My Wife Is Dominant

Chapter 59

Chapter 58 Quarrel
On their way home, Wang Weixi just kept driving with a grim face and completely ignored Chen Kexin.

Chen Kexin wanted to explain to him, but every time she saw the anger within his eyes, she was stuck for words.

She felt helpless and sent a text message to Chen Keren.

When they reached home, Wang Weixi entered their apartment first and slammed the door in Chen Kexin’s face. Chen Kexin stood there alone for a while, tears coursing down her cheeks unchecked.

She opened the door with trembling hands, entered the living room and then just stood there uneasily while watching Wang Weixi smoke heavily.

Wang Weixi looked down to avoid eye contact with her, while repeatedly thinking about what he had seen back in the kitchen.

He had clearly seen Chen Kexin smile sweetly at Lan Xiao.

He had clearly felt that there was a thing between them.

He had vaguely smelled the aroma of a delicious dish and heard Chen Kexin talking to Lan Xiao before he went upstairs.

“Did they behave even more intimately before I entered the kitchen?

“If I hadn’t disturbed them, would they have done something more than a hug?”

The more he wondered, the more he felt suffocated.

He suddenly got choked and started coughing fiercely.

Chen Kexin swiftly approached him and asked worriedly, “Honey, are you alright?” She reached out her hand, planning to help him by slapping his back, but Wang Weixi refused it by beating her hand off.

Chen Kexin was stunned, her eyes welled with tears again.

Wang Weixi looked up at the crying Chen Kexin and pitied her sincerely. Nevertheless, when he thought that she had just been embraced tightly by another man, he felt hurt and clenched his fist, his body trembling with anger.

“Are you girls in the city just casual about this kind of staff? Do you think that it’s nothing to cuddle and embrace some random guy?” Wang Weixi tried his best to suppress his anger and asked nonchalantly.

Chen Kexin looked at him, bit her lip and said, “That’s not what I meant…” She felt hurt as she had never expected that Wang Weixi would have considered her to be “casual”.

“Then why did you say that? And why did you do that?!” Wang Weixi looked at Chen Kexin and angrily shouted to her.

Chen Kexin sadly looked back at him. She opened her mouth and then quickly shut it, unspeaking. At this moment, she was too sad to say anything.

Her silence somehow irritated Wang Weixi even more. He threw his cigarette butt away and shouted furiously, “Speak! Why do you keep silent? You dare not to tell me the truth? Or you just can’t find a reasonable explanation, not even an excuse?”

Chen Kexin looked at his angry face and finally flared up. “Xiaoxiao and I have been good friends since childhood. I hugged him. What’s wrong about it? He’s a gentleman and always nice to me. We hugged. I don’t think I’ve done something terrible to you.”

This was the first time that Chen Kexin had yelled at him. Wang Weixi was surprised and dejected.

“Yeah, I should’ve known it a long time ago. Lan Xiao is such a gentleman and he’s much better than me. If he had returned earlier, you would’ve never laid your eyes on me. Am I right?”

Chen Kexin was choked with sobs and could not speak. She covered her mouth with a hand, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Wang Weixi still felt angry.

He did not want to look up at Chen Kexin anymore, as it would make him feel sad to watch her crying. However, he just could not hold his temper in check and stop himself from saying those words to hurt her.

“Are you saying that whenever you meet a good man, you can directly go to cuddle him and flirt with him?!”

Chen Kexin looked at Wang Weixi incredulously. She found it hard to believe that he had said something like that to her. She shook her head and wanted to explain, but in the end, she just sobbed and said, “Am I… such a slutty woman in your eyes?”

She really wanted to hear him say no, but Wang Weixi just remained silent.

She nodded and tried her best to suppress her sad feeling. She sneered and said, “Good, it’s good, Wang Weixi. I did hug Xiaoxiao and I thought it was natural for you to get angry when you saw that. However, I never expected you to think me to be slutty.”

