My Wife Is Dominant

Chapter 43

Chapter 43 Special Treatment
“Dear, Keren told me that you are letting me go for Xiaoxiao’s training classes, is it true?” Chen Kexin whispered while she held on tightly to Wang Weixi, resting her head on his chest just before they fell asleep.

Wang Weixi frowned and said, “Well, yes. I thought I usually returned from work fatigued. It would be a good idea for you to go there.” In fact, he was contemplating whether to reconfirm with Chen Kexin. He wondered why Chen Kexin did not tell him about this if Chen Keren was not telling a lie. On the other hand, he was rather certain that Chen Keren was not the type of person to lie.

Feeling helpless, Wang Weixi sighed.

Chen Kexin was puzzled and she asked, “Dear, why did you sigh? Are you in a bad mood? Did Keren say something to upset you, like forcing you to let to go for classes at Xiaoxiao’s?”

Wang Weixi shook his head and said, “Nonsense, making me look like a scary villain, hehe. How would she dare to threaten me, her brother-in-law? Stop thinking too much. I will come to bring you home every evening from now on. Just go to sleep in peace for now.”

Chen Kexin nodded. No long after, he could hear her slow, steady breath and thought she must have fallen asleep.

Wang Weixi looked lovingly at the love of his life lying in his bosom as he gently stroked her hair. He would be lying if he denies feeling uneasy. That day when he saw the way Lan Xiao looked at Kexin, he knew immediately that he had feelings for her. It was only after Chen Keren claimed that Lan Xiao was her fiance did he feel relieved. Wang Weixi could only settle with a compromise.

However, he could not help frowning and feeling jealous whenever Chen Kexin mentioned “Xiaoxiao”. He did not expect himself to be such a petty person. He sighed again before falling into a fitful sleep.

By the time he woke up, it was already daylight. Surprisingly, it was a dreamless night.

Chen Kexin was still asleep when he woke up.

Wang Weixi tried to be as quiet as possible as he got up and tidied up the bed. He laid Chen Kexin’s clothes on the bed and went to the kitchen to get breakfast ready.

Chen Kexin turned over and continued her beauty sleep when her mobile phone started singing a jolly tune. She felt around the pillow and eventually pulled out her mobile phone. “Hello…”

“It’s me, Kexin.” Lan Xiao spoke as he sat on his sofa. When he heard her hoarse voice which was a sign that she was half asleep, he was at a loss of words.

Chen Kexin mumbled a yes, took a few more breaths before she said with a tired voice, “Why did you call me this early, Xiaoxiao?” Chen Kexin hated being wakened up early in the morning.

“Didn’t you promise to come for class? The class is starting at 8 o’clock. I am giving a morning call just in case you overslept,” Lan Xiao explained calmly.

Chen Kexin turned around and suddenly remembered that her class was starting today. What misery! Actually, she would rather be taught by her husband, if not for Keren being so assertive and pushy… Why was her life so miserable?

At this time, Wang Weixi had finished preparing breakfast. As he walked in the room, he saw the naked Chen Kexin lying prone on the bed and feebly speaking on the phone.

Wang Weixi furrowed his brows and asked, “Who’s calling, dear?”

“Alright, I know, Xiaoxiao. I’m getting up now,” Chen Kexin talked into the phone.

The moment Lan Xiao heard Wang Weixi talking in the background, a mixture of feelings came welling up from within him. “Alright, see you,” he said quietly.

After Chen Kexin hang up the phone, she turned back and closed her eyes while she mumbled lazily, “Xiaoxiao said the class is starting at 8 am, sob… I am so very sleepy.”

Wang Weixi felt terrible, but what could he say now that he had promised to let her go. He walked over to Chen Kexin and tried to persuade her with a gentle voice, “Then you have to get out of bed. I have prepared breakfast and I am actually done eating. Get up and eat your breakfast, then I will send you over before I go to work.”

Chen Kexin opened her eyes slowly. She actually felt refreshed. Wang Weixi looked at her tenderly and patiently while he put the thin blanket on her.

“It’s okay, there’s no need for you to send me. You better go to work and not be late,” Chen Kexin said sweetly.

Wang Weixi felt a warmth inside him while hearing her words. As he glanced at the clock which showed 7.30 am, he knew he had to leave otherwise he would be late for work. He felt much better seeing how understanding his wife was toward him.

Wang Weixi patted Chen Kexin’s head lovingly and got up to go. “Then I will make a move first. Get out of bed soon.”

Chen Kexin nodded as she watched Wang Weixi leave. Then her vision started to blur until eventually she shut her eyes completely and fell asleep once again.

