My Wife Is Dominant

Chapter 67

Chapter 67 A Crazy Pursuer
In the morning next day, the sky cleared up. Thousands of lights penetrated thick clouds in the azure sky, shinning on the lively earth.

Chen Keren experienced a sleepless night. Yi Duanfang’s face stayed in her mind for the whole night.

She woke up in the morning dizzily.

Chen Kexin also woke up early, maybe because she could not be accustomed to the new bed or the one slept beside her was changed. Then, she rarely brushed her teeth and washed her face with Chen Keren.

“Keren, you look really tired. Didn’t you sleep well last night?” Chen Kexin stepped out of the bathroom after accomplishing washing. She looked at Chen Keren who was making up in front of a mirror worriedly and asked.

Chen Keren shook her head and said, “It’s nothing serious.”

Chen Kexin nodded her head and rushed to the bed, taking her phone and calling Wang Weixi.

Chen Keren shook her head without nothing to say. She was speechless about Kexin’s behavior. They could chat with each other when they met in a short time.

Finishing her making up, she turned to Chen Kexin, finding she was still happily chatting with Wang Weixi on the phone. She helplessly shook her head again and said, “Come on, let me make up for you.”

Chen Kexin was stunned. It was likely to hear the funniest joke in the world. Chen Keren would make up for Chen Kexin? She got up and stood there straightly, weirdly looking at Chen Keren and saying, “Keren… Am I bothering you when I’m talking on the phone?”

Chen Keren turned back and chose a suitable color for Chen Kexin. She said lightly, “I only do not hope you waste the time to make up if you continue talking on the phone. Come here.”

Chen Kexin said “Ah” slowly. And then she proudly spoke to Wang Weixi on the other side of the phone, “My sweetheart, do you hear that~~~ Keren will make up for me~”

“What the hell!” Chen Keren heard this sentence coming out of the phone. Good, very powerful, it was Yi Duanfang, the stupid man’s voice. “Good, Yi Duanfang, waited for me.” Chen Keren held a bottle of liquid foundation and thought viciously in her mind.

Wang Weixi was also surprised after hearing this. He was stunned for a while, turning back and staring at Yi Duanfang who was overhearing his phone call. “This boy is looking for death.”

“We should hang up. I don’t want to affect Keren to make up for you.” Wang Weixi laughed slightly and said.

Chen Kexin frowned and looked at Chen Keren who was back to her and said nothing. Kexin asked carefully, “Keren, if I hang up my phone, will you make up for me?”

Her voice was really pitiful and lovely, and nobody could bear to turn her down.

Chen Keren had said the reason she would make up for was just to save time, so Chen Kexin was worried if she hung up her phone, he indifferent sister would not carry out this “gentle and soft” proposal.

“It couldn’t be better.” Chen Keren answered tepidly.

Chen Kexin was as happy as a jark and hung up her phone. Wang Weixi wore a helpless smile at the other side of the phone. Eh… His wife ended up their phone before they finished their talking. Ugh…

Chen Kexin sat on the chair next to Chen Keren excitedly. Chen Keren raised her eyes, looking at Chen Kexin’s lovely face. Her makeup was always simple and cute without too much modification. Abruptly, Chen Keren felt a vicious flame was burning in her heat. If she made her a heavy makeup, all the men on the street would be crazy for her beauty. Would Wang Weixi get mad on that?

With this thought, she started her plan without any hesitation.

However, what she did not notice was that she could not play this kind of joke on other persons. It was really childish.

Chen Kexin was giggling when looking at Chen Keren, who was carefully making up for her.

“What are you laughing for?” Finally, Chen Keren could not help asking. If not for that she knew Kexin was hell-bent on Wang Weixi, she might have thought Kexin fell in love with her.

Ah, sisters’ love seemed to be somewhat lovely?

She shook her head. What did she think of?

Chen Kexin stared at Chen Keren, blinking her eyes and saying, “I did not see you behave like today for a long time. Have dinner with you, sleep on the same bed with you, and you even make up for me. Tee-hee~ We didn’t be this keen for so long. This feeling is really great.”