Wang Weixi remained quiet but his hand shook slightly. He had never seen Chen Kexin flare up before. He thought that he probably had crossed the line and hurt her self-esteem. However, he refused to back down or apologize to her just to protect his ridiculous self-pride.

Chen Kexin had never felt so disappointed before.

“Yeah, a woman who has slept with a man in a hotel on their first date must be a slut,” Chen Kexin said affirmatively, letting tears roll down her cheeks.

Upon hearing that, Wang Weixi abruptly lifted up his head and looked at her in disbelief. Her eyes turned unprecedentedly cold.

Upon noticing that Wang Weixi seemed to have begun to realize how ridiculous he had been, Chen Kexin continued, “Yes, girls in the cities are slutty, especially me. I’m casual about sex! I’m a slut! Wang Weixi, you must have been blind to marry such a slut like me!”

Wang Weixi stood up and was somewhat scared by Chen Kexin now. He reached out his hands, trying to hug her, but Chen Kexin took a few steps backward to avoid his hands.

“What? Why do you want to hug such a slut like me? Don’t you hate me? Don’t you believe that I’m a disgusting slut? You get out of here… I don’t want to see you anymore…” With these words, she turned around, ran into her bedroom and quickly locked the door.

Wang Weixi stood there agape for a moment and then he rushed to the door of the bedroom. He tried to open it but failed.

He finally came to realize that he had really broken Chen Kexin’s heart.

“Kexin, open the door. Kexin…” Wang Weixi knocked on the door worriedly.

Meanwhile, Chen Kexin was crying heavily while sitting on the cold floor of the bedroom. Every time she thought of Wang Weixi’s words, she felt her pain increased.

She had believed that Wang Weixi would have trusted her no matter what and never expected that he would have accused her of cheating on him before giving her a chance to explain.

“Wang Weixi, I hate you… … I hate you!” Chen Kexin said while sobbing.

Wang Weixi knocked on the door more rapidly and said, “I’m sorry, Kexin. I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. I’m really sorry…”

He felt ashamed to ask her to forgive him.

Chen Kexin smirked helplessly while thinking, “It seems that you just think that you have an attitude problem. Have you ever realized how much I was hurt by your words?

“Wang Weixi, you’re such a jerk…”

Wang Weixi stood at the door for a while. When he realized that Chen Kexin would not open the door for him, he turned around dejectedly and slumped on the sofa. He thought back on all the things that had happened and began to feel regret.

He sat on the sofa until 13:00 pm. Chen Kexin was still sobbing, which made him feel even guiltier.

He had finished smoking a pack of cigarettes before he noticed that.

He stood up, came to the door of the bedroom again and said softly, “Honey, I have to go to work. Can we have a talk when I come back this evening?”

Chen Kexin squatted on the floor and continued sobbing without saying a word.

Wang Weixi could only turn around and leave the apartment helplessly.

Right after his departure, when Chen Kexin slowly stood up and opened the door, she felt choked by the sharp smell of cigarettes. She walked out of the bedroom with her eyebrows knitted and then found out that the ashtray on the tea table was filled with cigarette butts.

“This dumb*ss… How can he hurt his own body like this?” Chen Kexin thought and went to sit on the sofa, which was still warm.

She looked at the cigarette butts, tears rolling down her cheeks again.

She had not yet told anyone that she had discovered Lan Xiao’s love for her. She thought, “I was just so excited today that those words slipped out of my mouth. They deeply moved Lan Xiao, who loved me for years. That’s why he hugged me all of a sudden.

“He’s secretly in love with me for years and always treats me tenderly, but he has never given me any pressure. He just sincerely hopes that I can be happy. We’re just friends.

“But Wang Weixi, how can you question our relationship like that? Even if that’s because you care very much about me, you don’t have to snap at me like that. What kind of person am I in your eyes?

“How can you call me a slut…

“You really hurt me, Wang Weixi…”

At this moment, Wang Weixi was sitting in his car blankly with his hands on the steering wheel. He felt too feeble to drive his car now. After thinking for a long time, he decided to give Yi Duanfang a call. He knew that his impetuous action had hurt Kexin and believed that Yi Duanfang knew how to make her happy again.

