My Wife's Name is Luna at Hogwarts

Chapter 242 The Demon Conquers the World (Grand Finale)


"...We give her 25 points."

After Ludo finished speaking, there was applause from the stands.

"I should get zero points." Fleur shook her head and said hoarsely.

"Krum used Transfiguration, which was incomplete but still very effective. He was the second to return with the hostages. We give him forty points."

"Harry took gillyweed and achieved amazing results." Ludo continued, "He was the last to return, far exceeding the one-hour limit.

However, the mermaid female leader told us that Harry was the second to find the hostages. The reason why he failed to return in time was because he wanted to ensure that all the hostages returned safely, instead of only caring about his own hostages. "

Most of the young wizards looked at Harry with half regret and half sympathy.

"Most judges, except..." At this point, Ludo glanced at Karkaroff with great dissatisfaction, "I think this fully reflects the noble moral character. However, because of some people, Harry's final score was 45 point."

Harry jumped for joy at the unexpected score, and the audience clapped together.

"Finally, Rhine's performance at the start of this game is obvious to all. He perfectly rescued the hostages in the fastest time. We all agree that he should be awarded 49 points."

The audience burst into unprecedented applause.

After the applause subsided, Ludo continued, "The third and final project will be carried out on the evening of June 24. The warriors will know the specific content of the project one month in advance. Thank you everyone for your support of the warriors."


The dinner on June 24th was more sumptuous than usual. When everyone finished eating and the enchanted ceiling turned from blue to dark purple dusk, Dumbledore stood up at the staff table and everyone fell silent.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in five minutes, I will invite everyone to go to the Quidditch pitch to watch the last event of the Triwizard Tournament. Now, warriors, please go to the sports field with Mr. Ludo."

The four warriors stood up, the students applauded him, and they walked into the Quidditch pitch, which had become completely unrecognizable.

A twenty-foot-high hedge surrounded the greenery on the edge of the field. There was a gap in front of them. It looked like the entrance to a large maze. The passage inside was dark and a bit scary.

"In the third game, you have to find the trophy in the maze." Ludo said.

Five minutes later, people began to fill the stands. Thousands of students filed into their seats. The air was filled with excited words and chaotic footsteps.


"We four generals are patrolling outside the maze!" Professor McGonagall said to the warriors, "If you encounter difficulties and want to be rescued, just shoot red sparks into the sky and someone will come to help you. Do you understand?"

The warriors nodded together.

"Okay, you go!" Ludo said happily to the four patrol members, and Professor McGonagall led the patrol members away in different directions and dispersed around the maze.

At this time, Ludo pointed his wand at his throat and recited, "The voice is loud."

"Ladies and gentlemen, the last event of the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin! Now warriors, listen to my whistle!" Ludo finished, and then with a short whistle, the warriors hurried in. maze.

The tall hedges cast dark shadows on the path. I don't know whether it was because the hedges were tall and dense, or because of the enchanted green. As soon as they entered the maze, the voices of the audience were no longer heard. After walking about 50 meters, They came to a four-way intersection together, and the four of them looked at each other.


After several people finished speaking, they each chose a path and left separately.

Klein also walked around the maze at a rare speed. His gift of photographic memory helped him form a topographic map in his mind. He found the trophy as soon as possible and brought Harry over.

It was getting darker every minute, and the sky above turned dark blue. He came to the second fork in the road.

"Tracking!" He held his wand flat in the palm of his hand, whispered to it, and twirled it once to designate the dense hedge to his right.

Continuing to walk forward, the road was still empty. When he reached a right turn, Rhine turned in, but there was still no obstacle. Until he passed another turn, he saw a dementor slowly floating towards him, with rotten and scabbed hands. Stretching straight, the cold and slimy feeling hit his whole body again. Rhine frowned and took out the wand, "You're in bad luck! Purify!"

The white holy light enveloped him like a blazing sun, and the Dementor was instantly unable to move. Under the scorching heat of the holy light, it didn't take long before it was turned into ashes.

Rhine continued to move forward, turning left, right, and then left. He recited the tracking technique again, then turned right, and suddenly a scream broke the silence around him.

