My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 58 Second Magic

That night after marching towards where the scouts told us the direction of the arriving swarm of Behemoths were heading, we were all camped out for the night in preparation of the morning's battle.

I meanwhile was fusing large amounts of common materials like stones and wood into people's gear as honestly at this battle was highly likely to kill every single person here that didnt have at least D rank abnormal resistance. The poisons of that monster were so strong that it would permanently kill any land it inhabited for any decent amount of time and only several spirit's coming together to do a series of rituals would cleanse the land over a long period of time.

So, to put bluntly I didnt care about letting out the secret of my fusing abilities when more than half of these people will die in this coming battle especially seeing as we didnt have the phenomenal healers Hera had during there expeditions to kill the original beast to help cure the poisoned people afterwards.

I however kept close to the Loki Familia as they are soul bound to protect me should one of the adventures for whatever reason decide to kill me for giving away high-quality gear, even if someone doing that made absolute zero sense but then again there is Evilus in this world who simply aspire to be the Joker and cause chaos and suffering simply for the lolz.

Finn certainly seemed to like his new spear as he managed to bring materials dropped by Udaeus and after merging it into his spear, made it attune to his Pallum Spirit, Noble Brave, and Command Howl, skills to combine them into a large AOE effect that would provide weaker copies of the first skills to all people following him.

Pallum spirit boosts the effects of magic and skills in the face of adversity, and Noble Brave provides high resistance against mental attacks. Basically, with those skills from turning Finn's spear into more of a banner with a big sharp pointy end was something he could only dream of as a leader previously.

"Bell have you ever been drunk before?" I questioned the clearly jittery kid sitting beside me as the vast majority of men already settled into drinking and talking after we made the camps fires and setup the tents while the women went to make food. I was a bit bummed I couldn't practice mass fusing food but then again everything I fused went into one object so we wouldn't be all able to eat if I did so.

He nodded lightly. "Yeah, my grandfather let me drink a bit during the festivals at the village. He said it would put hair on my chest, but it never did?" He absently questioned making me chuckle at his disbelieving tone.

"Hmm Bell it means it's supposed to make you a man, but your hair is far too fair to become a big bush of chest hair." I gently ribbed Bell by smacking his shoulder. "Besides that, I bet Eina won't let you get all hairy and manly, she likes her little brother nice and clean."

"Jake!" Bell groaned in embarrassment as he buried his face into his hands in mortification at seeing his fellow adventurers sending him knowing looks. But then again, I don't know how far they went last night when he spent the night with over at her apartment, all I knew was he had half washed lipstick smudges going down from his neck and when he lifted his shirt to blow away some sweat, we could all see those kisses went down past the metaphorical equator

"Here Bell." I chucked him a low acholic content mead I fused before we left, and we both just nursed our drinks in companionable silence as we watched our fellow adventurers merrily party and drink till the ladyfolk finished there share of the chores and joined us.

"Heya Jake what you up too!" Tiona laughed and bounced over to sit beside me.

"Oh, not much. You know just people watching." I replied. I was happy the Loki Familia's tempers have cooled towards me and although I doubted, I would get involved with any of the girls there I knew they would fight beside me and watch my back.

Tiona nodded as she likewise took in the parties going on with people being in their own little cliques whether it was there Familia or just the cart of supplies, they were assigned to guard as we made our way here during this eight-hour boring march.

"So, Jake, I heard you are from a faraway land, and I wanted to know if you had any stories, you could tell me from your homeland." Tiona asked energetically as she rocked back and forth.

Hmm I doubt if I tried to tell her about Star War's she would understand a damn thing about the setting but then again this is fantasy land why go against the classics.

"Hmm." I cleared my throat and took a drink as I collected my thoughts. "Let me tell you all of a story of an evil wizard demigod and how he became immortal by binding his Essense into a magical ring and attempted to take over the world." I used to religiously watch Lord of the Rings and could almost perfectly recite the entire script not to mention the times I have read the book to get a more oral point of view of the story.

I knew I had the surroundings hooked as more than one person perked up at hearing my words and I could feel my mind's mana just barely being used as I told of how the greatest armies of the world fought Sauron's grand army at the slopes of Mount Doom.

I went to take a drink as my throat was parched after speaking more than fifteen minutes but before I could reach for it Haruhime who was sitting behind him grabbed it and gave it to me and gave an exited smile with her tail wagging behind her.

"Come on Jake what happens next!" Lefiya spoke who was sitting beside Riveria and I could see she was also engrossed in my tale as I told of the great elves who fought beside all the other races against the great enemy.

After clearing my throat, I next told the engrossed crowd how Isildur was a greedy dumbass and disregarded the wise counsel of his elven royal counterpart and kept the ring only to lose it as the ring led him to his death making the elves in the audience knowingly smile.

Now I didnt call Gollum a Hobbit as I planned to call them Pallums in this tale and simply said he was a powerfully mutated goblin and I saw Finns eyes light up as I told of how the brilliant Bilbo played Gollum for a fool and escaped the chasing of an army of monsters to meet up with his companions.

"And that's the tale for Bilbo for now." I announced making the crowd yell in frustration at me ending my story at just getting the ring but shook my head with a light laugh.

"Guys that's just the beginning of tale called The Hobbit the story I was going to tell is called The Lord of The Rings." I chuckled seeing the crowd laser back onto me and seeing how hopeful they looked I couldn't help but satisfy them and continued the story of how Gandalf a great immortal wizard visited the shire and Finn looked almost nostalgic as I described the small houses dug into the rolling hills of the peaceful shire.

I realized I had unlocked my own spell as my story was turning the plains around me into the rolling hills and the drain on my magic increased as I told of his birthday party and the massive fireworks Gandalf would send off.

With a mighty boom a cascade of green sparks lit up the sky and faded before the sparks could reach the dumbfounded adventurers. But it was when I told how the large dragon firework was set off by Merry and Perrine Took that I realized I fucked up when the drain on my mind exploded and as a massive dragon made of fire swooped over our heads and thankfully no one tried to smash it out of the air as just as I passed over the crowed surrounding me it exploded in the air.

"Ok that's enough." I mumbled feeling the weight of my minds use of basically making a reality marble at least that's what I thought was happening, but I would need to get my status upgraded to engrave whatever happened into my soul and an explanation.

Either way I was unlikely to get an answer till after this coming battle.

"Jake what was that!" Bell demanded seeing how tired I looked knew it was me developing a spell of my own.

"I am not sure, but we will know when I update my falna." I groaned and just relaxed into Haruhime who was holding onto me from behind.

"Alright Ladies and Gentlemen it's time we got some rest. The battle for the future of Orario is tomorrow." Finn ordered seeing the story time was over, but he clearly wanted to know more of what happened in a story who had a Pallum as a protagonist.

But not to mention I didnt know what was going to trigger my magic or skill as I told a tale. I was already exhausted from talking for a couple hours.

I went to sleep in my bedroll with Lili and Haruhime cradled in my arms soon enough after I managed to free myself from Tiona's demanding I tell more of the story.

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