Thinking back the period when she did not accompany with Chen Keren, Kexin felt pitiful. Why did she not go abroad with her? She must be lonely for these years. Therefore, when she came back to China, she never smiled and seemed to be another person.

Chen Keren was stunned. The eyeliner in her hand slipped, drawing a long line.

“Heehee.” Chen Kexin couldn’t help but giggle.

Chen Kexin pouted her mouth and said, “What’s wrong? I’m serious!” She was not an emotional person, but now she was a little bit sad. However, the smile on Chen Keren’s face was really shinning.

Chen Kexin felt it suddenly came back to decades ago. Chen Keren smiled like this.

Chen Keren shook her head, picking up a cotton pad and saying, “The eyeliner just slipped.”

“Ugh… Did you ruined my face?” Chen Keren said helplessly.

Chen Keren shook her head and said, “Be at ease. I won’t let myself make a mistake. Just wait for the most beautiful you.”

Chen Kexin’s check turned pink, but pretended to be unhappy and said, “Keren, you are such a naughty girl. You even dare to make a joke on your sister.”

Chen Keren just smiled but spoke nothing.

Time passed by, stepping on Chen Keren’s sorrow and loneliness, while flashing by Chen Kexin’s disguise and sadness. Every second cut the most part of their life into pieces, but saved the original part of them.

The sunshine fell on the window, shadowing their faces. It formed the most attractive picture of beauties.

In Wang Weixi’s room, Yi Duanfang was hitting the pillow with a sad expression on his face. Wang Weixi was standing by the curtain, making a business phone call.

When Yi Duanfang heard Wang Weixi said “Secretary Tong”, he felt uncomfortable.

Hanging up the phone, Wang Weixi took a deep breath. He opened the French windows and stepped to the spacious balcony. Looking around, he found the street stands had already appeared. The sound of hawking came out of every stand, lively and busily.

Wang Weixi turned around and leaned on the railing, squinting his eyes and raising his head to enjoy the warm sunshine.

At this moment, his heart was ups and downs though he superficially seemed to be calm.

Yi Duanfang stood up and walked by with his eyebrows frowned.

Wang Weixi looked at him and said languidly, “We will leave soon. Today, you can’t make Keren angry at you.”

Yi Duanfang looked at him coldly and seemed not to hear what he said, but changed another topic and asked, “Is the phone call from Tong Siqi?”

Wang Weixi did not answer him. For a while, he turned back, resting his arms on the railing. He looked away without focus and said after a long silence, “En.”

Yi Duanfang’s expression turned dark and cold and asked in a bad manner, “What did she want?” If it was about the cooperation issue, she did not have to call him by herself. Yi Duanfang shook his head. “Don’t stir up some troubles, girl.”

Wang Weixi frowned and said, “Well, it’s just about the cooperation issues. Don’t worry. I have thought twice these days. In fact, I don’t have to mind the reasons why she dropped me many years ago. If we didn’t break up at that time, we will someday. We are different persons. I can’t give her what she wants, but she’s not willing to give me what I want.”

He raised his head an looked at the deep blue sky. A feeling of abandonment turned up in his mind, but it was the abandonment of the past.

The reason why the past was called past was that it could not be changed and did not have any expectation and precognition. The past was like an overdue lottery. It did matter whether you won the prize or not. Since it was overdue, it had no meaning. Don’t have to be trapped and don’t seek it.

Yi Duanfang stared at Wang Weixi. He wanted to say something, but said nothing.

“Sweetheart, we’re ready~” Chen Kexin’s voice came from the outside with excitement.

Wang Weixi wore a smile and said, “Besides, I have owned the happiest time now. The past, let it go.” After finishing his words, he answered to the outside, “OK, we are coming.”

Looking at Wang Weixi walking out, Yi Duanfang shooked his head. “You don’t know. Maybe, something you could give up, but others could not.”

“Well, what’s the hell Tong Siqi wants to do? We will see.” He thought and followed Wang Weixi in a hurry.

Wang Weixi opened the door and was stunned when seeing Chen Kexin.