"Furong?" Rhine frowned.

There was silence all around. Rhine looked around and saw no one, so he stopped caring about her and continued to move forward. It was more important for him to find the trophy first.

He didn't encounter anything for 10 minutes. Despite the guidance of the tracking technique, the maze seemed to be shrouded. Every once in a while, the direction guided by the tracking technique would be wrong, which greatly slowed down his progress. speed.

When he was walking on a long and straight path, he discovered movement again. The light of the wand shone on an extremely strange monster, which was a Sphinx.

Its body was like a frighteningly large lion, with huge paws, a long yellow tail, and a tuft of hair at the tip of its tail, but it had the head of a woman. It spoke in a low and hoarse voice, "You are very close. Your target. The fastest way is to pass through me, as long as you guess my..."

Rhine looked at her and smiled, "The fastest way? Don't regret it! Meteorite!"

I saw that with the wave of Rhine's magic wand, a huge meteorite fell from the nine heavens, directly crushing the Sphinx into a meat pie, and destroying the 20-meter-wide maze area. This caused a lot of damage to Rhine. Conveniently, he saw light in the pit.

The base of the Triwizard Cup has been smashed, but fortunately the cup is not broken. It is on the ground, shining with an alluring light.

Rhine did not go to get the trophy. Soon, Harry and Krum came after hearing such a big noise.

Fleur should have been dispatched by Krum, whom Moody used the Mind Seizer, and Harry was being chased by Krum.

"Ice Spear Technique!" Rhine raised his hand and flew an ice spear, freezing Krum into an ice sculpture.

Harry gasped and thanked Rhine, "Rhine, Krum seems a little strange."

Rhine nodded lightly, "It's okay, the professor will help him."

Soon Harry's eyes moved to the trophy in the center of the pit. While he was in a daze, Rhine came over and looked at him with a smile, "Do you want to take it with me?"

Harry was in disbelief, "What did you say?"

Rhine looked at him and nodded seriously, with an unpredictable smile on his lips, "Of course! Friendship first, competition second, Hogwarts wins anyway, you know, I never care about these things .”

Harry was so moved that he didn't know what to say. Then Rhine came over on his own initiative. He grabbed Harry's arm and helped Harry limp towards the trophy.After arriving, the two of them raised their hands above a shining handle.

"On the count of three, let's get together, okay?" Rhine said.


Rhine and Harry each grabbed a handle, and instantly their feet left the ground, and they flew forward amidst the whistling wind and swirling colors.

Soon Harry felt his feet hit the ground. His injured leg went weak and he fell to the ground. His hand finally let go of the Triwizard Cup. He raised his head and asked, "Where are we?"

Rhine didn't answer him, but just looked around. This place was completely outside the boundaries of Hogwarts. They had obviously flown for several miles, maybe hundreds of miles. They were standing on a dark, overgrown cemetery. The dark outline of a small church can be seen behind a tall yew tree on the right.

Rhine frowned and clapped his hands, "Where are you, Lucius?"

Soon, in the darkness, a figure walked toward them step by step among the graves.

"Rhine, what's going on?" Harry seemed to sense something was wrong, and suddenly began to look at Rhine warily, and then at the person coming over.

He couldn't see the man's face clearly, but judging from his gait and arm posture, the man seemed to be holding something. Taking a few steps closer, he could tell that the man was holding something like a baby?

Harry raised the wand in his hand and looked at Rhine. Rhine did not look at him. Suddenly, Harry's scar began to hurt violently. He had never felt such severe pain in his life. The wand fell to the ground and he covered it with both hands. His face and legs bent and he fell to the ground. He couldn't see anything in front of him, and his head felt like it was going to explode.Harry heard someone say loudly and coldly far above his head, "Old friend, you finally kept your promise for once. I almost thought you were going to play tricks on me again."

He heard Rhine say again, "Hurry, Dumbledore will be here soon! Whether you are resurrected or not, I can't hold him back."