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Chapter 59 To Make Ourselves Feel Better
Upon knowing that Wang Weixi had a fight with Chen Kexin, Chen Keren and Yi Duanfang did not feel as happy as they had expected. Chen Keren, who was a workaholic, even asked for a leave and hurriedly came to Chen Kexin’s apartment the moment she heard Chen Kexin sobbing on the phone. As for Yi Duanfang, he directly left his company without asking for a leave.

When they happened to meet each other on their way to Chen Kexin’s home, both of them were surprised to see each other’s worried face.

“Hey, do you regret the plan to separate them?” Yi Duanfang asked with curiosity.

Chen Keren remained unmoved and rolled her eyes at him while saying, “Of course not. Don’t you think that Wang Weixi really made a fuss about a trifle? They just hugged. I’m not excited about such an easy victory at all.” Upon hearing that and seeing the cold face of Chen Keren, Yi Duanfang could not help but sigh helplessly.

Chen Keren found his reaction hilarious and asked, “Do you regret? If you do, you can withdraw from the plan now. I won’t stop you. I can carry out the plan all by myself.”

Yi Duanfang gave her a long, hard stare and said, “How can I withdraw from the plan now? I’ll send out a person who’ll exert great influence on Weixi very soon. I really don’t understand you girls in the city. Maybe you think it’s alright, but I guess every man will get upset upon seeing his wife in the arms of another man. He gets angry because he cares. As Chen Kexin seems to care nothing about his feelings, I won’t let him stay married to such a woman.”

Chen Keren listened to him nonchalantly while walking into the elevator together with him.

“If you feel guilty about making your sister sad, you can withdraw. After all, I don’t need your help at all,” Yi Duanfang said confidently.

“I’ll wait and see,” Chen Keren snorted coldly and said.

After that, they turned their faces away from each other and remained silent.

Somehow, they did not feel happy about their victory, but they could not figure out the exact reason. Or, they knew why they were unhappy but just refused to admit it.

When they reached Chen Kexin’s door, Chen Keren immediately rang the doorbell.

After quite a long time, Chen Kexin finally came to open the door for them.

Her hair was messy, her cheeks were red, and her eyes were bloodshot and puffy. She did not look like her customary cheerful self, and this sad look somehow reminded Chen Keren of her sister’s old feelings about the man who had used her before.

She could not help but wonder, “Does she feel what she felt before?

“Was I too cruel to her? It seems that she really loves her husband.

“But I just can’t let my sister stay married to such a man.”

“I told you not to come. You have to work today, don’t you?” said Chen Kexin dejectedly. When she was sad she looked exceptionally vulnerable and pitiable.

Yi Duanfang exchanged a look with Chen Keren and then said to Chen Kexin, “Come on, we’re sisters. I know that you’re in a bad mood now, and I’m in a bad mood too, so I come here. I believe that we’ll feel better when staying together.”

Upon hearing this ridiculous explanation, Chen Keren rolled her eyes at Yi Duanfang with contempt.

To their surprise, Chen Kexin went to pour two cups of water for them before sitting down with a stiff expression in her eyes.

Yi Duanfang looked at Chen Kexin in surprise and then exchanged a look with Chen Keren, who then whispered beside his ear, “My sister behaves differently every time she feels sad.”

Yi Duanfang nodded contemplatively and then squinted at the sad Chen Kexin. He somehow started to pity her as she did look much more vulnerable compared to her old self.

He went over to sit together with her and touched his nose while saying, “Kexin, don’t be so sad. Weixi just failed to control himself in a fit of anger. I’ll go to find him this afternoon and beat him up for you.”

Chen Keren also came here to sit down. She had never expected Wang Weixi to say something so hurtful and could not help but sigh and shake her head helplessly upon hearing Yi Duanfang words.