Chen Kexin wore a shy smile and asked, “My sweetheart, Keren made up for me. Am I good?”

Wang Weixi looked at Chen Kexin with his eyes widely opened. She was always a sweet and cute girl, but now, she drew with long eyeliner, thick eyeshadow. Her long eyelash was like a fan, flapping ups and downs. Her dark and liquid eyeballs were shinning and charming. Her fluffy and curly long hair had been messed up on purpose by Chen Keren, which had the same effect as a barber shop did. She became more beautiful and attractive.

“Is this my wife? She had never made up like today even on their wedding day.”

Wang Weixi always thought heavy makeup was not suitable for Chen Kexin, but unexpectedly, it suited her a lot.

Looking at Chen Kexin, Yi Duanfang was also stunned. Then, he grinned and mocked her up, “Kexin, are you trying to seduce Weixi to dress up like this? But it might take a long time for you two to go back home~” Then, he turned to Wang Weixi, who was still in a daze for Kexin’s change.

Chen Keren looked at him coldly and said with a contempt tone, “Nasty!”

Yi Duanfang was upset. He dared not bother Chen Keren any more, especially that he did something embarrassing yesterday night.

Wang Weixi regained his consciousness and his face turned pink. He pushed the glasses on his nose, saying with a little embarrassment, “Yes… You’re really pretty, more than usual.”

Chen Kexin held his arm and said with a smile, “Tee-hee, of course. But Keren said this makeup is easy to attract unwelcome attention, then you don’t be jealous~”

Wang Weixi and Yi Duanfang were both upset,

Chen Keren giggled and looked at him. Then, she turned back and said steely, “Well, let’s go for breakfast.”

They got downstairs.

However, today Chen Kexin didn’t come across any luck in love affairs, but Chen Keren who was always indifferent and elegant did.

Unfortunately, this man coming far away was a person Chen Keren really disliked.

The four prepared to leave after returning the room keys to the hotel.

Unexpectedly, a charming voice greeted their ears.

“My dear Keren, I finally found you~”

The four were all stunned.

Yi Duanfang turned back to see who addressed Chen Keren with such a disgusting starting. He thought, “I must dig out the man’s eyes to offer sacrifice to his 18 generations’ ancestors.”

Then, a mature, and even a little bit experienced face appeared in front of him.

Yi Duanfang unexpectedly stared at this person. He thought, “This man… must think too much of himself!”

He had a standard square face and shinning small eyes. His nose was flat without any manliness, while his thick mouth was a little bit pale. All the description showed out he was extremely undernourished. However, the branded suit he dressed was Yi Duanfang’s favorite brand, while the leather shoes he wore were the ones Yi Duanfang hoped to buy but could not afford. Fu*k!

Such a person like him even addressed Chen Keren with disgusting words. Should not he… be Chen Keren’s real boyfriend?

Though his appearance was a shame to the world, to the audience, to the Party, and to our country, he seemed to be very rich. He might be worthy for the development of our country.

“Miss Keren, I have spared quite a lot of effort to find you!” The man said courteously. While Yi Duanfang was thinking and struggling in his mind, the man had stepped to Chen Keren.

Chen Keren frowned and showed out obvious abhor. She said, “Mr. Zheng Ban, you are not busy today? It’s my pleasure to meet you here.”

Yi Duanfang seemed to hear the sound of grinding teeth coming out of Chen Keren’s mouth.

Chen Kexin stared at the person named Zheng Ban in a daze. For a while, she suddenly asked before he tried to answer Chen Keren, “Who is this strange looked person?”

She pointed at Zheng Ban with an unbelievable expression on her face.

It seemed that Wang Weixi had never taught to respect people’s appearances. Even though he looked like a monkey, you had to firmly consider him as a monkey at the best level, a chimpanzee. Even though he came from a zoo, you had to firmly consider him coming from a national museum.

The poor Zheng Ban was totally stunned after hearing Chen Kexin’s words.

At this moment, they had attracted many people’s attention when they were checking out. In fact, what they were really interested in were just the two super beauties, Chen Keren and Chen Kexin, and the extremely pretty sexless man, Yi Duanfang.