Then, Lucius used magic to conjure ropes and tied Harry tightly to the tombstone, tying them one after another from his neck to his ankles.Harry struggled hard, but to no avail. Lucius pushed a stone cauldron to the edge of the grave. The cauldron seemed to be filled with a strange liquid.

Harry heard the sharp and cold voice again, "Quick! We can't fall short again this time!"

"Okay, Master!" Lucius pulled open the baggage, revealing a slimy, ugly thing without eyes. It looked like a curled-up baby, but it had no hair, and seemed to have scales on its body, and its skin was dark. Yes, the red and tender flesh is exposed.

Lucius put the thing into the cauldron, and with a hiss, it sank.

Rhine spoke again, his voice was gloomy and sinister. Harry had never seen such a terrifying Rhine.

He raised his wand, closed his eyes, and chanted to the night sky, "Father's bones, donated unintentionally, can regenerate your son!"

The tomb on the ground cracked open, and a small piece of bone flew up and landed gently in the crucible.

Rhine pointed at Lucius again, "Your servant's flesh, donated voluntarily, can regenerate your master."

After the words fell, Lucius became cruel, holding the dagger tightly in his left hand, and swung it towards his right hand!Then a bloody hand also fell into the pot.

Rhine pointed the wand at Harry again, "The blood of your enemies is forced to be sacrificed to resurrect your enemies."

Harry couldn't stop him. He looked at Lucius in despair and stabbed his arm with the dagger that had cut off his hand. The blood flowed down the torn sleeves and turned into a blood line. Automatically flies into the crucible.

The liquid in the crucible immediately turned dazzling white and was about to boil, with sparks flying everywhere.

Suddenly, the sparks on the crucible went out, and a stream of white steam rose up from the crucible. Then, a black figure of a man, tall and thin, stood up from it.

"Put on my robe," the man's cold, sharp voice said.

Lucius hurriedly grabbed the bundled black robe from the ground, stood up, and pulled it over his master's head with one hand.

"Hey, old friend, long time no see!"

The thin man stepped out of the crucible, his nose was as flat as a snake's nose, and his nostrils were two slits. He looked at Rhine sternly, "Ha! I miss you so much down there. I don't want you to come down and stay with me for a while." "

"Haha, no need to."

Harry was shocked and almost speechless, "Rhine, it turns out you..."


Voldemort is resurrected.


During the Triwizard Tournament, Voldemort returned and worked with Rhine to ambush Dumbledore, who came to the rescue. Dumbledore returned to Hogwarts seriously injured in order to rescue Harry.

Rhine defected and integrated his men. Voldemort took the opportunity to attack Hogwarts. The Battle of Hogwarts began. Dumbledore eventually died due to serious injuries. Voldemort unified the British wizarding world and proclaimed himself the Dark Lord. The world was shocked!

Klein broke with Voldemort, took the Shadow Cultists and Illuminati members to the Black Triangle, integrated the Black Triangle forces, and informed the World United Magic Association to fight against Voldemort together.

The Ministry of Magic from seven states and four seas in the world participated in the grand event and formed a coalition of 50 wizards, known as [-], to go to London together!

In an unprecedented battle, at the last moment, Rhine defected, and the wizard's essence was burned to the ground!

From then on, Rhine became known as the Dark Emperor and fought against Voldemort. Europe entered the darkest era of the Eastern and Western Emperors.

Harry and others integrated the remaining wizard power and led everyone to stay temporarily in the French magic world, vowing to defeat the two demons and take back Britain!

As Rhine and Voldemort each sent troops to attack, in less than three years, Voldemort had monopolized Britain, Germany, and Italy and swallowed up the world. Klein and Sun Quan dominated Tsarist Russia and merged many small countries. Although Harry and his like have been panicked like lost dogs in these years, they have many people under their command. Professor, and the elite of the world's magic community. Although there are few people, they are all powerful.

When Voldemort cleared all the surrounding countries, he finally targeted Harry and others who were hiding in France. Harry and others wanted to protect themselves and only sought help from Rhine, who had been a classmate.

Rhine readily accepted them and used Voldemort, whom Harry finally killed, to unify the entire European wizarding world and bring evil to the world!



Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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