My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 62

As I sat there on the couch with all the girls in the Familia surrounding me curiously obviously waiting for the show. Minor problem though I didnt want to just continue LOTR because the goddesses and Syr wouldn't know it with me having already told a decent chunk of it and not wanting to retell it, so I decided to go for a different story, and it took me a few moments to decide which one was for the best.

The biggest problem with any choices I made was how they would react to how real and amount of the detail I would put into a modern world, so I had to basically stick to fantasy worlds so that cut out a decent number of possibilities. Plus, I wanted a generally lighthearted story not some depressing crap shoot.

I relaxed into the couch, fully resting my head into the cushions and I could feel my consciousness literally slipping out of my body as I could hear the exclamations of the people around me and as I slipped deeper into the trance, I could feel a strong sun beating down onto me and then the hissing of a bus taking air into its hydraulics.

But a moment later I could hear a loud shout and a light thud making me open my eyes and bring me almost completely out of the trance and made the world become fuzzy around us as it changed to a large platform floating in space with stars in the background.

We all listened in respectful silence as the man who just arrived was told he died and how he was proud to have saved that girl but then the blue haired woman with the same bland expression a fast-food worker would hand you your food just told him he had a heart attack like an idiot.

"Wait I died to a tractor?!" Kazuma shouted in dismay at dying to such a stupid thing, but Aqua's words only made tears come to his eyes as she stabbed in the heart verbally.

"No, you died of shock thinking it ran you over! Not only that, but you were also so terrified you wet yourself!" Aqua was holding her sides as she choked on her laughs making Kazuma even more pissed as his face soured at the news as well as her reaction.

She went to tell the poor guy how even the doctors were laughing at him and worse even his family laughed at how he died...

Actually, looking back on this, this is really fucked up and its only Kazuma's funny freak out and wanting to tune out the goddess that turned this into a comedy rather than an emo tragedy, but I could see both Hestia and Freya were looking pissed at Aqua, and they noticed my confusion with Freya responding to my looks of confusion.

Freya leaned over to me and explained to me as Aqua dismissed her divine raiment and into pink bubbles and announced she was done venting her stress on him and his choices for the afterlife. "She acts like the evil gods who abuse the reincarnation system to torture souls and send them to the worse possible location for their karma's allowance.

Yup certainly not going this worlds afterlife...

"Thats some bullshit cheats! We never even gave such things to the mortals on this world!" Hestia cried seeing the infinite mind or the instant mastery cheat, not to mention the blatant rip offs of Noble Phantasm's from Fate or otherwise divine armaments.

"Welcome to lazy gods who don't want to solve the problems on the surface they caused." I muttered making both Goddess's twitch and a look of embarrassment crossed their face showing that they likewise almost certainly did something among the same lines long ago.

But the crux of the moment came after Aqua insulted Kazuma again and he snapped saying he would take her to the other world and a large glyph lit up on the ground around both Aqua and Kazuma making them both float up as an angel came out of a portal.

"Congratulations Kazuma Satou you have chosen your gift and now the heavens are relying on you to help kill the demon lord and should you succeed, you will be granted a single wish of your choice." The angel announced grandly bringing her arms up as the duo floated into towards the stars and a light becoming brighter.

"Wait this is against the rules! You can't do this to me you angel!" Aqua screamed out hysterically but the angel simply smiled as the light swallowed the duo and took them away.

But as the world was blurring obviously to turn to them as they landed in the new world, we all felt an extremely powerful pressure as the angel whirled around looking for something as she yelled. "There's intruders within the reincarnation department!"

I was just noticing how deep I had fallen into the trance because oddly enough the deeper I went and lost more of my self the less mind it took to maintain this reality marble as it simply became more and more real.

I made eye contact with the beautiful pink haired angel and somehow, she must have been able to sense it and with a simple punch it looked like Whitebeard tried to punch me as space shattered with ragged scars formed in the air lancing towards me and the others behind me.

"Hmph a little Valkyrie dares to raise her hands at my husband. The nerves!" Freya snorted and she unleashed her Arcanum blocking her attack with a dark purple icicle sent at high speeds and slammed into the angel forcing her back and the brief moment was enough for the reality marble to transition into the starting town as Aqua was busy strangling Kazuma screaming hysterically.

"Ok I think that's enough excitement." I mumbled groaning at the sheer effort it took for me to close the world bringing a deep fog that soon dissipated into the familiar church we lived within.

"Yes, Jake no showing divines in action as they will obviously be able to sense us." Hestia admonished me as I nodded and faceplanted into her lap making her chuckle, but I was busy with the headache ringing through my head.

"It's a pity you didnt continue the Lord of the rings story you told previously." Ryuu muttered obviously disappointed a bit as she was interested in seeing those worlds elves but honestly a part of me wanted to continue it with the Loki Familia.

I rolled over and could only chuckle as with Hestia's large breasts I couldn't even see her face at all as I replied to Ryuu. "I kinda want to tell the story with more people as it's a long tale not to mention I have a very strong suspicion I will delve too deeply into said world and we may need help fighting off any opposition with the armies common within the story."

"Actually, Jake uhm I don't think we will really need help as I could feel my chains on my arcanum basically being worthless when that angel was able to notice you my divinity registered, we were literally in another world and Ouranos's rules no longer bound me." Hestia mused obviously disturbed by the power of my magic, but it had a very steep cost of I could literally see myself delving too deep and manifesting said world into reality and permanently losing myself and becoming the will of said world.

"If we want to go back to the Lord of the rings world, I want some more people with us as huge armies of monsters are relatively common, and that world also has its god's even if they are far less active than most." I laid down the law to the Familia and although I couldn't see Hestia's reaction, I was able to see the other girls acknowledge my point and agree.

"So should we do this in a few days when Loki's Familia gets back?" Lili questioned, and Haruhime obviously looked just as interested so I could only nod in acceptance at there fervent request and roll out of Hestia lap as I stretched and felt much better now after my rest.

"So shall we get back into the dungeon or should we just wait for Bell to be released in a couple days from Miach?" I asked the room.

"We just got back from a great battle Jake. We all need to decompress for a couple days." Ryuu said surprisingly with Aisha nodding in affirmation so I could only bow out to the wisdom of the far more experienced adventures.

Alright I guess that just gives me time to upgrade and fix my gear after Alfia wrecked my armor and my charge blade could use an upgrade if not changed to a different weapon altogether so long as it was a large weapon because I was getting tired of its axe form.

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