My Wife Is Dominant

Chapter 75

Chapter 75 Drunk
The moonlight was charming.

Wang Weixi stood in front of the French window, his wineglass swirling gently, his side empty.

Looking up at the stars, in this noisy night, he suddenly felt a little tired.

There was a group of people behind him, all of whom were senior members of the board of directors. They were warmly toasting Tong Siqi. In order to promote this cooperation, others had mentioned Wang Weixi from time to time and asked her about herself and Wang Weixi.

In fact, everyone knew that business was like a war without bullets. Without interests, it was impossible for their company to win this contract just because of this so-called schoolmate from many years ago.

Moreover, their client was now in the period of investigation. It was off-putting to see such a blatant effort to have a close relationship.

Wang Weixi listened to their words and found them harsh and noisy. Especially Tong Siqi, who could pretend as if nothing had happened between them as they talked and laughed, telling stories of the past but never mentioning “them” in the story, only “him” and “her.” “Women really are fickle and disloyal, aren’t they?” Wang Weixi helplessly smiled. It was just… compared to the professional demeanor she had when she first came in, Tong Siqi at this time was just like an ordinary little woman, with two faint blushes on her cheeks that made her look quite attractive and lovely.

“What’s the matter?” Wang Weixi had no idea when Tong Siqi had come to her side.

Wang Weixi tried his best to act naturally. He turned around and smiled as he softly said, “Nothing, what’s the matter? Have the directors spared you?” Tong Siqi shook her head and said, “A few accompanying managers are busy with them there. Your company is very enthusiastic. The least enthusiastic is the person in charge—you.” Her eyes were smiling as she spoke. They seemed to hold some teasing reproach. This scene felt dazzlingly familiar.

Wang Weixi softly responded with “hmm” and looked at the red wine in her hand. He frowned slightly and asked, “Did you drink a lot today?”

Tong Siqi remained silent, just standing in front of the French window, looking at the prosperous city, and thinking about how Wang Weixi had climbed this far in the past few years.

Seeing this, Wang Weixi kept silent. He had wanted to propose a toast to her, but it was now pretty obvious that she had drunk too much. Wang Weixi did not want her to drink anymore.

However, just because he didn’t want to, it didn’t mean that those brown-nosing directors did not want to either. There were some people who were plotting to take advantage of this cooperation to reap personal benefits.

It wasn’t long before Tong Siqi was once again surrounded by people pouring glass after glass of wine.

Wang Weixi thought this was how Tong Siqi must have lived in recent years: taking part in social activities and stepping on people to get to her current position.

He had no idea that ordinarily, Tong Siqi seldom drank alcohol. Even when she went out for negotiations, because Jinxiu was one of the most prestigious companies, no partner dared demand that this woman must drink alcohol and they often treated her well.

Tonight, however, she drank a lot because of the man she had met again and because of what she had missed.

Actually, a secretary just did more personal work for the boss than a clerk did. It was impossible for one to become a candidate to be the next president. In Jinxiu however, at least for the secretary of Jinxiu’s President, it was completely different. She was second only to the general manager and was just like the daughter of the president. She learnt how the president handled the job. She was calmer than most people and had unique coping skills and superior working ability. She was thoughtful and innovative. Although she was a secretary, she was already part of the company’s management and was the most special person in the company.

The music finally came to an end. After a couple stopped dancing, Wang Weixi finally breathed a sigh of relief. Today was the end and he could go home and do his job.

Unexpectedly, he saw a girl nervously walking in his direction. The girl looked young and must have just graduated. There was still a trace of green on her face. Wang Weixi looked around and discovered that he was alone. So, was this girl here to find him?

Sure enough, the girl came up to him, panting as she spoke. “Mr. Wang, Miss Tong is drunk and refused to get in the car, and she… kept shouting your name…” The girl seemed particularly surprised about this matter, speaking with some hesitation.

Wang Weixi frowned and immediately said, “Where is she?”

“In the hotel’s basement parking lot.”

Without further ado, Wang Weixi put down his glass and ran. The little girl behind him also hurried to follow him. As he entered the elevator, Wang Weixi asked anxiously, “Is she alone in the parking lot?”

The little girl nodded timidly and said, “Miss Tong didn’t tell anyone. I… I had no choice but to lie to her and tell her I was going to get some water. She is now in the basement parking lot.”

Although guests arriving at the Jiulong Hotel left their cars at the front door, the hotel had full-time staff responsible for moving their cars to the parking lot.

“Why are you so scatter-brained? How could she be left alone there? What if she meets a hooligan?” Wang Weixi anxiously roared as the elevator came to a stop. He then walked out of the elevator and ran to the parking lot.

Hearing this, the girl shed tears. “I don’t know…”

Wang Weixi ignored her and saw a woman sitting in front of a silver car in the distance. Her delicate cheeks were flushed from drinking too much and there were tearstreaks under her closed eyes.

Wang Weixi’s footsteps suddenly stopped. It turned out that it was he who was fickle and disloyal…

He always thought it was he who was pretending. He never thought it was she who was pretending all this time.

