My Wife is the Villain King Shark

Chapter 62

Chapter 62:

“Your Majesty… Your Majesty, King Ding is against it!”

In the splendid palace, the new emperor was sitting in a high position, and the messenger rushed in in a panic, bringing a very bad news. As for the more detailed situation, he did not dare to repeat it himself, but just held the letter above his head with both hands and presented it to the new emperor with a pale face.

No one expected that soon after the new emperor ascended the throne, King Ding, who had escaped early, would turn against him. Although people were in turmoil at the time of the handover, no one expected that King Ding’s rebellion came so quickly, and the reason was quite high-sounding.

King Ding scolded the new emperor for killing his brother and father, forging imperial edicts, and causing chaos in the dynasty. He has obtained sufficient evidence and strong witnesses to corroborate it. The witnesses are none other than the palace servants who served the former emperor.

In order to prevent the fourth prince, a vicious person from killing his mouth, King Ding hid people and did not reveal it, but he provided the poison used by the fourth prince, and wrote down the symptoms of the poisoner, which was naturally the same as before the previous emperor was buried. Difference.

King Ding also had a counselor, and he wrote thousands of words in his conspiracy against the rebel emperor. The words were spicy, and the words were heart-wrenching. King of the country!”

Who would pass the throne to someone who killed him, so the so-called imperial edict must be purely fabricated. And an emperor killed his siblings and even his own father. How could such a ruthless person expect him to treat the people of Limin kindly?

“In ancient times, the king defeated the bandit. It sounds so nice, what kind of thing is this guy!” The priceless porcelain was turned into pieces under the wrath of the new emperor, scaring the palace people into trembling.

A strange voice sneered at him: “What people said is right, you are not as good as a pig and a dog, crossing the river and tearing down the bridge, the former prince used you a lot, and I didn’t see you treating him lightly in the past. Let go.”

Hearing this voice, Jiang Chaofan calmed down again. He was not the new emperor who had been reborn for the first time and had endured for a long time. In his previous life, he had been a high-ranking person for many years, and he had achieved fame along the way. Therefore, when he realized that he was reborn for the second time, he would not hold back and tore his face with his collaborators.

But it didn’t take long for him to recognize his true situation again. It has not been long since he registered, and the power in his hands is not very large, and it is not known whether it is because the eleventh brother did not die, there are many things that are different from the previous life in his memory. For example, the old emperor died prematurely. In some places, he did not do enough details, and some fish that slipped through the net escaped.

Jiang Chaofan was very annoyed. He was reborn again and again, showing that he was the real Son of Heaven. But this time, the situation was even worse than the previous life in memory. He was the only one who died in the royal family in the previous life. Not long after the fallout with the guy who pointed him, the **** King Ding turned against him.

Jiang Chaofan was the last emperor in his last life, and his already sensitive personality became more and more suspicious. Hearing this voice mocking him, he seriously suspected that King Ding was the one who made the noise. He tried to control his facial expression so that it didn’t look too contorted. That kind of peculiar poison, it is impossible for ordinary humans to know, the other party can get it, and 80% of it is done by his allies.

Jiang Chaofan and the alliance are suspicious of each other here, and they pretend to be a snake. The small island far away from the capital is not safe. Originally, the emperor was dead, and the sky was high and the emperor was far away. As long as the officials at the top remained unchanged, this matter had nothing to do with them.

But just two days after King Ding rebelled, the sky just dawned, and when the city gates opened wide, the people waiting outside screamed: “Dead, dead!”

The women turned their eyes away in panic, and those with children quickly covered their children’s eyes to avoid seeing anything indecent on the city wall.

The soldiers in the city wall were disturbed, and they looked at the lights and saw that the person hanging on the city wall was none other than the city lord of Wangzhou City.

The dog’s head hanging beside him is the second son of the lord of Wangzhou City, and there are several naked and stripped hanging there. The female family retains their face, and the older one is wearing clothes and hanging there. A lot of characters were written in cinnabar on the city wall: A family of beasts is not as good as a pig and a dog!

“Hurry up, hurry away!” The city defenders hurriedly took down all these terrifying corpses, and a group of people rushed into the city lord’s mansion in a panic, and found that many female relatives of the city lord’s mansion were killed and injured, but the young son was still alive. However, they were all dazed and lying on the ground tied up.

They have a piece of evidence that the lord of Wangzhou City colluded with pirates, killed officials dispatched by the court, and caused the flooding of the old city of Qiongzhou. The words on it were shocking.

