt really change as she studied me and likewise ignored the prodding of the annoying goddess sitting beside her.

"So Riveria how's it feel to be the top dog of Orario?" I hinted at the staff she was holding and as I spoke, I could see her grip on the staff tighten possessively. "Oh, don't worry I don't intend on taking your overpowered staff away." I snorted making her relax a bit but I didnt like the look in Loki's eye as I was careful to not to say I wasn't interested in the staff as that would have been a lie with it the strongest staff in the world probably, who wouldn't be interested in it?

"Anyway, I wanted to know where we stand as of now." I said dropping the playful atmosphere we had previously.

Loki hummed in though before smacking the table. "Honestly we have nothing at all against you, but I am heavily confused as to why you are harboring Freya?" She gestured towards me cheerfully as she continued. "You aren't a stupid person, nor has she managed to mind fuck you with her charms so why are you protecting her from the people who want to get revenge on her?"

I had the perfect answer for this, plus it would only make her more curious. "Loki I swear to you by tonight's end you will have gotten an answer to that question that will overthrow your view of the world." I replied confidently as she raised an eyebrow in disbelief at my cocky words.

"Boyo I am a goddess who has seen countless years pass by. But then again only within Tenkai have I seen such a staff so maybe you will be able to surprise me once more..." Loki muttered

Seeing her clearly deep in thought I reached down beneath the table and then gently put the glowing bottle of mead onto the table with a soft thump that drew the goddess out of her daydreams.

"Well either way. If we mend bridges and become friends in arms against the dungeon or uneasy rivals held back from violence by the contract, I bring the gift of great booze." Riveria palmed her face as Loki's expression turned gleeful.

"Lady Loki, you have the Denatus today remember?" She tried desperately advising the goddess restraint while also physically restraining said goddess from leaping at the clearly magical drink by pinning her to her chair with an arm.

"Oh by the way this magical mead I have created with oh so painstaking efforts. -" Hardly as I literally took less than five minutes to make this, as I had Bell run around the city buying the stuff to make it. "I named it, Trickster's Brew, referencing the magical different core ingredients moving around." At that I pointed out the swirling colors in the mead and if anything, it made Loki struggle even fiercer.

"Mama! Let me gooooo. Come on it just screams me, doesn't it?" She slumped as Riveria clearly held her to the chair and I saw Tiona pop her head into the room hearing her goddess's moans but seeing her reach for a bottle of clearly alcohol made her nod in understanding.

The flat chested amazon crept into the room and before Loki noticed her come behind her, she leapt to the other side of the table and snagged the mead drawing the covetous eyes of the goddess as she reached for it with both her hands like a baby desperately requesting a bottle.

But Riveria cut off her hopes and dreams as she spoke candidly. "It's exactly the fact that it suits you so well that Tiona is going to take that bottle, and have it vigorously tested by all the executive's while you are gone at the denatus."

For a moment Loki relaxed as she thought she would be getting it back after the whole meeting of the gods. But then she understood the underlying message. "Wait! No dammit you flat chested Amazon I thought us flat girls had to stick together!" She called desperately for the amazon who skipped out of the room with the mead.

Just to rub in the agony the goddess was feeling a moment later we heard a loud popping noise as the cork was clearly shot out making the goddess bury her face into the table and then the killing blow struck as Gareth's deep voice rang out of the hallway. "Oh this is the good stuff! Thanks Loki I will drink this in honor of you with my meals today."


The goddess has clearly given up life as she stared helplessly into me as her dull eyes peaked though her elbows.

I couldn't help but sigh at her overly dramatic behavior. "It's alright Loki, if we bury the hatchet, I can promise you many different types of alcohol you have never tried before." And that's a decent little life skill I have brought from my old life of being in college and there being a fad of making your own drink mix's and comparing with other students.

"Really?" Loki questioned me with her lips shaking in a pout and I knew like seventy five percent of her current behavior was her just seeking attention, but I had no issue using it towards my advantage.

"Yeah, it's fine Loki." I replied rolling my eyes in unison to Riveria also shaking her head in disbelief.

We spent a few more minutes just talking about small things and all though we hadn't come to a clear consensus about our standing between one another. it definitely wasn't going to be something that hung over me at night stressing about Loki trying something.

As I was leaving the Twilight manor I discreetly retreated back home as I had big plans for tonight with all the god's attending the meetings and feasts as I started making camouflaged sheets that would blend into the environment and a very morbid trump card that would give us months of time.

I was going Fox Hunting tonight...

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