She must have been in so much pain…

As he stepped forward, Wang Weixi squatted down slowly and softly said, “Siqi, get up, the ground is cold, I’ll take you back to the hotel.” He then recalled clearly that the staff of Jinxiu Company was billeted in Jiulong Hotel. Why… was she here at the moment?

Tong Siqi half opened her eyes and saw Wang Weixi, but she did not respond at all. She did not take his hand but instead murmured in a low voice. “Little Hong, help me into the car. I’m going to the seaside to blow some wind.”

Wang Weixi stiffly remained there. He shook his head helplessly and said, “You have drunk too much. Why are you going to the seaside this late? Let’s go, I’ll help you go back so you can rest.”

Then he raised his head and asked in a low voice, “Is your name Little Hong?”

The girl in front nodded, wiped her tears from the corners of her eyes, and explained that she was Tong Siqi’s personal secretary and driver. She had just graduated from college.

Wang Weixi felt it was a little strange. “Can a girl who has just graduated from university enter Jinxiu as a secretary if she is not especially outstanding? Besides, what is the reason behind having a young girl as a driver?” He really couldn’t see any reason in the little girl in front of him.

However, with so much going on at present, he simply nodded, and then lowered his head, but then he heard Tong Siqi quietly sleeping and breathing steadily.

He helplessly shook his head一there should be a lot of people in the hall right. It was out of his control, however, and he couldn’t possibly leave Xiao Hong to carry her up, right?

He thought about it and he sighed. Finally, he picked up Tong Siqi.

Xiao Hong incredulously stared with huge eyes.

Wang Weixi helplessly smiled and explained. “She cannot go back by herself like this. Take me to her room, I’ll send her there, and then you can clean her up.”

Xiao Hong stared blankly for a few seconds and then nodded, quickly turning around and leading Wang Weixi to Tong Siqi’s room.

The underground parking lot was empty at this time, and Wang Weixi really hoped the same was true when the elevator came down. However, when the elevator stopped and the door opened, several of the company’s small directors came out.

Wang Weixi looked at them awkwardly, and they looked back at Wang Weixi in surprise. Of course, the key point was that they were looking at Tong Siqi who was sleeping peacefully in Weixi’s arms with her arm around his neck.

“Hello, directors. This is Miss Tong’s secretary. Miss Tong is drunk. She asked me to help send Miss Tong back to her room.” Wang Weixi toughened his skin and elegantly explained with a smile.

Naturally, the directors directly ignored Little Hong’s dispensable role and just smiled and pretended to understand, saying, “Well, Little Wang, take good care of Miss Tong. After all, she is our company’s honored guest. Work hard!”

Wang Weixi helplessly squeezed out an ugly smile.

“Hard work, you big head ghost!” His heart was smoldering.

Under the scrutiny of the directors, the elevator door finally closed slowly. Wang Weixi felt particularly wronged, but embracing beauties was really something people fantasize about. He did not want to think about it anymore, so he went straight to the sixth floor with Little Hong, and then he went to Tong Siqi’s room, put her on the bed, tidied up the quilt, and covered her. After saying a few words to Little Hong, he left.

Before he left, he stood in front of Tong Siqi’s bed, wanting to say something, but in the end, he just shook his head helplessly and left quietly.

Outside Tong Siqi’s hotel room, Wang Weixi saw several other members of Jinxiu Company staggering along, all of whom were men. When they saw Wang Weixi, they said hello politely, but it was likely because they saw that he and Tong Siqi had some sort of relationship. Otherwise, with the snobbery of these people, it was likely that even if they saw Wang Weixi they would act like they didn’t see him.

Wang Weixi, of course, remained courteous and greeted everyone hello.

Just like that, everything was finally over. He went downstairs wearily, got his car from the basement parking lot and drove away from the place.

Raising his hand to look at the time, he saw that it was already half past eleven.

The night wind was a little cold, Wang Weixi opened the window a bit and lit a cigarette, smoking quietly while driving.

The past pervaded his heart. He could not see through Tong Siqi in the past, and he still could not see through Tong Siqi tonight. Initially, she was fine that night, but when she started drinking, she behaved too freely. Not mentioning the voodoo doll, not mentioning the past, even her smile was all hypocritical and impeccable. But why did she end up drunk when she was so measured?

Shouted his name?

Wang Weixi smiled wryly and put out his cigarette.

“Forget it, don’t think about it. The past is just the past. Maybe she still hates herself, so she can only rely on cups of wine to keep her calm while pretending.” However, in his opinion, all these things could be ignored because Wang Weixi was not a person who liked to live in the past.

He preferred the sun of tomorrow and the sunny day of today.

In his heart, there lived Chen Kexin, so even spending some time reminiscing and thinking about another woman’s feelings felt like a betrayal.

Therefore, the car finally drifted toward their warm little home.

Eleven fifty.

Chen Kexin yawned as she sat on the bed with her arms wrapped around her legs, quietly waiting for Wang Weixi to come back.

From outside, Wang Weixi finally opened the door and entered.