The deputy city lord who rushed over after hearing the news saw the evidence and immediately tore it up on the spot: “What are you still doing, you are from Wangzhou City, not Qiongzhou, the city lord is not for our Wangzhou, and today’s affairs are all rotten. In the stomach, quickly find out who the thief is!”

He had handled this matter in the past, and he was afraid that his head would fall the next day, so he would remain calm despite his face, but in his mind he was thinking frantically about who leaked the news, and he must catch the person who did it!

After all the evidence such as blood was removed, a group of people walked out of the gate of the city lord’s mansion, and the bright sky suddenly darkened.

Wait, it’s not the dark clouds that make the sky dark, but the overwhelming birds. They have gray or pure white wings, and they spread their wings, covering the sky and covering the sun in Wangzhou City.

“How is this going?!”

Something fell down, not bird droppings or feathers, but sheets of drawing paper with pictures and words. Someone in the team of the deputy city lord picked up one, and his face changed suddenly. The content of this painting is the evidence that they have just worked hard to destroy it.

For several days, the flock of birds came to send the paintings. Because of the unrest in the people’s hearts and the bad influence, the deputy city lord ordered to kill some birds, and he did kill some birds. Then the next day, he ended up with the city lord’s family, and the people were hanged. On the iconic buildings in the city, the eyes were directly blinded by the birds, and a word of blood red was pecked on the body without clothes.

Even the elderly and children who are not very literate have known the word with a lot of strokes in the rumors in the streets – cheap.

“The **** has his own income. This is because the deputy city lord has also done something wrong. The sea bird is the messenger of the sea god. He killed the messenger, so he deserves to die!”

“Don’t blame the sea god!”

Old people who believed in gods lit incense at home and burned paper money for dead seabirds. But it didn’t seem to work, and soon the seabirds brought more serious news.

“The city owner of Wangzhou City offended the Seagod, and the Seagod blamed him and wanted to drown the city of Wangzhou. Originally, it was Wangzhou who killed people, and it was Qiongzhou who was blamed for Wangzhou…”

Stories with a mythological flavor always spread very fast. When people are in a panic, there is a story that is said to be very true and spread among the people.

“Back then, the daughter of the sea **** fell in love with human beings. She was willing to live a happy and happy life for human beings, but there was misfortune. Her beauty was seen by others, and her husband was injured by wicked people. It was not someone else who hurt her husband, it was The young lord of Wangzhou City, he was not the lord of the city at that time, but the most favored son of the old city lord.

In order to save her husband, the sea god’s daughter sold her own blood and tears into pearls to pay back the money. As a result, the innocent and kind-hearted woman did not expect that the greedy city lord took a fancy to her special skills and not only killed her husband, but also forcibly imprisoned her. took her. The daughter of the Sea God was drained of her flesh and blood. When she was dying, she regained her memory and remembered her identity.

But the good side still did not fight the evil side. The sea god’s daughter escaped and wanted to ask for help from the next-door master Qingtian, but unexpectedly, she ended up in the old city of Qiongzhou, and the sea **** sensed his daughter’s death. , under his anger, he drowned the city of Qiongzhou, destroyed the parents of the people of Qiongzhou, and created countless ghosts and ghosts. But it was not long ago that the old city lord of Qiongzhou City, Piao ah Piao, finally met the Sea God and cleared up his grievances. Before the mysterious death of the city lord’s family, they came to avenge Xue Ren! ”

This story was of course made up by Jiang Chaosheng. There was never a so-called daughter of the sea god, but because part of the content was true, most of the people nearby who had heard this story, whether it was Wangzhou City or Qiongzhou City, believed it. .

Well, the sea god, at the beginning, because his beloved daughter died, he said that a city was flooded, but how could the common people reason with the sea god? They all said that the emperor was in a rage and buried millions of corpses. The sea **** killed his daughter and drowned a city. Not surprisingly. Blame those wicked people for implicated innocents.

The few remaining people in Wangzhou City and those who used to bully others have been hiding at home these days and dare not go out, because when they go out, they will be hated by others and throw rotten leaves.

However, in addition to venting their anger at the culprit, the people of Wangzhou City had more concerns. When Qiongzhou City was flooded, it was their turn. They didn’t want to lose their homes, let alone die. But if they want to run, they don’t have much ability, so where can they run?

At this time, the residents of Qiongzhou New City who cared about their relatives and friends came up with a very good idea: “The sea **** flooded Qiongzhou by mistake, and he will definitely not flood Qiongzhou New City again. Anyway, now that Qiongzhou is close, run to the next door. what!”

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