My Wife Is Dominant

Chapter 88

Chapter 88 You Owe Me
It would take him a week for this business trip. Wang Weixi had bought a lot of ingredients and snacks for Kexin, but he was still worried about her. Considering that Yi Duanfang and Chen Keren would often visit her, he felt less anxious and just made more calls.

Wang Weixi did not know that since the day he was on a business trip, Yi Duanfang’s and Chen Keren suddenly got busy. They had lots of work to do, so sometimes both of them could not stop for dinner, let alone have dinner with Chen Kexin. (Don’t ask me why the two companies always work overtime together, because this is what the story needs, hahaha~)

Chen Kexin stayed alone at home and she was in no mood to cook at all. Yi Duanfang only took time to visit her twice at noon. Every time he called her and asked what she wanted to eat, Chen Kexin always said that she wanted three or four times more than the usual quantities of snacks.

Many of the snacks were puffed foods. Yi Duanfang was worried about whether she had not had meals and only ate those foods. As Chen Keren cared about her sister, he thought she would eat with Chen Kexin. In fact, Chen Keren, who was running off your feet, shared the same thought.

Hence, Chen Kexin, who was able to cook for herself, had lain in bed for seven days, because she was lazy to make dishes. Aside from washing her face, brushing her teeth, and taking a shower, she had stayed in bed, watching the R-rated cartoons played on the computer not far away, eating snacks, and drinking beverages. At this moment, the bags that she threw littered the bedroom, which had not been cleaned for more than a week. The trash basket was stuffed with the snack bags, so she randomly threw them on the floor after she ate up the foods in it.

The originally clean bedroom tragically became a junkyard.

It was the last night of the week.

Chen Kexin was lying in bed while watching the anime. She suddenly felt a sharp pain in her stomach and started to vomit.

That night, Yi Duanfang was busy sorting out his work over the week. Chen Keren came to his sister’s house. When she called Chen Kexin, the latter was rolling in bed with tears.

Answering the phone, she cried “Painful” in a small and feeble voice. Hearing this, Chen Keren was anxious like an ant on a hot pot and quickly asked her to open the door. Chen Kexin struggled to rise to her feet. The moment she opened the door, she threw her head backwards and fainted.

Chen Keren quickly dialled 112 and called Yi Duanfang, who received the call, dropped the documents, and rushed out of the office.

Chen Keren carried Chen Kexin on her back. When they got out of the elevator, the ambulance arrived in time. The doctors immediately carried Chen Kexin to the ambulance and roughly examined her. Then he told her that her sister might faint because of pain and that they would do a careful examination on her after reaching the hospital. Although the doctor asked her not to worry, Chen Keren had been fidgeting.

The moment she saw Chen Kexin fall on the ground, what happened more than ten years ago came to mind. She seemed to see her mother lying there, lifeless and cold.

Tears slipped down her face. She picked up the phone from Yi Duanfang and told him that they had been on the way to the hospital. Yi Duanfang seemed to recognize the panic in her voice. As he recalled the past things that she told him on that day, he hurriedly consoled her with some heartwarming words. He did not know how important his words were for Chen Keren.

Then Yi Duanfang called Wang Weixi but only heard that “the subscriber you dialled is busy now.”

Arriving at the hospital, Chen Keren dashed toward the emergency room with the doctor, but she was stopped at the door of the emergency room. Sitting on a bench outside the room, she felt extremely guilty.

“If I had taken a little time to go to her house, she would not have been here, right?”

After a while, the doctor came out and said that her sister had appendicitis and required immediate surgery. Hearing this, Chen Keren felt relieved, said a few words to the doctor and sat back again.

Yi Duanfang finally arrived. He frowned when he saw Chen Keren quietly sitting there with an air of loneliness. Then he walked over and sat by her side.

“How is Kexin going?” He cautiously asked. Looking at the closed door, he felt a little uneasy.

Chen Keren shook her head and responded. “It doesn’t matter. It’s appendicitis and needs surgery.” Although she said it did not matter, her expression told Yi Duanfang that she was not relieved to hear this news.

Yi Duanfang nodded and patted her on the shoulder, but Chen Keren gave no response.

——————————The Dividing Line Appears Again——————————

Just as Chen Kexin was in surgery, Wang Weixi was making a call with Tong Siqi in the hotel.

In fact, this was the first phone call he gave Tong Siqi today.

But unfortunately, this call let him miss Chen Keren’s call.

