My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 74

It took what felt like half an hour but was more likely to be like five minutes for the ground to start to lose it gentle slope downwards and level out. I also noticed the ground was a much higher quality stonework as Ryuu no longer had to use her boots flames to light the way as there was monster stone lanterns lining the wall now.

"We are technically now within Knossos and so once we reach the first door Jake, I will need you to make the tunnel upwards into the surface as each of the doors down here are made with a mithril and adamantine alloy and thus will need your fusing to remove." Ryuu announced as we marched through the endless hallways

"If Jake doesn't make a tunnel out of here it would be impossible to take people out of here, wouldn't it without having to fight constant ambushes, right?" Bell muttered as we kept making turns based on Ryuu's memory of this place.

The elf who spent I imagine plenty of time within this place nodded to Bell's deduction and further explained. "As we discussed previously, we weren't going to kill anyone who resisted us and that was the same approach the Astrea Family had when we tried to purge the criminal underground."

After knowing Ryuu for a while I learned from her that just like reality the so called cops even in Astrea came in all colors even with Astrea being a total justice weeb some less admirable qualities of the members of her all-female Familia managed to slip through like one of the other elves within her Familia took the elvish custom of not touching the other mortal races a step further and would disdain interacting with people who weren't even a half elf let alone a pure human or other race.

The other biggest problem was sadism slipping into the heads of the lower ranking members who weren't as watched over by the Astrea Familia and had to be kept in check periodically.

But even with dozens of members, the Astrea Familia with multiple punitive trips within Knossos and the hidden places with the Dungeon, weren't able to clean out the rot of Evilus and the other criminal groups of Orario and for all there hard work they were all slaughtered basically with only Ryuu remaining as the last one.

So, all in all I didnt imagine many people would be leaving Ryuu's not so tender mercies all that intact once we get into combat.

Finally, we managed to reach a large metal door planted with large Adamantine plates which made it basically impervious to magic not to mention ridiculously durable.

"Alright Jake you are up." I nodded and after putting my hand against the door I called out my magic. "Fuse." The large door separated into pieces as I fused all the Adamantine into a solid brick in my hand which I quickly threw into my space ring as the cinder block sized hunk of crimson metal was heavier than my charge blade.

I also didnt forget to throw all the left-over metal into my ring as well knowing some of the metal was the local version of mithril which was used as a magical conductor.

"I am heading up, don't go anywhere without leaving obvious marks for me to follow." I warned flying upwards slowly and as my hands reached the ceiling I called once again. "Fuse." The ceiling started to concave around me as it looked like I was hollowing out a bowl or something as all the matter disappeared around me and I was also throwing the fused boulders as I went up into my space ring to hopefully reinforce the church and build up a wall or something at some point.

I made my grand entrance into the surface by unfortunately fusing my way into what seemed to be a fountain although thankfully my armor sealed itself off and kept me dry but sadly being this was a wide-open fountain, and many people were dumbfoundedly staring at the armored figure climbing the out of the wreck of a suddenly gone fountain...

"Call Ganesha and Loki!" Someone yelled out and I could only facepalm at the couple of people already running off to nark on us.

'Well at least with Loki and Ganesha's people coming we will be able to simply hand people off to them.' I thought jumping back down the hole and fell a solid forty meters before reaching the bottom and had to use my flying boots to stop my downward momentum.

With a soft them I landed on the ground and as I took in the surroundings, I could already see several breathing and injured bodies lining the walls and I could only deadpan at hearing fighting going on in the distance, but I could see with the way the people were literally lining the walls that they were purposely placed there and Bell/Ryuu were basically dumping the task of transporting these people up the surface onto me.

"Well, it's probably for the best that Bell is using his shonen aura to hopefully chill out Ryuu as I can see most of you poor fucker's wounds were made by her wooden sword." I muttered as I grabbed one of the idiots in each of my arms and started flying to the surface. Thankfully by the time I made the half dozen trips I managed to learn how to bundle three people within each of my arms.

'I only dropped him once officer...' I thought thinking of this little pallum who had a rock clearly thrown into his chest and with said rock lying beside the boyish man and I could only think about who was the one to throw a big rock into someone and then spend the time to carry said person and rock to the pickup point.

'Maybe he could make a shrine for the rock that broke several of his ribs.' I thought as I also for whatever reason took the time to carry up the pallum along with his rock and threw him into the pile of other injured people.

"What the hell do you think you are doing with these injured people!!!" A voice yelled out and before I could fall back into the tunnel I made. I saw Airmid Teasanare the captain and head doctor of the Dian Cecht Familia standing there with an arm at her hip and her other one pointing at me as she used her area of effect magic to heal a literal pile of the groaning criminals.

"Those are members of Evilus and the Familia's associating with them. Now excuse me Airmid I must get back down to grab the other members my fellows are delivering to me."

Granted even if it annoyed me, I couldn't blame my fellow members to leave this task of carrying the injured away as Bell with his insect glaive wasn't suited to carrying people with his style of flying, and Ryuu literally just got her flying boots not even an hour ago.

Didn't mean now with people here that I couldn't give them the task of sending a rope or whatever down and carrying them away. "Seeing as you don't want me moving the injured and what not I will leave them down in sewers below. Good luck getting down there without flying Haha." I laughed happily seeing the irritated expression crossing the almost doll like perfect face of Airmid.

But I could already hear the peanut gallery somehow knowing that Loki and Ganesha were on there way so I could get back into Knossos without any more nonsense getting it my way.

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