Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 107 - Christmas is coming

“Aragok is my friend. I was not so good just after he died.” Hagrid said sadly.

“Hagrid, the dead are dead, but those who are alive will continue to live. I think Aragok will be happy in paradise if he knows he can help you. Besides, I think Dumbledore put You are still taking a lot of risks to stay. At least after you clear your grievances, you can avoid someone thinking that Dumbledore is hiding the criminal, “Ryan patted Hagrid on the back and advised him.

“You’re right, I shouldn’t just look at myself. Dumbledore was a good person who helped me a lot. I can’t trouble him anymore.” Hagrid said solemnly after thinking about it.

After drinking tea for a while, Ryan and Hagrid said goodbye. When they went out, everyone’s pocket was filled with Hagrid’s homemade milk candy.

“The big spider that eats people, I really don’t know why Hagrid keeps those things. Fortunately, he is dead now.” Ron commented on the way.

“It’s not okay to say that, after all Hagrid is our friend.” Harry frowned and said.

“It has nothing to do with whether Hagrid is a friend.” Ryan said. “As far as I know, Ron ’s twin brothers ran to the Forbidden Forest to take risks in the second grade. I think there are not many such adventurous students. But think about it. What if they encounter these eight-eyed giant spiders? So I think it is also a good thing that the eight-eyed giant spiders disappear from the forbidden forest. “

“Right.” Harry said silently for a while. “Who said you can kill so many spiders in one go?”

This issue triggered a discussion among three people. Finally, after Ryan’s efforts crooked downstairs, Harry and Ron agreed that a passing fire dragon had killed the spider. The reason is that Hagrid said that many traces of fire were found. And if it is a black wizard, they will not give up expensive venom and take the fire to kill the giant spider.

The days after were calm and calm, but a week before Christmas, an investigation team composed of members of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement of the Ministry of Magic came to Hogwarts.

They first went to Hagrid’s hut and Myrtle’s bathroom to make an inquiry, and finally went to the principal’s office.

Classmates are privately talking about guessing what these people are doing, but they didn’t guess until those people left.

The notice posted in the school two days later lifted everyone’s doubts. The notice stated that Hagrid had been banned from using magic because of a major suspect in a murder case. It is now found that he was innocent in the murder case, and the Ministry of Magic at that time had a misjudgment.

The efficiency of the Ministry of Magic is very high, which is completely different from the situation where the original Harry encountered a dementor in the fourth grade. Ryan thought it might be because Dumbledore knew through his diary and memories that it was Voldemort who had reported Hagrid that year. Plus now Hagrid has found real evidence (the remains of the eight-eyed giant spider) and witnesses (Myrtle).

Unlike the fifth grade of the original book, Dumbledore ’s prestige is high now, and the Ministry of Magic must respect Dumbledore. And the person who caused the wrong judgment has nothing to do with the current magic, and even most of them have passed away. Such a reversal will not affect the authority of the Ministry of Magic, and even if properly propagated, it can create an image of the Ministry of Magic that is just right and changes when you know the wrong thing. So the Ministry of Magic is naturally a green light on this matter.

After seeing the notice, Ryan and Hermione took the time to congratulate Hagrid (Ryan and Hagrid have a good relationship. After all, a good person with a simple personality is willing to be close.)

Looking at Hagrid’s happy smile and the mental outlook as if he was ten years younger, Ryan suddenly felt that it was a good thing to kill Aragog. After all, the eight-eyed giant spider brought great trouble to Hagrid when the Forbidden Forest was alive, but all the problems were solved once it died.

A few days later, the second week of December, Professor McGonagall came to collect the list of classmates who had stayed in school for Christmas. Ryan signed on the list; because his parents said he would go skiing in the Austrian Alps to spend the fifteenth anniversary of his marriage, Ryan felt that he still shouldn’t be a light bulb.

It seems that searching for the treasure that Nick said can only go in the summer vacation, Ryan has some regrets. However, Dave just informed him that everything he needed was ready before Christmas, and Ryan felt that he could take advantage of fewer people in the school to get rid of the snake in the back room.

In the next few days, Ryan went to Hagrid to help him master some simple magic spells, and by the way, he showed his cooking skills when he missed meals (at least better than Hagrid. The assassin inherited everything, including cooking in the wild. Traditional Chinese medicine There is also medicinal cooking).

With his cooking skills, Lane made an excuse to make something of his hometown taste. It took four or five roosters from Hagrid to be kept in Wanjie grocery store.

Finally, the semester was over, and the silence like the snow on the ground covered the whole castle. Ryan found that Gryffindor left many classmates, in addition to the Harry who must be left every year, there are several Weasley brothers, because this year the Weasleys are going to Egypt to see Bill, but the sensible they decided not to follow To avoid financial pressure on the family.

The dawn of Christmas is coming, the weather is cold, and it is white and white. Ryan got up early that day, the dormitory was empty, and the roommates had all gone home for Christmas.

After getting out of bed, Ryan found that the gift had been placed on the floor at the head of the bed ~ ~ The parents gave a Swarovski crystal ball with a postcard from Salzburg. Harry sent a copy of the “Encyclopedia of Common Magic”, and the Weasley twins gave a large box of candy, but Ryan planned to figure out what this was before eating, and he suspected that it was a Weasley brother’s test. Ron sent another “101 Curses at Home”. Isn’t he a nerd in the eyes of Harry and Ron? Lion thought.

Hagrid’s gift is very unique, it is a large piece of fudge. After Ryan learned that Harry and Ron had also received the same gift, he knew that Hagrid must have made a big pot in one breath and distributed it to friends. .

The most valuable gift came from Hermione, which was a metamorphosis note from Professor McGonagall when she copied it from Professor McGonagall. Sure enough, the top students will receive preferential treatment from professors. Fortunately, Ryan sent a hand-written copy of Professor Sprout’s herbal medicine this time, and finally it was not rude.

At Hogwarts Christmas dinner, everyone ate with relish. Because there are few people staying in school, the empty auditorium looks more magnificent. Not only are there dozens of silver frost-covered Christmas trees, and thick ribbons of mistletoe and holly crisscrossed on the ceiling, but also enchanted snow, warm and dry, gently falling from the ceiling .

Professors were also very happy. Dumbledore led them to sing some of his favorite Christmas carols. After Hagrid poured cup after cup of custard, his voice became louder and louder. Percy didn’t notice that Fred had enchanted him, and turned the words on his commander’s badge into “stupid”, and asked silly what everyone was laughing. Draco mocked Harry every day, and then was sent back. Everyone is very happy.

Lean eats as much as possible, because there is a big consumption exercise waiting for him at night.

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