Over the past few days on Hainan Island, he and Tong Siqi treated each other like strangers. They seemed to be back to those days after they broke up at that time. They never talked with each other unless it was necessary.

Wang Weixi knew that Tong Siqi blamed him. However, as a married man, he knew that he had not done anything wrong. Although Tong Siqi’s gentleness disturbed his mood, it did not mean that he would cross the line to cheat on his wife.

Hanging up the phone, he glanced at the suitcase which he had not finished packing and quickly packed his things before he went out.

Tong Siqi invited him to the beach behind the hotel.

Wang Weixi wanted to refuse, but unexpectedly, he accepted it, because he thought he would not be like a man if he reacted bashfully.

He went downstairs and walked straight to the beach.

The beach at night had an air of quietness and mystery.

The silver moonlight fell on every part of the beach. The fine sand looked smoother in the moonlight and the waves, which seemed to wear a yellow shirt, lashed against each other, rolling forward.

Sitting by the sea was a long white dress.

Wang Weixi looked at Tong Siqi sitting there, her back looking lonely at the moment.

“Maybe she wants to tell me something tonight?”

He quickened his pace and came to her side.

Tong Siqi looked at the sea and glanced at Wang Weixi. After a good while, she said in a flat tone, “Since you’ve come, don’t you want to say hello to me?”

Wang Weixi said with a motionless expression, “No, it’s just that I saw you’re absorbed in watching the sea and I’m afraid of disturbing you.”

Tong Siqi sneered. “Sit down. Let me tell you a story.”

Wang Weixi nodded and sat down.

Sometimes, Tong Siqi originally thought some painful memories would be revealed in a tumultuous way, so she did not expect that she would be so calm to tell this story and that she was able to leave the beach safely after saying those words.

She used to think that when she brought up the matter, if there was a sea in front of her, she would jump into it for she could not face reality…

The day Wang Weixi gave Tong Siqi flowers, they were supposed to go home together. At that time, Wang Weixi said that he would go out to buy something, so he said that he was going to wait for her later at the school gate.

Nevertheless, Tong Siqi did not see him at the school gate. She looked for him in a few shops but could not find him. Both of them had no mobile phones. Considering that he would not stand her up, Tong Siqi had been quietly waiting for him at the appointed place.

Until the moon rose, Wang Weixi did not appear.

Tong Siqi held the roses and the deep sense of loss filled her heart.

She finally decided to go home. When she turned around, someone stopped her and said,

“Wang Weixi asked you to meet him in the school warehouse.”

The voice sounded familiar, but she could not figure out who it was.

Tong Siqi was delighted to hear the news, so she did not think much and immediately rushed toward the school warehouse.

That night, the moon was shining over every place, but it gave Tong Siqi the darkest night.

Waiting for her in the warehouse was not Wang Weixi, but a few hooligans.

The hooligans in the school always looked for opportunities to harass Tong Siqi, but as Tong Siqi’s parents were teachers, they did not dare to do it at will.

But that night was different. She was pinned on the ground by the hooligans, suffering sexual abuse. Aside from crying, she was unable to do anything.

Wang Weixi had no idea of it.

However, if he had not left without saying anything, how could this happen to her?

This story was very short, but Wang Weixi could no longer keep calm.

He stared at Tong Siqi. Seeing the smile on her lips, he shook his head and said, “Siqi, I…”

Tong Siqi shook her head and turned her face, her eyes filling with tears. “Don’t say anything, Wang Weixi. I hate you. This is what you owe me. I’ve given you the opportunity to make up to me, but you gave up, so from now on, you can’t stop me from doing anything.” Then she got up and left.

What she said like a curse echoed in Wang Weixi’s ears.

He knew that he owed Tong Siqi, but for those years, he knew nothing about her encounter and thought he was the one whose feelings had been hurt.

Clenching his fist, he threw a punch on the beach and felt his whole body was shaking.

He did not sleep overnight. In the middle of the night, a downpour came to this city.

The next day, everyone was in a good mood, except that Wang Weixi looked listless.

Watching Tong Siqi talking and laughing with other people, Wang Weixi was racked with guilt. However, he did not know what he should do to make up for it.

In fact, that day, he did not intend to leave. It was just… Uncle Li hurriedly came to tell him that his mother had fallen on the stone steps in the mountain and was seriously injured. For him, his mother was the most important person in the world, so he madly rushed home.

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