The light in the living room was on. Wang Weixi quickly went to the bedroom and saw Chen Kexin nodding off. He reproachfully asked, “Why didn’t you go to sleep?”

When Chen Kexin heard his voice she immediately came to her senses. She looked up with joy and saw Wang Weixi sitting beside her tenderly. Then he took her into his arms and softly asked, “Waiting for me?”

Chen Kexin put her hands around his waist and said mischievously, “I didn’t want to sleep without my honey. Why are you so late? Didn’t you say you would come home as soon as possible?”

Wang Weixi touched her hair and said apologetically, “The company’s entertainment was not that simple, and because Siqi and I were classmates, the chairman refused to let me go. I’m sorry to keep you waiting for so long. Why didn’t you call me? Or watch anime? Isn’t it boring to just sit and wait for me?”

Chen Kexin shook her head and said, “Sister Duanfang specially told me before leaving that you had better not be disturbed while you work. While you were engaged in social activities, if I had called you, it would have made you lose face because people will say you are henpecked. So I just sat here and waited.”

Wang Weixi listened to Chen Kexin’s statement with anger and amusement. In his heart, he cursed the shameless Yi Duanfang 1,001 times.

“He’s talking nonsense. Even if the chairman of the board fires me, I would have come back.” Wang Weixi quipped with a smile.

Men like to say impossible things to coax women who love them because they know that even if they know it’s a lie, those women will still be very happy.

Sure enough, when Chen Kexin heard this, she buried her head deeply in Wang Weixi’s arms and said shyly, “I hate it. Why am I so important?”

Wang Weixi smiled and said nothing.

Chen Kexin’s innocence was just like that of Tong Siqi. He looked at Chen Kexin in his arms and felt somewhat afraid that she would lose such a smile one day.

“Wife, I will make you so happy forever.” Wang Weixi hugged her, speaking tenderly.

Chen Kexin nodded shyly and said, “I will try my best to be the best wife.”

“Then… good wife, let’s take a shower.” All of a sudden, Wang Weixi smiled and picked up Chen Kexin.

Chen Kexin pretended to slap him angrily on the chest and said shyly, “Oh, wretch, put me down.”

As Wang Weixi walked toward the bathroom, he said, “With a beauty in my arms, how could I even let go?”

“I don’t want to shower with you. Look at you, smelling of alcohol. You have to wash yourself!” Chen Kexin complained in a loud voice but a lovely smile had already taken hold of her mouth.

Wang Weixi took her into the bathroom, held out his hand and unzipped her skirt. “Honey, this is not up to you,” he said domineeringly.

Thus, the bathroom became the stage for a romantic battle.

After some time, Wang Weixi and Chen Kexin finally lay on the bed, hugging each other while chatting.

Chen Kexin remembered how she met Lan Xiao that night一his haggard face, his wry smile, his helpless apology, his insistence on departing, and his sour heart.

“Oh, husband, if a man likes a woman, would he marry another woman?” “If my honey is the same, I will surely die of grief.” As she thought of this, she couldn’t help hugging Wang Weixi.

Wang Weixi was already a little sleepy because he was very tired. At the moment, hearing Chen Kexin’s words, he just said, “Yes. Because there are so few lovers who get married. Not everyone has control of their happiness like the two of us.”

Chen Kexin gently laughed. “Yes, not everyone loves each other like we do, and can even hug each other and sleep.”

Chen Kexin was silent. Wang Weixi suddenly asked, “What’s the matter? Why are you suddenly asking this question?” Because in his mind, Lan Xiao’s name had suddenly appeared.

Chen Kexin shook her head and said, “Nothing. I just saw a movie and felt very emotional.”

Wang Weixi made an “Oh” sound and finally set his heart at ease. Even if she was talking about Lan Xiao, he won’t have to worry too much because if Lan Xiao got married, he would be so happy he would not even sleep, making love to his good wife until morning. Well… he just didn’t know if Chen Kexin would suffer.

“Oh, husband, I think that woman is very pitiful…” Chen Kexin continued with an unspeakable sadness in her tone.

“Hmm?” Wang Weixi reluctantly replied because he was already on the way to his date with the Duke of Zhou (He was almost asleep).

“She clearly loves the man and thinks he also loves her, so she wants to marry him and be part of his life. But she doesn’t know that in his heart she has no position. She’s just a tool to forget others. Even if he is gentle, her love will never be rewarded. The happiness, the future, the love that only two people understand, turned into nothingness in an instant…” At some point, her eyes moistened.

Looking up, she saw that Wang Weixi had fallen asleep quietly.

Sighing helplessly, she whispered to herself. “But, the woman who caused the man to hurt the woman who loves him is me. Am I hateful?” Gradually closing your eyes, Chen Kexin fell asleep with complex emotions.

Wang Weixi slowly opened his eyes, bowed his head and looked at Chen Kexin at his bosom. She frowned slightly. There seemed to be a sadness that could not be expressed.

Wang Weixi smiled helplessly. “Wife, it’s because you are too kind, that’s why someone did this to you. Don’t blame yourself…”

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