Just like that, Chen Kexin went on sleeping comfortably on the large bed until 10 am. Even so, she did not wake up naturally. It was Chen Keren’s phone call, as well as Wang Weixi and Lan Xiao’s phone calls that jolted her from her slumber.

She took half an hour to get herself ready. Once she got downstairs, she could see Lan Xiao’s car being parked not far from her. She pulled a long face as she walked up to the car. Lan Xiao exited his car to hold the car door for her like a gentleman. “Good morning,” Lan Xiao greeted her gently.

Chen Kexin yawned and lifted her eyes to the sky. The sun was high up in the sky by then and Chen Kexin thought Lan Xiao was so kind to her as to still greet her “Good morning.”

“Good morning…” Chen Kexin got up the car and smiled sweetly at Lan Xiao.

Lan Xiao cocked his head, closed the car door and walked to the driver’s seat to start the car.

“Have you had breakfast?” Lan Xiao asked as he drove.

“Not yet… ” Chen Kexin said as she patted her stomach. “But I brought some snacks with me… look,” She continued as she simultaneously took out a pack of potato chips from her bag.

Lan Xiao looked at her with eyes full of care and concern. “It is very important to have a nutritious breakfast, how could you just have potato chips? Let me bring you for breakfast.” He compressed the accelerator to speed up the car and said, “I will bring you to a breakfast place near my house.”

Chen Kexin immediately shook her head and said, “No, no, it’s almost 10.30 am. My hubby will be coming to pick me up at 11.30 am to bring me home. I think I can hold it until then.”

Chen Kexin said, grinning. She did not realize that her smile had melted the heart of the man right before her.

Lan Xiao suppressed his disappointment as he continued to wear a warm smile on his face. “Alright, let’s just go straight to my office then.” He wished that he could tell her how important her health meant

“He… Is he nice to you?” Although he kept reminding himself not to ask such questions, he finally succumbed.

Chen Kexin nodded her head without hesitation while munching on the potato chips. “Of course! My hubby always goes along with my whims and fancies. He never blamed me for anything I’ve done wrong. I am really so blessed to have married him.”

Lan Xiao smiled a sad smile and said, “Is that right? That’s great.”

What followed was only the sound of Chen Kexin crunching her potato chips.

After a while, Lan Xiao and Chen Kexin arrived at their destination.

When Lan Xiao had parked his car, Chen Kexin looked out the window and stared at the sign saying “Training Course for Housewives”. She had a sudden urge to burst out laughing.

Lan Xiao unbuckled his seat belt, got out of his car and walked to Chen Kexin’s side to open her car door. Chen Kexin got down the car, still grinning. She waited for Lan Xiao to lock the car and then followed him into the office.

The moment Chen Kexin stepped through the door, the gazes of all the people in there turned toward her.

This session was apparently a cooking class. Chen Kexin could see that all the participants of the class were carrying a pot each and practicing their skills under the teacher’s guidance. Some of them were apparently trying to memorize and recite what they were taught.

Chen Kexin opened her eyes wide in shock.

Lan Xiao turned to the stupefied Chen Kexin and said with a grin and said, “Up the stairs you go.”

Puzzled, Chen Kexin asked, “How come I am not learning together with them?”

All the participants too looked at Chen Kexin and Lan Xiao with bewilderment.

Lan Xiao shook his head and said, “Naturally you have to follow me since I am going to be teaching you.” This sounded reasonable enough.

Chen Kexin finally got the idea and followed Lan Xiao upstairs.

“That was a lovely girl! Is that Lan Xiao’s girlfriend?” The participants began talking among themselves.

“Not sure about that, but Lan Xiao definitely has a way with girls.”

“Indeed, indeed. The lady who came here yesterday was truly a beauty; while this girl today is so lovely too.”

“But didn’t she say that she is here to take lessons too?”

“Didn’t you hear what Lan Xiao said? That he will teach her personally? They must have a special relationship for Lan Xiao to want to teach her personally.”

The was definitely no lack of gossips where they were a gathering of women.

Chen Kexin was totally unaware of this. At this moment, she had already become someone’s wife. All she wanted to do was to quickly learn the skills to keep her husband happy. She did not want to embarrass Wang Weixi in their gatherings with friends. Neither did she want to hear the mean comments from Wang Weixi’s aunts, saying that she was a useless wife.

She perked up at the thought. Trailing behind Lan Xiao, she entered the kitchen upstairs and cried out in excitement, “Quick, teach me some new skills, Xiaoxiao.”

Lan Xiao did not know whether to laugh or to cry when he saw Chen Kexin’s enthusiasm. “Kexin, the beginning is always the hardest. Don’t be too anxious to succeed.”

Chen Kexin pouted as she disagreed.

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