“Who’s this beautiful lady?” Zheng Ban looked at Chen Kexin and turned to Chen Keren. He thought he was really lucky to meet two beautiful ladies at the same time.

Wang Weixi frowned. He abhorred this person extremely, especially his lust eyesight.

Yi Duanfang felt strange. Chen Keren seemed to dislike this man, but why did not she get mad at him?

Actually, Chen Keren really hoped to punish this man, but he was the major partner of her company. If she irritated him, her company would get a great loss. She did not hope to make trouble for others.

Her CEO treated Chen Keren well and she liked to be the creative director of this company. Therefore, she would not make it get a loss for her personal reason. Besides, she knew the reputation of a company was more important than wealth. Since it was so, when the man named Zheng Ban bothered her, she was always trying to keep calm down and did not get mad at him.

However, he was too troublesome and disgusting today. What was worse, Chen Kexin and the other two were there. Chen Keren felt angry.

“This is my elder sister, and this is her husband, my brother-in-law.” She said in a cold attitude, “Then, Mr. Zheng Ban, could you please explain the reason why you show up at this small place?”

It was worthy to mention that Chen Keren’s professional quality had reached to a perfecting standard. Yi Duanfang was unhappy about her behavior. He did not know why he disliked her calm performance.

Chen Keren turned her eyesight onto Yi Duanfang suddenly, which forced the latter one to move his eyesight away. His face turned pink.

“It’s Miss Keren’s elder sister. Oh, my! Your family members are all beauties.” Zheng Ban’s smile was deepened and ignored Chen Keren’s “brother-in-law” directly and shamelessly.

Wang Weixi frowned again, while Yi Duanfang crossed his arms and stood there like watching a performance.

Chen Kexin looked at him with an aversive expression. She thought, “I have been too kind to him. I should have told him directly that his face is too ugly to be buried in the soil.” She wore a sweet smile and said, “My father is not a beauty.”

Everyone here was stunned. And then… They were holding their laugh.

Though the four’s attitude towards Zheng Ban were all cold, he did not mind at all, but smiled and said, “That’s because I miss Miss Keren so much. Though I know you’re out of work and not in your company, I can find you through my insist. You might not know, Miss Keren, when I can’t see you, I feel like a fish without water…”




Chen Kexin, Wang Weixi, and Yi Duanfang all said without giving this man any respect.

Chen Keren pretended to cough and said with a smile, “You guys have to show respect to Mr. Zheng Ban.” But this smile was really vicious.

However, a man would be unstoppable when he did not care about his face and dignity, while Zheng Ban’s shameless quality was as strong as Chen Keren’s professional business skill, and even reached to the peak of perfection.

Though he was made fun by others, he still wore a smile and said, “I know Miss Keren is a shy girl. You must never meet someone like me to chase you in such an intense way. I believe I will attract you.” No one liked to undermine his self-confidence.

Yi Duanfang showed out a supercilious look, laughing and saying, “You are a person who doesn’t need to see your face through your urine on the ground. How dare you say something so confidently? Aren’t you afraid of twisting your tongue?”

“Puff~” Chen Kexin burst into laugh to suit his words.

Wang Weixi could not help laughing and covered with his hand, but what he was laughing at was not about Zheng Ban, but Yi Duanfang’s instinct action. Yi Duanfang always said he abhorred Chen Keren, but now he started to help her.

In Wang Weixi’s eyes, Yi Duanfang was more like Sima Zhao, whose evil ambitions were transparent to everyone.

Chen Keren glanced at him without too much gratitude, but did not show much good attitude to Zheng Ban.

Zheng Ban wore an embarrassed smile. Before he tried to say something, Chen Keren started to say, “I’m sorry, Mr. Zheng Ban. I have some affairs needed to be settled. I have to go.” Then, she left immediately.

Wang Weixi and the other two looked at each other and followed her in a hurry.

Zheng Ban stood there, looking at Chen Keren’s silhouette and saying, “Wow, she’s so beautiful~”

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