Right at this moment, Chen Kexin suddenly lifted up her head and looked coldly at Yi Duanfang, which made him feel somewhat scared.

“You don’t need to say this to me. I know that you hate me all the time. You don’t have to lie to me like this. I’m alright with it,” she said plainly.

Yi Duanfang was rendered speechless and felt awkward. Now he really did not know what he could do to further his plan.

Chen Keren sat quietly. She had asked Lan Xiao what had happened and found it hard to believe that such a minor misunderstanding could ignite such a big fight between Chen Kexin and Wang Weixi. “Maybe, Wang Weixi and my sister just don’t trust each other.”

She thought and threw Chen Kexin a quick glance.

“Kexin, what makes you think that I hate you? How can I hate a cute girl like you? Stop filling your head with such nonsense. Trust me. I won’t give Weixi unprincipled protection because he and I have been friends since childhood,” said Yi Duanfang. However, even he himself could hardly believe what he had just said.

“I know it. You hate me. I’m good for nothing and only bring others endless troubles,” Chen Kexin smiled bleakly and said.

Chen Keren touched her forehead while sighing secretly, “My sister is really able to drive others crazy when she’s sad.”

“Let’s hang out together to have some fun,” said Chen Keren. This was the only piece of advice that she could offer, as she really had no idea how to comfort others.

Upon hearing that, Yi Duanfang nodded vigorously and echoed, “Yes, yes, let’s go shopping together. It’ll make us happy. Or, we can go to ride on a roller coaster. We’ll forget about our bad mood after that. Let’s go~”

Chen Keren gave him a “you-are-really-childish” look.

Yi Duanfang closed his mouth very timely.

Chen Kexin sat there, without saying yes or no. Suddenly, she looked up at Chen Keren and asked seriously, “Keren, you hate Weixi all the time, don’t you?”

Chen Keren was stunned and remained silent. Chen Kexin smiled helplessly and thought, “Well, she didn’t say ‘no’, so the answer must be ‘yes’.”

“But I hope that you can understand that Xiaoxiao and I are just friends… and there’s nothing else going on between us,” added Chen Kexin.

Chen Keren nodded and said, “I see.”

Chen Keren was clear that no one could force two people to fall in love with each other. She just wanted to try and sincerely hoped that Lan Xiao could win her sister over, but now everything went against her will. She could tell that Chen Kexin had already discovered Lan Xiao’s love for her but she still loved only her husband Wang Weixi.

Chen Keren knew that from now on she could not control the situation anymore. All she could do was to wait and see what would happen in the future.

“I don’t care about what others think about me. I just don’t want Weixi to misunderstand me… It’s really sad to be misunderstood by someone you love,” Chen Kexin said while wiping off her tears.

When she was crying, she looked like a spotless porcelain doll and made others feel sorry for her.

Yi Duanfang felt anxious upon seeing that. At this moment, he suddenly realized that he did not hate her at all. He complained secretly that he should have realized this earlier.

When he really hated someone, he would never talk to that person no matter who he or she was. This was his principle. If he had hated Chen Kexin, he would have never come here to comfort her or taken her to some supermarket to buy food.

After realizing this, he felt embarrassed, and his face became red and then turned pale. He looked at Chen Kexin’s pale face and then grabbed her hand all of a sudden. Chen Kexin was so startled that she shook a little. At the same time, Chen Keren’s face became livid.

“Kexin, I’m sorry. I admit that I didn’t like you in the beginning, but now I feel really worried about you. Don’t be so sad. I don’t hate you. Cheer up, my sister. Just hang out with your Sister Duanfang, please,” Yi Duanfang said emotionally.

Chen Keren widened her eyes in surprise. She had never expected Yi Duanfang, that stupid sissy, to say anything like that.

Chen Kexin looked at Yi Duanfang, eyes welled with tears again. She nodded and said smilingly, “Okay, let’s hang out together.”

Upon hearing that, Yi Duanfang and Chen Keren heaved a sigh of relief.

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